elliottcable changed the topic of #elliottcable to: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways…
<elliottcable> Lol'd.
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> Navarr ⑊ I've never seen any photo *except* the one in a trench, so I had no idea what you looked like.
<elliottcable> hi?
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ whatcha wanna know about git? I'm the resident gitard.
<elliottcable> eboy ⑊ HEY!!!
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ you know gqbrielle?
<elliottcable> /via audy
<audy> hi elliottcable
<elliottcable> hi audy
<elliottcable> this is cool reading
<elliottcable> not the paper, but the thread on antibiotics and phage
<audy> I'm too tired to finish reading the paper
<elliottcable> Also, it's nice to read jargon that isn't programming-jargon.
<audy> why do journals do this? http://d.pr/i/JpYR
<elliottcable> It makes me happy to know there's lots of things I don't know, and somehow it makes me happy to know there's things I don't *want* to know.
<elliottcable> prophile!
<elliottcable> prophile, meet whitequark. whitequark, prophile.
<elliottcable> One's a crazy Russian compiler-builder, the other a crazy British ... other-stuff-doer that sometimes designs compilers.
<elliottcable> whitequark, prophile ⑊ both of you have expressed interest in a Paws compiler. Let's talk about this.
<alexgordon> elliottcable
<elliottcable> lol alexgordon
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 026 09 +alexgordon: elliottcable
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 026 09 +elliottcable: lol alexgordon
<elliottcable> dat simultaneity.
<elliottcable> alexgordon
<alexgordon> elliottcable
<elliottcable> alexgordon
<alexgordon> elliottcable
<alexgordon> lol
<elliottcable> combo-breaker bullshit
<alexgordon> elliottcable: I love bacterophages
<elliottcable> you for got an i
<elliottcable> that may just be the weirdest typo I've ever made
<elliottcable> It looks *so* exceedingly strange.
elliottcable changed the topic of #elliottcable to: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<alexgordon> got to add phages in there
<elliottcable> phage == ellipsis
<elliottcable> so much code
<elliottcable> so many commits
<elliottcable> ermagerd
<elliottcable> brew install vim --with-lua --disable-nls --with-perl --with-python --with-python3 --with-ruby
<elliottcable> oops --with-mzscheme
<elliottcable> ;)
<alexgordon> wikipedia article on bacteriophages is depressing. there's not much wrong with them, but they'll never get approval
<elliottcable> So, I'm running into bitcoin all over the place
<elliottcable> Re-conncted with an old friend ... what's he working on? A bitcoin exchange.
<elliottcable> http://bex.io/
<elliottcable> 'S WEIRD BRAH
<alexgordon> elliottcable: oh you know the guy who's doing that?
<alexgordon> wait, it's yrashk
<elliottcable> yes? He's one of my oldest friends, at least as developers go.
<elliottcable> exactly.
<alexgordon> that's cool!
<elliottcable> Yes!
<elliottcable> It is.
<alexgordon> so now you know two people working on bitcoin exchanges! :D
<elliottcable> yes. So I told him.
<elliottcable> Trying to get him back in here.
<elliottcable> Are you guys competing? Or is whatever you're doing a completely different kind of product?
<alexgordon> err, yeah probably :P
<elliottcable> lolk
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> haha @ russian doll
<elliottcable> hi alexgordon
<alexgordon> ...
<elliottcable> Hm.
<elliottcable> Fuck.
Sorella has joined #elliottcable
Sorella has quit [Quit: (quit)]
<elliottcable> So, I have a problem.
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/iKCG7
<alexgordon> elliottcable: I told you to ban sephr years ago
<elliottcable> lol'd
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> look at that shit
<elliottcable> totally breaks my constructify()
<elliottcable> it assumes that the return value will *become* the constructor.
<elliottcable> ie. rv.prototype matters, etc
<alexgordon> I can safely say I have no idea what you're talking about
<alexgordon> except that it seems exceedingly boring
<Nuck> Somebody hold me down before I stab whoever invented sed
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ why's that?
<Nuck> I write a regex with a parenthesized match that can ONLY MATCH NUMBERS
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ JavaScript?
<Nuck> And you know what it outputs?
<elliottcable> it's far from boring, but it's annoying as hell
<alexgordon> elliottcable: the problems you solve, don't seem like real problems
<alexgordon> they're elliott problems
<Nuck> Mmmm I see, it's not matching the thing, so it explodes
<Nuck> But then that should be caught by my later numeral check :/
<Nuck> Gah I hate shell scripting
<alexgordon> elliottcable: you seem to rape javascript and then complain that it can't walk afterwards
<Nuck> Somebody tell me, is "Alt-J - An Awesome Wave - 02 Interlude 1 (Ripe & Ruin).mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0" less than 300? I can't tell.
<elliottcable> no, this is definitely a real problem
<elliottcable> really basic metaprogramming with .caller and .prototype
<elliottcable> nothing remotely elliott about this
<alexgordon> to.b.a?
<elliottcable> blame expect.js
<elliottcable> it's annoying as hell sometimes
<elliottcable> but it's the only assertion library that isn't as ugly as assert() and *is* compatible as far back as IE6.
<elliottcable> might write my own that's less terribtarded some day.
<alexgordon> when I look at assertion libraries, their intrinsic beauty is a primary concern
<elliottcable> I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not ...
* alexgordon goes to bed
* elliottcable ahrouteaor
<alexgordon> eamiwags?
<Nuck> ohgalapta
<alexgordon> bojoblow
<Nuck> Tonight in Sim-Elliott
<Nuck> Actually an elliott simulator sounds like a nightmarish thing to implement
* alexgordon gives Nuck §200
* Nuck gives alexgordon a blowjob
<alexgordon> now why isn't there a simoleon cryptocurrency?
<Nuck> (I just assume when people hand me money that it's in return for a blowjob)
<Nuck> #hookerproblems
<alexgordon> TIL Nuck is a hooker
<Nuck> Christmas is... awkward to say the least
<Nuck> "Thanks mom"
<elliottcable> Fucking FUCK
alexgordon has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"]]
<elliottcable> this means that the *actual constructor* is CoffeeScript's generated wrapper up top
<elliottcable> not my implementation on line 7.
<elliottcable> and I can't think of a remotely robust and sane way to detect this situation and indirect through .caller.caller.prototype
<elliottcable> I'm probably going to end up parsing the fucking source-code and looking for CoffeeScript idioms (_class.apply, or something)
brr has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
brr has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> Got into an argument with the manager at Arby's
<elliottcable> “Bad news for you, man. We're out of the loaded potato bites. Can I get you mozzarella sticks instead?”
<elliottcable> “Nah, thanks. Just don't worry about it too much. :)”
<elliottcable> “Okay, hey. What about a milkshake. Yah?”
<elliottcable> “Nah, man. I can't. It's okay! Thanks, though.”
<elliottcable> “But it's not okay for *me*, maaaaan. Hey. Turnovers. Turnovers? Turnovers.”
<elliottcable> “I appreciate it! But I'm okay!”
<elliottcable> “Two turnovers. Two, chocolate, turnovers. C'mon.”
<elliottcable> “Okay hahaha sure. Let's do it. Two chocolate turnovers. Thanks.”
<elliottcable> All at the drive-through window.
<elliottcable> DUDE.
<elliottcable> I DON'T WANT YOUR FOOD
<elliottcable> *throws diet coke back through window*
<elliottcable> Oh my god he wrote a note on the recipt
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/i1YL5
<elliottcable> (Transcript: “Sorry if I'm making the wrong move >,<”)
<elliottcable> (Fuckin' emoticon and all.)
<elliottcable> My g'damn sandwich is on the onion bun, too, the one thing I *did* care about.
<elliottcable> Managerfail. Listen to the customer, so'-bro.
<elliottcable> From the trenches:
<elliottcable> “# TODO: This is surely the most fragile thing ever conceived. Contact Guinness World Records.”
<elliottcable> Oh.
<elliottcable> The note wasn't from the manager. It was from the chick manning the window.
<elliottcable> And that's a phone number. Didn't notice.
<elliottcable> Anamanaguchi!
<elliottcable> ♪ Mess, Anamanaguchi
<purr> elliottcable: “Mess”, Anamanaguchi: <http://tinysong.com/18HTC>
<elliottcable> <3 Anamanaguchi
<purr> Let it be known that elliottcable hearts Anamanaguchi.
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ I'm sure you love this shit.
<Nuck> ♪ Anamanaguchi Airbrushed RAC Mix
<purr> Nuck:
<Nuck> :<
<Nuck> (Am I using it wrong?)
<elliottcable> If it can't find it, it returns an empty string
<elliottcable> I should fix that
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
purr has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> ♪ Anamanaguchi Airbrushed RAC Mix
<purr> elliottcable: Song not found. ):
<elliottcable> there we go
<elliottcable> If you want more flexible searching, try -song with a more general name
<elliottcable> -song Anamanaguchi RAC
<purr> elliottcable: “Airbrushed RAC Remix”, Anamanaguchi: <http://tinysong.com/FcPu>
<Nuck> hah
<elliottcable> y'welcome
<elliottcable> so, the code I just wrote, is the most insane thing
<elliottcable> basically. I shadow Function..apply on the function I'm returning,
<elliottcable> with a function that watches for the exact call-pattern that CoffeeScript's generated code uses,
<elliottcable> and then changes how the function I return operates when it sees one, before replaing ..apply with the normal one again.
<elliottcable> It's some seriously hacky shit.
<Nuck> Yawn
<Nuck> Just another example of elliottcode
<Nuck> I'm used to this by now.
<elliottcable> aww >:
<elliottcable> I guess I need to step it up ...
<elliottcable> (In two years, a Senate Investigatory Committee will find you, Nuck, responsible for what followed.)
sephr has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<elliottcable> oh, lol, gqbrielle moved to rizon
<purr> lol
<Nuck> Just noticed that?
<Nuck> Though I haven't seen her in #chat in a while, and NickServ shows her 7 days gone
<elliottcable> So, I have an idea.
<elliottcable> Great. For web-apps and mobile shit.
<elliottcable> But what about for open-source projects? Libraries, frameworks, command-line tools, IRC fuckin' clients?
<elliottcable> I want something like that, but integrated with GitHub.
<elliottcable> Something like Travis, that is *completely* (or as nearly as can be) automated.
<elliottcable> Drop one line of code into your project in (N) language (at the very least, it's gotta support Node and Ruby),
<elliottcable> and boom, when any exception gets thrown, anywhere, the user, instead of just getting a stack-trace ... gets *both* a stack-trace, and the interactive option to submit that stack-trace.
<elliottcable> similar to what GUI users get from O.S. developers.
<elliottcable> The stack trace gets pushed to a remote repository, along with the exact error; and is compared to other stack-traces. If the data involved isn't private (the user, not the author, gets to verify this), it gets sent too.
<elliottcable> Any library that's open-source (whether it's registered and connected to GitHub, or just a git/svn repository) that the stack-trace delves into, is *also* pulled into the site.
<elliottcable> the top-level library/app/tool developer can trace the bug down, and if necessary, delegate it to a piece of software he uses, as an automated GitHub issue.
<elliottcable> and, the entire point of all of this,
<Nuck> woah woah woah
<Nuck> wait
<Nuck> elliottcable. Coming up with an actual marketable idea
<elliottcable> that end-user that submitted it? If there's a known solution documented on the site, that solution is shoved back down-stream to the user after they submit the report.
<Nuck> This is truly a momentous occasion
<elliottcable> Detailed written-up “Do A, B, and C” by the developer.
<elliottcable> such as “update to this version, I've fixed it in HEAD ... here's the commands to run” or “apply this patch”
<Nuck> Dude
<Nuck> This is something I'd contribute to if it weren't in elliottcode
<elliottcable> even a “Try to fix this automatically? (V)iew script, E(x)ecute” option, so the developer can attach a “fix this error” script to known-problematic reports.
<elliottcable> meh, maybe someday
<elliottcable> Paws is more important to me. hence describing it in here, knew somebody would listen.
<elliottcable> Go build it in Rails or Express or something I can stand, and I might contribute. (=
<Nuck> haha
<elliottcable> It'd better damn-well be free for open-source projects, though.
<elliottcable> maybe, *maybe* with a limit on the number of reports.
* elliottcable goes back to his dev'ing
<Nuck> Well it's not really applicable to non-open-source stuff
* elliottcable laughs
<elliottcable> sure it is
<Nuck> Well, not as thoroughly applicable
<elliottcable> unlike all of the ones I linked, this would aid with tracking bugs *through your entire stack*
<elliottcable> in your private app
<elliottcable> get a bug report from your private, paying user? immediately track it to the responsible FOSS library you're using, and push the bug-report upstream to them.
<Nuck> Since like 90% of libs most people use are open source, there's really no problem.
<elliottcable> huh?
<Nuck> Mmm I don't think I could do that, that requires manual stack-parsing and I do *not* want to wrangle that beast
<elliottcable> far more than 90%?
<elliottcable> nononono
<elliottcable> this doesn't use string-ish stack-traces
<elliottcable> or rather, the language-level/framework-level client handles all that
<Nuck> Even non-string stack traces
<elliottcable> the API would have to have structured information about the bug beyond “Hey, here's a dump of text-y stuff.”
<Nuck> Automatically tracing it down to which is *actually* causing it is kinda, well, complicated
<Nuck> Because one thing Rails has taught me is that one tiny bug triggers a waterfall effect
<elliottcable> that's not supposed to be automatic.
<elliottcable> The only *automatic* thing needs to be knowing which libraries are involved.
<elliottcable> Which is easy as fuck to get out of A) package.json or Gemfile.lock or whatever, and B) the stack-trace (as a hint, nothing more.)
<Nuck> So who do you notify/check with in that case?
<elliottcable> the interface only has to generate helpful, already-pre-filled bug-reports that the user can push to an upstream project's GitHub Issues
<Nuck> But *which* upstream
<elliottcable> or, if that upstream is already on <thisservice>, then literally push the bug-report with all attached data into the inbox of the developer
<elliottcable> again, none of that is automatic.
<Nuck> If you have 10 upstream libs in this case, which one does it get pushed to? You can't expose this to an enduser, so this is only applicable to developers
<elliottcable> You *know* I'm not a fan of AI/ML; I want a human in the middle.
<elliottcable> The project's dev still has to review all the reports and deal with them.
<Nuck> In which case, there's only like 7 non-FOSS things that'd use it ;D
<elliottcable> The point is to A) aggregate error reports, to the development team, in an open and accountable manner (like Issues), and B) to *aid* that team in triaging out errors which aren't their fault
<elliottcable> not triage them out *for* them
<Nuck> Oh obviously
<Nuck> But *WHICH* developer team
<elliottcable> The top-level one!
<Nuck> So... exactly what's currently done?
<elliottcable> the one who put `require 'mytool'` in their code and started this entire mess
<Nuck> Yeah
<elliottcable> i.e. the program that was running when the stack-trace happened
<Nuck> uh
<Nuck> We have those
<elliottcable> oh? for free, for open-source projects, with accountable/public reports? where? 'cause I need it
<elliottcable> every one I've been able to find is for closed-source webapps and such
<Nuck> usually not really "public reports" but equivalents to the stuff in like Mozilla I'm pretty sure there's a couple libs
<Nuck> And honestly if it's just pushing a stack trace that's like... what, 2 lines in Node?
* elliottcable shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<elliottcable> means it's easy to make it.
<Nuck> Oh wait no 5 cause callbacks
<elliottcable> so go do so. l)
<Nuck> haha
<Nuck> See, what I was thinking was a dev tool which could figure out which libs are involved in a given stack trace and connect you automatically to others with the same error in one place
<elliottcable> hmmm
<elliottcable> >> Function.prototype.apply(null)
<purr> elliottcable: undefined
<elliottcable> weird.
<elliottcable> >> Function.prototype()
<purr> elliottcable: undefined
<elliottcable> 'course it is
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ That *is* what I'm talking about.
<elliottcable> Again, I feel like we're talking past eachother.
<Nuck> hm
* elliottcable backs up
<Nuck> I think we've got the same goal in mind but I'm not sure we're thinking of the same approach
<elliottcable> for a given error a user gets, if they hit “y” and it pushes it,
<elliottcable> they should get a URL in their terminal:
<Nuck> See, that's not what I'm thinking
<Nuck> My idea is more like a sort of... forum thread kinda thing
<elliottcable> or, if it's not been investigated and named, a number ... whatever
<elliottcable> this *is* that
<elliottcable> that's exactly what I'm talking about
<Nuck> Like imagine if you connected StackOverflow to stack traces
<elliottcable> GitHub issues discussion thread
<Nuck> not my idea
<elliottcable> every project that appears to be involved could be CC'd, though I expect thtat to be spammy
<Nuck> Yeah
<elliottcable> my point is that I'd rather require human intervention:
<elliottcable> “This involves <this-thing> I rely on, and <this-other-thing> I rely on too”
<elliottcable> thus pushing it upstream to the attention of those other people
<elliottcable> *who can then see it in full-context*
<elliottcable> i.e. the context of *their* user (you.) 's usage-pattern, and the actual call-site and data it failed with, etcetcetc
<Nuck> hm
<Nuck> I'll have to pontificate on this. It's possible, but I think you'd need to run it on donations and it'd never be profitable
<elliottcable> mmm
<elliottcable> profit model is needed then
* elliottcable shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<elliottcable> off to dev
<Nuck> Well or do it as a service to the community
<elliottcable> well duh
<elliottcable> but this idea is too good
<elliottcable> either it'd be unusably bad,
<Nuck> I'll pop it onto my idea queue, to do eventually if I ever find time
<elliottcable> or it'd get a *shitton of use*
<Nuck> Mmm there's a middle there that I think you're not seeing
<Nuck> And I think that's the most likely scenario
* elliottcable shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<elliottcable> Man, most Elliott-hacks don't need *documentation* and *error handling* and *thorough testing* and *backwards compat*
<elliottcable> iawiaruwaurarahwrahwrryawryetturhitykggl,jjh
<elliottcable> What the fuck is this shit?
<elliottcable> is this f'real?
<Nuck> I think I win, elliottcable.
<elliottcable> /cms/
<elliottcable> lol'd
<purr> lol
<Nuck> Yeah
<Nuck> You laugh now
<Nuck> But it's fucking *serious*
<elliottcable> This guy. Oh. mah god.
<Nuck> That's actually terrifying dear god
<eboy> elliottcable: did you ever have a tremendously awesome idea for better makefiles?
<elliottcable> ... lolwat
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> probably. why?
* elliottcable ponders
<elliottcable> if I were to try to replace Make for *C* stuff, I'd probably embed it into the files themselves.
<elliottcable> have some sort of pre-CPP step for finding relationships between files and involved tasks. idk.
<eboy> because i need a cool way to configure and build multiple software packages automatically
<eboy> i suppose i could just use normal makefiles
<eboy> not necessarily at the C level
<elliottcable> I dislike Make immensely.
<eboy> but i remember you once having a great idea and i didn't write it down or anything
<elliottcable> Rake's pretty excellent, truly.
* eboy looks up how Rake works
<elliottcable> It's just Ruby-syntax make-tasks, sort of
<elliottcable> Ruby's fucking excellent for sysadmin/scripting stuff;
<elliottcable> step up from shell script, a *hell* of a step up; and extremely easy to shell out from when you need to
<elliottcable> and Rake just gives you a really easy way to package small bits of Ruby / and / shell code together.
<eboy> ah okay
<eboy> i was like wtf ruby isn't compiled or 'built'
<elliottcable> nah
<elliottcable> Rake's for the kind of things people use .PSUEDO makefiles for
<elliottcable> but you can also use it for actual compilation stuff
<elliottcable> .PSEUDO*
<elliottcable> fuckin fuck
<elliottcable> This is *so* finnicky.
<elliottcable> Having to write fucking ten lines of test per line of code for this function.
<eboy> how's paws going?
<elliottcable> quite well, honestly
<elliottcable> roped judofyr and somewhat micah into helping
<elliottcable> the old horribly-insane implementation works well; runs complex code, been using it to explore the problem space
<elliottcable> but needs to be reimplemented in a sane way on which we can innovate things like time-travel, distribution, etc.
<elliottcable> became impossible to trudge through the messy-ass codebase, so I'm starting from scratch and being extremely anal about code-quality, testing, documentation, etc
<Nuck> Wait eboy in #elliottcable
<Nuck> What the fuck is going on
<elliottcable> from this ... https://github.com/elliottcable/muPaws.js/blob/Master/µPaws.js
<elliottcable> still not perfect, but getting closer.
<eboy> Nuck: I learned how to just accept purr for who he is
* elliottcable grins
<elliottcable> -he
<elliottcable> really?
<elliottcable> -find he
<purr> elliottcable: Found: bot, clouds, ground, devyn, and elliottcable
<elliottcable> -find him
<purr> elliottcable: Found: nosleep, perspective, lord and savior, calm down, and vernate
<elliottcable> o_O
<eboy> yeah /ignore purr
<eboy> works great
<elliottcable> SO CURIOUS
<elliottcable> awww, but that means you're missing out on all his new featuers, eboy!
<elliottcable> ;)
<elliottcable> I've done dirty things to your bot-code.
<eboy> i'd be able to enjoy the new features if it didn't spit out random quotes
<eboy> and highlight me for no reason
<elliottcable> ahhh hah
<elliottcable> mmmm, some day I'll move that to a different nickname
<elliottcable> ProTip, since you're here:
<elliottcable> you probably should /ignore purr\GH and /ignore purr\ec
<eboy> lol well it's host-based
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> use those names to publis commit/issue notifs
<elliottcable> and it's pretty fucking loud
<eboy> as long as it doesn't say my name it's okay
<elliottcable> no, I'm saying, if he uses a different no-join nick, then you can electively ignore *certain shit*.
<elliottcable> anyway
<elliottcable> Oh gods, why
<elliottcable> jeannicolas ⑊ ಠ_ಠ
<elliottcable> -lord and savior @ jeannicolas
<purr> jeannicolas: Bow before him. http://d.pr/LLi7
<elliottcable> WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT
<eboy> -find him
<purr> eboy: Found: nosleep, perspective, lord and savior, vernate, and calm down
<eboy> -lord and savior
<purr> eboy: Bow before him. http://d.pr/LLi7
<eboy> -paws
<purr> eboy: <http://ell.io/iksN9>
<eboy> :)
<elliottcable> so many good memories
<elliottcable> -vernate
<purr> elliottcable: vernate (v): what micahjohnston wishes we would all do to him
<eboy> micahjohnston wants everyone to make him young?
<elliottcable> what?
<eboy> vernate: GNU Webster's 1913
<eboy> v. obsolete To become young again.
otters has joined #elliottcable
<eboy> elliottcable: have you seen that cpu core estimator in javascript yet?
<eboy> i bet you have
<otters> so there are lots of parties in here
<eboy> gay parties
<otters> yeah
<Nuck> Well
<Nuck> -back @ otters
<purr> otters: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises. http://youtu.be/RvkWhGVNky4
* Nuck coughs
<otters> thanks
* eboy chokes
<otters> why is it titled "Wall-e"
<Nuck> I don't even know
<Nuck> It's just naked russian juggaloes that we don't understand
<Nuck> Actually doesn't somebody in here speak Russian now?
<Nuck> elliottcable: Find me a Russian to explain the penises
<elliottcable> omg. otters!?
<elliottcable> bbl depression and sleep
<Nuck> otters joins, elliottcable gets depresses
<Nuck> Coincidence? I think not
<otters> hi elliottcable
<devyn> yo
<devyn> Nuck: elliottcable knew several when he lived in Alaska. he could see them from his backyard
<devyn> s/backyard/house/
<whitequark> elliottcable: I was sleeping
<whitequark> and I kind of know gqbrielle
<whitequark> you talked about her, but more importantly, she came here and talked on her own
<whitequark> which kinda demonstrates the pojnt
<whitequark> *point
<Willox> hi
<purr> Willox: hi!
<Willox> :)
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<vil> gmrn
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<otters> man
<alexgordon> bear
<otters> I would rate buyvm's internet connection maybe a 5/10
<otters> pig
<otters> I also wish haskell was more friendly to monkeypatching
<otters> buuuuuut it isnt
<alexgordon> ...
<alexgordon> that's like saying you wish the ku klux klan was more friendly to black people
<otters> yeah
<otters> well, you should've heard the conversation I had last night
<otters> "I have some markdown I rendered, and I want to replace all the <pre>s with highlighted versions of their contents"
<otters> and the dude's like "don't do that in haskell"
<otters> "well, I'm using haskell"
<otters> "don't use Haskell"
<alexgordon> why the fuck would you use haskell
<otters> because
<otters> I like haskell
<alexgordon> WRONG
<otters> b-b-but
<otters> ok.jpg
<otters> this place looks promising
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<devyn> alexgordon: otters keeps trying to use haskell for web development
<devyn> haskell is not meant to be used for web development
<alexgordon> lol quite
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> that's why Django exists for
<alexgordon> or rails
<alexgordon> or fuck, node
<devyn> web development languages = very dynamic languages
<otters> haha
<devyn> computational languages = very static languages
<otters> yeah I'm kinda getting the idea
<alexgordon> haskell is for doing clever things
<otters> but
<otters> well my website is insanely clever
<alexgordon> web development is low-grade drone work
<otters> and I did figure out how to fix my problem
<alexgordon> hence haskell is not appropriate
<devyn> haha
<otters> I forked markdown and patched the toHtml method to highlight the contents of pre tags
<otters> come at me
<devyn> also web dev is a double-whammy with Haskell
<devyn> anything IO-heavy is not Haskell's forté
<devyn> basically try not to do network stuff in Haskell :p
<otters> ok
<whitequark> devyn: elaborate?
<whitequark> on haskell sucking on io-heavy tasks.
<otters> honestly, I'm not having too much trouble on this project
<otters> it's just that yesod isn't a very mature framework
<devyn> whitequark: it's not really that the runtime has any issue with it if you use the right libraries (e.g. you should really be using Data.Text rather than [Char])
<devyn> whitequark: but that the language just kinda sucks for writing *most* IO code
<devyn> not all
<otters> word
<otters> ok i like this nick better
otters is now known as joelteon
<joelteon> yes this is cooler
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<devyn> Joel Teon sounds korean
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> well we know something about korean names
<devyn> it's not really a korean name obviously
<devyn> it's two syllables :p
<Willox> I thought it was Jo Elton
<joelteon> heh
<joelteon> elteon jon
<devyn> El Teon Jon
<devyn> omg
<joelteon> biggest drawback:
<joelteon> no domain hacks
<devyn> welcome to the club
<Willox> I wish for will.ox
<joelteon> devyn what's yours
<devyn> devyn.me
<devyn> I can't dev.yn
<joelteon> yeah
<Willox> I just got willox.co
<joelteon> joe.lt is taken
<joelteon> the apache welcome page
<joelteon> nothing else
<joelteon> what kinda bs is that
<joelteon> ok maybe joelteon.io
<Willox> Check out http://willox.co.uk
<Willox> Makes me sad
<joelteon> ahahahaha
<joelteon> joelt.io is good
<Willox> willox.com is ok
<Willox> A business uses it
<Willox> for business
<joelteon> hahaha
<joelteon> business
<Willox> I wish I could just get something like will.io but it sounds like willy too much
<joelteon> heh
<joelteon> willyo
<Willox> I am so upset I didn't buy will.io now
<Willox> Look at that guy looking better than me
<joelteon> should I do joelteon.io or joelt.io
<Willox> I'd say the shorter
<joelteon> yeah me too
<Willox> I think I know the guy that owns will.io
<Willox> My name appearsto be pretty popular
<Willox> I can't really get will.x
<Willox> Unless I go for .org.in
<Willox> Perfect idea: willo.xxx
<joelteon> ok I registered joelt.io
<devyn> haha joelteon 춘 얼븐 = John Weldon (close enough :p)
<joelteon> Weldon
<Willox> My full name is pretty popular
<Willox> William Wallace
<Willox> so that sucks more
<Willox> My fullname .me is taken
<devyn> my name is really rare
<Willox> I need a name change
<Willox> There is actually somebody called William Willox
<joelteon> wow
<joelteon> william wallace
<joelteon> clearly fuck encodings
<vil> my real name is really common as well
<vil> I'm an investment banker, I run a college, and I do yoga
<joelteon> that's pretty cool
<vil> I'm actually working on elliminating my real name from everything, it's just cleaner that way
<joelteon> good luck
<vil> yeah
<vil> it probably won't be worth the trouble, it's been out there for too long
<vil> should've done it when I switched usernames a while back
<joelteon> heh
<vil> I'll have to disable Google+, since they refuse to allow pseudonyms
<joelteon> darn
<vil> I think I've made exactly two posts ever on it :D
<vil> and that includes my old account
<vil> I dunno, I can't decide if I want to go through with this or not
* vil shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<joelteon> oh, this is gonna be a pain
<joelteon> now I have to update my nginx conf, DNS records, github repo name, DB name
<vil> ew
<joelteon> oh well
<joelteon> it's for a noble cause
<vil> I need a new personal domain as well
<joelteon> yes
<vil> I want vil.io, but god are IOs expensive
<joelteon> yeah
<vil> and I own unsquared.co but have yet to do anything with it, so it's hard to justify
<joelteon> haha, you think .ios are expensive
<joelteon> otte.rs costs $160 a year
<vil> wow
<vil> haha, I like your logo
<joelteon> joelt.io will be a nice step down
<joelteon> yeah, I'm keeping that logo
<vil> I used to be spherecat1, dumped it for vilhalmer last June
<vil> best handle upgrade ever
<joelteon> heh
<joelteon> i used to be inclupye
<joelteon> incluye
<joelteon> back in the day
<vil> I don't have a "back in the day" yet :D
<joelteon> i was incluye from 2007-2012
<joelteon> otters till today
<joelteon> you all are witnessing a momentous moment
<vil> I love that on the internet you can just start over, in a way
<vil> hard to do IRL
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> harder to get used to
<joelteon> no tab complete in real life
<vil> that and there are legal ramifications
<joelteon> yeah
<vil> granted, I couldn't bring myself to actually delete most of my accounts, just changed the usernames
<joelteon> yeah
<Nuck> wait
<vil> I wish I had used the opportunity to block some IRL people on Twitter
<Nuck> joelteon: You spent $160 a year on otte.rs?
<vil> oh well
<joelteon> Nuck: I only spent $160 once
<joelteon> it hasn't been a year yet
<joelteon> and it never will be
<joelteon> I'm canceling it after joelt.io is set up
<Nuck> Wait why
<joelteon> because
<Nuck> otte.rs is such an epic url
<joelteon> I like joelt.io
<joelteon> yeah but otters has nothing to do with me now
<joelteon> joel is actually my name so that makes sense
<Nuck> Dude
<Nuck> My name is Peter
<Nuck> Do you see me walking around under that name?
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> but my name is joelteon now
<joelteon> a guy with the handle "joelteon" with a website called otte.rs?
<Nuck> Real names are for faaaaaaaaaaaags
<vil> plejack, yes
<joelteon> makes no sense
<joelteon> anyway, it's expensive as fuckballs
<Nuck> vil: *jeck
<vil> oops
<vil> but the point stands
<Nuck> joelteon: You should try and sell it to some otter-based charity
<Nuck> For like $2000
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> ok, that's an idea
<joelteon> because it's paid until december
<Nuck> Because it is *really* an awesome domain
<joelteon> canceling it won't do me any good
<joelteon> yeah I know it is
<joelteon> my new email I guess is gonna be me@joelt.io
<joelteon> doesn't really roll off the tongue
<Nuck> juhl-tee-oh
<Nuck> Doesn't immediately translate to joelt.io
<vil> I don't like using me@, but vil@vil.io would be redundant
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> maybe god@joelt.io
<Nuck> I've got me@plejeck.com ... I think
<vil> maybe hello@vil.io
<vil> I've forgotten which forwarders I have set up on unsquared.co
<Nuck> prostitution.orders@vil.io
<vil> perfect
<Nuck> I think I configured NFS to do a wildcard redirect from plejeck.com over to my gmail
<vil> I have a few set up that get labelled by gmail
<joelteon> heh, >using gmail
<Nuck> What do you use, Hotmail?
<joelteon> no
<Nuck> Maybe Yahoo! Email for the Elderly?
<vil> gmail is teh awesome
<joelteon> I have my own email server, so I don't use third parties
<joelteon> well and the work email is on Exchange
<vil> I've considering just running my own, but my server isn't stable enough
<Nuck> yuck
<Nuck> too much trouble
<vil> ^
<joelteon> yeah, no fucking kidding
<Nuck> Honestly, I've run my own
<joelteon> jesus
<Nuck> It's not fucking easy
<joelteon> it took me a total of 11 hours to configure postfix properly
<joelteon> in the process I found a bug in postfix that the people in #postfix helped me resolve
<Nuck> Spam filters are a pain in the ass, postfix is nigh impossible to configure correctly (especially so your emails don't bounce)
<vil> joelteon: who's your registrar?
<joelteon> AFTER 2 hours of saying "It's clearly Apple Mail.app's fault, not postfix's."
<joelteon> vil: 101domain
<vil> ah
<Nuck> NearlyFreeSpeech <3
<joelteon> I was like "ok, but it's happening in Mail.app, Thunderbird, and Sparrow."
<vil> I just moved mine to iwantmyname
<joelteon> 101domain is the only registrar I could find that does .rs because serbia requires trustee service
<joelteon> but joelt.io is a lot cheaper on iwantmyname than 101domain
<vil> vil@unsquared.co gets to me, as does admin@ for whois purposes
<Nuck> Ah I have a wildcard forwarding but I disabled it until I have my site set up
<joelteon> so that might be something to do
<Willox> Nuck, I managed to find a PSU for that desktop I was talking about
<vil> joelteon: they've been awesome so far
<Nuck> Willox: Oh nice, you installing Gentoo now?
<joelteon> yeah, they look awesome
<Willox> But the cpu power cable was literally 1mm too short to work
<joelteon> 101domain is absolutely fucking horrible
<vil> granted I haven't had any issues to really test them with
<Nuck> Willox: hahahaha holy shit that's terrible. Streeeeeeetch it
<Willox> can't
<joelteon> and they take buttloads of time to register
<Willox> Just gonna wait till I get a new proper psu for it
<Willox> And I'll chuck the graphics card back in too
<Nuck> I am *incredibly* happy with NFSN
<vil> read that as NSFW and it still made sense
<joelteon> NFSN is *okay*
<Nuck> They're cheap for a static host
<Nuck> And that's all I care about :D
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> haha.
<joelteon> oh, yeah, I don't use static
<Nuck> I will be
<joelteon> I haven't been 13 for a long time
<Nuck> haha
<vil> I pay $100 a year for inmotion hosting and I'm currently serving a "nothing here yet" page
<vil> probably should fix that
<joelteon> nice
<Nuck> I'm working on a framework (inspired by Jekyll) that'll power my site
<Nuck> It'll be like a tumblog that takes inputs from various sources (Github commits, blog posts, etc.) and compiles them
<vil> interesting
<joelteon> wowee
<vil> lol blog posts
<purr> lol
<vil> I tried to do those once
<joelteon> me too
<joelteon> i always run out of steam
<Nuck> I've got a few blog post ideas lined up
<vil> I wonder if my old blogger blog is still there?
<Nuck> I've got a better blog planned though: loli hentai reviews
<vil> dear lord it is
<Nuck> hahaha
<vil> I should wipe these out
<joelteon> oh man
<Nuck> I imagine my old ShitPress blogs are still around
<joelteon> i'm glad joeldt.net is down
<vil> bahaha
<joelteon> that was quite an experience
<vil> there's my game dev blog
<vil> from when I was like 13
<Nuck> cat world
<Nuck> You fucking yiffer, vil
<joelteon> huh. cat world
<vil> I did, and still do, suck at naming things
<Nuck> Dat Drupal knockoff tho
<joelteon> are you good at cache invalidation
<vil> maybe 15
<vil> it was a long time ago, anyway
<Nuck> >cache invalidation
<Nuck> Of what variety?
<joelteon> well there are only two hard things in computer science
<joelteon> three hard things
<joelteon> cache invalidation
<joelteon> naming things
<joelteon> understanding paws
<Nuck> Cache invalidation is easy with Etags or dep trees
<vil> and off by one errors
<joelteon> stfu
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> I meant four things
<joelteon> case in point
<vil> no, your count was correct. :D
<Nuck> I believe Rails handles dep trees now, under the name "nesting doll caching"
<joelteon> russian doll caching
<Nuck> yeah
<joelteon> matryoska
<Nuck> Same diff, it's all matroskas
<joelteon> матрёшка
<vil> oh, this is still here too
<joelteon> that's pretty
<vil> thanks! done in Inkscape
<Nuck> But anyways, that system works. And Etags are *really* easy
<Nuck> You just use a timestamp and call it done
<Nuck> Or a hash
<vil> it moves when you resize the window as well
<vil> a prior version of it had a live sun as well
<vil> dunno where that one ended up
<Nuck> vil: 10/10 would bang
<joelteon> i remember the days when I would use ChatZilla
<joelteon> that was the shit
<vil> oh neat, forgot that I'd set up an open id redirect thing
<Nuck> haha
<Nuck> Even I used mIRC years ago
<Nuck> Nowadays, though, it's weechat masterrace
<joelteon> weechat and ZNC
<vil> irssi
* vil runs away
<joelteon> haha nerd
<vil> yup :D
<Willox> I use HexChat and ZNC
<joelteon> weechat is like irssi with better defaults
<joelteon> and, you know, support for more than perl
<Nuck> yeah ZNC here too
<joelteon> yeah ZNC here too
<Nuck> joelteon: Also more easily customizable, if slightly less customizable
<joelteon> yeah, I guess so
<joelteon> weechat is pretty customizable
<Willox> I use hexchat because windows
<Willox> fuck power supplies
<Willox> I hate them now
<Nuck> Quite, but irssi as I understand gives you closer access to what is displayed
<Nuck> Willox: Just dualboot, man
<Willox> never
<Nuck> I dualboot Arch and OSX
<Willox> All I need is like a 50 quid PSU
<Nuck> I keep OS X for gaming (it's better than Linux) and for Photoshop
<Nuck> "quid"
<Nuck> Damn briticisms
<Willox> I like saying quid
<Willox> I imagine OSX gets nice drivers
<Nuck> as do all brits
<Nuck> Willox: I wouldn't call it "gets" because it just sorta ships with magic works-with-the-hardware dust
<joelteon> yeah all brits get nice drivers
<Willox> I imagine OS X 'has' nice drivers
<Nuck> I imagine OS X sucks british cocks
<joelteon> huehue
<vil> I can verify that irssi lets you configure absoultely everything, and that it is very easy to break
<joelteon> i can vilify irssi
<Nuck> You'd know, you broke it daily for a while
<Willox> You should definitely use finch
<vil> yep
<vil> I blame elliottcable
<Nuck> Finch?
<vil> it's his config
<Nuck> vil: Well yes, everything is his fault
<Willox> Nuck, heard of pidgin?
<vil> or was, I've changed almost everything
<Willox> Console version of pidgin = finch
<Willox> and as pidgin is awful for irc
<Willox> The definitely was meant to be sarcastic
<Nuck> ew
<Nuck> pidgin lebarf
<Nuck> vil: Mine has changed so much. I'm on a light-background terminal now
<vil> not a fan of light-backgrounds
<Willox> I think i just need a decent 500w psu
<Willox> I like dark editors
<Willox> so it makes sense to have a dark background everything
<vil> Willox: same
<whitequark> let's stop masturbating
<whitequark> this light vs dark discussion has bored me already *just in this channel*. countless times
<Willox> Have you ever seen a dark vs light irc client discussion, though?
<whitequark> i don't care
<whitequark> it doesn't matter
<whitequark> because
<whitequark> it amounts to personal preference/convenience
<Nuck> whitequark: This is #elliottcable, expecting us not to circlejerk around is like... Well, expecting us not to circlejerk around
<whitequark> Nuck: fuck you
<Nuck> Neither is better, but mine is pretty :3
<Willox> My client gives everybody rainbow names
<vil> pretty is good
<Willox> Actually, name colour in my client is based on what peoples names are
<Willox> So it's the same every session, but different for each person
<Nuck> Same here
<Willox> Pretty nice
<Willox> whoever thought of that
<Nuck> I've been trying to coerce the weechat devs to base it on host instead tho
<Willox> You're turqoise for me
<Nuck> And you are green
<Willox> Doing it from hostname makes sense
<Nuck> http://a.pomf.se/4Mv4.png Enjoy my pretty desktop
<Nuck> Willox: Yes. Yes it does. But nope, they're resisting
<Willox> I guess I have to show you my ~beauty~
<vil> Nuck: good lord, 341 unread messages on DA?
<Nuck> vil: I never go through the message center, and I was at one time a popular deviant ^^;
<Nuck> (also pomf.se is the most kawaii file host ever)
<Willox> Very content-filled
<Willox> My volume task icon broke yesterday
<Willox> so it's clear now
<Nuck> haha
<Willox> I hope it isn't something bad
<Nuck> That's not fair, showing a bareback desktop
<Willox> I can't show you my secret content!
<vil> damn, blogger got pretty
<vil> mine is chrome on the big monitor, twitter and this on the MBA's
<vil> nothing interesting
<micahjohnston> hi hi hi
<vil> micahjohnston!
<vil> how are you?
<Willox> hi micahjohnston
<micahjohnston> hi Willox
<micahjohnston> hi vil
<micahjohnston> great
<micahjohnston> school is almost over
<Willox> Why do these powersupplies have LEDs in them
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<vil> noice
<vil> Willox: because PERTY LIGHTS
<micahjohnston> trying to muster up the last little bit of motivation to do this silly busy work
<micahjohnston> hoping I get Bs and up for a scholarship
<micahjohnston> woke up early at had breakfast at a diner with the debate team
<micahjohnston> was nice
<micahjohnston> going to see Postal Service tonight
<micahjohnston> great day
<vil> saw that on Twitter
<micahjohnston> :D
<vil> have fun!
<vil> good lord, I have SIX blogs on blogger?
<vil> delete all the things
<micahjohnston> thanks
<micahjohnston> haha
<vil> heh, I forgot I designed a search engine once
<Willox> Nuck, I also noticed that the motherboard I was going to use doesn't even have integrated graphics
<Nuck> haha
<Willox> Silly ol' me
<Nuck> Incidentally, here is my desktop posed like yours, with prettiness~ http://a.pomf.se/9Rw6.png
<Willox> I found a nice £40 PSU that'll do me fine
<Willox> semi modular too
<Nuck> I am clearly superior
<Willox> you and your japanese
<Nuck> yus
<Willox> Is that a terminal?
<Nuck> Still need to get Compton set up with proper gaussian blur
<Nuck> Willox: Yep
<Willox> i like it
<Nuck> Because on real OSes, we have proper terminals
<Nuck> The thing I'm most proud of is that I'm only using one font family everywhere
<Willox> I do use linux
<Nuck> monospace and sans-serif
<Willox> Just not for any desktops
<vil> main screen: http://cl.ly/PI6X/image.jpg
<vil> nothing at all on the other one, except my awesome wallpaper
<Willox> SO is that was an apple product actually looks like, vil?
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<Nuck> vil: dat analog clock
<Willox> Why analog
<Willox> You can't even use that
<Nuck> Willox: Technically mine is also a fruit
<Willox> What fruit is yours?
<Nuck> Apple~
<vil> well, my menubar is modified, but yeah
<Willox> Because dual boot?
<vil> analog because it gives me a general idea when I glance
<Nuck> Willox: yep
<Willox> I wouldn't call your OS an Apple product :v
<Nuck> vil: Yuck. I can't read analog at a glance
<vil> there's a printout in my terminal always anyway
<Willox> vil, you could have it so you see the precise time when you glance :D
<Nuck> Willox: Well my monitor configuration file is
<Nuck> vil: Ah yeah I disable that and use a global one
<vil> awesome wallpaper: http://cl.ly/PHeO
<Nuck> Since I'm rarely in terminal now
<Willox> Your wallpapers are all too busy for me
<Willox> I don't even like the default windows one
<Nuck> the weebs are strong with this one.
<Willox> Nuck, what font-family?
<vil> terminiminal: http://cl.ly/PIFA
<vil> Willox: normally I would agree, but it's always entirely hidden anyway
<vil> Willox: I enjoy it for a few minutes a day it's visible
<Willox> hehe
<vil> good lord why
<Willox> I don't use it!
<Willox> I did that this morning though, to be honest
<Willox> That is a very nice looking irssi window
<vil> Willox: thanks! designed the color scheme myself
<Nuck> Willox: M+
<vil> the bottom status bar is tmux
<Willox> It's similar to my sublime text color scheme
<Willox> Less yellow
<Willox> (that sounds awful)
<vil> total of eight (8) blogs deleted
<Willox> I have f.lux running :v
<Willox> That explains it
<vil> heh
<vil> never got around to trying f.lux
<Willox> I don't know if the screenshot I sent you is correct or not
<Willox> oh well
<Nuck> I hate f.lux
<Nuck> It's an interesting concept but nothx
<vil> I have Shady hiding in the menubar for late at night
<Willox> Nuck, what font family was it?
<Nuck> Willox: M+
<Willox> oh
<Willox> right
<Nuck> Full font family made by a Japanese dude
<Willox> Just because it supports japanese?
<Willox> I like Droid Sans
<Willox> and Droid Sans Mono
<Nuck> Nah, I found it when I was searching for a Japanese font and just fell in love with the thin strokes of the font in English
<Nuck> Ended up my font for everything
<joelteon> M+ is great
<joelteon> horizontally compressed
<Nuck> Very
<Nuck> It's tall and narrow, and the variance in weights is nice too
<Nuck> I tend towards the thinner fonts because I have awesome antialiasing
<joelteon> I tend towards the thinner fonts because i have an extremely high DPI display
<joelteon> come at me
<Willox> I have
<Willox> ClearType!
<Nuck> I have OSX-based rendering on Linux via FreeType2's Infinality mod
<joelteon> haha, windows font smoothing
<joelteon> oh jesus
<Willox> Although, you should see windows WITHOUT cleartype
<joelteon> even worse
<joelteon> ugh
<joelteon> oh god
<joelteon> second one is better
<Willox> I disagree
<joelteon> me too
<Willox> good
<Willox> ClearType is definitely better than windows default font rendering
<Nuck> It's bad and worse
<Willox> But it's not the best
<Willox> DirectWrite is pretty nice
<Willox> Nuck, I tried it
<Willox> and everything broke
<Nuck> haha
<Willox> DirectWrite is nice though
<Nuck> Yeah, I just know every windows user I've met on /g/ uses that or GDI++
<Willox> ClearType is left
<joelteon> wh-which one is better
<Willox> DirectWrite is right
<Nuck> Still unimpressed by the one at right
<Willox> Although - as the name implies - it's DirectX
<Nuck> The 18pt T is kinda shitty
<Willox> Compare the size 11s
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> man, font rendering on the retina display is absolutely insane though
<Nuck> I hear Linux finally got subpixel hinting in the latest FreeType2, which makes the type almost as good as Mac's
<joelteon> it is painfully beautiful
<Nuck> joelteon: That's because Apple made a bet that paid off
<joelteon> yeah, that's apple's thing
<Willox> I like my kindle's font rendering
<Willox> heh
<Nuck> They bet on higher-res screens, ignoring the pixel-latching that Windows was doing
<joelteon> kindles are nice too
<Nuck> So their fonts were blurrier on low-res but *gorgeous* on high-res
<Willox> I have to say that large fonts that don't look nice are an instant turn-off
<Nuck> Though interestingly, what looks good is often harder to read
<Nuck> Some recent studies in kerning showed that even spacing is actual a negative for reading
<Nuck> But is aesthetically a positive
<Nuck> Your eyes can more easily track locations with the uneven pattern
<Willox> windows left, os x right
<Willox> (quite old)
<Willox> But it's interesting how the sizes differ
<Nuck> It's actually really simple to explain, though
<Nuck> OSX chose accuracy, Windows chose readability
<joelteon> the one on the right is more readable
<Willox> sounds right
<Nuck> I think the most interesting difference is in the bolds
<Nuck> OS X did bolds the way bolds were done for years - gently
<Willox> The issuew ith Cleartype is that you can customize it
<Nuck> Windows' pixel latching raped bolds and caused a higher contrast
<Nuck> Which completely changed the meaning of bolds
<Nuck> joelteon: I'd actually argue the opposite
<Nuck> In headers, right is easier
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> well
<joelteon> I think the one on the right is more readable
<vil> yeah, Windows is definitely better for readability at small sizes
<vil> if only because it eliminates blurriness
<vil> less distracting
<Nuck> But for body copy, left is probably far easier because of higher contrast and less even spacing
<Willox> But you shouldn't ever have to read text that small :v
<vil> destroys the letterforms, though
<joelteon> I'm distracted by how gross it looks
<Nuck> vil: Honestly, burriness isn't a problem anymore
<Nuck> Mac does subpixel too
<vil> yeah, same here joelteon
<Nuck> Yeah, but that's aesthetics. It's aesthetically better on OSX, but readably better on Windows. Well, was.
<Nuck> Not anymore, OSX's implementation of subpixel is as good as or better than Windows'
<vil> yep. I rarely run across text that can't be read because of the size
<joelteon> yeah, the thing is, I can't read things with really terrible rendering
<joelteon> because I find it distracting
<Willox> oh god
<Willox> I spent 2 hours reading about subpixel rendering once
<Willox> Let's change topic
<Nuck> hahaha
<Willox> I don't enjoy my IT lessons :v
<Willox> It's amazing that people came up with subpixel rendering though
<Nuck> It is pretty ingenious.
<vil> it's amazing that people came up with most of this stuff
<joelteon> You know what's cool?
<joelteon> when you google a phrase and you click on a result and the text that you searched for isn't in the body of the page
<vil> yep
<Willox> it's so advanced
<Willox> That is defines your search for you
<vil> usually happens to me on aggrigation pages where the content has pushed the result off the bottom
<vil> DUDE
<vil> your corners are square
<vil> where can I get that
<Willox> Looks hot
<Nuck> Eugh
<Nuck> sassy
<Nuck> hahaha vil
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> vil: I think I have the sartfile
<Willox> I don't understand why os x has the dots for close/minimize etc
<joelteon> I'll upload it
<vil> Willox: because it's pretty
<Willox> It makes all of their hard work on making everything silver wasted
<vil> though the first setting I change is to switch them to graphite
<vil> thank you sir!
<joelteon> I also use xnomad
<joelteon> which is pre-alpha software, but I like it
<vil> revertable if something goes wrong I assume?
<joelteon> github fjolnir/xnomad
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> just backup your old one
<joelteon> :P
<vil> of course
<Willox> amazing, joelteon
<Willox> wait
<joelteon> yeah, it's good stuff
<Willox> What have they done with those line numbers
<joelteon> i dunno that's pretty weird
<joelteon> never noticed that before
<vil> it's counting away from the selected line
<joelteon> yepy
<Willox> That's almost useless
<joelteon> it is
<vil> dunno why you would ever do that
<joelteon> that's quite useless
<vil> but I remember seeing a setting for it
<vil> probably for line jumping in vim
<vil> like `8k`
<joelteon> I would think so
<vil> but yeah
<vil> I use Moom, which achieves the same effect as xnomad
<vil> not as configurable though
<Willox> I want my other desktop now :(
<Willox> windows looks bad
<joelteon> swag
<joelteon> haha
<joelteon> whoops
<joelteon> nobody look at that
<joelteon> wrong display
<Willox> that resolution
<joelteon> wow, awward
<joelteon> awkward
<joelteon> that doesn't make any sense
<Willox> No worries
<Willox> I'll just save your avatar and leave it
<Willox> retina displays are rediculous
<joelteon> yessir
<joelteon> there
<Willox> What am I looking at specifically?
<joelteon> my layout
<joelteon> just because
<vil> I want a retina display so much
<joelteon> I'm showing off my e-weiner
<vil> mmm square corners
<Willox> I have nothing to show you
<vil> I've waited so long for this
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> I just wish we could force the size of windows
<joelteon> like iterm looks weird with that gap under it
<joelteon> also, skype has a ridiculously large minimum size
<vil> yep
<joelteon> trust skype to fuck up absolutely everything it can
<vil> so does Messages.app
<joelteon> heh
<vil> yeah, ther terminal apps locking to cols/rows has never made sense to me
<Willox> I can show you
<vil> just center the actual view in the window, wouldn't even be able to tell
<Willox> sublime!
<joelteon> yeah it don't make sense
<joelteon> that's kinda cool
<vil> sublime is pretty
<Willox> Oh god auto indentation broke all my befunge code
<joelteon> yeah, it's not bad
<vil> Willox: ouch
<joelteon> I can't wait until they have retina large displays
<joelteon> I like my laptop but it's pretty small for a tiling WM
<Willox> It's not really made for befunge I guess
<vil> here's my Xcode at the moment: http://cl.ly/PHf6
<Willox> I can't wait until large resolution monitors don't cost 8x as much as 1080p monitors
<vil> ^
<Nuck> Ah, doing Obj. C?
<joelteon> probably not
<Willox> I am also jealous of pretty mac screen sharing apps
<Willox> What I use to capture makes a really noisy bing and has an intrusive progress bar
<joelteon> that is a swaggy theme
<joelteon> I just have the default one with smaller text
<Nuck> Willox: haha cloudapp has a pretty loud ding
<joelteon> puu.sh has a nice ding noise
<joelteon> also it actually captures screenshots
<joelteon> which cloudapp doesn't
<Willox> I used to use puu.sh
<joelteon> still
<Nuck> http://a.pomf.se/5Wu5-612.png muh current codes
<Willox> But puu.sh servers go down daily
<joelteon> I have never had puu.sh fail to upload an image
<Nuck> I use pomf.se because it's just one button to upload
<Willox> I have many times :(
<Willox> ctrl+shift+4 brings a selection up for me
<Willox> I select the area to capture and bam
<joelteon> and I've uploaded 290 files
<joelteon> yeah that's what OSX does by default
<Nuck> Cmd+Shift+4 yeah
<vil> Nuck: yep
<Nuck> for Linux, it's scrot -s
<Willox> I want my powersupply now ;(
<vil> building a replacement for everything we're currently discussing, actually
<Willox> to make my things prettier than yours'
<Nuck> vil: Oh?
<joelteon> scrot is such a gross name
<Nuck> It really is
<Nuck> I always think of scrotums
<vil> CloudApp/Droplr except you provide the server
<Nuck> Which then inevitably gives me an erection
<Willox> vil, I thought about that
<joelteon> scrotwm too
<Willox> I then spent 20 minutes installing different software until something already did it
<Nuck> vil: ha I was actually planning to build a unixy tool for that
<Willox> Not very well, though
<Nuck> Basically a daemon that you aim at a folder and then it monitors it for files
<Willox> It lets me free form upload
<Nuck> And when a file appears, it uploads it and (optionally) deletes it
<vil> yeah, a cli tool would be neat
<vil> maybe I'll bundle one at some point
<Willox> "ART"
<vil> whoa
<vil> I've got about a hundred ideas for various features
<Nuck> It's theoretically simple, I'm reading up on libuv as an easy way to handle the monitoring and network stuff. Mostly cause I wanna learn libuv
<Willox> It'd be neat for that kind of software to do different actions with different file extensions
<vil> trying to pare them down to a manageable first release
<vil> Willox: that was part of the original version
<Willox> Or just directories
<vil> I worked on this a couple years ago under a different name
<Willox> oh cool
<Nuck> Right now I've got far too many projects
<vil> it actually supports defining multiple destinations
<vil> and the original idea was to tie certain types to certain destinations
<Willox> Is this the kind of thing that'd give you a URL to what it uploads?
<vil> yep
<Nuck> I've got EmoteCloud, I've got my personal site tumblog thing, I've got the photo manager idea, I've got tons and tons of ideas
<Willox> That's all my domain does :v
<Nuck> And within EmoteCloud I've got libdeviantart
<vil> but I'm building the whole thing around a plugin interface, so I can literally just drop in new features as I go
<Nuck> Within my photo manager I've got a tag-based database, as well as learning Cocoa and Qt/GTK
<Willox> I thought you were putting dA behind you
<Nuck> As soon as I finish my final projects
<Willox> ah
<Nuck> libdeviantart and EmoteCloud are my "last hurrah" besides the final releases of my other stuff
<joelteon> libdeviantart
<joelteon> wow
<Nuck> joelteon: What?
<Nuck> y u so wow
<Nuck> It's just a simple wrapper around deviantART's APIs and screen scrapin' and shit
<joelteon> hehe
<joelteon> deviantART is such a joke
<Nuck> very much so.
<Nuck> They traded all their loyal paying customers for a bunch of random sonic fan artists
<joelteon> well they're fairly successful still
<Willox> I do not like deviant art users ;)
* joelteon deviant art user
<Nuck> Willox: Well do you like joelteon and I? ;D
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> heh
<Nuck> Then congrats, you like two of 'em
<Willox> certainly not
<Willox> as deviant art users
<Willox> I love you as irc buddies though
<Nuck> haha
<vil> I use it, but I'm hardly attached
<joelteon> I got my start at dA
<joelteon> with development
<Nuck> Same here
<Willox> don't make me start to judge you
<joelteon> well
<joelteon> look at me now
<Willox> This is me
<Nuck> dA is where I mastered JS and PHP, where I started using Ruby and C, and it was where I was when I realized I sucked at design
<Nuck> hahahaha
<Willox> (I just searched Willox)
<Nuck> There's a great game on dA, where you search "______ the hedgehog" with your name
<Nuck> And see what comes up
<Willox> Ah
<Willox> this is obviously me and my art
<Nuck> "neckles nuck nci
<Willox> "gotta go fast"
<Nuck> knickles
<Nuck> "
<vil> mine is almost exclusively ponies
<Willox> "William the hedgehog"
<joelteon> gross
<joelteon> no offense
<joelteon> o_o
<vil> none taken
<Willox> "since they were both 5"
<Nuck> vil: When you search for the hedgehog?
<joelteon> jesus
<Willox> means whoever made that is 5
<vil> no, my deviantart
<vil> ha, no results
<vil> I win
<joelteon> how do you restrict a google search to domain?
<Willox> Gotta admit, that's a better drawing than I could do
<Willox> joelteon, site:url.tld search terms
<Willox> you mean?
<joelteon> i win
<vil> haha
<Willox> It's me!
<joelteon> ehw
<joelteon> ew
<Willox> This person loves my name
<Willox> They can't stop drawing me
<joelteon> if I search my name on deviantart I get misspelled jolteon
<joelteon> heh, I just asked if my lambdabot quotes could be re-attributed
<Nuck> http://boltthehedgehogrocks.deviantart.com/art/Redraw-Meme-One-Year-Later-305993489 hahaha the worst part is that they didn't get better
<joelteon> apparently yes
<alexgordon> wtf is going on in here
<Willox> They get WORSE
<joelteon> alexgordon the hedgehog
<Willox> oh god
<Willox> they got me to go on deviant art
<vil> alexgordon: run
<Willox> I see what you are trying to do!
<Nuck> Can we make that the official portrait of alexgordon?
<alexgordon> I'm a rebel
<joelteon> ...............................
<alexgordon> bitches love rebels
<alexgordon> -find rebel
<purr> alexgordon: Could not find `rebel`.
<alexgordon> dammit
<Willox> "I drew a lot of my classmates as hedgehogs"
<Willox> o god
<Willox> what a good friend
<vil> lol @ "do not steal work"
<purr> lol
<Nuck> The pentagram, the snakebite piercing, the north face, the torn jeans
<vil> ok, if you insist
<Nuck> God it's like the 90's emo kids
<joelteon> I can't draw
<joelteon> and I don't want to try
<alexgordon> no copyright intended
<joelteon> on the scale of
<joelteon> shitty drawing -> bad drawing -> uncanny valley -> good drawing
<joelteon> i'm stuck deep in uncanny valley
<vil> I like drawing, but I'm meh at it at best
<Nuck> This is what happens when I try to draw: http://pizzaalien.deviantart.com/
<Nuck> (that's my account from when I was 12)
<Willox> I have a deviant art account
<Willox> 5 years of inactiveness
<joelteon> aughters.deviantart.com
<joelteon> that's me
<Willox> inactiveness for a good reason!
<vil> vilhalmer.deviantart.com
<Nuck> nuckchorris0.deviantart.com
<Willox> nice plant, vil
<Nuck> That a euphemism, Willox?
<Willox> I don't know
<vil> Willox: my avatar everywhere!
<Nuck> God mega.co.nz is fucking awesome
<vil> it's an inside joke from Twitter, sorta
<Willox> Your name has made me kind of sad
<Willox> nuckchorris
<vil> I need a new avatar, but I haven't decided what
<joelteon> Nuck, do you have any idea how to get deviations out of storage?
<alexgordon> "Well, this last Wednesday - the 11th - was my birthday! And some of you probably know what that means... "
<alexgordon> enlighten us.
<joelteon> ouch my hair sucked back in the day
<joelteon> wow
<joelteon> goodness
<vil> my hair still does
<joelteon> heh
<joelteon> just cut it all off
<alexgordon> my hair is AWESOME
<joelteon> that's the solution
<vil> I tried to do like a part on the side
<Willox> My hair is really thick :(
<alexgordon> -find hair
<purr> alexgordon: Found: a sephr and haircut
<vil> but it will only go one direction and I got tired of it
<alexgordon> -haircut
<alexgordon> -a sephr
<purr> alexgordon: a pointy-haired boss
<joelteon> found a sephr?
<Nuck> joelteon: Oooooh that's tricky I don't remember anymore. It used to be easier
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> turns out dA's interface sucks
<joelteon> oh of course
<joelteon> go to Submit to delete deviations
<Nuck> It's an old legacy page too
<joelteon> my bad
<Nuck> Wow
<vil> lolol
<purr> lol
<joelteon> the fuck?
<Nuck> I'm trying to build soemthing better than dA but no DB seems to be okay with my stuff
<joelteon> how do you delete them?
<Nuck> Also
<joelteon> is there a delete button?
<Nuck> joelteon: Go on the page
<Nuck> Click delete
<joelteon> there's not even a delete button
<joelteon> are you kidding
<joelteon> there's 26 deviations in here
<Nuck> It's in the right sidebar
<joelteon> do i really have delete each of them
<Nuck> Yep.
<Nuck> Yep.
<Nuck> Actually
<joelteon> ok that's it I quit
<Nuck> Somebody teach me ZeroMQ
<Nuck> pls
<Nuck> or MQ architecture
<Nuck> Or bus architecture
<Nuck> Hell, teach me how to architect network things in a sane manner
<Nuck> I'm good in single-process architecture, but I can't grok the stuff when you have units that need to interconnect. My first thought is immediately "have them talk" but that's a poor system
<Nuck> So I need to learn MQ and bus and everything. So I can IPC and shit
<Willox> f.lux is back
<Willox> and my screen is tanned again
<devyn> wow, huge backlog
<vil> devyn: probably not much of interest, mostly just us discussing configs
<devyn> mmkay
<Willox> how are you devyn
<devyn> okay
<Willox> that's wonderful to hear
<devyn> only just 'okay' because I rewrote fmt_bbbout_write.c almost completely without much gain in performance :/
<Nuck> at least a gain in readability I hope
<devyn> it's C
<Willox> Is that a no?
<devyn> :p
<devyn> it's a bit more complex, so it's not going to be any more readable
<Nuck> Oh right, C isn't really readable
<Nuck> It's been a while, I'm spoiled by Ruby
<Nuck> I'm also naked.
<vil> <3 C
<purr> Let it be known that vil hearts C.
<devyn> it's not horrible but it *is* uncommented
<Willox> I've never been able to try ruby
<Willox> but I would like to
<devyn> I'd throw some comments in at some point but at the moment it's just me and I can read it just fine
<devyn> :p
<Nuck> I love C with all my heart
<Nuck> But it just isn't readable. I've had to resort to cdecl a few times
<Nuck> Though
<Nuck> I'm reading code related to OpenGL
<Nuck> So that might be part of it
<Nuck> And X11
<Willox> cdecl is amazing
<Nuck> That's like
<vil> no, it's not readable at all
<Nuck> Pointer to pointer to pointer to array of pointers to arrays of penises
<vil> but I LOVE the power
<vil> oh god opengl
<Willox> "declare x as const pointer to pointer to const pointer to const pointer to pointer to const pointer to const pointer to pointer to char"
<Nuck> Oh man it's intoxicating, vil
<Nuck> Willox: buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
<vil> I have more fun programming in C than any higher-level language
<Nuck> It's funny. I went from C to Ruby, from being intoxicated by power to being intoxicated by beauty
<Willox> Ruby code looks so nice :(
<Nuck> And then I wrote Ruby that looks like C :D
<devyn> ewww Nuck
<Nuck> I wrote essentially a state machine in Ruby
<Nuck> Which is generally not very pretty
<devyn> Ruby is the first real language I learned, so my Ruby looks like Ruby
<Nuck> But, like with emails, it's really the best way *to* parse it
<Nuck> regexes just won't suffice
<Willox> emails as in addresses?
<Willox> I actually thought you meant an the contents of an email for some reason
<devyn> lol contents of an email with regexen
<purr> lol
<Nuck> haha no
<devyn> GLHF
<Willox> email addresses are rediculously un-limited
<Nuck> Don't get mad at purr, she means well.
<purr> Nuck: ... purr, *he* means
<Nuck> Oh shut the fuck up purr and get your genitals sorted out
<Nuck> purr.genitals.sort()
<Willox> poor purr :(
<Nuck> I want to get a really complex email just to piss people off
<devyn> oh my god that makes me want to include a gender variable
<Nuck> devyn: Slip in a commit, elliott might not notice
<devyn> so I can just >> this.gender = 'female' or >> this.gender = 'male'
<Willox> " @"@localhost
<Willox> hi guys
<Nuck> I'd have it be like "yes it%is@valid"@plejeck.com
<vil> right, no more Google+
<vil> does that mean I have Google-?
<Nuck> haha
<devyn> no more Google+?
<Willox> Nuck, just use an ipv6 address for the host
<Nuck> I have Google+ because hangouts are the best video chat
<Willox> user@[IPv6:2001:db8:1ff::a0b:dbd0]
<Nuck> Willox: hahaha yes
<Willox> (from wikipedia)
<vil> devyn: reolled back my account
<vil> *rolled
<devyn> why?
yorick_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<vil> I never use it, so it was just another privacy thing to have dangling
<Nuck> "yes it%is@valid"@[IPv6:2001:db8:1ff::a0b:dbd0]
<Nuck> Evil
* devyn says “Privacy? What privacy?”
<vil> I'm trying to eliminate my real name from stuff, and they wouldn't let me
<vil> would've happily let it stay
* vil shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<vil> doing a general Internet scrubbing
<devyn> the most private it gets for me is incognito mode
<vil> deleting unused accounts and such
<devyn> everything else is public
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<Nuck> Oh shit nigga
<Willox> Nuck, PHP claims thatt is an invalid email :(
<Nuck> is vil going off the grid
<Willox> what a shock
<Willox> (lol)
<Nuck> he droppin' out
<vil> Nuck: don't worry, I'm not pulling a _why
<Nuck> Willox: It should be valid, maybe the % needs escaping or something?
<Nuck> vil: Just pullin' a lol-im-a-libertarian-and-u-cant-find-me-neener-neener-oh-shit-to-the-bunker?
<Nuck> (I think I just described the life of a prepper quite well)
<devyn> vil'a doin' a _why; vil gun'a come back an' post crazy printer output
<Nuck> haha
<Nuck> devyn: I liked the printer output
<Nuck> That was beautiful
<vil> it was quite good
<devyn> me too
<Nuck> Well-written odd little book
<Nuck> An autobiography of perfect _why
<devyn> I liked hearing why he did it and what he was thinking the entire time
<Nuck> Seriously, it suits him so perfectly
<devyn> I'll die happier having heard that
<Nuck> Yeah
<Nuck> This provided the perfect exact closure
<devyn> I wonder if he'll actually come back to OSS development
<devyn> or whether he just wants to make art
<devyn> the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive; he could restrict himself to *only* code that is meant as art
<vil> he'll be back eventually
<vil> you could tell he had fun with that
<devyn> and stop trying to make things that are useful and then get depended upon and then superceded because he kind of made them slow
<devyn> yeah
<vil> I will admit, I find the concept of nobody knowing who I really am very interesting
<vil> but it's not feasible
<vil> especially if I'm going to run a business
<vil> I'm just trying to curate what's available about me
<Nuck> I knew a guy who managed that for a long time
<Nuck> I was one of his confidants, who knew his real name, age, and identity
<Nuck> To everyone else he was Mavyrk, a ?? year old man or woman who lived somewhere in the vicinity of Michigan
<vil> @Mavyrk?
<Nuck> I... think?
<vil> I see it's dead
<Nuck> Yeah
<vil> last tweet dec '11
<Nuck> He disappeared from the internet
<Nuck> I'll miss 'im
<Nuck> He was a great writer and a good programmer
<Nuck> And more than that, he was a thinker.
<Nuck> I still stumble being unable to brainstorm with him ;_;
<vil> :/
<vil> bbl, food
<Willox> Nuck, I think that Arch is going to cause so much pain to me
<Willox> gon' be fun
<joelteon> Arch is fun
<joelteon> it's not a great server/desktop
<joelteon> but it's fun
<Willox> I don't think I'd use it for a server
<joelteon> :set relativenumber is actually really handy
<joelteon> you can see line number in the statusline
<Nuck> Oh I think it's a great desktop, joelteon
<joelteon> and with relativenumber you can see how far multiline commands should go
<Nuck> And yes I have :set relativenumber toggled with Ctrl+R in normal mode
<Willox> I've never even heard of relative line numbers untilt oday
<Willox> until today*
<joelteon> yeah me neither
<joelteon> but it's good
<joelteon> funny story
<Willox> Exists for sublime though :)
<joelteon> sublime has vi mode?
<Nuck> it does
<Nuck> IT's just kinda... shitty
<joelteon> how surprising
<Nuck> Relative numbering is very useful though
<Nuck> I find I spend more time inrelative than in normal
<Nuck> I mean, how often do you *actually* need to refer to line numbers?
<Willox> Gotta say
<Willox> The relative lines look ugly as hell
<Nuck> haha yep
<Nuck> you get used to 'em
<Willox> They use the wrong font
<Willox> Don't align properly etc
<Willox> This is the normal font for my line numbers
<Willox> You can see quite a difference
<Nuck> Well they look better in vim
<Nuck> You should join the vim masterrace~
<Willox> I imagine they do
<Willox> Nuck, maybe once I get my powersupply
<Willox> But I did pay for sublime
<Willox> and I love it
<Nuck> Oh wow somebody who actually paid :o
<Nuck> Thanks for supporting the product I used for months without ever paying~
<Willox> np
<Willox> I'll see how well it works in Arch
<Willox> If it doesn't work better tham Vim I may as well stick with it
<Nuck> Well
<Nuck> It works exactly the same on Linux as on Windows
<Nuck> Like, identically
<Willox> Depending on how good Vim's different method of control is then
<Willox> I always thought vim looked ugly
<Willox> Apparently I underestimated it
<joelteon> so let me get this right
<joelteon> if I source my vimrc multiple times, and it has autocmds defined
<joelteon> they'll get redefined each time?
<joelteon> not redefined, actually
<joelteon> I mean, duplicated
<micahjohnston> GOD DAMNIT
<Willox> Next week?
<Willox> wait
<Willox> that's
<Willox> the month after
<Willox> (I'm very bad with my months)
sharkbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
sharkbot has joined #elliottcable
<Nuck> micahjohnston: What happen
<micahjohnston> Nuck: sickness apparently
<Nuck> ouch
<micahjohnston> Willox: :p
<micahjohnston> :(
<Willox> I need to just uninstall flux
<Willox> it's coming back hourly
<Nuck> You don't like it?
<Willox> it's just so orange
<Willox> I could configure it
<Willox> but I'd rather not have it
<Willox> That was the quickest uninstall wizard e-
<Willox> wait
<Willox> it's still orange
<joelteon> fuck being sick
<joelteon> lame
<joelteon> how do you cd into a directory called -?
<Nuck> cd \-
<Nuck> Presumably
<Willox> Hey Nuck, getting that PSU for friday
<Willox> yay
<Willox> ~
<Nuck> Hm
<Nuck> I really want to learn Go
<Nuck> It seems incredibly interesting
<Willox> Go sounds cool
<Willox> But I don't see what's good about it compared to other languages
<Nuck> Yeah
<Willox> It uses a nice charset though
<Nuck> UTF-8?
<Nuck> Who doesn't use UTF-8 nowadays?
<Willox> Languages by default often dont :)
<Willox> Not like Go appears to, at least
<Willox> Looking at its hello world
<Nuck> Ruby is default UTF-8
<vil> yello
<Nuck> So
<Nuck> Anyways
<vil> micahjohnston: ooh nooo!
<Willox> I've never tried Ruby
<Willox> I didn't know that, Nuck
<Nuck> I want to write a multi-user bittorrent daemon
<Nuck> Willox: It's a recent change. Just happened in 2.0
<Willox> ah
<micahjohnston> yeah it seems Go only has little improvements
<micahjohnston> which is good because they add up to happiness
<Nuck> Go interests me as an alternative to C++ though
<Willox> It has a nice name
<Nuck> Because it's compiled and not a piece of shit
<micahjohnston> Willox: ironically ungoogleable :P
<alexgordon> awww yeah graph theory and finance
<micahjohnston> Nuck: haha yeah
<Willox> "Go Language" works
<Nuck> But seriously, have you guys seen the proliferation of seedboxes?
<Nuck> They're just servers that run hundreds of bittorrent daemons, and it's entirely pointless - Why use multiple daemons when you could use one?
<Nuck> But I cannot into C++ (yet) so I can't make a multiuser bittorrent client
<Nuck> Well, I could in C, but I'm not a masochist
<micahjohnston> Willox: yeah it's just silly because google made it
<micahjohnston> i'll go shoot myself now
<micahjohnston> anyway
<Willox> I get it :D
<Willox> It's funny now
<micahjohnston> Nuck: my friend rents a seedbox
<vil> oh my god joelteon: http://wil.to/_/otters.jpg
<micahjohnston> Willox: yay
<Willox> Nuck, getting a CM500M
<Willox> CX500M even
<micahjohnston> vil: have you listened to Baths? you'd love him
<Willox> I'm ashamed to own so many corsair products
<vil> micahjohnston: no I haven't, to Grooveshark!
<joelteon> haha
<micahjohnston> was gonna see him open for postal service today
<Willox> micahjohnston, shame they had to delay that on the day it's meant to happen
<micahjohnston> yeah :(
<micahjohnston> I was super excited
<micahjohnston> vil: is that a picture of dave grohl?
<micahjohnston> lol
<purr> lol
<Willox> I've only been to one concert before
<micahjohnston> Willox: oh, which one?
<vil> micahjohnston: I have no idea, duckinator just retweeted it
<Nuck> ooooh baths opening for postal service
<Nuck> That sounds like an epic conert
<Willox> I went to see Biffy Clyro not so long ago
<micahjohnston> Nuck: yeah :D
<elliottcable> Hi, all.
<micahjohnston> I mean :(
<elliottcable> Woah, activity
<Nuck> Hi elliottcable
<vil> hi elliottcable
<elliottcable> hi
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<Willox> hi ho
<elliottcable> -clouds
<purr> elliottcable: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
<Nuck> hi ho
<Nuck> it's off to work we go
<micahjohnston> Willox: cool, haven't heard of them but I will give them a listen
<elliottcable> (it's been AGES since I did this)
<micahjohnston> where do you live?
<elliottcable> who thef uck is joelteon
<Willox> England
<joelteon> it's me
<joelteon> its otters
<joelteon> me
<micahjohnston> god irccloud is being so fucking slow
<joelteon> i evolved
<Nuck> eevee is not otter
<micahjohnston> joelteon: if it's a picture of you then you look a lot like dave grohl
<vil> tag 'im, so he can see it while he's up there
<joelteon> that's not me
<joelteon> but i do look l ike dave grohl
<joelteon> well
<joelteon> no, I don't
<vil> joelteon: "but i do look l ike dave grohl" wat.
<purr> beep.
<joelteon> like
<joelteon> not l ike
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 19 +alexgordon: or rails
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 23 +alexgordon: or fuck, node
<joelteon> that's why django exists for
<vil> joelteon: I just copied it
<joelteon> wise words
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 73 otters: I forked markdown and patched the toHtml method to highlight the contents of pre tags
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> I misspelled it
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 91 otters: come at me
<elliottcable> (Context: I have become micahjohnston, and now copy-paste lines, because IRC doesn't have a “retweet” button.)
* alexgordon anticipates imminent bollocking
<joelteon> b-b-bollocks
<Willox> Yeah micahjohnston, it's pretty good music
<elliottcable> I was about to type “so, srsly, otters is back?” ... then tried to auto-complete his name, and was about to type “oh, otters left” ... right as I scrolled to
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 757 65 - otters > joelteon
<elliottcable> well, hi, used-to-be-otters.
<Willox> but whenever I listen to it it reminds me of a crazy bus journey to waterloo I took after the concert
<joelteon> hi elliottcable
<elliottcable> (joel-cum-otters?)
<joelteon> sure
<Nuck> joel came in otters?
<elliottcable> re: domain hacks,
<elliottcable> can't beat mine.
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/tt
<micahjohnston> (Context: I have become micahjohnston, and now copy-paste lines, because IRC doesn't have a “retweet” button.)
<Nuck> elliottcable: I could if Cook Islands sold on .ck
<joelteon> that's nice
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ If you don't own willo.xxx within the week, I will lose all respect for you.
<Nuck> I'd be nu.ck
<micahjohnston> the silly thing is that I had the automatic response to copypaste that, unironically
<Nuck> hahahaha
<micahjohnston> and also the silly thing is that irccloud messed up the copypasting
<Willox> elliottcable, I need to be in the porn industry for that!
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> how about
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 785 99 vil: I'm an investment banker, I run a college, and I do yoga
<joelteon> joelt.io/n
<elliottcable> Who knew vil was such a Renaissance man!?
<vil> ^^
<Nuck> nu.ck beats you all
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ Not only is your-full-name.me taken, but we've had somebody with your full name in here *before*. Briefly.
<Nuck> Srsly, somebody pay the cook islands to give it to me
<alexgordon> [23:36:15] <+elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<Nuck> Wait
<joelteon> you sux
<Nuck> elliottcable: What name?
<elliottcable> William Wallace
<Willox> haha
<elliottcable> brb poo'in ... still -clouds
<Nuck> +alexgordon [23:36:15] <+elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<Nuck> Infinite retweeting
<joelteon> 15:40:09 Nuck | +alexgordon [23:36:15] <+elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<micahjohnston> closing and reopening irccloud seemed to do the trick
<micahjohnston> 4:40 PM <joelteon> 15:40:09 Nuck | +alexgordon [23:36:15] <+elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<alexgordon> this has turned into reddit
<vil> gaa
<Nuck> alexgordon: *Twitter
<micahjohnston> 4:40 PM <micahjohnston> 4:40 PM <joelteon> 15:40:09 Nuck | +alexgordon [23:36:15] <+elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<micahjohnston> 4:41 PM <micahjohnston> 4:40 PM <micahjohnston> 4:40 PM <joelteon> 15:40:09 Nuck | +alexgordon [23:36:15] <+elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<micahjohnston> 4:41 PM <micahjohnston> 4:41 PM <micahjohnston> 4:40 PM <micahjohnston> 4:40 PM <joelteon> 15:40:09 Nuck | +alexgordon [23:36:15] <+elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 13 +alexgordon: that's why Django exists for
<micahjohnston> now it's 4chan
<alexgordon> iajwodjaiwd
<Nuck> hahahaha
<alexgordon> -> #Paws.Nucleus
<joelteon> weechat doesn't have a copy mode
<joelteon> I wish it did
<Nuck> joelteon: It's called selecting text in your terminal
<joelteon> yeah
<Willox> I can't even copy with HexChat
<joelteon> that'll work nuck http://puu.sh/341XB.png
<joelteon> good idea
<Nuck> That's what you get for using tmux fgt
<joelteon> god forbid
<Nuck> Tiling WM for people who can't Tiling WM
<joelteon> I'm using a tiling WM you mongoloid
<joelteon> I don't want to have two separate terminal windows
<joelteon> anyway, tmux's copy mode is perfectly capable of selecting things inside panes
<alexgordon> ugh
<joelteon> maybe I'll open a feature request
<alexgordon> doesn't terminal already support splits?
<joelteon> iterm does, yeah
<Nuck> iTerm does
<alexgordon> but normal terminal
<joelteon> yeah it does too
<joelteon> I don't use it
<joelteon> iterm is the one I'm using right now
<joelteon> anyway, that still doesn't address the issue of weechat wrapping lines
<Willox> Nuck, on friday you will witness the pain of me installing Arch
<Nuck> Follow the Beginner's Guide
<Nuck> Don't skip a line
<Nuck> And you'll do fine
<Willox> I've already been looking at that
<alexgordon> joelteon: doesn't it? if you use a native split then your selection will be confined to that split...
<Nuck> I did a dry run in a VM for my first time
<vil> hmmm, I like that channel list
<Willox> Nuck, using an empty HDD
<micahjohnston> Nuck: obsidian is so good
<Willox> Shouldn't matter for me
<Willox> nothing to lose
<Nuck> Willox: Well yeah but I wanted to get practice
<Nuck> micahjohnston: Obsidian?
<micahjohnston> Nuck: new Baths album
<Nuck> ah
<joelteon> alexgordon: weechat wraps lines to the limits of its window
<Nuck> Haven't heard it yet
<vil> Nuck: tmux is awesome don't even
<Nuck> I'm still catching up with music
<micahjohnston> kind of purity ring-esque
<micahjohnston> really dark
<Nuck> ooooh
<micahjohnston> :D
<Nuck> Going synthpoppier?
<micahjohnston> yeah kind of
<alexgordon> synthpooper?
<micahjohnston> haven't listened to cerulean much yet actually
<Nuck> I've fallen in love with Snythpop due to CHVRCHES and Purity Ring
<Nuck> micahjohnston: I'm trying to relabel my entire music library right now, I can't add more to my list of things-which-need-labelling
<micahjohnston> heh
<Nuck> I've still got 6500+ to go
<micahjohnston> synthpop is such a vast thing
<micahjohnston> includes like
<micahjohnston> depeche mode and postal service and owl city and purity ring
<Nuck> yeah
<Nuck> Purity Ring labels their stuff "future pop"
<micahjohnston> I gotta listen to chvrches
<Nuck> Which I think is accurate
<micahjohnston> oh heh that's a good label
<Nuck> micahjohnston: Listen to The Mother We Share
<joelteon> owl city used to be so good
<micahjohnston> oh there's an ellie goulding cover of alt-j's tessellate
<micahjohnston> joelteon: yeah
<elliottcable> back, but still -clouds
<joelteon> but they completely took over his style
<elliottcable> also, have some shit in my eye, GOD DAMNIT
<joelteon> poor guy ):
<micahjohnston> joelteon: I still a couple of songs on midsummer station, but there's no more magic really
<joelteon> yeah, not really
<Nuck> elliottcable: Stop rubbing your face in poop you fool
<joelteon> ahh, the curse of popularity
<micahjohnston> Nuck:
<micahjohnston> sooo nice
<elliottcable> haha, you guys think .io's and .er's are expensive
<Willox> .xxx is like
<Willox> $12
<elliottcable> ellio.tt costs 5,000 to buy and 3,000 a year.
<elliottcable> beat that.
<micahjohnston> haha you are a trust fund baby shut up
<micahjohnston> oh wait -clouds
<Willox> elliottcable, what a waste
<joelteon> suck my wiener
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: haha you are a trust fund baby shut up
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: ;p
<joelteon> check your name ending with tt privilege
<joelteon> wonder how much ma.tt costs
<Nuck> micahjohnston: Dude, Paramore covered Matilda
<micahjohnston> whoa
<Willox> "registrants with a foreign address are charged double"
<Willox> favouritism
<elliottcable> Nuck: “elliottcable: Stop rubbing your face in poop you fool” what.
<purr> beep.
<joelteon> awkwaaaard
<Willox> What does purr do, then?
<joelteon> talks sporadically
<micahjohnston> hayley williams is way cooler than being in paramore makes her seem
<micahjohnston> she's been on mewithoutyou records and stuff
<micahjohnston> and also when she talks she sounds like ellen degeneres
<joelteon> micahjohnston: props on not hating everything owl city has ever done, btw
<micahjohnston> joelteon: yeah i hate it when people hate on him
<micahjohnston> joelteon: ocean eyes is one of my favorite albums
<joelteon> "oh it sounds like postal service"
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> well
<joelteon> postal service is pretty good
<Nuck> I'm not fond of Owl City but that's just because autotune really gets on my nerves
<joelteon> so...
<elliottcable> I keep forgetting that vil == spherecat
<micahjohnston> Nuck: this cover is really nice
<joelteon> Nuck, have you heard anything he made before he was popular?
<Nuck> Postal Service is like owl city sans autotune
<elliottcable> I *still* go “I wonder whatever happened to spherecat” approximately once a quarter.
<Willox> To me vil is the person that says gmrn at the same time every day
<Willox> and never gets a response
<Nuck> micahjohnston: I think it's pitchy still
<vil> Willox: I hold out hope. :D
<micahjohnston> Nuck: ?
<Willox> I see it every day
<micahjohnston> joelteon: I probably love postal service more deeply than owl city but
<Willox> I didn't know if you were a bot or if you were trying to say good morning
<micahjohnston> joelteon: still love both
<vil> it's only been like two days since I came back :P
<joelteon> I haven't heard any of postal service
<Nuck> joelteon: Only bits and pieces
<Willox> (i've been here 2 days)
<joelteon> Hello Seattle is one of my favorite songs
<vil> perfect!
<Nuck> micahjohnston: It sounds like her voice is cracking in certain ranges
<micahjohnston> Nuck: oh yeah kinda
<Nuck> <3 Postal Service
<purr> Let it be known that Nuck hearts Postal Service.
<micahjohnston> joelteon: they only have 1 full album and a few odd singles
<joelteon> heh
<micahjohnston> joelteon: but all of it is perfect
<joelteon> who
<joelteon> postal service?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<joelteon> oh
<Nuck> micahjohnston: Some guy flamed me on Turntable for commenting on the fact that she's kinda pitchy in certain ranges. "NO SHES PERFECT"
<micahjohnston> haha
<joelteon> Good Time is a perfect example of how much control labels have over artist and how much of a bad thing it is
<joelteon> artists
<Nuck> Postal Service is the lead singer from Death Cab For Cutie + Dntel
<Nuck> And it's just so perfect
<joelteon> oh shit, Matt Thiessen helped write it O_O
<micahjohnston> Nuck: for real
<micahjohnston> joelteon: I feel like it may be less of a label control thing
<micahjohnston> joelteon: like he's written a lot of stuff on his blog about how it's a direction he wants to try
<Nuck> popularity gives you an obligation to be catchier
<joelteon> hmm
<Nuck> Labels funnel that pressure and magnify it
<Nuck> Smaller labels are more relaxed and generally just provide the production support while not trying to push too hard
<Nuck> (Like my favorite indie label, Asthmatic Kitty~)
<joelteon> any band with the word Kitty in the title is gonna be a good one
<Nuck> ha
<elliottcable> Fuck the clouds.
<elliottcable> /sb end
<Nuck> It's not a band, it's a label
<elliottcable> Hi, all
<micahjohnston> hi elliottcable
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> anything with the word Kitty in it
<elliottcable> First off: I'm creating a GitHub organization for the channel.
<micahjohnston> we've been pumping out clouds for ya
<joelteon> is good
<elliottcable> Adding you all to it.
<elliottcable> channel ops (alexgordon, micah, devyn, etc) will be able to create repos, if y'all have the URGENT NEED to collaborate on something.
<Willox> you should add me to it - I have like 2 commits
<elliottcable> Second: Membership dues are now $20/year.
<Nuck> ♪ Hollywood forever cemetary
<purr> Nuck: Song not found. ):
<Nuck> >:[
<Nuck> oh
<elliottcable> Third: Membership in the #elliottcable chan-clan is now mutually exclusive with membership in OFTN.
<Nuck> ♪ Hollywood forever cemetery
<purr> Nuck: “Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings”, Father John Misty: <http://tinysong.com/VQ3K>
<elliottcable> So please depart that organization as quickly as possible.
<vil> haha
<Nuck> haha
<Nuck> Nope, nope, and nope
<elliottcable> Fourth: “Second” and “third” are just jokes. I couldn't give less of a shit.
<micahjohnston> WHEN THE PIMPS IN THE CRIB
<micahjohnston> DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT
<micahjohnston> DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT
<Nuck> elliottcable: Pay my dues for me, you're rich~
<elliottcable> Fifth: I'm currently trying to fucking understand git's source-tree and contribution guidelines so I can submit a patch.
<elliottcable> Sixth: You guys suck at -clouds. You're supposed to *hilight somebody* when they're -clouds. I missed half of the conversation. ಠ_ಠ
<elliottcable> Seventh: This juxtaposition is *fucking perfect*:
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 950 57 Nuck: elliottcable: Stop rubbing your face in poop you fool
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 950 71 joelteon: ahh, the curse of popularity
<Willox> I feel like I've entered some other dimension
<joelteon> you don't realize how much pressure there is for the cool kids to rub their faces in poop these days
<vil> joelteon: wat.
<purr> beep.
<elliottcable> joelteon: what.
<purr> beep.
<alexgordon> ♪ synth poop
<purr> alexgordon: Song not found. ):
<elliottcable> damnit, vil beat me to it
<vil> bam
<Nuck> hahaha
<alexgordon> ♪ poop
<purr> alexgordon: “Nickelback”, Nickelback: <http://tinysong.com/19EYZ>
<vil> that one character makes a huge difference
<alexgordon> hahaha
<Nuck> lmao
<elliottcable> WHAT.
<joelteon> hahaha
<vil> lololololol
<purr> lol
<micahjohnston> I love snoop dogg's voice
<elliottcable> That's the best thing that's ever happened. All the things, that's the best.
<vil> agreed
<alexgordon> I am dying
<alexgordon> I need oxygen
<micahjohnston> was a pretty good thing
<vil> I didn't even know that was a feature, and now it's the best one
<joelteon> ♪ shit
<purr> joelteon: “Bitch Im The Shit”, Tyga: <http://tinysong.com/QTTk>
<joelteon> cool
<joelteon> ♪ poop
<purr> joelteon: “Nickelback”, Nickelback: <http://tinysong.com/19EYZ>
<joelteon> ♪ feces
<purr> joelteon: “May Cause Discoloration of the Urine or Feces”, Marilyn Manson: <http://tinysong.com/gXp3>
<vil> th' fuck do you type that? what's the option-combo?
<joelteon> -eighth<tab>
<elliottcable> I have it aliased to “nnote” in my irssi.
<alexgordon> vil: cmd-c, cmd-v
<vil> ah, cool
<elliottcable> but you can also use -song if you like.
<elliottcable> -song poop
<purr> elliottcable: “Nickelback”, Nickelback: <http://tinysong.com/19EYZ>, “Make poop”, Mr. Safety: <http://tinysong.com/1bY14>, “Poop Loser”, Mudvayne: <http://tinysong.com/17xYS>
<elliottcable> i -song is to *search* for songs,
<vil> benefits of stealing elliottcable's configs
<alexgordon> -song mormon
<joelteon> i have it aliased to -eighth in my completions
<purr> alexgordon: “Fantasy on "What Child Is This?"”, Mormon Tabernacle Choir: <http://tinysong.com/Abj9>, “Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound”, Mormon Tabernacle Choir: <http://tinysong.com/jXZw>, “Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing”, Mormon Tabernacle Choir: <http://tinysong.com/jkZq>
<elliottcable> and ♪ is to say “what I'm playing right now.”
<joelteon> -song moron
<purr> joelteon: “Tu Cuerpo Me Llama (Ft. Ronald & Moron)”, Reykon : <http://tinysong.com/UgKI>, “The Moron Brothers”, NOFX: <http://tinysong.com/iZ3C>, “Moron”, Sum 41: <http://tinysong.com/JCze>
<alexgordon> Mormon Tabernacle Choir OMG A RUDE WORD
<Willox> song music
<vil> ♪ really long song title
<purr> vil: Song not found. ):
<vil> aww
<joelteon> -song urethra
<purr> joelteon: “Dont”, blink-182: <http://tinysong.com/py1Y>, “Family Reunion”, Blink 182: <http://tinysong.com/K6U3>, “Fuck You Tom”, blink-182: <http://tinysong.com/hoZE>
<alexgordon> jeannicolas: be offended
<Willox> :c
<joelteon> blink-182 are urethral connoisseurs
<Nuck> joelteon: wat.
<purr> beep.
<vil> ♪ sofi needs a ladder
<purr> vil: “Sofi Needs a Ladder”, deadmau5: <http://tinysong.com/NJlu>
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ why do you keep hilighting jeannicolas in here? He never speaks. I'm pretty sure he's dead.
<joelteon> ♪ fossil genera
<purr> joelteon: “Fossil Genera - A Feed From Cloud Mountian”, Between the Buried and Me: <http://tinysong.com/VRpq>
<alexgordon> elliottcable: nah just gree'd
<elliottcable> ♪ Black Melt
<purr> elliottcable: “Melt Me”, Black Moth Super Rainbow: <http://tinysong.com/jjA4>
<joelteon> aw yiss
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ what?
<alexgordon> wait is joelteon gq?
<Nuck> ♪ penis
<purr> Nuck: “Penis Song”, Macklemore: <http://tinysong.com/xOCC>
<joelteon> no
<elliottcable> alexgordon: wat.
<purr> beep.
<joelteon> i'm otters
<joelteon> :|
<Nuck> hahaha
<alexgordon> as in gqbrielle...
<elliottcable> Yes. I know.
<elliottcable> Hence the wat.
<alexgordon> "aw yiss"
<Nuck> Nah, gqbrielle is not an otter.
<alexgordon> is something that gqbrielle says
<Nuck> Are you going to accuse me of being gq?
<alexgordon> aw yiss
<joelteon> really
<joelteon> a lot of people say aw yiss
<Nuck> Because I am *so* not Gentleman's Quarterly
<joelteon> it's a fairly popular phrase
<vil> at least it wasn't me again
<joelteon> it's memetic
<alexgordon> joelteon: but in here...
<alexgordon> only gqbrielle
<joelteon> and me, now
<joelteon> clearly
<elliottcable> Sgeo ⑊ Are you https://github.com/Sgeo?
<elliottcable> sanitypassing ⑊ and you, https://github.com/sanitypassing?
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ you, the same on GitHub?
<Willox> oh
<Willox> uh
<Willox> Willox303
<joelteon> heh, 303
<joelteon> solid
<gkatsev> elliottcable: I think sanity is sanity
<Willox> What's wrong with 303 D:
<vil> I'm using fossil for my app, and it's awesome
<joelteon> they're a good band
<Willox> oh ok
<vil> fossil as in the SCM
<micahjohnston> xcode is so nice
<micahjohnston> for like iphone guis
<joelteon> xcode is teh best ide out there
<micahjohnston> just control drag from a button
<joelteon> i wish there was more lunch today
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ I thoroughly hate Xcode/Interface Builder.
<elliottcable> too iffy / too much cognitive overhead
<vil> yeah, Interface Builder is kinda cool
<micahjohnston> too much cognitive overhead anyway
<vil> too much magic for my taste
<joelteon> it's the best iPhone GUI editor
<Nuck> emacs is the best IDE
<joelteon> nah bro
<joelteon> vim is
<vil> vim!
<Willox> I'm gonna have to use github now
<Nuck> haha
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ Please do.
<elliottcable> Fuckin' smallest private-repos plan for GitHub orgs is 25$/mo
<Willox> I have a couple of things up
<elliottcable> for *ten repos*
<elliottcable> I just want one! *wails*
<Willox> but I haven't contributed to other people's stuff
<joelteon> ok I'm gonna go play foosball for a bit
<joelteon> brb
<elliottcable> guess purr is staying elliottcable/purr, not hashElliottcable/purr
<elliottcable> lol which football, joelteon?
<purr> lol
<Nuck> Wait
<Nuck> Why not make it open?
<joelteon> foosball
<Willox> purr is a government technology
<joelteon> you know
<joelteon> the game with the players on the table
<vil> purr is actually sentient
<elliottcable> beause it's terrible code and currently has keys and shit in the source-code
<elliottcable> some day I might clean purr up and open him up
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: use bitbucket
<Nuck> yiffyiffyiff
<micahjohnston> for private
<elliottcable> but since he's in important public channels ...
<joelteon> use dotenv
<Nuck> No fuck bitbucket
<elliottcable> GOD this channel is loud now
<micahjohnston> Nuck: why
<Willox> elliottcable, my fault clearly
<elliottcable> what the fuck have I done, coming back
<micahjohnston> free private repos
<joelteon> yeah, get out
<Nuck> micahjohnston: Their UX is shit
<elliottcable> nah, Willox, it went from mostly-dead for several months, to loud again, because I returned from a long hiatus.
<micahjohnston> Nuck: it's kinda adorable i think
<Willox> :o
<elliottcable> also, gq stopped coming back in when I showed up. She hates me.
<Willox> Don't do that again
<Willox> This channel is already part of my life
<elliottcable> LOL
<elliottcable> yeah, that tends to happen
<Nuck> Yep
* vil nods
<Nuck> Eventually you start wearing ##Hats
<elliottcable> fuckin' ##Hats
elliottcable is now known as elliottcable^
<elliottcable^> QUICK HAT THYSELF
<joelteon> I'm not even going to try ##hats
Nuck is now known as nuck^
vil is now known as vil^
<Willox> I would
<vil^> these look like dunce caps
<joelteon> stick it to the man
<Willox> but people in #node.js will get scared
<vil^> stragely appropriate
<micahjohnston> omg i love baths
nuck^ is now known as ^n^u^c^k^
<elliottcable^> Willox ⑊ DO IT
<Willox> sigh
Willox is now known as Willox^
micahjohnston is now known as micahjohnston^
vil^ is now known as ^il
<^il> ha ha!
elliottcable^ is now known as ^lliott^able
<^lliott^able> ^il ⑊ well played.
Willox^ is now known as ^^^^^^
<^il> that's not how it works
<^il> oh god what's happening
^n^u^c^k^ is now known as ^uck
micahjohnston^ is now known as micahjohnston
<joelteon> yeah I don't want to spam the other channels
<^lliott^able> /join #elliottcable^
^lliott^able is now known as elliottcable^
<^uck> joelteon: They're used to it
<elliottcable^> keepin' my hat on.
<elliottcable^> anyway.
^il is now known as vil
<elliottcable^> joelteon ⑊ come on join the fun.
<^uck> People from #elliottcable tend to do weird shit
<elliottcable^> yeah, PEER PRESSURE, FIT IN FIT IN FIT IN
<elliottcable^> You wouldn't be here if you weren't weird.
<joelteon> what is an OCR double backslash
<joelteon> smoke the ovaries
<^uck> Optical Character Recognition
<elliottcable^> joelteon: wat.
<^^^^^^> THANK YOU joelteon
<purr> beep.
<^uck> -ovoids @ joelteon
<elliottcable^> who the fuck is ^^^^^^
^^^^^^ is now known as Willox
<^uck> OCR DOUBLE BACKSLASH | ⑊ (U+244A)
<elliottcable^> Why do none of you have that damn character!?
<elliottcable^> http://ell.io/iEBFf
<vil> I can see it
<^uck> Dude
<^uck> Even *I* have it
<vil> dunno what their problem is
<^uck> And I'm on Linux
<elliottcable^> yeah they have a problem, not us
<elliottcable^> we're the un-problem-havers
<joelteon> yeah, I know what it is
<joelteon> I'm just wondering why you're using it
<elliottcable^> *they're* the outside-the-loop ones! not us!
<elliottcable^> 'cause it's pretty as all fuck?
<joelteon> is that solarized?
<elliottcable^> you must be new here.
<Willox> ⑊
<^uck> joelteon ≀ its elliott.
<Willox> Chrome can't even render it
<elliottcable^> I change my tab-completion character regularly.
<Willox> I am doomed
<^uck> Don't ask.
elliottcable^ is now known as elliottcable
<micahjohnston> i need to create music
<micahjohnston> right now
<vil> micahjohnston: doooo eeet
<micahjohnston> programming iphone games is not an immediate enough expression of myself
<Willox> Doesn't look too good
frogor has joined #elliottcable
<^uck> elliottcable ≀ You've convinced me to change mine too
<elliottcable> frogor!
<frogor> Heyas :)
<elliottcable> frogor ⑊ put on a hat.
<elliottcable> frogor ⑊ it's the flavour du jour.
<joelteon> speaking of french
<Willox> elliottcable☂ how are you?
<^uck> Willox ≀ lel
<joelteon> I had steak au poivre and roast vegetable terrine for lunch
<^uck> ≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀ is actually what my read marker is in weechat
<joelteon> mine is //////////////
<elliottcable> read marker?
<elliottcable> fuck weechat
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> you know
<^uck> ha, you took a similar approach, joelteon
<elliottcable> getta irssi bitch
<joelteon> yeah
<elliottcable> screenshot?
<elliottcable> and yes, joelteon, this is solarized
<elliottcable> I've created solarized themes for everything, everywhere
<joelteon> and now my read marker is ⑊
<joelteon> it looks a lot better
<elliottcable> I'm super-obsessed with a consistent desktop UI
<^uck> Ditto
<elliottcable> Solarized <3
<joelteon> and it looks even better in super high DPI
<elliottcable> <3 Solarized
<purr> Let it be known that elliottcable hearts Solarized.
<^uck> I made my own theme
<joelteon> I'm using dark solarized
<elliottcable> joelteon ⑊ you have a Retina or Pixel?
<joelteon> retina
<elliottcable> joelteon ⑊ do you want my super-nice-hand-made Solarized irssi-theme?
<elliottcable> or, wait, you said you use weechat. my bad.
<Willox> elliottcable ->
<Willox> Yeah
<Willox> That's the best
<elliottcable> but 4srs. solarized. <3<3<3<3
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ what are you, coffeescript?
<Willox> ew
<Willox> Must change
<elliottcable> fuck arrows, it's unsemantic
<elliottcable> the point is a *seperator*, something like that
<joelteon> Hmmmm
<Willox> elliottcable~ sup
<elliottcable> I've always been tempted to make mine ^O
<Willox> wigglyu
<joelteon> Ok solarized light looks pretty nice
<elliottcable> and then some sort of hack to put a colour-code at the start of the line
<elliottcable> Willox Pretty?
<^uck> Actually it'd be cool to do a prefix and suffix for tabcompletions that uses the chars from powerline
<elliottcable> ick
<Willox> HexChat can't do it!
<elliottcable> How does powerline *work*!?
<elliottcable> That's not a real character! ಠ_ಠ
<^uck> haha
<elliottcable> ಠWilloxಠ How's this?
<^uck> It's called the Private Use Area
<elliottcable> wait, it comes with a character-font!?
<elliottcable> srsly?
<elliottcable> that's genius.
<elliottcable> Oh my god MUST DO THIS NOW.
<^uck> Powerline I believe has a system which patches other fonts
<elliottcable> brb writing all sorts of command-line interfaces with custom font-icons.
<Willox> elliottcable // do I win?
<frogor> Yay, hats
<elliottcable> ♪ If I Had You
<purr> elliottcable: “If I Had You”, Adam Lambert: <http://tinysong.com/HGoT>
<^uck> elliottcable ≀ It has a Python script to patch fonts, or you can configure a fallback font
* elliottcable gays the fuck up
<^uck> lefag
<Willox> It's time to hack HexChat so I can have nick completion suffixes over 3 chars
<^uck> ha
<elliottcable> the fuck is hexchat?
<Willox> (using the console command instead of the settings menu 'hack')
<elliottcable> get irssi.
<Willox> elliottcable // I am still on windows!
<elliottcable> frogor ⑊ How's #MacOSX these days? It's sure been a fuckin' while.
<Willox> My PSU is coming friday
<^uck> hexchat IIRC is the successor to xchat or something
<Willox> HexChat is an actively developed XChat
<Willox> That is properly cross platform
<^uck> Willox ≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀≀ I can make my completions as loooooooong as I want
<^uck> Yay weechat
<elliottcable> “Chloé” looks like a word for coughing up phlegm.
* elliottcable chloés
<^uck> ... it really does
<^uck> elliottcable ≀ Cloacas?
<elliottcable> oh gods why
<Sgeo> elliottcable, I am the same Sgeo as on GitHub
<elliottcable> Sgeo ⑊ 'k, just checking
<elliottcable> Sgeo ⑊ was adding you to the channel's org
<Willox> elliottcable%C2
<Willox> SO
<Sgeo> Cool
<Willox> NO
<Willox> I can't go over 3 chars
<^uck> %C2 lel
<Willox> HexChat text events
<Sgeo> Help why am I now interested in REBOl
<Sgeo> REBOL
<Willox> %C2,4 is meant to change color
<Willox> but it doesn't
<elliottcable> th'fuck is %C2?
<Willox> so
<elliottcable> er, no
<elliottcable> it's ^C*
<Willox> My client!
<elliottcable> hi, Willox
<elliottcable> ASCII-2
<Willox> HexChat is meant to support it
<Willox> Apparently not
<elliottcable> >> console.log("\0022,4abc")
<purr> elliottcable: undefined; Console: '\u00022,4abc'
<elliottcable> watevs
<Willox> I thought I could trust the documentation
<^uck> Tits
<Willox> elliottcable // I am keeping this
* elliottcable nods
<Willox> I feel fancy like you, with a compatible charset
<elliottcable> if so, then you're morally obligated to support me next time somebody starts arguing with me about *mine* in #Node.js
<elliottcable> I'll hold you to it.
<Willox> I'll argue with them
<elliottcable> time to learn about `git grep`
<elliottcable> 'cause it's a git command, and I don't know how to use it, and that's super-strange
<elliottcable> also, I need to find the implementation of git log --graph --date-order in the codebase so I can ape it for --author-date-order
<^uck> <C-c>b<C-c>c12
<^uck> I love you weechat
<Willox> I promise to use github properly
<^uck> You make colors so easy~
<Willox> Once I get my new desktop set up
<Willox> Windows
<elliottcable> irssi makes them even easier
<elliottcable> ^C2,5^O
<Willox> Everything is possible when you have windows
<^uck> huh
<^uck> Wait
<elliottcable> ⌃*
<^uck> WAIT
<^uck> Where is my Caps Lock-Eject swap
<elliottcable> Willox: what.
<purr> beep.
<^uck> WTF
<^uck> ugh
<^uck> Fuck you xmodmap
<elliottcable> ^uck ⑊ THAT FEEL
<frogor> elliottcable: It's still ticking along. Sorry for the delay in response, just demolishing someone in an email.
<Willox> I don't even need to try to use colors
<elliottcable> ^uck ⑊ THAT FUCKING FEEL
<^uck> elliottcable ≀ What?
<Willox> hehehe
<elliottcable> frogor ⑊ I demand you post the e-mail publically so I can read and laugh at it!
<^uck> Mine just broke cause xmodmap exploded
<frogor> elliottcable: I've been invited to speak at MacTech Conference in November :)
<^uck> Test
<^uck> Hey
<^uck> Works here too
<elliottcable> ^uck ⑊ the “My capslock isn't escaping anymore! Suddenly I can't use ANY OF MY COMMAND-LINE SOFTWARE!”
<Willox> ‏wee
<^uck> elliottcable ≀ Well, I don't have capslock as escape, I have capslock as Ctrl, and I use jj to escape insert mode
<elliottcable> I use escape in irc too
<^uck> Ah
<vil> wat
<^uck> I do too but chording <esc>2 and such is pretty easy
<vil> that didn't work
<vil> irssi y u no color
<^uck> Whereas Ctrl+W and such are harder
<frogor> elliottcable: And I'd paste the email, but it's work related and names names - but it's an idiot that's 2 pay grades above mine that's supposed to be a project manager for an entire agency that doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
<elliottcable> hm good point
<^uck> That reach on Ctrl+W is just eugh
<elliottcable> frogor ⑊ Whaddya do? Dev?
<^uck> I think I hav a bit more advanced tho
<^uck> Caps Lock is mapped onto my Eject key
<Willox> Is that not annoying?
<^uck> Is what not annoying?
<frogor> elliottcable: Umm, lots of things these days. Workstation and server administration and security (penetration testing / vulnerability scanning) mostly these days.
<Willox> that
<^uck> Willox ≀ Having Eject replaced with CapsLock?
<^uck> Or having Caps Lock as Control?
<Willox> Oh!
<elliottcable> frogor's a hacker!
<^uck> Or what?
<elliottcable> :O
<Willox> Caps lock as control is amazin
<vil> potato
<Willox> I thought you said caps lock as eject
<vil> there we go
<elliottcable> ♪ Voyager, Daft Punk
<purr> elliottcable: “Voyager”, Daft Punk: <http://tinysong.com/ZLYj>
<vil> Willox: yeah, mapping my caps lock to control was the best thing I've done to my keyboard
<^uck> Willox ≀ haha no. I only was willing to remap caps lock to control if I could save my caps lock
<vil> elliottcable: mmm
<Willox> I have done the same
<Willox> (caps lock to control)
<Willox> Wait
<^uck> Which is why I remapped Eject to Caps Lock
<Willox> My caps lock key is broken
<Willox> and is acting as F5
<^uck> hahaha
<^uck> Willox ≀ At least reloading is easy
<Willox> That's slightly less useful
<Willox> I don't even know what its doing
<^uck> Mashing F5 is suddenly quite simply
<vil> ^uck: I just hold shift, it adds even more anger
<^uck> Go on /b/, have fun
<joelteon> wow, weechat can do vertical splits
<Willox> It's just browsing this website on its own
<Willox> I don't know what it is doing
<^uck> Willox ≀ HAXX0RED
<elliottcable> Sorry, afk for a second while I fix purr slightly.
<Willox> I don't understand
<vil> god, it's amazing how much that affects the voice I hear
<Willox> It changes my history
<vil> brains are cool
<Willox> OH!
<Willox> Haha
<Willox> I changed it to backspace
<^uck> lmao
<vil> haha
<frogor> What is this, random keyboard mapping?
<Willox> This explains so much
<^uck> OMG
<^uck> That gives me an idea
<Willox> I thought I had set caps lock to control
<Willox> turns out it is backspace
<vil> map a key to randomly remap all your keys
<Willox> vil, except for itself
<^uck> I should make a program which automatically remaps all your non-alphanumeric keys
<Willox> So you can use it multiple times
<vil> no, it too
<^uck> On startup
<vil> moves to a different key
<^uck> So every time you reboot
<Willox> haha
<^uck> It picks a different layout
<^uck> That you have to relearn
<^uck> Or better yet
<^uck> Switch randomly between Colemak, Dvorak, and QWERTY
<vil> "better" yet
<^uck> With every
<^uck> Single
<^uck> Keypress
<Willox> It has to be in an order
<^uck> This is vile
<Willox> So you actually learn to type with it
<^uck> hahahaha
<^uck> This is genius
<Willox> That'd be pretty amazing to see someone doing
<Willox> Typing a whole word without moving their finger
<vil> brb
<elliottcable> What the FUCK are you people talking about?
<elliottcable> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> “Kapo also had a detachable vagina, which she once used as a decoy to aid her sister Pele to flee the overzealous Kamapua'a.”
<elliottcable> wat
<elliottcable> watwatwatwatawa
<elliottcable> WAtWaTwat.
<Willox> thanks, purr
<eboy> who wants a hat ^
<Willox> well I'm off
<elliottcable> WAIT
<Willox> have fun with your keyboard invention
<elliottcable> wait, why do I want you to wait
Willox is now known as Willox^
<elliottcable> bye
elliottcable is now known as elliottcable^
<Willox^> I'll wait if you want
<elliottcable^> forgot my hat D:
<eboy> youre welcome
<Willox^> I'll leave this on over night
<elliottcable^> <3 eboy
<purr> Let it be known that elliottcable^ hearts eboy.
<elliottcable^> shit
<vil> o7 Willox^
<elliottcable^> -- eboy
<purr> Let it be known that elliottcable^ is indifferent to eboy.
elliottcable^ is now known as elliottcable
<eboy> -wholoves eboy
<purr> eboy: eboy is loved by devyn and mix|hypomanic.
<elliottcable> <3 eboy
<purr> Let it be known that elliottcable hearts eboy.
elliottcable is now known as elliottcable^
<eboy> -wholoves eboy
<purr> eboy: eboy is loved by devyn, elliottcable, and mix|hypomanic.
<eboy> yay
<Willox^> <3 Willox
<purr> Let it be known that Willox^ hearts Willox.
<Willox^> Yes!
Willox^ is now known as Willox
<elliottcable^> lol
<purr> lol
<eboy> -whohates eboy
<purr> eboy: eboy is hated by gqbrielle and remyvaillancour.
<Willox> -loves Willox
<purr> Willox: Willox loves cheese.
<elliottcable^> -wholoves Willox
<purr> elliottcable^: Willox is loved by elliottcable and Willox^.
<Willox> damn
<eboy> -wholoves elliottcable^
<purr> eboy: elliottcable^ is loved by no one :(
<Willox> Make it use hostnames
<Willox> bye
<eboy> -wholoves elliottcable
<purr> eboy: elliottcable is loved by devyn, locks, sephr, IamTash, gqbe, mix, little_boys, and brr.
Willox is now known as Willox^
<eboy> -whohates elliottcable
<purr> eboy: elliottcable is hated by Nuck, gqbrielle, darkf, eboy, and everybody.
<elliottcable^> little_boys lol
<elliottcable^> wow
<eboy> wut
<elliottcable^> appears that gq is of two minds over me
<eboy> ++ elliottcable^
<purr> Let it be known that eboy loves elliottcable^.
<eboy> ++ elliottcable
<purr> Let it be known that eboy is indifferent to elliottcable.
<eboy> -- elliottcable^
<purr> Let it be known that eboy is indifferent to elliottcable^.
<vil> elliottcable^: that IS a common problem with her
<elliottcable^> true fact
<vil> *rimshot*
frogor is now known as ugly_people
<^uck> -loves nuck
<purr> ^uck: nuck doesn't love anything :(
<ugly_people> <3 elliottcable
<purr> Let it be known that ugly_people hearts elliottcable.
* elliottcable^ high-fives vil
ugly_people is now known as frogor
<^uck> -loves Nuck
<purr> ^uck: Nuck loves his penis, JavaScript, Redis, OrangeSoda, himself, Cracked, his iPhone, purr, LESS, Mocha, BitTorrent, gqbrielle, portland, Iron & Wine, Arch Linux, ∆, Bombay Bicycle Club, DownThemAll, ##Hat, LaTeX, Chrome, Lemon Jelly, /buffer clear, Broken Bells, Neutral Milk Hotel, Fleet Foxes, Arcade Fire, Cage The Elephant, Sufjan Stevens, vil, movements, VirtualBox, Tame Impala, Tunng, Hooray For Earth, Andrew Bird, Trails and Ways, catbug, Ritsu, locks,
<eboy> -loves eboy
<purr> eboy: eboy loves russfrank, devyn, C, logic gates, state machines, parsing, deterministic finite automata, lexing, ΩF:∅, America, ArchLinux, Ubuntu, sex, drugs, rock and roll, and Weird Al.
<vil> cutbug!
<^uck> Stop case sensitizing elliottcable^
<vil> *catbug!
<eboy> -- Weird Al
<purr> Let it be known that eboy is indifferent to Weird Al.
<frogor> -loves elliotcable
<purr> frogor: elliotcable doesn't love anything :(
<eboy> -loves eboy
<purr> eboy: eboy loves russfrank, devyn, C, logic gates, state machines, parsing, deterministic finite automata, lexing, ΩF:∅, America, ArchLinux, Ubuntu, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
<vil> -loves vil
<elliottcable^> Guys.
<purr> vil: vil loves remy, pie, Matchbox Twenty, The Glitch Mob, Daft Punk, Maths, Cake, Zedd, Nuck, purr, javascript, Adam Savage, Monstercat, Feed Me so much, Modest Mouse, micahjohnston, and C.
<elliottcable^> Guys.
<elliottcable^> Guys.
<elliottcable^> /join #purr
<elliottcable^> 'k?
<elliottcable^> 'k.
<elliottcable^> (=
<frogor> -wholoves elliotcable
<purr> frogor: elliotcable is loved by no one :(
<eboy> -hates eboy
<purr> eboy: eboy hates crockford.
<eboy> damn straight
<frogor> er doh
<frogor> -wholoves elliottcable
<purr> frogor: elliottcable is loved by devyn, locks, sephr, IamTash, gqbe, mix, little_boys, brr, and ugly_people.
<eboy> -wholoves frogor
<purr> eboy: frogor is loved by no one :(
<eboy> boo hoo
<eboy> -whohates frogor
<purr> eboy: frogor is hated by no one :)
<frogor> True, true.
<eboy> logically, no one knows frogor
<eboy> it follows
<^uck> -whohates eboy
<purr> ^uck: eboy is hated by gqbrielle and remyvaillancour.
<joelteon> logically
<frogor> eboy: Or they're just all indifferent to me.
<joelteon> heh
<^uck> Hahaha
<eboy> -whohates Nuck
<purr> eboy: Nuck is hated by Nuck, elliottcable, darkf, sephr, and gqbe{remy.
<^uck> Gq really hates you eboy
<eboy> you too
<eboy> ^uck: Qg also loves me
<joelteon> ok
<^uck> Only once for me tho
<eboy> -wholoves Nuck
<purr> eboy: Nuck is loved by devyn, gqbrielle, sephr, gqbe, Nuck_, everybody, vil, that_was_a_lie, gabberwocky, Laufeyson, and Harlequin.
<joelteon> switching to a light colored theme is pretty weird
<^uck> Gq is split on all of us
<joelteon> just sayin
<^uck> joelteon: You get used to it
<eboy> joelteon: light color schemes make me happy and seems cleaner to me
<eboy> like a fresh piece of canvas
<^uck> My OS X is all dark and Monokai, my loonix is all bright and happy
<^uck> I aimed for airy and clean with Linux. It paid off.
<eboy> dark themes are for poor hackers who want to feel elite but aren't so creative
<elliottcable^> IRC and MacVim are light-solarized
<^uck> Haha
<elliottcable^> random terminals and git-control terminals are dark-solarized
<^uck> Errything of mine is themed based on my wallpaper
<^uck> On Linux that is. Not that I use OS X anyways
<eboy> So everything of yours is furry?
<vil> back later, being coerced into exercise
* vil high-fives eboy
<elliottcable^> fucking furries
<eboy> lol \o
<purr> lol
<elliottcable^> coerced lol
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
purr has joined #elliottcable
<joelteon> ok this isn't so bad
<Willox^> ogod
<Willox^> mibbit is so bad
<joelteon> mibbit is pretty bad yeah
<Willox^> I need to put cgiirc on my server
<Willox^> or I could just ssh
<Willox^> brb
<jeannicolas> alexgordon: I'm offended
<joelteon> solarized colors are a bit hard to read
<joelteon> maybe it's just me
<alexgordon> elliottcable^ SEE
<alexgordon> HE LIVES
<Willox^> Chromebook can't use my private key
<jeannicolas> alexgordon: kinda forgot I was in this channel haha
<Willox^> I see you all removed your hats