warning!!! gitorious is probably down, git clone git://gitorious.org/... fails with error "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"
It was going to be removed at some point, because gitlab aquired it
acquired it*
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Pali: clone to github for security...
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that would be a rather quick "out of service" transition
i assume its just some hickups, maybe remotely related to the acquisition
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from #maemo-ssu I got information that git:// protocol really not working... but http:// yes
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weird things seem to happen in internet. Maybe only peripherally related to any acquisition
Pali: no https?
https working
sorry for noob Q: is git:// related to PAM etc?
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maybe they updated to systemd ;-P
JK, but a acquisition might cause actions impacting user auth database
for example the user db might get moved to another server and accessed via RPC, so the new owner has no access to it
they locked my mail account without any reason
for all: I do not have access to my mail box
Pali: maybe some chinese dude tried to make something stupid :(
Pali: and yes is closing down one from bigger github like services...
not correct which one...
gitorious is closing... I know
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Pali: and use tor for gmail, they dont detect suspicious activities jp
I cannot use it anymore
account is locked
oh ;( i think only channel locked...
google ohmy
Pali: maybe "secret" wasn't such a good password after all :)
my @gmail.com jabber was disconnected too
gogle is awful even with creating new aaccounts ;/ no idea why make restrictions...
Pali: bad google bad ones attacking Pali ;(
telling you sth odd is going on in internet since several days
DocScrutinizer05: systemd ;p
maybe ;-D
if good remember ubuntu switching...
ooh right
but sadly i guess no other good alternative with email providers? ofc exclude own server...
* drathir
tryin send gpg mails only when possible that security of google there isnt in high lvl, but enough atm...
anyway during last maybe 4 days I had: web.de not answering POP3, several websites not answering HTML, some other internet users suffering frequent problems with youtube, and last 24h .ar incl wpwrak down several times
maybe goin to search someone with riseup account for testing, but sadly that expire bc of inactivity...
DocScrutinizer05: maybe another security hole need to hear a little maybe someone know something...
DocScrutinizer05: one person occur dead few dns servers in one time de based too...
DocScrutinizer05: maybe that is dns attack instead...
quite possible
wasn't there a bug regarding DNS cache poisoning in systemd?
DNS servers need resolv/DNS-query too ;-)
anyway when anybody should know then that's Pali. He's our man at the front of CVS, always reporting latest mess going on
err CVE
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I suggest everybody to STOP using google services and close their accounts
do backup
and migrate to own services
I agree but what makes you say that now?
P-G: see backlog
15:08 < Pali> I suggest everybody to STOP using google services and close their accounts
Next is the Git protocol. This is a special daemon that comes packaged with Git; it listens on a dedicated port (9418) that provides a service similar to the SSH protocol, but with absolutely no authentication.
there is also support to download git packs via HTTP
but that is slow...
You can enable push access; but given the lack of authentication, if you turn on push access, anyone on the internet who finds your project’s URL could push to your project.
>>Git can use four major protocols to transfer data: Local, HTTP, Secure Shell (SSH) and Git.<< is about what I seem to remember, yes
so saying "git:// doesn't work" is a tad fuzzy
git:// tells git to use it's own protocol
over port 9418
there's alt ssh:// (or just user@) and also http/https://
ooh, ok, and how does my client convert gi://blabla.some.where to an IP?
and port
just standard A records
DocScrutinizer05: gonna to monitoring the channels if anyone hear somethin...
Pali: ++ have You maybe the keybase.io?
Pali: correct... any sugestions for imap mail dump?
DocScrutinizer05: host via DNS and port is well known
yep, got that now
so when DNS servers resolve http:// correctly there's no possible issue from DNS with git:// either
must be gitorious itself then
Probably web server or database problem.
yes, they stopped something
either they stopped or they got stopped
DDoS possible
what's the response code?
They should be able to deal with DDoS...
port closed/filtered? not responding? 404? 5xx?
sorry I'm really not usually using git
I don't use it either. I tried once but I couldn't figure it out. :p
DocScrutinizer05: yeah, had an increasing amout of network troubles for the last ~2-3 weeks. local segment, regional sites, overseas sites, ... annoying.
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wpwrak: seems global internet weather is quite stormy during last weeks
maybe someone wrote an extra-kiddie-friendly ddos kit
who knows which secret wars are raging where between which parties
I blame north Korea
revenge for that film X-P
and who could tell if they maybe even are brothers in arms with Ukraine separatists
or maybe some infighting betwee NSA and homeland whatever :)
hehe, that for sure could kill the internet worldwide. Yes
or NSA simply forgot to _not_ record/copy and forward to the datacenter their own data packages to the datacenter ;-)
sorta like wireshark via ssh
each packet in or out creating 4 new packets out
err s/4/younameit/
That would be terrible and hilarious.
http://www.digitalattackmap.com/#anim=1&color=0&country=ALL&list=0&time=16104&view=map not sying there's anything particularly related in there, just generically helpful site
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lol >>Following ICT tradition, the Enterprise Edition is more than three times as expensive, while providing less stability than two of the regular products combined.<<