jesusabdullah: i have a bit of family in alaska
micahjohnston: oh yeah? Which part?
micahjohnston: it's a huuge state
micahjohnston: My guess is: The Valley
i have no idea, sorry :p
it's one of my dad's literally 13 siblings
ok that was easy
and by that i mean it was hard
micahjohnston: I'd like to say I know what you mean, but I actually have no clue at all
my experience of religious people is limited to the bitching people do on /r/atheism
london and utah could not be more disparate
i went through an r/atheism phase
i like to think i've transcended that
joelteon: what was hard?
fixing monitor thing?
making my laptop realize it was not connected to anything
in many ways /r/atheism is right, it's just that their method of dealing with religion (focus on it as much as possible) is rather counterproductive
alexgordon: "faces of atheism" isn't right, it's just laughable
micahjohnston: what's faces of atheism?
everybody uploaded pictures of their face
and put some retarded quote on it
yeah, I guess they're "right" a lot
but they're wrong about being confrontational
which is I guess what you said
but I think, for instance, Hitch is very wrong about saying "religion poisons everything"
because religion can do both good and bad things
so it's not always bad
I dunno
is it?
I'm willing to accept it's not at fault 100% of the time
but doing good things is harder
well for instance I think
taking away religion but not replacing it with education could have a bad effect on people's behavior
I think there's some truth to the ideas that religions as memes are quite viral, and that there are some bad ideas that come with many religions
I think what hitch said anyway, is that any good religious people do can and is done more efficiently by secularists
but that it doesn't matter if someone is a good person and make good actions
alexgordon: well there was a good question somebody said
if you were approached in an alley at night by a group of teens
so I'm not really out to end religion, or convince all my friends they should be militant atheists or anything
would you feel more safe had they just come from a bible study class
but I would very much like my friends to tolerate my OWN lack of belief
jesusabdullah: right, I like that
and my behaviors which The Pope, or Brigham Young or what have you, might have disapproved of
but which from a libertarian standpoint are either neutral or only harmful to myself
micahjohnston: as someone who was not long ago such a teen, I'd say no. I wouldn't feel *more* safe
"oh shit a roving gang of mormon teens! Quick, hide before they prostelytize to you!"
because the vast majority of teens in dark alleys are harmless
"Hi there I'm Elder Young" "oh, uhh, hi"
the only reason that "works" is that you're giving more information from them
for example
thing is, those kids are usually very nice and professional, so you feel kinda douchey about it
"If you were approached in an alley at night by a group of teens, would you feel more or less safe knowing they'd come from math class?"
now, can we surmise from this that math improves morals?
whereas that fire and brimstone southern baptist preacher with all the "mormons are cultists" and "you're all going to Hell" signs?
Don't feel too bad ditching that guy at all
alexgordon: and yeah sure, a philosophy or math class would be just as comforting as a bible study class
but that's beside the point
that just means that religion doesn't have a *negative* effect in that case
point is, it's unfair to compare one situation with more information vs one situation without any information
what if it was a bible class taught by the Westboro Baptists?
I'd feel less safe
well yeah
I went to Mormon church a few times
with a mormon friend
it's the most boring church you can go to probably
micahjohnston: do you know they have bible study classes in prison? prisoners are often quite religious
as an aside, the kid became a waste of skin.
but that's an aside!
alexgordon: they also have math classes
just goes to prove my point :P
but the church was pretty friggin' normal I thought
actually fairly pleasant, they're more interested in feeling God's glory than they are about guilting you
the only reason you would feel less safe, is because you don't *know* where they've come from
sunday school was interesting, lots of stuff about like
Zion or something
* micahjohnston
finishes his bowl of cherry ice cream
jesusabdullah: hm yeah like missouri?
so you are at an information deficit
only weird part was during prayer I was like, "who the fuck is Joseph Smith??"
alexgordon: well if you know they've come from like
if you add information, then you can narrow down whether you feel more, or less safe
doing gang related activities
but even like
if they just came from a club or some shit
you'd feel less safe than a bible class
well yes they're more likely to come from a club indeed
and I would feel less safe in that case
but that's beside the point :P
the point is, if you get more information, you can make more accurate predictions
also my mormon friends' family was secretly polygamist so there were some interesting dynamics going on there
jesusabdullah: oh haha wow
was this like
yeah well like, you know how having two wives can lead to "favorite wife" issues
official COJCOLDS
jesusabdullah: yeah sounds awful
His dad was known around the town as "
"Ron the Stallion"
Ron Jeremy?
oh god
lol inorite?
ron jeremy is a mormon?
nono, Ron ANDERSON
micahjohnston: anyway, I'm still not convinced hitchens was very wrong, or even slightly wrong
(and Betsy the "nanny")
alexgordon: religion made things better in that specific case
in that in can have a positive effect on behavior
micahjohnston: no, information made things better
sure, so can education
but religion can motivate people to do good things
as well as bad
here's the thing, beliefs in general may or may not inform actions
so it's just another neutral thing in the stew of humanity
so religion comes with a big box of beliefs
and so does education
the thing is, which of these beliefs and tenets end up informing actions?
micahjohnston: the test is not whether religion is better than a complete lack of education, it's whether religion is better than any other type of education (and other type of education aren't as destructive as religion)
Like, if you learn some science and take it to be true, you almost definitely take it into account when deciding to do something day-to-day
if you go to church, then you're spending some time educating yourself in whatever brand of bullshit they teach there
alexgordon: well obviously there are better things than religion
alexgordon: but religion isn't solely negative, is the point
yeah, it's not SO harmful that it's useless
I'm trying to think of a good example here in terms of education informing action but I'm derping here
micahjohnston: but this misses the point that if we didn't have religion, we could replace it with education instead
Maybe this: You believe that you can experimentally figure something out, and that if you observe an effect from a cause consistently than your observation is probably accurate
and day-to-day, you run into something you don't understand, you can use that process to figure out how it works
now, in bible study and such
you may learn that God doesn't like gays, and that informs your actions when you vote, or find out your friend is gay, or something like that
and that's not so good
OR, you may learn it, and on some level hold the belief, but have it compartmentalized such that you still have gay friends, etc.
alexgordon: yes, arguing that we need religion because it has good effects is the broken window fallacy
but like, you can also learn that God wants you to treat people with respect, and the informed action is reasonably good, even if you can learn that same lesson through other means
Too out of focus to take all that babble to a logical conclusion, hopefully you guys can connect the dots :)
micahjohnston: I think the reason this is difficult is because religion is so varied. It's impossible to have a conversation about religion in general, though you can easily take specific religions to pieces
Here's an interesting one
Hinduism and castes
I'd say that there is not a single religion on earth, that is not bad
in India, the caste system is more or less dissolved
but I would have to go through each one
the president of India is from the "untouchables" caste
I can't argue that based on "religion" in general
but my understanding is that the caste system is somewhat central to Hinduism
Basically, you can be as religious as you want as long as we can play some video games, you're okay with me drinking beers and look the other way when I smoke a doob on the back porch
Deal? :D
jesusabdullah: r u a tree
yes, or in other words: I don't care if you believe in string theory as long as you don't force it on me too
individual beliefs are harmless, the trouble is that a number of people who hold the same belief gain power they can abuse to make like harder for other people
micahjohnston: if you mean, "are you concerned that you'll have trouble buying and smoking cannabis without getting arrested or ostracised by your neighbors?", then yes
micahjohnston: you live in SFBay, that happens to you
k bbl
e.g., there's quite a few people in France (and the UK) who don't want to see gay marriage (two very irreligious countries). The belief is not completely based on religion - yet it is destructive nonetheless
I have to wonder if these people have ever had gay friends
cause, like
jesusabdullah: was just meaning do you smoke :p
micahjohnston: yes
the problem is religion is mainly that it gets its beliefs from 1000+ years ago
so it's very entrenched, and the beliefs are very out of date
alexgordon: by that standard the mormons are relatively progressive no?
jesusabdullah: haha they're still christians though :P
tbh moral standards didn't really improve until after the second world war
the WWII is in some ways one of the best things to happen to humanity
which seems very wrong to say
in a few decades, everybody who died in it would be dead anyway. But we will still be feeling the benefits its had to human compassion and morality. Now there's a question to ponder: was WWII mainly good or mainly bad?
micahjohnston: hi!
TIL you can catch exceptions thrown by the error function in haskell
so i'm pretty stupid
well that's the gross part of haskell
yeah well exceptions are pretty hard
No, use monads, moron
those are both monads
exceptions suck
monads suck
exceptions + monads = windows 8 level of suck
alexgordon speaks the truth
I thought you like exceptions?
i like time travel
it's my preferred error handling system
is that the same time travel as elliott's
micahjohnston: what's a credit?
mmmm, I think I must have designed about 4 different module systems for furrow today. Hate all of them :P
such a simple thing, has such huge repercussions
alexgordon: it's like
you have to have these many credits in these categories
to get this degree
and a class will be worth 3 credits or 4 credits or something
micahjohnston: I don't get "3 credits to go until I'm registered"
alexgordon: I'm currently registering for classes
alexgordon: and I need to be enrolled in 15+ credits this semester for a scholarship, like I explained
so I have signed up for 13 credits
and I need to sign up for a class worth 3 more
whenever I need Linux I just log into my server
yeah same
or I have a VM on Firestar but it's currently in a state of disrepair :p
i have a vagrant image for developing my bot
ok brb gym
I loved OS X
I still do
But I just love Linux more
It's sorta like why I use vim - everything is *exactly* how I want it
Down to the littlest details
heh. i can tell whenever D's been using my computer because the webcam has mysteriously become unplugged and shoved almost completely off the monitor
u camwhore
Nuck: if only. i could be rolling in money instead of idk sitting on my wallet or whatever
don't lie you spoon that wallet
devyn: i DID get drunk and tongue it a bit once ;)
I can totally see you doing that
actually last time i got drunk i got bored while in a g+ hangout and started deep throating the beer bottle.
conversation ceased. i died laughing
devyn: i got escorted out of the local comic book shop on Free Comic Book Day by mall security. i was dressed as Jack Sparrow. apparently someone thought i'd stolen something.
what is my life, etc.
gqbrielle's life: a series of anecdotes strung together improbably.
better an adventurous life than a boring one behind a desk
mine's currently kind of that :/
* cythraul
gotta spend some time behind the wheel of the pirate ship & not just dashing around keelhauling people & getting booty
but getting booty I am
yrashk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ok i am back
that was a quickie
must have been hot
yrashk has joined #elliottcable
yeah it was biceps day
huh, what did you do with them
did it work? ;)
so far
they're pretty sore
i wonder if anybody sees me and thinks "curlbro"
god damn it joelteon I'm throwing innuendo at it and it's going so whoosh
they might not. they might just carry it around looking badass
i want to customize my zsh more
what else is there to do
add little bells
there's always room for little bells
there are bells if i tab complete
i see
so there's nothing else to do
i have vi mode with indicators
i have a green dot if everything went well
i have git
i have rbenv
the indicators are greek
purr occasionally goes beep if there's stuff
shiina ringo, eh?
sounds pretty good
lol her name is literally Apple Beech
devyn has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
devyn has joined #elliottcable
shiina ringo
good stuff
devyn [~devyn@oftn/board/devyn] has quit IRC: Quit: Lost terminal
just makes me think of devyn like hulking out and throwing the computer out the window
makes me think of devyn misplacing his computer
more like restarting tmux because I had to add my user to a group
but hey
that works
i know what it means
use ZNC
but the image it creates is something else x3
do you guys play haxball
I have come to love db migrations a lot
yesod is great at them
also this is starting to look kinda pretty http://cl.ly/PwkV
need a better font though
what is it
huh. i like it devyn
i was expecting some stripped-down clinical nightmare horror like most of e's stuff is
receiver for tasks from distributed computing/compute sharing platform
oh yeah that thing
basically it downloads results and tracks their status
maru at the moment is basically split into four fairly minimal parts:
- producer. creates jobs
- network. distributes jobs
- worker. does work on jobs
- subscriber. receives results
this is a subscriber interface.
as you might imagine, you can also combine those roles as much as you'd like. it probably makes sense frequently to have an application that is both a producer and a subscriber
or a network with some built in producer functionality
cythraul: also thanks
haha the timestamps need some formatting
I was thinking of doing the 'x Y ago' style
also at some point I need to put in a speed, i.e. “82 jobs/hour” or something
yorick has joined #elliottcable
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
alexgordon: !
have I caught you in the afternoon instead of late at night?
alexgordon: hi!
sup micahjohnston
so i just got texted that my macbook will come on wednesday
which is worse than tuesday but better than thursday or friday
micahjohnston: LOL
ec: hi!
Holy *shit* the clouds
so many clouds
ec: nah, it's mainly micahjohnston saying "I LOVE YOU"
lol sounds like much the usual, then
who the fuck is cythraul
can't decide if I should -bankrupt
yeeeeeah. No way I'm reading all this shit
if there was anything important, tweet it at me.
ec out, bitches. I've got a hair appointment, and then a date with four girls. #killmenow
ec: four girls?
boy google groups sure has gone downhill
ok that was weird
somehow I booted without hardware virtualization enabled for my cpu
Aria has joined #elliottcable
Aria has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
cythraul has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
cythraul has joined #elliottcable
♪ white walls
joelteon is listening to “White Walls Ft. Schoolboy Q & Hollis”, by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
I've gone through half a dozen different module systems for furrow in total, but I think this one is pretty much perfect
micahjohnston will proceed to find flaws in it, now I've said that
oh there are flaws
alexgordon: "import sha384()"
where is a list of modules in which it will find functions?
I anticipated your objection to that bit
whitequark: it will search all modules in the search path
in which order?
any order, doesn't matter
what if several ones have such function?
then it generates an error telling you to be more specific
this pretty fucking much destroys the purpose of module systems
that is to keep name resolution local.
you add a module, and boom, a completely unrelated module explodes
your system is crap.
lol whitequark
no because you're only importing one function
how so?
also one module can have a different search path to another module
module A contains sha512; module B does "import sha512()" and it's OK
you add module C to the project which also contains sha512
suddenly module B, which wasn't written by you, explodes
yes but it doesn't work like that...
it's not just "throw everything in together"
you know node.js?
you have a node_modules folder
well you have a node_modules folder
with the dependencies
a dependency wouldn't have access to the module that contains it
that solves ambiguity, right
but creates different problems
you can have two versions of Date coexisting in a single app
which is not a problem for functions (well, it is, but it's not as bad)
but it is a problem, because they may very well have incompatible data structures
and it's not like node can enforce or verify that you only put Date 0.5 to Date 0.5's functions
no, but furrow's type system can
then it should work
if a module has a dependency on Date 0.5, and there's also a Date 0.4 somewhere else, then the two are different types. In general this isn't a problem since dependencies *tend* to be internal
i hate module systems
all of them
lol micahjohnston
i have no idea how to fix them
but like
what about mine!
the idea of files
and improt
mine is better
and modeuls
and antyhing like that
micahjohnston: oh, furrow's module system isn't based on files
it's based on directories
i want to spend as little thinking as possible
I enforce enough interface to be able to meaningfully do encapsulation
ie, public/private methods
and meaningfully do separate compilation
ie, type signatures
everything else the compiler doesn't need, and the human will have to act upon
wisdom's a gift, but you'd trade it for youth
age is an honor; it's still not the truth
I would add that if you only use "import fs" or "from fs import copy" you won't have any problems with stuff generating ambiguity errors in the future due to interface change
and imports don't change the public interface, so nobody else knows or cares which style of import you use
modules end up having the most sql-ey syntax
most languages go for english syntax with fill in the blank
I suppose my motivation is mainly to get OO-style encapsulation in an exclusively functional language. So instead of classes, you have modules. Instead of instance methods you have functions in the module, and instead of instance variables you have data structures of the same name
micahjohnston: ha, I tried some symbolic syntaxes but I didn't like the look of them
alexgordon: mhm
actually that's spot on about the OO encapsulation
too unintuitive
Haskell does that a lot
although this seems probably better
yeah haskell has problems because it has no overloading (except in typeclasses)
which kinda ruins the whole encapsulation thing
most important thing about OO-langs is that instance methods are overloaded based on the self/this type
micahjohnston: holy shit, immature people play FPSs?
completely irrelevant but: I'm annoyed that art has become just another outlet of political expression. Once upon a time, the goal of art was making pretty pictures
now every artist wants to have some political "message" in their artwork
if you think old art was never about politics
it's just because the politics didn't survive