alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
Hi, all
chiper ⑊ thinking about it, why?
Nuck ⑊ it happens in OS X.
Nuck ⑊ That's the entire point of CoreStorage, and what they sell to the public as “Fusion” drives.
Nuck ⑊ It does pre-emptive algorithmic caching of user-content, yes,
Nuck ⑊ But, far more importantly and usefully, it does *extremely* intelligent pre-emptive caching of *system* content.
Nuck ⑊ Re-phrased: OS X, or rather, Apple engineers, can't know too much about *your* data and code(machine code), so there can only be “fairly” simple (not really. but relatively so.) caching based on a simple ML approach to analyzing your access patterns;
Nuck ⑊ ... but they *can* know a hell of a lot about the OS's data and code, and can do a hell of a lot of powerful, intelligent swapping of OS data to and from the faster storage media (whether that's moving it up to an SSD-layer CoreStorage PV, or all the way up to one of the controlled disk's enslaved on-board cache, or even all the way into system RAM.)
um, lemme see if I still have a list of the relevant manpages; there's some really interesting reading in here
eh. got nothing, fuck.
nobody here. whatevs.
* elliottcable
bbl food, I suppose.
micahjohnston ⑊ if you show up, I'm going to be diving into Paws-work within an hour or so, for the next 8 or so after that. #workday #whee
elliottcable: because I just happen to own
and have been looking for a project to build in node
I've already started a project foundation. I'm digging around in my files for the schema I created for taskian
elliottcable: !
chiper ⑊ I'm planning to make this very specifically GitHub-projects *only*.
and I'd also make it paid, because it doesn't sound fun or innovative to make, so it's a waste of my time otherwise.
<elliottcable> or something
payment model I was planning:
like, tied into github issues?
up to five FOSS repositories for free;
payment for any private repos, or more than five repos of any type
repos where you don't create actual ToDos don't count against that
ah, yes, that would be useful. we've wanted something like that in the past
(i.e. using it as an overview of GitHub Issues' aggregated Task Lists *only*, is free)
They only count against your total if you start adding non-Issues tasks
for clients who could use access to issues, but we don't want accessing the repo
This is intended to be tied into GitHub for access.
Anybody with access to the repo, can access the task list; anybody who can create issues, can create tasks;
and anybody anywhere *ever* can create tasks on public repos.
how's your schedule tonight? test tomorrow? I wanna coeeeedddddd.
yeah test tomorrow
perhaps a bit o paws
I gotta learn these pieces for this music test
like, they're like 20% of 30% of the whole class's grade
but I should still do what I can :p
nah, focus on school
Paws can wait, and I have other shit I can do without your help, easily
it's all code-copying drudgery
with a smattering of API design fun,
and terrible cross-browser debugging un-fun.
ok cool
i crossed a minor milestone today on the getting-over-ex front :p
she made a joke and I said she was dumb, jokingly
all my friends pile the joking hate on me
including her
just a joke but like
so then she was like
take it back
also half jokingly but she takes things strangely seriously
and I didn't and she got mad and left and I didn't give a shit
* elliottcable
This girl doesn't sound like the highest quality of person.
Just sayin' that as somebody nosy who cares too much.
idk she's definitely a hypocrite/double-standardy person
self-admittedly sometimes but that doesn't make it better :p
that's basically the approach she takes towards relationships too, like she is super jealous, yet does things that would make her very jealous and upset were they done to her
anyway pawspawspaws
well, okay. Do you have HTTP?
→ #Paws.Nucleus
* elliottcable
pokes micahjohnston
he died D:
sephr has quit [Quit: Leaving]
sorry got distracted
is fine
trying to figure out how to implement a getter()
why are you wasting time on IE6? are you targeting china?
even IE7 is down to 0.5%
devyn_ has quit [Changing host]
devyn_ has joined #elliottcable
devyn_ is now known as devyn
Users will want it.
And the less popular the browser, the more likely a JS shim will continue to be necessary.
mmm, 23" Dell Ultrasharps are down to $200
not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript.
not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript, on Windows.
not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6.
not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6, using ancient, unsupported “debugging” (and I use that term *very* loosely) tools from 2005.
not only am I debugging *SOMEBODY ELSE'S* annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6, using ancient, unsupported “debugging" tools,
not only am I debugging *SOMEBODY ELSE'S* annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6, using ancient, unsupported “debugging" tools, but *that somebody else*, is TJ Holowaychuk.
I'm currently, meta-figuratively, “literally in hell.”
oh, did I mention that the ancient debugger crashes approximately half of the time there's an error it should catch and debug?
which means I have to restart the VM to make it work again.
and that the VM takes approximately thirty seconds to gain a DHCP lease from my parent O.S. before it'll boot?
So fucking MUCH.
oh. on top of all of that: I have the beer-shits, and have to rush to the restroom every fifteen minutes.
divide that by the rate of debugger-VM-crashing, and I manage approximately ten debugger-cycles in between nasty, time-consuming diarrhea-shits.
Ain't life a peach?
I'm alert()-debugging.
In the real world. It's a thing I'm doing.