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<DocScrutinizer05> dang, the netsplits "kicked" 5 users
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<quatrox> DocScrutinizer05: will neo900 HW support XDHC cards?
<DocScrutinizer05> err why not?
<DocScrutinizer05> I think N900 does, no?
<DocScrutinizer05> we cannot support the high speed bus mode
<quatrox> ohh... speed is not important to me
<DocScrutinizer05> but re capacity I think there's no known limitations (yet)
<DocScrutinizer05> iirc even 64GB uSD been used successfully in N900
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not aware of any 128GB uSD yet
<DocScrutinizer05> umm, sorry, there are
<DocScrutinizer05> dunno if somebody already tested them
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<DocScrutinizer05> aiui they should work just like the 64GB
<DocScrutinizer05> amyway I bought a 32GB for 18 bucks incl keyring USB adapter, a week ago. Don't feel like buying a 128GB for >100 bucks
<DocScrutinizer05> but sure, they are all the same basically aiui, so 128GB should work as well
<quatrox> they are rather expensive now, but hopefully they get cheaper
<DocScrutinizer05> just we can't support UHS-1
<DocScrutinizer05> would be great if we could, then those critters were a valid alternative to eMMC
<quatrox> is that a driver issue?
<DocScrutinizer05> hw-if
<DocScrutinizer05> omap3
<quatrox> aha
<DocScrutinizer05> driver, c'mon, we wouldn't even bother if there's a driver yet or not ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> there's a driver for everything, just some of those are not written yet
<DocScrutinizer05> nah, the hw can't do it
<quatrox> I guess a GPIO driver for UHS-1 would be sub optimal?
<DocScrutinizer05> haha, yeah somehow, it would be much slower than the working current hw-if
<quatrox> hehe...
<DocScrutinizer05> to problem is max clock speed as well as iirc transfer mode of bits in relation to such clock
<DocScrutinizer05> s/to/the
<DocScrutinizer05> btw we may not say "SD card", it's a [TM] term you must not use without licensing ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer05> MMC is safe to sue afaik
<quatrox> and more generic
<DocScrutinizer05> s/sue/use/ meh
<quatrox> I do not like the S in uSD
<DocScrutinizer05> tbh me neither
<DocScrutinizer05> though, it *might* get put to useful purpose
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<quatrox> and makes recovery harder
<DocScrutinizer05> when you really want to store some secure data on it, that nobody else but you can access and read out
<quatrox> then it is better to use luks
<DocScrutinizer05> of course
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<quatrox> or use IronKey
<quatrox> they go in self destruct
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<DocScrutinizer05> seems it's in effect since start of the year
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<stevend> (sd trademark) In the US at least, just because something is trademarked doesn't mean you can't use it. The purpose of trademark in US law is to protect the customer from confusion. So long as you are clear that you are not Sandisk, affiliated or endosed by Sandisk, or are offering a Sandisk product under any of their trademarks, then you should be fine (though IANAL). Plenty of products say "such and such compatible", for example.
<stevend> Moron*
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<DocScrutinizer05> huh?
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, you'd think that's a "fair use" or whatever. but it seems there are issues with some of those trademarks that you must not claim your product was compatible unless you got approval from the license owners
<DocScrutinizer05> moron??
<DocScrutinizer05> some part message? (I don't see those)
<DocScrutinizer05> (SD) anyway it seems the indiscriminate us of terms like "SD slot" is a nasty pitfall that can break your neck. Dunno, "memory card slot compatible to SD" may or may not be allowed
<stevend> (SD) "A moron in a hurry" is an oft-cited rule of thumb in trademark law, that something is not a violation if it would only confuse a moron in a hurry. "Fair use" is something only applicable to copyright, as the use of trademarks in general is not restricted.
<stevend> A specific company might have a policy of demanding their approval to claim compatibility, but they have no legal grounds to do so. However, in the US most civil court cases are wars of attrition, so effectively you can get sued by anyone for anything at any time (almost) so long as they have the resources to do so.
<stevend> I think calling it a "SD slot" would probably be a trademark violation, but saying "memory card slot compatible to SD" would not be. I suspect that if you emailed the EFF and explained that you were a developer for the Neo900 they would give you some information on what is permitted and advisable.
<stevend> I think that if the Neo900 project gets sued, it would probably be over patents, and there is nothing (effectively) you can do about that.
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<kerio> "memory card slot"
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<ssddkkaall> hi
<ssddkkaall> so will the neo900 have a 16 core SPARC T3 processor?
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<GMsoft> some ppl are so funny ...
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<Wizzup> hdmi out would still be awesome though
<Wizzup> would definitely pay quite a bit more for that ...
<mvaenskae> hdmi maybe not but displayport should be good to go; no licensing fees :)
<Wizzup> mvaenskae: right, same thing for me; I just meant digital output
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<mvaenskae> i am not sure if the gpu can handle it though; iirc it cannot handle two outputs at once :/
<mvaenskae> the guys working on the hardware know more about it, i just recall them talking about it :)
<Wizzup> mvaenskae: doesn't matter ; one output is enough
<Wizzup> That is, I don't care for the screen if the external is connected.
<Wizzup> And if I want to get my internal back, just unplug the cable
<Wizzup> Would definitely pay 50-100 euro more for that... :)
<mvaenskae> i think the question many will have is "where does the output go without breaking the case?" :)
* Wizzup doesn't mind breaking the case ;))))
<mvaenskae> true, but what about the others? :)
<Wizzup> Maybe it's possible to have it on the board and let people mod the case if they want to
<Wizzup> I'm just dreaming, but it'd be awesome
<kerio> that'd be so fucking expensive tho
<mvaenskae> true, video out would be amazing, i have nothing against that but keeping in line with the neo900's philosphy to reuse the n900s case i sadly doubt it will happen :(
<Wizzup> kerio: more than 50-100 euro? :)
<kerio> maybe not 50
<kerio> but i wouldn't be surprised that even just the extra R&D to add digital video out would boil down to like 20€/device
<mvaenskae> 20*400 == 8000
<mvaenskae> that's a lot of moneys
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<wpwrak> those disgruntled nexus users would light up in bright envious green if they saw how many leds we will have :)
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<mvaenskae> wpwrak: but mu nexus 5 has one led D:
<wpwrak> the good old times, eh ? :)
<mvaenskae> wpwrak: couldn't n6 owners boast with having 2 million leds? (it's an oled display)
<wpwrak> well,there you have a point ...
<mvaenskae> i find it funny why they couldn't just emulate the LED on the display using some of the pixels
<mvaenskae> must be disallowed by the OS ;)
<wpwrak> maybe someone has patented it and now they have to wait 20 years ...
<bencoh> or you can only drive it through lvds and need to keep a shitload of components running (and eating battery) to do this ;)
<bencoh> (actually I have no idea, but that sounds realistic)
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<sixwheeledbeast> I see Brisbane enjoyed an early wake up call this morning, lol.
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<DocScrutinizer05> hmm?
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<sixwheeledbeast> A GSM network error caused all mobile phone clocks to switch DST on (Brisbane stopped using DST in the 70's I believe) this made alarm clocks wake people up an hour early.
<sixwheeledbeast> Network providers offered free coffee as compensation
<kerio> LOL
<bencoh> :D
<mvaenskae> sixwheeledbeast: that'll teach 'em to not use their phone as their alarm clock =p
<mvaenskae> and i bet it was cold coffee
<kerio> that'll teach them not to trust their phone network for stuff that matters
<kerio> like time
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<mvaenskae> i wonder what had happened if they were back 1h
<mvaenskae> would have likely resultet in major layoffs :D
<arossdotme> know of a CLI resistor calc?
<sixwheeledbeast> :nod: I found it funny too. I use my N900 for alarm clock but I'm not stupid enough to go to work an hour early. Which was what most people complained about.
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<DocScrutinizer05> CLI resistor calc?
<arossdotme> a command line app to convert colour codes or resistors
<arossdotme> and maybe calculations for working out resistor values
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<mvaenskae> sixwheeledbeast: they didn't wonder WHY the sun wasn't as high as it was yesterday?
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<wpwrak> seems that we have competition (well, a bit):
<DocScrutinizer05> SnoopSnitch is known
<DocScrutinizer05> borked by design since it relies on android RIL and we know about audit level and hardening of that one
<DocScrutinizer05> like trying to detect a rootkit by a antivirus tool
<bencoh> :-))
<bencoh> replicant has an open RIL for a few devices (2 or 3 samsung phones) though
<bencoh> but ... yeah :)
<kerio> RILP
<kerio> *RIL?
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<DocScrutinizer05> libisi in lingua maemo
<DocScrutinizer05> well, sort of
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<sixwheeledbeast> arossdotme: I know of a GUI one for N900, called "bander".
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh that stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> calculator?
<DocScrutinizer05> after a few days you know this by heart :-)
<bencoh> krkr
<bencoh> I used to know it, but it looks like I forgot everything .... lack of practice :/
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<arossdotme> sixwheeledbeast, bander... thanks
<sixwheeledbeast> yw, does 4 and 5 band resistors, cat5e pinout and more.
<arossdotme> saves me memorising
<arossdotme> i don't use these things often often enough
<arossdotme> arr but it's for n900... does it work on the gta04 qt moko is that the name of the distribution... or does it depend on meamo?
<arossdotme> ok it's qt
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<sixwheeledbeast> arossdotme: it's Qt with no other depends, so should be fine and the source is in the repo too.
<sixwheeledbeast> it serves as a replacement for the Ovi offscreen version that was formerly the only resistor calc for Maemo.