[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #977: So, it seems that the first problem you were reporting is resolved: There are no more incorrect names in the explorer, and the experiment starts when you submit it.... https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378498784
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #977: What I meant is, if your experiment does not need a core device, then you do not need a core device for the dashboard either. The experiment you are currently running needs a core device. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378499900
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #977: There is limited simulation support (see ``artiq/examples/no_hardware/repository/simple_simulation.py``), but no one finds it very useful, so it is not very developed and in particular not integrated with the dashboard. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378500772
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #977: Arguably, blinking the TTL panel when no device is connected and an experiment with the core device is run is not a useful feature. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378501095
[artiq] mingshenli commented on issue #977: all right, I will get a kc705 and test it.(unluckily I have to wait for few days and that is why I hope the dashboard can simulate the board). ... https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378501403
[artiq] mingshenli commented on issue #977: all right, I will get a kc705 and test it.(unluckily I have to wait for few days and that is why I hope the dashboard can simulate the board). ... https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378501403
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #977: Try experiments that do not need the core device and play with the datasets and applets, see e.g. ``artiq/examples/no_hardware/repository/flopping_f_simulation.py``. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378501952
[artiq] mingshenli commented on issue #977: by the way, where can I find the pin setting in the documentation so that I can know where to use a Oscilloscope to detect the ttl out? Did the documentation online say it? https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378504344
[artiq] mingshenli commented on issue #977: by the way, where can I find the pin setting in the documentation so that I can know where to use a Oscilloscope to detect the ttl out https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378504344
[artiq] mingshenli commented on issue #977: by the way, where can I find the pin setting in the documentation so that I can know where to use a Oscilloscope to detect the ttl out? is it in 'core language reference'? https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/977#issuecomment-378504344