I don't believe it's possible to make something look 3D if it is not actually 3D (i.e. hologram). It works on a small screen but I don't think it is possible to focus a screen big enough to encompass a human's peripheral vision. Maybe I would feel different if I tried those virtual reality goggles that are going around but I just can't imagine it. Could also be my experience is based on bad 3d
encoding but I'm just not impressed. Am I missing something?
It's possible if you have 2 or more images made from different angles of view. The more images, the better...
Because your eyes look at screen at slightly different angles of view, so your eyes will be seeing different images...
And if these different images are well-done for stereoscopy, then your eyes will see images changing "naturally" as you walk around the screen...
vr googles are actually easy ones - you can get all data about your head position from it and adjust the image accordingly to even strengthen the illusion of 3d by seeing stuff moving relatively to each other like it would in real life
3d screens are trickier, cause they have to ensure that correct image goes into your eye depending of its position
that's why 3D screens usually are made for only one viewer, unless you use shutter goggles
the latter being the de facto standard with "3D" TV
it works like 3D VR goggles then, just in time division multiplex
another methid is using circular left/right polarized light for the left and right eye, and the goggles are passive polarization filters. 3D displays without goggles though are very tricky and usually only work for a single viewer
freemangordon: Mikolaus, I guess
Nikolaus even
AIUI he's only one who can commit patches to the GDC git
thought so. so, I have to wait for the next Neo900 slot for a review?
slot as in timeslot
dunno, you could ping him and ask
on ML
but yes, he's working with time slots, traditionally Neo900 had wednesfay timeslot iirc
what happens with the second modified BB-xm?
in general I have no "alternative media channels" to him. What you see is what happens
well, he reported that he received a "sick with flu" for both of the dudes that are working on it
or was your question about what will happen with it after it got done?
DocScrutinizer05: the point is - if I have to wait for the next time slot (in 3 weeks iiuc) for a simple patch review/test, I will have forgotten almost everything I did to RE that particular piece of code. Keep in mind I am not complaining, just explainig :)
no, such simple things like adding/applying and testing a patch are supposed to happen earlier
most probably the second one (whet will happen). it will be very good if you have it in your hands, so we can test various bootloader related things
I ponder sending it to you
I thi9nk it is better to keep it on your desk, I don't have the equipment here to do some in-depth HW-related stuff
me neither
well, you have scope at least ;)
you don't need a scope to test bootloaders :-)
sure, but it can help. for example - is the correct fclk set? etc.
uhh not really. Usually you tackle such stuff on a more immaterial level
actually the last time I made HW development I did it that way :D
I checked what I did SW-wise with a scope ;)
when we run into such issues, I still ahev a 2 or 3 BB-xM ehere that were not modded but share the same SoC. They are supposed to boot with same bootloaders, so you send me stuff, I boot it and do the scope fun for you, when really needed
* DocScrutinizer05
typing looks like lobotomized
however, I think it will be better to keep that board with you, as I can't spend all my time on that project, unlike you
sure, but you want one to test your bootloader stuff, no?
it's not an either-or, we got a few of them
you can do it for me, I put xloader on my webserver, you boot it.
we'll see
DocScrutinizer05: I guess Pali will want (remote) access as well, he is not worse developer than me. Most of the time :P
* freemangordon
sure, you two guys are the top 2 on my list
on a sidenote: you could try to revive the FPTF thread a little
that is why it is better you to play mux, as we both have other stuff to do and limited spare time to devote to the project
DocScrutinizer05: am i third? :3
DocScrutinizer05: I have (had) some health issues lately, didn;t really have much power to work on it
freemangordon: anything serious?
kerio: 3rd? you;re the first in line, the one carying the drum
kerio: you score pole position when it comes to field tests ;-D
DocScrutinizer05: yay
wait what
i don't like the sound of that
kerio: not really serious, but still
i can offer my celebrity endorsement
i'm famous, i once plotted to kill lennart poettering
he said so himself!
yeah!! X-P
"kerio trying to kill LP by throwing a Neo900 at his head. The device survived \o/"
"sadly, LP survived as well"
kerio: sure, noone negates your celebrity status
"see the full video footage"
however, there is a joke I will tell you sameday when I have more free time, re the drum and a lady on the beach :P
kerio: ^^^
* freemangordon
is afk
"guaranteed no systemd" sticker on the box
norly has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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who wants to get 300th Neo900 reserved via bank transfer? :)
mvaenskae has joined #neo900
What do you mean?.. You do not know who sent you 300th >=100EUR bank transfer?..
nope, we're at 299 right now
Ah :-)
+ 124 from paypal
xeal has quit [K-Lined]
xeal has joined #neo900
423 altogether?.. Are you sure?.. [Like, a person could have sent 10 10EUR donations for 1 pre-order, or 1 huge donation for several pre-orders - did you take this into account?]
xeal is now known as Guest47039
arcean has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
I think data about multiple devices per donation or multiple donation per device should be correct for bank transfers (maybe just slightly off)
for paypal I just count >= 100 eur donations; however, there aren't a lot of big donations there, so it shouldn't be a big difference either
Alright... I could pre-order one more device, but not right now - maybe, within a month... So, 300th Neo900 reserved via bank transfer will likely go to somebody else :-)
oh, building devices? :)
so I think we can safely assume that the ultimate correct answer for today is somewhere between 415 and 430 :)
mvaenskae: would love to, but it's just a database for now ;)