you got time, and the desire to dev, then? I can get into dev-mode if you want to try to collab on something.
entire point of all this meta-setup-shit *anyway* was to make collaboration easier.
i am kind of wanting to game make for iphone
but also design languages
design a game-langauge?
or a language that's a game.
the first one
or paws
or some shit
a langauge that's a game could be interesting.
didn't we have an “ideas” thing in purr, somewhere?
oh remember that one
bouncing shit
2d ascii gride
not befunge because that's gay
it had / and \ as bumpers
a language that's a game makes me think of interactive proofs like epigram
I'm thinking something visual.
It's a game, you've *gotta* get out of the text medium.
visual languages suck, but you're *making a game*, the language doesn't have to be epic or anything.
it's gotta be powerful enough to get an obsessive following.
the kind of people who write web-servers in Bash, or IRC clients in brainfuck.
somebody's gotta go try to write a JS VM in your game.
let's get a clean Paws made.
so we can develop for it.
I want to move forward with interesting, new stuff. )=
and the messy clusterfuck that is the *working* Paws was preventing that. /=
let's redesign paws the language
in several hours
and write it
it is currently a turing tarpit
micahjohnston ⑊ explain!
well like
it's hard to write things in bare paws
yeahyeahyeah pawsnculeas
but like it's fun to write things in bare lisp or haskell or shit
or Io
so like we could make it really fun
I gotcha, completely
here's my theory:
or at least, I guess, what I've designed for:
I want it to *accelerate* fast.
as in, it should be “fun to write things in” with *very little* abstraction on top of bare.
I've tried not to design-it-down, to the point where it's going to take some massive library of abstractions to be usable. Y'know?
If that turns out to be the case, meh, we can re-design, keep the good stuff.
I just want to find out if it worked, without having to waste even *more* time on re-design, unless it's obviously and visibly unusably-bad at some point while we're working, so we *know* we have to re-start.
oh so have you done some recent redesign?
aside: poker is a really elegant game from a game design standpoint
I've never played it; how so?
well, it's a really cool way to randomly give an ordering to a group of people, and to incrementally/gradually reveal information to each person about that ranking
and the betting mechanics are a really cool way to, e.g., allow you to force people to either take risks or drop out
not sure how to explain that
but I mean
it's entirely luck, like if you get consistently bad hands you will consistently lose
but still I admire the rules a ton
I get the idea
The rules don't try to *create* fun; they create an environment where things that *are* fun, thrive.
difference between floral carpet and a greenhouse.
heh kinda yeha
it's a very people game
although can be fun with AIs on a cell phone
I really like the way it controls information, and the ways and amounts of power it gives people over eacho ther
This language/platform/*whatever* it is, is one of the most disgusting things I've had the misfortune to lay eyes on. http://haxe.org/doc/features