marmelada, you should install the openocd version that goes with your artiq version (see conda/artiq-dev/meta.yaml), not (necessarily) the latest
sb0: I do have it
in meta.yaml: - openocd 0.10.0 6
are you loading the correct and up-to-date proxy bitstream?
yes, everything was built today
I run artiq_flash --srcbuild ~/artiq-dev/artiq/artiq_sayma -t sayma
I also verified that all files in artiq_sayma are modified today
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1.8V bug?
nope, 1v8 led works
IIRC that doesn't help diagnose it
but I'm not sure
try reapplying power to sayma and quickly flashing it
didn't help
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the FPGAs are detected correctly, so it's not 1v8 bug
it looks like the incorrect proxy bitstream is getting loaded
flash device id is changing from run to run
marmelada, the proxy bitstream is not part of artiq
Error looks like the "old style" proxy bitstream was loaded
but the openocd expects a "new style"
"The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel: bscan-spi-bitstreams: 0.10.0-2 m-labs/label/main --> 0.10.0-2 m-labs"
seems like it'll install same version
Any chance to do a diff of the proxy bitstream openocd actually loaded and the package on conda?
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can we continue on github #913? I ahve to leave now
[artiq] jordens commented on issue #913: Iirc you didn't have this problem before. That code hasn't changed over the last months. What's different? Is that a new board? Has it worked before? What's your bscan-spi-bitstreams version? https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/913#issuecomment-378997787
marmelada: what's the plan for the EEPROMS on the EEMs/Kasli when they are produced by CreoTech?
Will they be programmed? If so, have you discussed the header format with M-Labs? Would be great to have board type, hw-rev and serial number there.
Thinking ahead a little bit to things like generating gateware by scanning the i2C tree to see what devices are connected. Or, checking on startup that we have the right devices connected to our Kasli (e.g. we haven't loaded the wrong bitstream(
would be nice if we could do all that without having to program the EEPROM ourselves
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