<alexgordon> out of ALL the things I said
<alexgordon> including the stuff about fucking a squirrel
<alexgordon> the thing Nuck had an objection to, was that I said micah was religious??
* alexgordon is lucky to have a common name, since he doesn't want to be associated with squirrel fucking
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ lol.
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> elliottcable! entertain me
<alexgordon> no, not like that
<elliottcable> no.
<elliottcable> busy. designing.
<elliottcable> trying to wrap my head around how to do what I want, with WebWorkers.
<sephr> elliottcable: inspired by that thing I linked you?
<sephr> you wont be able to do anything with web workers in safari
<elliottcable> why not?
<elliottcable> and not at all, just working on Paws stuff that happened to coincidentally line up.
<elliottcable> sephr ⑊ got an answer for me?
<sephr> elliottcable: well you can use web workers but youll be on the slowest javascript impl of every browser
<sephr> i dont get how you can call firefox slow
<sephr> when safari is measurably the slowest
NuckingFuts has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<elliottcable> sephr ⑊ I mean to *use*.
<elliottcable> Not getting into this argument. What a waste of time and effort.
<elliottcable> =\][/.
<alexgordon> safari is not slower than firefox
<alexgordon> tbh, who gives a fuck
<alexgordon> they're all fucking free
<elliottcable> oh em gee this is adorable
<alexgordon> elliottcable: now you know what I sound like!
<elliottcable> lol alexgordon
<elliottcable> buckets of lies
<alexgordon> bitbuckets
<alexgordon> man
<elliottcable> -find bitcoin
<elliottcable> wat
<alexgordon> my humour is really suffering at this hour
<elliottcable> -find bitcoi
<purr> elliottcable: Found: how's the bitcoin doing?
<elliottcable> lol!
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> PENIS
<alexgordon> elliottcable: yeah the price of bitcoin is going up everybody flocks to get their cash out of mtgox
<elliottcable> lol yep
<elliottcable> I'm rich!
<alexgordon> lol
<alexgordon> how many bitcoins do you have?
<alexgordon> BTW, we knew that already
<elliottcable> ~16BTC, chump change, in my public identity; but I'll not say otherwise, as I wish to keep the majority of my wallet anonymous so I can spend it as I please.
<elliottcable> (brb buying all of the drugs?)
<alexgordon> even in the bitcoin world you are richer than me :(
<elliottcable> LOL
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> elliottcable: did you have a brain accident recently?
<elliottcable> how's that?
<alexgordon> you never used to say "LOL"
<elliottcable> A brain accident.
<alexgordon> like being bitten by a yeti
<alexgordon> or something
<elliottcable> That sounds like my skull sphincter opened up and dribbled some brain-matter down the back of my shirt without me noticing.
<alexgordon> you always used to say
<alexgordon> "/me laughs"
<elliottcable> And now everybody's walking around snickering at the pink stains on my underclothes, but nobody will tell me.
<elliottcable> Who knows, perhaps my identity's been stolen and I'm now somebody else.
<alexgordon> the thought did occur
<elliottcable> it's materially irrelevant though, because that new person is still writing software under my name, and appears to be just as insane.
<alexgordon> as did that one
<alexgordon> we think alike
<alexgordon> holy shit
<alexgordon> perhaps *I* am elliottcable
* alexgordon laughs
* elliottcable straight-face
<elliottcable> You will never know.
<alexgordon> I challenge you to a cook-off!
<elliottcable> Here's the true test of elliottcableness.
<elliottcable> Did you ever think,
<alexgordon> only when sephr is in here
<elliottcable> I once taught a pair of friendly neophytes to use git using nothing but dicks and ducks.
<alexgordon> elliottcable has a spiral shaped penis
<alexgordon> I have a rhombus shaped penis
<gkatsev> so, he's a bird?
<alexgordon> a duck
<alexgordon> dicks and ducks
<gkatsev> right
<alexgordon> gkatsev: why are you awake
<gkatsev> some other birds also have similarly shaped penises
<gkatsev> alexgordon: it's only 11pm
<elliottcable> gkatsev ⑊ timezone?
<gkatsev> alexgordon: why are you awake?
<gkatsev> I'm eastcoast
<alexgordon> it's only 4am
<alexgordon> oh wait you're the jewish one
<alexgordon> which one's the british one
* alexgordon squints at the user list
<gkatsev> there's another guy who's in israel
<gkatsev> I'm in Boston.
<elliottcable> fuck Boston
<alexgordon> right.
<elliottcable> it doesn't have cookies.
<gkatsev> has plenty of cookies
<elliottcable> it probably doesn't even have dicks *or* ducks.
<gkatsev> it has hosted *the* maillard duck for a while
<alexgordon> so tired
<gkatsev> it gave an award for homosexual necrophillia in the maillard duck.
* alexgordon attempts to change his centre of gravity so as to slide off his chair
<alexgordon> why is it
<gkatsev> alexgordon: why are you still awake?
<alexgordon> gkatsev: light is still on
<gkatsev> turn it off?
<alexgordon> can't reach
<gkatsev> >.<
<alexgordon> too tired to get up
<alexgordon> I just keep IRCing
<gkatsev> don't move to like finland or iceland or w/e. You'll just not sleep for 8 months of the year.
<alexgordon> somehow I don't think my sleep schedule could be more fucked up
<alexgordon> unless I were elliottcable
<gkatsev> well, if light influences whether you sleep or not.
<gkatsev> they have light about 8 months of the year
<gkatsev> maybe even more depending on where you are exactly
<alexgordon> lol, well anybody would find it hard to sleep if there's a bright light on
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> gkatsev ⑊ I grew up in Alaska, incase you weren't aware.
<gkatsev> elliottcable: I know
<alexgordon> I'm sitting on a chair, using my computer
<gkatsev> that's why blackout shades/blinds were invented
<alexgordon> (this sounds like some kind of sex line)
<alexgordon> about 3 metres away is a light switch
<alexgordon> can't... reach...
<gkatsev> through your computer at the lightswitch?
<gkatsev> through? what?
<gkatsev> *throw your computer at it
<alexgordon> it's around a corner
<alexgordon> can't get the right angle
<gkatsev> hope it bounces off the wall?
<alexgordon> nah
<gkatsev> lol
<alexgordon> what I need is a very long stick
<alexgordon> I NEED PORN, LOTS OF IT!
<elliottcable> Holy shit, this is a thing.
<alexgordon> ok
<alexgordon> I am getting up
<alexgordon> trying
<elliottcable> no.
<elliottcable> don't.
<elliottcable> stay down.
<alexgordon> *rape joke*
<elliottcable> god, now I'm horny.
<gkatsev> >.<
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* elliottcable pats gkatsev
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ help me plan my Paws.js design around webworkers, bitch
<elliottcable> damnit, gkatsev, did you successfully make him go to bed?
<alexgordon> [04:19:31] <elliottcable> stay down.
<alexgordon> [04:19:59] <+alexgordon> *rape joke*
<alexgordon> [04:20:53] <elliottcable> god, now I'm horny.
<alexgordon> [04:21:00] <gkatsev> >.<
<gkatsev> I didn't make him do anything
<alexgordon> if THAT doesn't make tumblr I don't know what will
<elliottcable> good point
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ go add it
<alexgordon> don't know how
<alexgordon> tell me how
<elliottcable> pretty sure you have privs
<alexgordon> yes but
<alexgordon> how
<elliottcable> oh. maybe not.
<elliottcable> got a tumblr account?
<elliottcable> just gimmie an e-mail addy
<alexgordon> somewhere?
<alexgordon> I dunno
<elliottcable> doesn't matter if it's your tumblr addy, I think.
<alexgordon> fuck it
<alexgordon> bed
<elliottcable> WAIT
<elliottcable> just made this
<alexgordon> BED
<alexgordon> SLEEP
<alexgordon> "How old are you?" IT'S A TRAP
<elliottcable> are you not signed up for Tumblr? really!?
<alexgordon> err
<elliottcable> I don't even *like* Tumblr, but I have a damn account, jesus
<alexgordon> well I am
<alexgordon> somewhere
* alexgordon puts in 42
<alexgordon> elliottcable: ok how do I do this. "chat" item?
<elliottcable> yep
<elliottcable> copy-paste in
<elliottcable> remove timestamps please
<elliottcable> unless they're very relevant
<elliottcable> and normalize usernames (if anybody's using a weird username, like elliottcable__ or something)
<elliottcable> other than that, I don't give a shit.
<alexgordon> tags?
<alexgordon> apparently not
<elliottcable> don't care.
<elliottcable> hey
<elliottcable> remember that time I trolled the everliving fuck out of nuck and, uh, I don't remember who, with that ‘get along’ shit?
<purr> hah
<elliottcable> it was SO FUNNY. I died A LOT.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: DONE
<elliottcable> link it here
<alexgordon> elliottcable: le petit mort beaucoup?
<elliottcable> I don't speak Simlish.
<alexgordon> LOL ^ jeannicolas
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> ok
<alexgordon> time for bed
<alexgordon> otherwise I won't be awake for eurovision, and THAT would be terrible!
<elliottcable> o7
<alexgordon> o7
<elliottcable> jeannicolas ⑊ holy shit, you're in here again?
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<elliottcable> damnit somebody talk to meeeeeeeeeeeeee
<Stumbler> :O?
<elliottcable> lol Stumbler
<purr> lol
<Stumbler> Damn, I'm behind the times, I had to look up o7 :(
* Stumbler walks away shamefully
<Stumbler> you said before that you had your irc client running on the same machine, logical inference seems to imply that the irc client is remote. Browser based interface?
<Stumbler> wrote it yourself?
<elliottcable> nope
<elliottcable> ssh
<elliottcable> irssi <3
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/itytI
<devyn> elliottcable: your tumblr post made me check out what's going on
<elliottcable> devyn ⑊ not mine, alexgordon's
<elliottcable> also lol
<purr> lol
Nuck has joined #elliottcable
<Stumbler> How did I end up here again?
<Stumbler> I seem to have fallen into a death spiral following chat logs from an array of irc bots
<elliottcable> lol Stumbler
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> probably started in #Node.js
<elliottcable> where you joined #purr, when you should have joined #elliottcable.
<Stumbler> But I'm in both
<Stumbler> purr isn't as active as I was hoping :(
* elliottcable laughs
<elliottcable> because it's quiet in here.
<elliottcable> -wat
<purr> elliottcable: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<elliottcable> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> I wish Linux made Adobe ports. I'd run Linux on my Photoshop... and then Gimp on my Linux
<elliottcable> -what
<purr> <gqbrielle> Nuck: lol darkf thinks he's the new you
<elliottcable> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> dude you've been using git longer than linus
<Stumbler> lol, I guess that's better than silence
<Stumbler> Wow, that last linux/adobe quote made me epiphany hardcore
<Stumbler> but only for a minute, when I realized I wasn't stoned and snapped out of it.
Nuck has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<audy> hi
<purr> audy: hi!
<audy> hi
<purr> audy: hi!
<audy> purr
<audy> purr hi
<purr> audy: hi!
<audy> hii
<audy> hi i
<audy> hmm
<audy> i hi
<audy> very clever
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<micahjohnston> elliottcable: I think you'd like this
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: saw them live last night (they're from slc)
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: elliottcable elliottcable real life
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<purr> lol
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