elliottcable changed the topic of #elliottcable to: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<joelteon> yep
<joelteon> awkward
<joelteon> ahh, there we go
<joelteon> 12pt terminal font
<joelteon> now it all looks the same
<Willox^> I see I was added to the github organization with zero choice
Sorella has joined #elliottcable
<^uck> I still have my hat
<^uck> Willox^ ≀ You make it sound like you were raped
<^uck> "elliott just pushed me down and forced his github organization into me"
<joelteon> oh, wait, I get it
<joelteon> it looked bad bright because I lightened the colors
<joelteon> because I didn't like them
<joelteon> I wish someone would just swoop in and create the perfect color scheme
<micahjohnston> :3
<^uck> joelteon ≀ Solarized Light
<^uck> Or just start from scratch like me ;D
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> it doesn't really work for me
<^uck> TBH I started by copying my dark-background theme from OS X onto Linux, then slowly modified things
<^uck> I've got a linux branch of my dotfiles now
<joelteon> I have a modified version of Solarized I used in Terminal.app
<^uck> I generally just worked in 256 color mode
<joelteon> yeah so's everyone
<^uck> Not elliott.
<^uck> He has the 16 colors in his terminal set to solarized light I think
<joelteon> Dark color schemes are just so much more flexible
<joelteon> >_>
<^uck> Eh, it takes a different approach to design
<joelteon> yes
<joelteon> Websites should be light, and editors should be dark
<^uck> haha
<^uck> I'm slowly adapting to the idea of designing for light background terminals
<joelteon> I wish there was a version of inkpot for iterm
<joelteon> oh well
<^uck> It's had an interesting effect when combined with the thin-and-light M_ font I use
<^uck> M+
<elliottcable^> Fucking FUCK
<^uck> Recently I've been simplifying my stuff over time
<elliottcable^> holy shit, a message from jeannicolas
<^uck> Like, right now, I've got my nicklist hidden and I've "zoomed" weechat to a single part of a merged buffer
<joelteon> haha, using nicklists is for lames
<elliottcable^> Most awkward shit.
<elliottcable^> Just facetimed Chelsea.
<elliottcable^> Tried. So hard. To make it okay.
<joelteon> who's that
<elliottcable^> But it went terribly and got all awkward at the end. And now she's all bitter and angry.
<^uck> I use it on occassion, so I bound it on Alt+N
<elliottcable^> My, uh,
<elliottcable^> well, I guess, my ex.
<elliottcable^> We were best friends for a long time. Then she was my girlfriend for the last six months or so.
<^uck> wait she's your ex?
<elliottcable^> And I kinda-sorta dumped her last night.
<elliottcable^> Seriously? Did nobody catch that?
<^uck> Wait what why
<^uck> I did not
<joelteon> I wasn't here last night
<joelteon> brb, gotta piss
<elliottcable^> The whole thing where I came in here, cried about it, and *begged* Judofyr to go write some code with me to get my mind off of it?
<elliottcable^> you people suck. Nobody was here. I gave up after several hours and went offline. ಠ_ಠ
<^uck> Yeah I was probably asleep for that ^^;
<micahjohnston> elliottcable^: oh :(
<^uck> Dat sucks :(
* elliottcable^ shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<elliottcable^> watevs
* elliottcable^ goes back to fixing purr
* purr rrr
<micahjohnston> elliottcable^: :(
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
* micahjohnston hugs elliottcable^
<elliottcable^> I want her back.
purr has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable^> Honestly. I want to un-do it, I think.
<elliottcable^> I just facetimed her with the intention of getting all touchy-feely.
<elliottcable^> And instead of talking about how much she missed me, and how hurting she was, and blahblahblah, which she's been doing since it happened,
<elliottcable^> she immediately started talking about *her* ex (a guy that's been problematic for me, for her-and-my relationship, for a long while now).
<elliottcable^> Which killed all the desire I had to make it a make-us-better-and-figure-out-how-to-ask-her-back FaceTime, and then it ended horribly and awkwardly.
<elliottcable^> worst mood.
<joelteon> haha
<joelteon> You should get her back
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
purr has joined #elliottcable
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
purr has joined #elliottcable
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
purr has joined #elliottcable
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
purr has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable^> ♪ Careless World
<purr> elliottcable^ is listening to “Light Dreams”, by Tyga
<elliottcable^> wtf
<elliottcable^> lies, purr. lies.
elliottcable^ is now known as elliottcable
purr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<joelteon> ♪ goodbye to everything
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> whoops
purr has joined #elliottcable
<purr\GH> [purr] elliottcable pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/elliottcable/purr/commit/d01badd63c53671d4059abb721dae30ea79cb6dd
<purr\GH> purr/master d01badd elliottcable: re-formatting ♪ output to make it clear it's a “listening-to” command
<joelteon> ♪ goodbye to everything
<purr> joelteon is listening to “Goodbye to Everything Reprise”, by Between the Buried and Me
<elliottcable> that took longer than it should have
* elliottcable sighs
<elliottcable> most-depressed elliottcable.
<elliottcable> sorry
<elliottcable> UNRELATED NOTE
<elliottcable> vimpager is the best-fucking-thing
<elliottcable> especially for reading manpages
<elliottcable> it hilights everything SO PRETTY
<elliottcable> man + vimpager + Solarized == zomfg
<elliottcable> ♪ Future Blind
<purr> elliottcable is listening to “Future Blind”, by Pretty Lights
<elliottcable> fuckin' love Pretty Lights
<elliottcable> okay. killed the channel.
<elliottcable> bah
<elliottcable> fuck you all!
<^uck> haha
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: yeah he's awesome
<^uck> I'm just trying to get this old PHP bot for dA running
<^uck> I told these guys I'd bring it back online a looooooong time ago
<joelteon> "PHP bot for dA"
<joelteon> you win the worst sentence of the day award
<^uck> joelteon ≀ Yep. It's Contra. It sucks. I hate it. But I wrote this script for it, and I don't plan on porting it
<^uck> So it's the easier route
<micahjohnston> i gtg
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: :(
<elliottcable> bye micahjohnston
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: hope things get better in some direction
<micahjohnston> bye
<elliottcable> eh
<joelteon> bye. eh
Aria has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> Aria!
<elliottcable> Another long-time-no-see.
<Aria> g'norming!
<elliottcable> Aria ⑊ I was in Colorado recently! :D
<Aria> Oh fun!
<elliottcable> Landed in Denver, drove out to Vail.
<Aria> Good parts?
<elliottcable> You still there?
<Aria> Aw, nice!
<Aria> Nah, I'm in Boston now
<elliottcable> wat
<elliottcable> when'd you move?
<Aria> Almost two years now!
<Aria> Yeah, business folded, now I'm slinging PHP for a very, very gay company.
<elliottcable> very, very gay? :D
<elliottcable> PHP D:
<elliottcable> Shows a lot about the development of Western society and development-society in general, that.
<elliottcable> Ten years ago, somebody would have praised you for working in PHP, and judged you for working with people who are homosexual.
<elliottcable> Now, other way 'round.
<elliottcable> ♪ Hip Hop Changed
<purr> elliottcable is listening to “Hip Hop Changed (feat. Rye Rye)”, by Crookers
<elliottcable> lol
<purr> lol
Sorella has quit [Quit: (quit)]
<Aria> Hehe. VEry gay -- I work on the development of Manhunt.net
<Aria> Though we're using some node on the backend, and I enjoy writing all the infrastructure tools.
<elliottcable> Node!
<elliottcable> That's *very* gay.
* Aria smirks.
<elliottcable> interesting question:
<elliottcable> How much of the dev team you work with is *also* bi/gay?
<Aria> 70%.
<Aria> Two transwomen (hi!), half of QA. Most of management is gay men.
<elliottcable> that's so fucking awesome
<^uck> buttfucking awesome, even
<elliottcable> oh, I was asking specifically about devs
<elliottcable> ♪ Pharaohs, Sbtrkt
<purr> elliottcable is listening to “Pharaohs”, by SBTRKT
<vil> allo
<vil> I fucking love SBTRKT
<vil> <3 SBTRKT
<purr> Let it be known that vil hearts SBTRKT.
<^uck> Why are so many devs/technologists gay/trans/bi?
<^uck> It just seems to be the *norm* in this community
<vil> because computers are awesome and don't judge, bro
<elliottcable> Macfags.
<elliottcable> ♪ Alive, Krewella / Pegboard
<purr> elliottcable is listening to “Alive (Pegboard Nerds Remix)”, by Krewella
<Aria> What vil said.
<elliottcable> This may be purr's best feature.
<^uck> Possibly
<Aria> Also, I think, because we tend to explore all the options systematically, as a rule, and refuse to accept arbitrary limits.
<Aria> Also, because we're FABULOUS.
<vil> ^_^
<vil> I should make a bot to constantly spam you guys with the song pandora is playing
<vil> ALL DAY
<purr> elliottcable: Learned `pulse`.
<vil> meanwhile, I'm listening to new Alvin Risk that isn't on GS yet: https://soundcloud.com/alvinrisk/sets/junkfoodep
<elliottcable> Looking at Nodejitsu is making me really want to make a web-app.
<elliottcable> It looks great.
<vil> I have run out of power at my desk
<elliottcable> wat
<vil> probably time to move the server back downstairs
<elliottcable> are you running on a backup-battery or something?
<vil> literally no more plugs
<Aria> ... Wow. Click "Create SmartOS Machine". SSh to IP. Done. No step 3.
<vil> no, I just have no more room to plug stuff in
<elliottcable> Aria ⑊ hm?
<Aria> Joyent's service is just well done.
<Aria> "Make me a foo" "Okay"
<Aria> After using a few others lately for other projects, it's just painful to realize how easy it is again
<elliottcable> lol, I've never used it
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> and I don't *have* anything web-based.
* elliottcable sighs
<elliottcable> ♪ Finale, Madeon
<purr> elliottcable is listening to “Finale”, by Madeon
<elliottcable> Seeing ಠ_ಠ's in iMessages makes everybody look like they're sending you disapproving ghosts.
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/ifUYa
<elliottcable> Man, cleaning out my trackball's mount makes using my computer feel TOTALLY DIFFERENT
<elliottcable> My entire computer feels lighter and faster.
<elliottcable> Weirdest thing.
<vil> <3 fstab
<purr> Let it be known that vil hearts fstab.
<joelteon> <3 haxball
<purr> Let it be known that joelteon hearts haxball.
<joelteon> -loves haxball
<purr> joelteon: haxball doesn't love anything :(
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> -love haxball
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> well
<joelteon> now I look silly
* elliottcable shudders
<vil> -wholoves haxball
<purr> vil: haxball is loved by joelteon.
* vil puts a blanket of cat hair on elliottcable
<elliottcable> What the fuck is haxball? I can't seem to do anything
<elliottcable> there's no documentation at all for this shit
<vil> dpkg -s avahi-daemon
<vil> wow
<vil> I suck at life
<vil> nothing to see here
<elliottcable> HOW DO I PLAY THIS GAME, WTF
<elliottcable> give up. fuck it.
<elliottcable> fuck everything.
<elliottcable> ♪ Soon It Will Be Cold Enough, Emancipator
<purr> elliottcable is listening to “Maps”, by Emancipator
<elliottcable> ff
<elliottcable> I'm so cold. So, so cold.
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<joelteon> elliottcable: it's a game
<elliottcable> <decline button>
<elliottcable> is best button
<vil> ♪ Giorgio by Moroder
<purr> vil is listening to “Giorgio by Moroder (feat. Giorgio Moroder)”, by Daft Punk
<elliottcable> so cold
<joelteon> haxball is probably the best game in the world
<vil> people who use 'o's for bullets in manpages should be beaten about the head
<vil> so distracting
<joelteon> yep
<elliottcable> THAT.
<elliottcable> •. you fucks.
* vil glares at the author of rsync's page
<elliottcable> .•°O( Perhaps )
<elliottcable> HOW DO I FIX GIT
<elliottcable> anybody here ever contributed to git?
<vil> switch to fossil
<joelteon> what's wrong with git
<Aria> Not contributed, no.
<elliottcable> the fuck is that
<vil> it's amazing
<elliottcable> it's not git, nobody cares
<elliottcable> but I have a fossil watch
<elliottcable> or three
<elliottcable> and lots of fossil handbags
<elliottcable> that looks terrible
<Aria> fossil is frickin' weirdoland. It's like git if git used sqlite instead of hash trees.
<elliottcable> weirdoland indeed
<vil> but comprehensible
<elliottcable> looks like weaksauce
<^uck> vil ≀ The o-for-a-bullet thing isn't from the author
<^uck> IIRC
<elliottcable> git is completely comprehensible.
<elliottcable> I disabled FaceTime and BEST FEE
<elliottcable> FEEL
<vil> I spent several months with it and still don't understand it
<vil> I spent half an hour with fossil and know most of the commands
<elliottcable> What do you want to learn? I can teach you anything.
<elliottcable> It's *really* not complex.
<^uck> It's been a few weeks since I last wrote groff
<elliottcable> git is like paws.
<elliottcable> it's only complex if you swallow the hype.
<^uck> But IIRC bullets are rendered by the man page viewer
<vil> I don't understand paws either. :D
<vil> well, a bit of it
* elliottcable headdesks
<elliottcable> then let me teach you git *and* Paws.
<Aria> Hmm. I don't know all the git commands.
<Aria> But give me a few minutes and I can fix your repo ;-)
<elliottcable> I know, lessee, I'd say a solid 75-80% of git's tools/their flags
<joelteon> I had to actually learn how to git for my job
<joelteon> it wasn't hard
<^uck> I use and love git. I don't fully understand all the corners of it, but I know enough to be capable
<vil> it's just so obtuse
<elliottcable> The things I *don't* know very well are pretty easy to list: some of the porcelain / helpers (I just learned what bisect's for, the other day, for instance); all the mail-related shit, because who *cares*, we have GitHub; some of the internals that I've never had *break* for me, so I've never had to learn them so I could fix them ...
<elliottcable> and gitk/git-gui/whatever
<elliottcable> and instaweb
<elliottcable> all things I have no use for, 'cause GitHub.
<elliottcable> every part of git that GitHub doesn't obselete, I know well.
<vil> I tried to actually y'know, roll back changes, for the first time ever, and it was like nope this thing you've never heard of is inconsistent
<vil> so I gave up and installed fossil
<elliottcable> lolwat
<purr> lol
<^uck> lmao
<^uck> Dude
<vil> I'd be happy to learn git, but I don't think I'll ever *like* it
<^uck> Rule #1 of Git is don't fucking rollback
<vil> that's the point of the damn thing, is it not?
<vil> to be able to manage changes?
<^uck> ... Wait, do you mean go back into history and retrieve a previous commit?
<vil> yes
<elliottcable> ... seriously?
<elliottcable> you had trouble with that?
<^uck> Because that's easy as fuck with git checkout [sha1 here]
<vil> <insert proper terminology here>
<vil> I'm aware of that
<vil> and it still broke
<elliottcable> uh
* ^uck facedesks
<^uck> HOW did it break?
<vil> I don't remember
<elliottcable> he doesn't want to describe; he'd rather switch
* elliottcable shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<elliottcable> well, enjoy your new tooling
<vil> I was trying to only check out a few files from a commit
<Aria> Heh. I roll forward and back all the time.
<elliottcable> now, onwards to the more important point:
<^uck> Ah now that is a bit trickier, taking specific files from a commit
<Aria> Aaah, yeah, git does tend to work in whole-tree mode.
<^uck> Aria ≀ Yeah
<^uck> That's the only problem I can see with git
<elliottcable> well fuck
<Aria> You can retrieve individual files from a revision, but it's mildly painful.
<vil> I'm sorry I was busy with college and stuff
<Aria> That said, script it once and fixed -)
<Aria> git show commit:file > file ;-)
<^uck> Honestly on OS X I tend to use SourceTree
<^uck> ah that's a good thing to know, thanks for that Aria
<elliottcable> not painful at all
<Aria> Sourcetree is so damn good. Except for its complete inability to deal with force pushes.
<^uck> haha yeah
<^uck> Well
<elliottcable> how the fuck is `git checkout [tree-ish] -- filename.js` painful!?
<^uck> Actually I find it easier to force push in SourceTree in certain situations
<Aria> huh!
<^uck> Hey, another way~
<^uck> That's another good thing to know
<elliottcable> >,<
<elliottcable> I feel like nobody in here ever listens when I try to teach something.
<elliottcable> I must be the worst teacher in the history of teaching.
<^uck> My biggest problem with git is when I accidentally muck around in the hashtree and it explodes because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing
<elliottcable> Maybe I should go get a degree in education.
<^uck> elliottcable ≀ Oh no I've had worse. Like my freshman year math teacher
<elliottcable> I need money little-enough that I wouldn't have to care that it's worthless, as long as it teaches me to make people listen to me.
<^uck> I never learned less in class
<^uck> Actually wait no
<^uck> I learned less in Intro To Programming
<vil> THAT
<elliottcable> doesn't count if you already knew the material.
<vil> haha
<^uck> That's *every* class for me, elliottcable
<elliottcable> >,<;
<^uck> I'm always a few semesters ahead of the curve~
<joelteon> learning isn't hard ~
<elliottcable> I need, like, a coat to put on over my coat. I'm so cold. So fucking cold.
<elliottcable> HEY CHEER ME UP, ROOMIES
<elliottcable> tell me jokes
<elliottcable> go
<Aria> PHP.
<vil> called it
* vil high-fives Aria
* Aria high-fives.
<elliottcable> Your jokes suck
<elliottcable> I'll tell *you* jokes
<elliottcable> Why do Jewish men get circumcised?
<Aria> Well, yeah. My joke was PHP. Not gonna disagree there ;-)
<joelteon> Jokes
<elliottcable> 'cause Jewish women can't resist anything 20% off
<elliottcable> SNERKSNERKSNERK
<elliottcable> this isn't making me happy D:
<joelteon> I learn that 0 +0x02 evaluates to 4 in some versions of PHP
<elliottcable> I still hate everything D:
<joelteon> 0 +1e7 evaluates to, like
<joelteon> no, wait
<joelteon> 0 +0x1e7 is
<^uck> elliottcable ≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~MOAR TILDEBOOS
<joelteon> 1000487
<elliottcable> ≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀~≀ might be the best thing ever typed into a text-field.
<joelteon> PHP's parser is a bundle of laughs
<joelteon> I say parser in a relative sense
<elliottcable> joelteon: what.
<purr> beep.
<elliottcable> -what
<purr> <micahjohnston> I don't enjoy plumbing on a coputer
<joelteon> fun fact
<joelteon> PHP's parser doesn't build an AST
<joelteon> it emits opcodes
<elliottcable> it can't be as bad as the official MediaWiki parser.
<elliottcable> which is written *in* PHP.
<joelteon> correct
<elliottcable> Man, I should go write some PHP.
<elliottcable> I bet I could do some seriously evil fucking shit.
<elliottcable> My only problem, is that I feel like I can't *beat* most of the PHP code out there.
<^uck> hahaha
<elliottcable> Even **I** probably can't fuck PHP up more than the average PHP dev *already* fucks it up.
<^uck> I just had to get some PHP to run and that was fun >_>
<^uck> Luckily it's running now so I can ignore it
<vil> ah, elliottcable, THIS will improve your evening: http://phpmanualmasterpieces.tumblr.com/
<joelteon> You can do anything with variable variables.
<^uck> haha
<Aria> On the other hand, we beat Modyllic into shape today at work. https://github.com/OnlineBuddies/Modyllic
<^uck> Hey
<^uck> At least it's not Perl, right?
<Aria> SQL migrations that DON'T SUCK.
<Aria> Hey now. Perl is where a lot of interesting language hacking is now
<Aria> All the idiots left Perl for PHP and Ruby.
<Aria> So Perl is now getting to be elegant and full of awesome people.
<Aria> Who believe in backward compatibility and testing.
<^uck> I can't call it "elegant" when it's such a hideous beast
<^uck> It's far too complex of a language with far too many oddities
<^uck> It's like English. One word might mean one of 15 different things depending on how it's used
<joelteon> 0xabad1dea
<joelteon> that's awesome
<joelteon> Hey, I resent that Ruby remark.
<^uck> And it looks a lot like the output of /dev/random
<^uck> haha
<^uck> I do too
<Aria> Hehe. You are reading the wrong perl.
<elliottcable> Oi, Ruby rocks.
<Aria> And it's actually pretty consistent internally. Just ... not the same use of those symbols as other languages.
<Aria> not as wacky as say haskell.
<^uck> I really love Ruby.
<elliottcable> lol “believing in bacwards compatibility” == “awesome”
<purr> lol
<joelteon> Haskell's "wacky" operators are almost 100% third parties' faults.
<elliottcable> joelteon ⑊ you just found 0xabad1dea?
<^uck> Last I checked Perl's symbols actually meant different things in different situations
<joelteon> The weirdest stdlib operators are <$> and <*>
<^uck> That's what every perlist I've spoken to explained
<elliottcable> Wait a sec.
<elliottcable> phpmanualmasterpieces is by 0xabadidea!?
<Aria> ^uck: No, actually. $ means scalar, @ means list, % means hash. That's it. Always. == means "numeric equal", eq means "string equal". Perl's actually anti-overloading.
<elliottcable> I love her!
<Aria> Hehe, yes indeed.
<Aria> I really need to meet her at some point. I live a couple miles away.
<elliottcable> she lives in CO? :O
<Aria> No, MA ;-)
<Aria> Since I'm in Boston now.
<elliottcable> oh!
<elliottcable> forgot.
<elliottcable> fuckin' Boston.
<elliottcable> Do I need a Boston list *too*, now?
<Aria> Hehe.
<vil> <3 rsync
<purr> Let it be known that vil hearts rsync.
<^uck> rsync is like a superior cp
<Aria> Thank you Andrew Tridgell.
<vil> now I just have to stick this in crontab
<vil> and my server will be fully-functional again
<elliottcable> people still use cron?
<joelteon> ya
<^uck> I'm pretty sure systemd has a superior replacement by now
<^uck> They were working on one at least
<vil> I should probably look
<elliottcable> “(Normally I wouldn’t worry about segfaulting in an interpreted language, but, well, PHP. It happens.)”
<elliottcable> systemd <3
<elliottcable> and fuck both.
<elliottcable> LaunchD, brotha.
<vil> hmmm
<elliottcable> Having a breakdown. I think. Can't seem to see straight.
<^uck> launchd and systemd are fucking amazing
<^uck> Also calm down, elliottcable, take some ovoids.
<Aria> and smf. Real modern init replacements rock so much
* elliottcable shivers
<vil> should install systemd this weekend
<elliottcable> arch the fuck up
<elliottcable> I'm SO FUCKING COLD
<elliottcable> WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
<elliottcable> turned my house's heat up twice, put on extra layers, and just getting colder
<vil> I don't think I can get Arch to boot properly on the mini
<vil> Debian was a pain as it is
<vil> though I'm curious if it would work now that I have the boot sequence set up
<joelteon> elliottcable: jump into a fire
<joelteon> lol
<purr> lol
<vil> what the fucking fuck is this line of code
<joelteon> there's this couple on my newsfeed and they're both named Dakota
<vil> `if (!((_ok) ? true : (Math.random() > 0.1))) {`
<joelteon> what a weird name
<Aria> log 10% of all errors.
<^uck> vil ≀ Once the bootloader is there, everything beyond is infinitely simpler
<^uck> Also that line is perfectly legible to me
<^uck> Though, uh
<^uck> What the fuck
<vil> yeah
<^uck> That does say what I think it does, right?
<vil> ♪ Contact by Daft Punk
<purr> vil is listening to “Contact (By K3lmyDR) (Www.FlowHoT.NeT)”, by Daft Punk
<vil> holy shit this song
<^uck> ♪ Get lucky, daft punk
<purr> ^uck is listening to “Get Lucky”, by Daft Punk ft. Pharrell Williams
<vil> nice link, purr
<vil> alright, cron is set up. now I just have to wait for three am to see if it backs up
<vil> I'm out of music, so see you guys in the morning
<vil> o7
<vil> elliottcable: get warm
<joelteon> haha, tim howard
<vil> I was wrong
<^uck> woo, queued for interview for what.cd
<vil> I wasn't trying to checkout old files when it broke, it was git-revert that wouldn't work
<^uck> Reverting a commit?
<^uck> That's a *very* risky operation, due to the way git is structured. However, if you google for "git undo" there are some aliases that provide it
<vil> yeah
<^uck> The biggest problem is that once you push to a remote, it's a million times harder to undo
<^uck> Because the remote ends up being at a newer commit than the local, and it refuses to push to it
<vil> I hadn't pushed, local only repo
<vil> I wish I could remember the error it gave me
<vil> ^uck: what is what.cd?
<^uck> Oh well then that's not a problem. If you copypaste the undo command in, it'll have it
<^uck> vil ≀ What.cd is a private bittorrent tracker dedicated primarily to music
<vil> oh neat
<^uck> Imagine even the most obscure albums
<^uck> and tracks
<^uck> In FLAC, V0, V2, and 320kbps
<^uck> With full log file, cue file, and many seeds
<^uck> I believe even Trent Reznor uses it. I know he openly admitted to using the predecessor (oink)
<^uck> I'm getting into private trackers right now. Got into animebyt.es a while ago, getting into what.cd (hopefully) today, and fishing around for a jpopsuki invite
<vil> coolio
<vil> alright, now I'm off to bed
<^uck> Night vil-lian
<^uck> e-vil
<^uck> Goddamnit vil your name is too punnable
* vil grins e-vil-ly
* vil punches himself in the face
<joelteon> I really should go to the gym...
^uck is now known as nuck
Aria has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<elliottcable> I asked her back.
<elliottcable> She said no.
<elliottcable> She said no.
<elliottcable> She said no.
<elliottcable> It's over for good, and I am having a nervous fucking breakdown.
<elliottcable> Help me.
<elliottcable> And yes, this is the only place I have to go. I've got noöne else to turn to.
sephr has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<nuck> I'd really love to give advice but I'm dumber than you are -_-
<nuck> I know
<nuck> elliottcable: Explain multi-process programming to me :D
<elliottcable> what?
<joelteon> elliottcable: explain paws to me
<joelteon> i just got back from the gym
<joelteon> enough physical exercise
<joelteon> time for mental
<elliottcable> it's a programming language and it does stuff
<joelteon> oh cool
<joelteon> so it's like PHP
<elliottcable> yeahish
<joelteon> sweet
<joelteon> so i'm trying to write a vim binding to swap the current line with line N
<elliottcable> Paws is a programming language
<elliottcable> what do you write
<joelteon> uh
<joelteon> my favorites are haskell and ruby but i also write perl/c/javascript/objc/rust/scala/lua
<nuck> OMG
<nuck> What if you could combine Ruby and Haskell
<nuck> Ruskell
<joelteon> hmm
<joelteon> what would be the characteristics
<joelteon> static typing makes pretty much all of ruby useless
<nuck> Who cares
<nuck> The end result will just be PHP
<joelteon> guys, do you have ANY idea how to make a keybinding in vim swap between relativenumber and number
<joelteon> because setting one disables the other
<nuck> Some hideous monster with attributes of 17 other languages that should never exist
<nuck> joelteon: Oh oh I can give you mine
<joelteon> and well
<joelteon> ok
<nuck> I have that mapped to Ctrl+R
<joelteon> yeah, that's what I thought
<joelteon> show me
<nuck> nnoremap <C-r> :exec &relativenumber == 1 ? "set number!" : "set relativenumber!"<CR>
<joelteon> oh, meta
<joelteon> haha I always forget <cr>
<joelteon> and then it just types it out
<joelteon> I feel like a moron
<nuck> haha
<joelteon> ok thx nuck
<joelteon> I'm trying to write a binding NOW that swaps the current line with line N
<joelteon> but I'm about out of my depth here
<nuck> Hoooo boy
<nuck> Yeah IDK that
<nuck> But I thought there was a command to swap em
<joelteon> :l1 | delete | l2 | put | l2 | delete | l1 | put
<joelteon> looks good
<nuck> huh
<joelteon> 13ggdd15ggPjdd33ggP
<nuck> What's l1 and l2?
<joelteon> line 1 and line 2
<nuck> oh
<nuck> I'm not used to those expanded vim things
<nuck> Isn't that wrong though?
<joelteon> yeah I think so
<joelteon> but the point is it's not trivial
<nuck> Yeah it'd just be like :1dd2pdd1p
<joelteon> oh jesus
<nuck> Or something like that
<joelteon> what a simple, straightforward example
<elliottcable> paws
<elliottcable> is a programming language
<nuck> For yiffers
<elliottcable> it has executions
<elliottcable> which are like continuations
<elliottcable> but not really
<joelteon> oh boy
<nuck> Like vil, and his horse sex brigade
<joelteon> I like continuations
<joelteon> I didn't get them for a long time and then I realized that I was just doing it wrong
<nuck> I like coroutines
<nuck> IDK about continuations on a broader level, but coroutines are fun
<joelteon> vimscript is a little gross
<joelteon> just sayin
<nuck> Just a little.
<joelteon> ok I guess I'll make a swap command
<joelteon> gross
<joelteon> wow, this is terrible
<joelteon> vim commands have nonsensical scoping
<nuck> I didn't think they even had scoping
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> I guess that's another way to put it
<nuck> Or are you referring to the odd parameter passing
<joelteon> I'm talking about when you pass variables to a command, they're treated as though they were being referenced in the original definition scope
<joelteon> not in the current execution scop
<joelteon> e
<nuck> haha
<nuck> I wasn't aware variable referencing was affected by scoping in that respect
<nuck> I guess it matters if it's pass-by-reference
<joelteon> nuck, do you use a replacement for esc in insert mode or no
<nuck> Oh yeah
<nuck> jj
<nuck> thinking of switching to hj or something
<nuck> Might also move hjkl down to jkl; so I don't have to shift my finger
<elliottcable> Paws is concurrent and asynchronous.
<nuck> Paws are fuzzy little cute dogfeets
<joelteon> I can't use jj because it's not on the home ro
<joelteon> w
<joelteon> I could use hh
<nuck> >jj not on the home row
<nuck> What
<nuck> jj should be under your right pointer finger
<nuck> Unless you use Dvorak or Colemak in which case why the fuck are you using vim
<joelteon> I use dvorak
<nuck> oh lel
<nuck> you poor guy
<joelteon> yeah it's not bad
<joelteon> navigation is kinda weird but I've gotten used to it
<joelteon> j and k are close together and I don't use h and l much tbh
<joelteon> because w/e/b are much faster
<joelteon> and /
<nuck> heh yeah
<joelteon> and t and f
<elliottcable> hello?
dnyy has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<elliottcable> I feel so sick.
eboy has quit [Quit: Reconnecting]
eboy has joined #elliottcable
dnyy has joined #elliottcable
<vil> sweet, the backup worked
<vil> elliottcable: feeling any better? :/
Willox^ is now known as Willox
<Willox> Aw yeah
<Willox> new google maps invite
<vil> it's pretty
<vil> and I assume functional but I live in the middle of nowhere, so it's hard to tell
<Willox> heh
<Willox> Definitely faster
<Willox> Looks like it now uses canvas
<Willox> or something
<Willox> it's just magic
<vil> probably magic
<Willox> It's google earth!
<Willox> With stars!
<vil> yep yep
<Willox> It even has a sun
<Willox> That's crazy
<vil> I wonder if the sun's position is accurate?
<Willox> What is the time in Tibesti Chad
<Willox> "11:34 AM"
<Willox> On the dark side "10:34 PM"
<Willox> I think the sun is accurate
<vil> holy crap
<Willox> It's pretty cool
<Willox> There's this person trying to get in contact with me and we have completely opposite wake schedules
<Willox> gonna get up early for them :)
<Willox> I always wanted to go back in time and release chrome in like 1999
<Willox> And create some massive tech revolution
<vil> heh
<Willox> Or just sent my computer to AMD of the past
<Willox> send*
<vil> sweet, my app is showing signs of life
<Willox> what'cha making?
<vil> it's like Cloudapp or Droplr, except you provide the server(s)
<Willox> Ah that thing
<vil> yepyep
<vil> currently building a temporary UI so that I can test the protocol implementations independently of the main interface
<vil> and also because I'm not sure what I want it to look like yet
<Willox> I feel sick now
<Willox> I don't know why I decided to eat an entire swiss roll
<vil> I love Objective-C
<Willox> I don't even know if I've seen any Objective-C code before
<vil> [uploadManager setUploader:uploader isEnabled:object];
<vil> there you go
<Willox> wat
<Willox> so you're calling two methods there?
<vil> [reciever selector:parameter otherPartOfSelector:param2];
<vil> nope
<Willox> I don't like obj c D:
<vil> a single method named setUploader:isEnabled:
<vil> it's "named arguments" but not really at all
<vil> it's like receiver.setUploaderIsEnabled(uploader, object); in java
<vil> you can split the method names like that to make them more sentence-like
<vil> and in fact you almost have to
<Willox> Splitting method names sounds freaky
<vil> it's the only way to declare parameters, unless you want a variable list
<vil> you get used to it, I really like it
<vil> makes it more obvious what each part of a call is being used for when you're on the outside
<vil> instead of doStuff(withAThing, andAnother)
<vil> it's doStuff:withAThing UsingOptions:andAnother
<Willox> I like languages that let you define arguments like
<Willox> (arg2 = var, arg1 = var)
<vil> you mean like default parameters?
<vil> or, oh
<vil> I get it
<Willox> I don't know the name for it
<vil> not in the signature, but actually when you call it
<Willox> named arguments
<vil> yeah
<vil> but anyway, the syntax isn't why I love it, I love it for the runtime
<Willox> I don't know any languages that do it though :v
<vil> Cascade will, I think
<vil> sorta
<vil> (my language)
<Willox> Visual Basic does it :V
<Willox> I have to learn visual basic in college next year
<Willox> sigh
<vil> http://cl.ly/PIj6/image.jpg <-- Objectve-C runtime magic
<vil> I'm so sorry
<Willox> It won't be difficult at least
<vil> like I said, I'm so sorry
<vil> alright, all that's left is to actually make this upload stuff
<vil> I think
<vil> oh, and the log
<vil> but that's easy
<Willox> The PSU is coming tomorrow :D
<vil> woo!
<vil> crap, productivity is losing steam
<Willox> *whip
<vil> wow, neat
<Willox> Saw it on xkcd
<Willox> “I installed your extension and then forgot about it … until I logged into my bank account. Apparently my total balance is equal to the cost of a low-end bicycle. Thanks.”
<vil> bahaha
<Willox> Obj c looks pretty cool
<Willox> I still reckon I prefer how other languages handle arguments
<vil> Objective-C's syntax definitely shows its age
<vil> but I don't mind it
<vil> plus, having C underneath is awesome
<Willox> I imagine so
<Willox> I havent really branched out of web development except for Lua
<brr> rude kick elliottcable
<vil> why am I integrating fossil into my prompt instead of working?
<vil> oh neat, it's built-in to zsh
<whitequark> >having C underneath is awesome
<whitequark> do you like undefined behavior so much? why don't you marry it, then?
<vil> it's a risk I'm willing to take
<whitequark> read as: "I willingly write my programs so they would be vulnerable to a dumbest and most harmful class of errors."
<vil> Obj-C takes away most of the risk
<vil> but when I need to drop down to the lower level, I can
<vil> I was able to interface directly with libcurl, for example
<vil> besides, it's not like I have much of a choice, at least on the Mac
<whitequark> discover this neat feature called "FFI"
<vil> if I want into the store, I write Obj-C. that's all there is to it
<vil> but yes, I happen to enjoy writing C
<vil> I like thinking on that level, for whatever reason
<whitequark> well, there is nothing wrong with writing C recreationally
<Willox> Apparently -in IE9- this is a "black" glow: http://willox.co/files/uploads/14-33-42.png
<whitequark> just as there is nothing wrong writing an OS entirely in x86 assembler recreationally.
<vil> nice noise pattern
<Willox> the noise moves with my mouse
<vil> bahahaha
<Willox> I just wanted nice text shadow in IE9
<Willox> But if that can't afford it my entire idea is kinda dead
<Willox> support it*
<vil> I still find it hilarious that the standard tool for opening a Mac mini is a putty knife
<Willox> Why do all icons n the world have to be so glossy
<vil> Eye Catching Visuals™
<Willox> sure
<Willox> All I wanted was a white house
<vil> the OS X one is white and not glossy
<Willox> PERFECT
<vil> …it also has a very short second floor
<Willox> I literally meant a white 16x16 icon
<vil> (not related)
<Willox> They are
<vil> time to NSCode all the things
<Willox> icon for now
<nuck> vil: You clearly mean [NSCode makeNewWithButt:elliott AndCock:hat AndTits:dick]
<Willox> hi nuck
<nuck> hi Willox
<vil> nuck: your lowercase 'n' is throwing me off
<vil> Willox: that's gorgeous
<nuck> vil: It's kawaii, according to the people on Rizon :D
<vil> that makes me super-kawaii, I'm lowercase and only three letters
<nuck> Yeah, you're hella kowai
<Willox> ~kwaii~
<vil> nuck: ಠ_ಠ
<Willox> vil, it's a home icon if you didn't guess :D
<Willox> I am too cool to just write "Home"
<vil> I'll go with the second definition for kowai
<vil> "Some guy who plays some online games. He can be scary, but is strangely sexy and studly"
<Willox> I am doing more html than I am happy with
<Willox> I am awful with design
<vil> things I am incapable of doing: leaving Path Finder windows open, even if I know I'm going to need them again shortly
<vil> it wouldn't be so bad, except Xcode refuses to open paths in it
<nuck> Real men just use TotalFinder
<nuck> Actually
<nuck> Real men use terminal
<vil> I wish Xcode had an "Open in Terminal" context item
<vil> I suppose I could add one via service
<vil> for the last day or so, iTerm hasn't been interpreting key combos corectly
<vil> *correctly
<vil> rather than ^E going to the end of the line, for example, it just gives me an inverse-color "^E"
<vil> hmm, happening in Terminal.app too. I must've screwed something up in my config files
<nuck> Why would you do that
<nuck> Just use Fn+Right
<vil> that's beside the point
<nuck> gb2emacs fgt
<vil> vim ftw
<nuck> (or enable vim bindingz in zsh)
<nuck> $ and whatnot work if you enable vim bindings, you just don't get a visual indicator of the mode
<vil> I do need to do that at some point
<nuck> Though I'm hoping to fix that eventually
<vil> could be built into the prompt, no?
<nuck> Prompt is generally rendered once
<nuck> There are a couple workarounds IIRC
<vil> wtf?
<vil> it's caused by exporting EDITOR=vim
<vil> how?
<vil> oh good point
<nuck> huh?
<nuck> hahahaha
<vil> I added `export EDITOR=vim` to my .profile
<vil> and it broke it
<nuck> vil: Y'know, zsh might be trying to guess that you're a vimmer and thus enabling vim bindings
<vil> how does that even work
<vil> hmmm
<nuck> Try escdd
<vil> holy shit it did
<vil> too smart for its own good
<nuck> zsh outsmarted you ;D
<vil> that explains why the cursor has been starting at the beginning of the line when browsing history too
<nuck> haha
<vil> I suppose I'll just force myself to get used to that now rather than later
<nuck> haha
<nuck> Or you could switch back to emacs bindings
<vil> nah, I was planning on switching anyway, might as well do it
<vil> that's kind of awesome
<nuck> zsh is just that cool.
<nuck> Hm. I gotta say, girls are better with dicks.
<vil> nuck: does mojang.com instantly replace itself with a 404 page for you too?
<nuck> vil: Nope, clear your DNS cache and try again
<vil> ugh
<vil> probably my lovely AT&T-provided router borking it up
<vil> more importantly, what IS that red and black thing in the screenshot
<nuck> Wait
<nuck> Yes it is 404ing huh
* nuck completely missed the 404 header
<vil> ok, good, I'm not crazy
<nuck> Damn these people for making their 404 blend in
<vil> it's weird, it loads any page and then replaces itself in the browser history with that
<nuck> huh
<nuck> That is weird
<vil> you can stop it by hitting escape really quickly
<nuck> wow
<nuck> Mojang's up to 23 employees
<vil> yep
<nuck> Really on the upper end of indie studio now
<nuck> Up there with DoubleFine
<nuck> holy fuck
<nuck> How in god's name would a Psychonauts 2 cost 18 million
<nuck> Like
<nuck> Jesus christ
<nuck> I've seen better-programmed games for 1 million, so it's not there
<nuck> The *only* possibility is that it'd cost a fortune to get the IP
<nuck> "would require a publisher that was interested in the game"
<nuck> Holy fuck Tim Shafer is a retard.
<micahjohnston> asset creation?
<micahjohnston> you need lots of artists and modelers and composers
<nuck> Asset creation ain't gonna cost $17 million
<micahjohnston> oh please teach me nuck
<Willox> notch could do the art!
<nuck> $18 million is probably just what they'd need to do that exclusively for a period, etc.
<nuck> I get the feeling that he's being rather liberal with his estimate
<micahjohnston> nuck: the budget for the original was $13 million
<nuck> Wow
<nuck> Double Fine must be incredibly inefficient
<micahjohnston> lol ok you make psychonauts
<purr> lol
<nuck> I can't, I'm one guy.
<nuck> But I'd wager that I could make it for half that if I got funding and a team
<nuck> And owned all the IP
<micahjohnston> lol
<nuck> That's a perfectly valid budget for major non-indie games or when they're developing a full new engine with very few precedents
<nuck> But Double Fine has demonstrated that they aren't interested in pushing their game engine into uncharted territory, and this is still technically an indie studio
<vil> hi micahjohnston
<nuck> They shouldn't have more than 50 staff ... And they're at 65
<nuck> Okay what the fuck
<nuck> They scaled too far
<micahjohnston> lol you're a genius nuck
<micahjohnston> teach me how 2 scale
<nuck> With 65 devs you shouldn't be putting out one game every 4 years
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<nuck> You should be at a game every 2 years with that many devs. It's absurd
<micahjohnston> anyway with a 4-year dev cycle
<micahjohnston> 13 million budget
* vil points out that Valve has over 200 employees
<alexgordon> ?
<alexgordon> -logs
<micahjohnston> pays 40 employees 80k a year
<alexgordon> -log
<Willox> vil, they do more than make games :D
<micahjohnston> and obviously not all the budget is spent on employees, there
<alexgordon> -give me the fucking transcript
<micahjohnston> 's more expenses
<purr> lol
<vil> alexgordon: hahaha
<alexgordon> -you're a useless excuse for a bot, you know that?
<nuck> vil: Yes but Valve has lots of franchises and franchising etc.
<vil> -logs @ alexgordon
<alexgordon> -I want a divorce
<nuck> -logs
<nuck> huh
<vil> -purr
<purr> alexgordon: `curl -Lr -`bc <<<'2 ^ 16'` http://ell.io/logs | tail +2 | less -RS`
<purr> nuck: `curl -Lr -`bc <<<'2 ^ 16'` http://ell.io/logs | tail +2 | less -RS`
<purr> alexgordon: `curl -Lr -`bc <<<'2 ^ 16'` http://ell.io/logs | tail +2 | less -RS`
* purr
<vil> haha
<nuck> lmao
<alexgordon> lolol
<vil> thank you, purr
<vil> I win
<nuck> Beautiful purr
<Willox> purr is crazy
<alexgordon> I suppose purr gets the house
<vil> alright, all of the above is true
<micahjohnston> nuck: so I take it you have a lot of experience running game studios
* vil goes back to coding
<alexgordon> or the whitequark one
<micahjohnston> that is not one game every 4 years
<alexgordon> so cool how it's real time
<micahjohnston> that is multiple games per year
<nuck> micahjohnston: No, but I'm comparing them to every other game studio. And most of those games are tiny.
<micahjohnston> not psychonauts and brutal legend and stuff
<vil> alexgordon: whoa, neat
<alexgordon> wait 18 million?
<nuck> They put out 5 minigames in 2011-2012
<nuck> That's not really fair
<alexgordon> I could make a game for 18 million
<nuck> I actually *know* individual flash devs who can do that
<micahjohnston> you're equating http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_cave_screenshot.jpg with a flixel platformer
<micahjohnston> how many games have you made
<nuck> Basically if you take out the minigames, you're down to 2005, 2008, 2011
<nuck> Which is, uh, ever *3* years
<alexgordon> what I never understand is
<micahjohnston> those are not just fucking minigames nuck
<alexgordon> why does each game need a new game engine?
<nuck> micahjohnston: Yes they fucking are. They're short as balls.
<alexgordon> game developers get through game engines faster than elliottcable gets through girlfriends
<micahjohnston> game *length* does not necessarily have a lot to do with dev time
<nuck> They are released on single platforms and have little content, micahjohnston
<micahjohnston> alexgordon: new tech?
<nuck> That is the definition of an easy game
<alexgordon> micahjohnston: yet linux has lasted for decades
<nuck> alexgordon: There's a few who stick with it like Bethesda and Valve
<micahjohnston> alexgordon: perfect analogy
<nuck> The Source engine is what, 10 years old now?
<micahjohnston> linux = game engines
<alexgordon> yes
<micahjohnston> the drivers on linux are rewritten for new hardware all the time
<alexgordon> it's pretty similar
<nuck> Yeah just a little short of 10 years
<micahjohnston> those are much more analogous
<nuck> Source just keeps throwing features on top
<alexgordon> point is, some game engines only last for one game
<Willox> Valve updates the source engine
<Willox> yeah
<micahjohnston> nuck: "easy game"
<micahjohnston> ok make me a game please
<alexgordon> yet an operating system can last for decades and decades
<alexgordon> why is it that game developers are incapable of building game engines and then modifying them?
<nuck> I can't, I'm not a game dev. But from a simple business perspective, 18 mil for a fucking *sequel* is asking way too much.
<alexgordon> as new tech arrives
<micahjohnston> alexgordon: because the manpower required for a new os extremely discourages new ones
<micahjohnston> and the traction for adoption etc.
<alexgordon> micahjohnston: but linux is not exactly stuck in the decade it was created in
<micahjohnston> game engines are not that vast
<alexgordon> it has evolved over time
<nuck> The universe is designed, you just gotta expand it, etc.
<micahjohnston> nuck: so you're not a game dev
<micahjohnston> nuck: but you know aaaall game dev budgets
<nuck> micahjohnston: Yes, this is actually accurate. I've done my fair share of research on how much development costs.
<nuck> And I can tell you flat out, *nobody* in indie games will do a fucking 18 mil game
<alexgordon> and their games might actually be funner
<nuck> ^
<nuck> Double Fine is too big for their britches I think. Because honestly, that is really fucking absurd.
<alexgordon> I guess my point is
<alexgordon> game developers put far too much effort into making game engines, making stuff look pretty
<alexgordon> would be better off if there was just a handful of game engines
<alexgordon> then they would have more time to work on game ideas
<micahjohnston> alexgordon: game engines are not that big
<alexgordon> a modern one is...
<micahjohnston> they're orders of magnitude smaller than an OS probably
<alexgordon> game engine for say, call of duty, probably cost many millions of dollars
<nuck> alexgordon: I think this was one of Valve's goals in releasing the Source engine for use
<nuck> A sane game engine would be modular enough to swap out parts over time
<nuck> Cough cough source engine
<Willox> source is cool
<alexgordon> as far as I can see, most money nowadays goes into making Really Pretty Graphics
<alexgordon> something most people couldn't give a shit about (see minecraft)
<nuck> alexgordon: Actually that's not true
<nuck> Most people care about graphics
<alexgordon> no
<alexgordon> they *say* they care
<alexgordon> they don't actually care
<micahjohnston> god damnit i fucking hate it when people say graphics don't matter
<alexgordon> they will happily play low graphics games
<alexgordon> and have the same enjoyment from it
<nuck> Minecraft is, sadly, no exception. They go to incredible lengths to get high framerats and better stuff in it, the blockiness is simply stylied
<micahjohnston> right
<alexgordon> nuck: recently yes, but the original minecraft was no crysis
<Willox> Oh lord the aliasing
<alexgordon> you know, the one that was actually popular
<Willox> Found a picture
<Willox> that aliasing
<nuck> alexgordon: They played it for the gameplay originally
<vil> graphics absolutely do matter, and Minecraft is a perfect example of why
<nuck> haha yeah
<vil> it would be a completely different game with a different style
<Willox> Minecraft has it's aethetics fine
<alexgordon> vil: there's styling and there's OMG SHADERS
<Willox> but it actually DOES require some graphics
<nuck> alexgordon: The thing is, you're missing something important
<nuck> There's a huge valley there
<alexgordon> I'm talking about the obsession with making realistic graphics, with complex textures, shaders and lots of polygons
<nuck> That they have to fucking LEAP across
<nuck> You either go 100% perfect realism or don't go at all
<vil> speaking of shaders, I wonder if that reflective water mod is useable yet
<nuck> Because if you don't go 100%, you're fucking fucked.
<Willox> vil, it always has been
<Willox> At least for a long time it has been
<alexgordon> nuck: don't believe this
<nuck> alexgordon: No, it's not a "believe" it's the uncanny valley
<nuck> If you make it too realistic but fuck up the details
<alexgordon> nuck: proof: the top games are not 100% realism
<nuck> Suddenly humans get REALLY pissed
<alexgordon> nobody has ever achieved it
<vil> Willox: I think I found a different one that isn't the one called "Water Shader"
<nuck> And they have no idea why
<vil> but I can't remember
<alexgordon> realism is only relative to the current state of technology
<Willox> oh, wasn't aware vil
<alexgordon> which means it's not actually "real"
<nuck> alexgordon: You need to get in the 98-100 or in the 0-75
<alexgordon> nuck: so 15 years ago, we were in the 98-100?
<nuck> Not at all! We were in the 0-75 still
<alexgordon> yet those games were still billed as realistic
<alexgordon> you have a short memory!
<nuck> alexgordon: They billed fucking Custer's Revenge as realistic dude
<Willox> realistic in comparison to other games
<nuck> It happens with the least realistic things
<alexgordon> yes
<Willox> not realistic in comparison to real life
<alexgordon> ergo...
<Willox> no game even looks close to real life right now
<alexgordon> you can be not quite realistic
<alexgordon> and people will not mind
<nuck> No
<nuck> Not "not quite"
<nuck> These fall into "not at all" realistic
<micahjohnston> god this conversation is frustrating
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<nuck> They're "realistic" in that they're more realistic then competitors
<alexgordon> nuck: you're saying realism has not been increasing over the years?
<alexgordon> at some point there was a large leap from 75% to 98%?
<nuck> alexgordon: It has been, and we're finally leaping over 75 to 98
<nuck> Absolutely.
<alexgordon> well that's false
<nuck> No, it's true.
<Willox> look at obsidian
<nuck> Dude
<alexgordon> realism has been steadily increasing
<nuck> Study the fucking Uncanny Valley
<alexgordon> there has been no giant leap
<nuck> *THEN* tell me this
<vil> ah, maybe it was just Water Shader
<nuck> There has been
<nuck> You just don't notice
<nuck> Because that leap is subtler to humans than it is to tech
<vil> my issue was the massive framerate drop, I don't think my MBA can handle it
<micahjohnston> jesus christ shut the fuck up
<alexgordon> that would call into question the discontinuity of the leap
<alexgordon> haha micahjohnston
<nuck> vil: Well of course not, it's a business degree
<alexgordon> if it's possible not to notice it
<vil> ^
<alexgordon> it's not discontinuous is it?
<micahjohnston> blind sweeping assertion
<micahjohnston> blind sweeping assertion
<nuck> alexgordon: It is in tech.
<micahjohnston> hey guys am i in the club
<alexgordon> stop eridiusing me nuck
<nuck> alexgordon: And it is if you jump into that valley
<alexgordon> micahjohnston: SAVE ME FROM THE STUPID
<nuck> Dude. I've worked with enough artists to know what they can and cannot do
<nuck> And uncanny valley is something well documented back to the fucking renaissance
<nuck> So if you wanna argue with hundreds of years of research into this, be my guest
<nuck> But I'm just gonna go ahead and say "you're wrong"
<micahjohnston> oh please educate me nuck
<alexgordon> ... yes but you are asserting things which are false
<micahjohnston> you are so so smart
<micahjohnston> you got so much research behind you
<nuck> alexgordon: False to your untrained eye, perhaps.
<micahjohnston> your eye is so trained
<nuck> Obviously better than yours if you've never noticed uncanny valleys. Dat shit is creepy.
<alexgordon> nuck: your original assertion was "you either have to be very real, or not real at all" but this is false by the gradual progression of what is billed as "realistic" over time
<nuck> It's like the uh, the little porcelain dolls
<nuck> The reason we freak out over those
<nuck> Is because they get this odd slight realism while not being real enough
<nuck> (Yet for some reason some creepy bastards still collect them)
<Willox> Just link to the extra credits video and stop
<Willox> thx
<micahjohnston> nuck: you're being so hyperbolic and attributing fundamental importance to something that just occasionally makes things weird
<alexgordon> anyway my original point was that game developers spend too much time on stuff nobody cares about
<micahjohnston> and acting like you have researched everything ever and are a genius
<nuck> micahjohnston: It's not occasional. Ask a fucking artist.
<micahjohnston> anyway igtg
<micahjohnston> bye
<alexgordon> and while it's nice once in a while to have a crysis-type game which has very realistic graphics
<nuck> IT's extremely hard to get out of that valley.
<alexgordon> I don't want every game to put that much effort into it
<nuck> And it took CGI a number of years, during which time we stuck with the old tech
<nuck> We incrementally approached the ledge, but slowed down while we worked on fixing realism
<nuck> Now we finally have the tech for proper realism, so we're starting to see it more
<alexgordon> nuck: decades ago people thought the effects in Doctor Who were realistic and scary, but if we look back at them now they just look funny
<nuck> What was billed as realism in 2003 was relative to other games in 2003, which is like saying "Majora's Mask was realistic for its time" because it fucking was. It had 10 more polygons than everyone else.
<alexgordon> what is judged to be "realistic" is not an objective thing
<alexgordon> it changes with the times
<nuck> alexgordon: Yes, what we view as realism changes over time. HOWEVER, there are ways to objectively measure it by ignoring or nullifying societal biases.
<nuck> It's like you only understand the most basic of study methodologies. I bet you'd also devise a straw poll and call it the pinnacle of polling.
<alexgordon> no there aren't. you know as I age, the one thing I realize is: we are defined by our environment
* nuck facedesks
<nuck> Yes
<alexgordon> we define our culture and our culture defines us...
<nuck> We are
<nuck> I get that
<nuck> No fucking duh
<nuck> BUT
<nuck> There are always ways to work around biases
<nuck> They're tough, but with proper scientific research, this is the norm. Nullifying biases through statistical hacks
<alexgordon> I have no idea what you're talking about now
<nuck> I'm saying, we can remove the societal bias that makes it subjective and temporal, and the result is an unbased objective measurement of realism as an average of a group, adjsuted to equalize temporally
<nuck> Jesus christ do you not understand basics of statistics?
<alexgordon> you are certainly using statistical words
<nuck> inb4 accusing me of not understanding it
<alexgordon> moi?
<prophile> culturally speaking
<prophile> i'm covered in bees
<nuck> what.
<nuck> prophile: "culturally speaking i'm covered in bees" what.
<purr> beep.
<Willox> hi purr
<purr> Willox: hi!
<Willox> damn that was fast
<nuck> -what
<purr> * whitequark read that as "dick-shaped break-down"
<nuck> hahahaha
<Willox> what
<nuck> Willox: We keep a database of quotes that are a million times better out of context
<nuck> That's what the "what." is
<Willox> of course it is
<vil> Willox: you can add to it by replying to the person with "wat." or "what." after they say something dumb
<vil> the period is important
<Willox> i'll try to not abuse that at all
<vil> haha
<vil> that's what it's for!
<vil> -what @ Willox
<vil> dammit purr
<vil> -purr
<vil> *sigh*
<purr> <sephr> so now you must live in constant fear of the possibility of sephr cursing your bits
* purr
<vil> does @ nick not work with -what?
<Willox> I don't think I can see messages that begin with plus or minus
<Willox> +test
<Willox> -test
<purr> Willox: Error: Failure while printing test status.
<vil> ?
<Willox> Well
<Willox> It's freenode
<Willox> Something freaky happens and I have no idea
<nuck> Gettin' freaky wit da freenudes
<joelteon> oh hey
<joelteon> buffer playback
<joelteon> awesome
<Willox> hi elton john
<joelteon> hi
<purr> joelteon: hi!
<joelteon> apparently 101domain just doesn't do refunds
<vil> joelteon: ew
<joelteon> yeah
<vil> also hi
<Willox> name.com c:
<Willox> Oh, they do a lot of extensions
<joelteon> after I registered joelt.io I realized "wait a sec, this is too expensive"
<Willox> How much did you spend?
<joelteon> and so I opened a ticket, since there's no cancel button
<joelteon> uhh, I think $88
<Willox> Better than some
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> but not iwantmyname
<Willox> I used to own willox.in until I realised it was indian
<vil> wow, it actually got even cheaper on iwmn
<vil> used to be > 70 without the discount for the first year
<joelteon> yeah now I'm upset
<joelteon> maybe I can transfer it
<vil> there's generally a waiting period
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> that's upsetting too
<Willox> I bet they'd charge too
<joelteon> why is the domain machine so sluggish
<nuck> Somebody just found this :I
<nuck> goddamn swordfighting
<joelteon> I wish there was a hands-free way to click on links in iterm :|
<vil> YES
<Willox> 0-|-<
<Willox> hm
<Willox> too long neck
<joelteon> 0|-<
<Willox> O<<
<Willox> perfect
<vil> it's tall-head-guy's brother, wide-head-guy
<Willox> 0}<
<joelteon> o|-<
<joelteon> 0[-<
<vil> \0/
<Willox> 0}-[
<joelteon> 0|-|
<vil> [0|-< karate
<Willox> ono
<Willox> spotify is down
<vil> or should I say kar-a-tay
<Willox> So I need to actually revise tomorrow
<Willox> But I already know I'm gonna spend the whole day setting up Arch
<joelteon> sik
<nuck> Willox: Spotify's up for me
<joelteon> I can't remember what I was trying to fix
<joelteon> but it was something
<joelteon> it might've been vim related
<joelteon> oh yeah, it was line swapping
<Willox> nuck, it was down for about 5 seconds :D
<nuck> lel
<Willox> nuck, again
<Willox> it is dying on me
<joelteon> wow
<joelteon> spotify sux
<nuck> Might just be your connection haha
<Willox> spotify is amazing
<nuck> Spotify sucks
<Willox> :(
<Willox> I pay good money for spotify
<nuck> IT's like 5c per thousand streams for indie artists, Willox
<Willox> I don't care about their money!
<nuck> Many indie artists have stated that they would prefer if you torrented it over spotify
<Willox> They shouldn't put their stuff on Spotify in that case
<nuck> Many don't.
<Willox> If I want it I'll buy it unless it is on spotify
<Willox> I don't like to pirate
<nuck> I don't support Spotify because it's a corrupt shitty system
<nuck> lel
<nuck> >2013
<nuck> >not pirating music
<joelteon> good old 2013
<Willox> I'm too friendly!
* vil does not pirate stuff either
<nuck> psh
<Willox> vil is a good boy like me
<nuck> I pirate and then will buy physical record copies when I have money~
<vil> I mean, I wouldn't want people pirating my software, I'm not going to pirate their products
<Willox> I even paid for sublime
<nuck> vil: Pirate me all you want I don't care
<Willox> hardcore anti piracy
<joelteon> I used to pirate everything until I got a job
<joelteon> now I buy stuff
<joelteon> but I can still get higher quality music from private trackers than iTunes
<joelteon> 128kbps AAC, fucking pathetic
<joelteon> someday I'll figure out how to do vinyl rips
<joelteon> and where to buy records
<joelteon> and then I'll buy music
<Willox> Record stores are going to last as long as hmv
<joelteon> What's that
<Willox> Music store that is going bankrupt :D
<Willox> 'is going' being a polite term
<joelteon> oh
frogor has left #elliottcable [#elliottcable]
<joelteon> that dog isn't painted very well
<Willox> They have a nice website though
<Willox> Instant respect to their website's developer
<vil> wow
<Willox> Spotify is having difficulties for sure right now
<Willox> "Thanks for your reports, we are currently investigating why some users are experiencing stuttering and slow playback."
<Willox> I'll have to listen to music I've actually paid for D:
<vil> go watch this, it will improve your day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frtax3pXPtg
<nuck> Willox, joelteon: actually record stores are doing quite well right now.
<nuck> There's a huge following for records right now
<joelteon> yeah that's what I thought
<Willox> oh
<Willox> well not for CDs
<nuck> oh no
<joelteon> yeah nobody likes Cds
<joelteon> CDs
<nuck> physical media is dead for digital
<Willox> CDs are so 1990
<nuck> *2000
<nuck> 1990 was still cassette tapes
sephr has joined #elliottcable
<joelteon> there's 1. people who buy music online and 2. people who want high quality music
<Willox> I actually remember that
<joelteon> and #2 are the ones that buy records
<Willox> You can download FLAC files from some places
<joelteon> yeah I just bought some ALACs of a chiptune album
<joelteon> 219.7MB
<joelteon> that's the stuff
<nuck> Assuming I had a steady income, I would buy anything I could get on Bandcamp, and pirate the rest
<nuck> And buy records where I could
<Willox> Apple gotta have their own stuff of course
<joelteon> yeah Bandcamp is awesome
<nuck> Bandcamp is really the *only* way I am willing to pay for music.
<joelteon> you can convert FLAC <-> ALAC without any loss of quality, willox
<joelteon> itunes doesn't understand FLAC
<joelteon> not a huge amount of music players do
<Willox> Because they are both lossless of course
<joelteon> yeah
<nuck> joelteon: Actually most players support FLAC nowadays. Just the big builtin ones don't
<nuck> I use mpd these days
<joelteon> ok, right, well, I use a big builtin one
<nuck> I'm working to upgrade my collection to V0 or better right now
<Willox> I use FooBar2000
<nuck> And some to FLAC
<nuck> Also
<Willox> I'm actually surprised that it isn't coross platform
<nuck> I've heard that FLAC and ALAC are essentially the same
<nuck> Just different conainers
<nuck> But essentially same encoding
<nuck> Dunno how true it is
<nuck> I've never had to implement either
<nuck> I have a few tracks in AIFF, a few in FLAC, a few in ALAC, a few in AAC, a fuckload in MP3 128
<nuck> Lemme get a count of my sub-128 tracks
<nuck> I've got some things I could only get in 64 :(
<joelteon> hahahaha
<joelteon> I have a vanishingly small number of sub-512kbps tracks
<nuck> Some of TMBG's releases
<nuck> >512
<nuck> It's transparent beyond about 200
<nuck> At 320 you should have NO problems
<joelteon> You'd think, wouldn't you
<nuck> Its not think, it's every study ever
<joelteon> Oh god, here we go again.
<nuck> 2,840 tracks 128 or below
<vil> you guys are all crazy as far as I'm concerned
<vil> 128 is more than plenty
<joelteon> 128 is absolutely not more than plenty
<Willox> 160kbps
<vil> I have lots of 320kbps just because that's what it was available as
<vil> but I can't tell the difference, especially with my less-than-new speakers
<nuck> Honestly I do V2 at minimum now
<nuck> Which is I think ~190
<nuck> That's my *minimum*
<nuck> I usually aim for V0 or 320, or FLAC
<vil> also iTunes is 256kbps now, I'm pretty sure
<joelteon> oh
<vil> querying random stuff in my library, I can't find anything < 128, and anything less than 256 is rare
<vil> most of my music is from iTunes
<vil> <3 7MinutesDead
<purr> Let it be known that vil hearts 7MinutesDead.
<joelteon> i would do my /np script
<joelteon> but I bet it annoys most people
<Willox> /np?
<joelteon> now playing
<Willox> oh
<vil> ♪ Escape the Dome, 7minutesdead
<purr> vil: Song not found. ):
<vil> awww
<nuck> I actualy wrote a script which automatically scans my library for low bitrates
<nuck> [Bad] ./They Might Be Giants/Unknown Album/Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.mp3 @ 48
<nuck> Lowest bitrate in my library
<vil> ew 48
<joelteon> wow, 48
<Willox> nuck, I actually have some They Might Be Giants music
<vil> TMBG is awesome, but I don't have any
<nuck> That track is like... It was released online in like 2002 or something
<Willox> I think I got it from a humble music bundle
<nuck> So 48kbps was amazing
<joelteon> They Probably Aren't Giants wasn't such a hit
<Willox> ♪ Crashland, Authority Zero
<purr> Willox is listening to “Crashland”, by Authority Zero
<Willox> That is what I am listening to!
<Willox> I love purr
<nuck> haha
<vil> everyone loves purr, she's awesome
<purr> vil: ... purr, *he*'s awesome
<vil> shut up purr
<nuck> Majority vote says you have a vagina, purr
<vil> I don't think she has anything, as she is software
<vil> but she's still a she
<nuck> Also, somebody implement a last.fm checker for purr which will retrieve my last.fm currently-playing and then generate a TinySong URL based on that
<nuck> vil: purr is catgirl.
<purr> nuck: suck my cock. (relevant: because I have one)
<joelteon> ♪ Freak City, Giant Claw
<purr> joelteon: Song not found. ):
<joelteon> you fucker
<nuck> Also we all know purr is sentient.
<Willox> Your music must suck
<joelteon> Nah, it's too obscure for you chumps to have heard of it
<vil> -hipster
<vil> how is that not a thing
<joelteon> jk
<Willox> grooveshark is pretty good quality
<Willox> Why does spotify exist
<vil> Grooveshark is hit-and-miss
<vil> all user-uploaded
<Willox> It has all the music I like
<vil> yep
<vil> sometimes you just have to sort through multiple search results to find the good-quality stuff
<Willox> Doesn't support play/pause input though
<Willox> Dunno if javascript supports that though
<Willox> and flash would need focus
<nuck> play/pause input?
<Willox> Like a keyboard play button
<nuck> Oh yeah no
<vil> yeah it does
<nuck> Can't do that
<nuck> It does?
<vil> you just have to click on the right part of the page first
<Willox> vil means javascript I guess
<vil> pause manually, then it should work
<Willox> vil, it doesn't
<nuck> I didn't think XF86Play and whatnot would work
<vil> hmmm
<Willox> I don't appear to be using a flash client either
<nuck> I thought that was intercepted by the browser
<vil> the flash hides in the background, I think
<nuck> There is no flash
<Willox> Well my player is on the bottom of the page too
<nuck> If you mean Grooveshark
<Willox> I do
<vil> did they finally eliminate it?
<nuck> Grooveshark is 100% HTML5
<vil> cool
<nuck> Has been for a year or two o_O
<Willox> Nah
<Willox> <div id="swfWrapper">
<nuck> huh
<nuck> I disable flash and it runs fine
<nuck> Maybe I'm on the beta
<Willox> Maybe it's only there for compatibility
<nuck> possible
eboy is now known as devinsamarin
<vil> nuck: you're in the beta
<joelteon> aaaaggg
<joelteon> this album is all MP3s
<vil> I just removed it from my Chrome whitelist to check
<vil> right, installed the Water Shader mod
<vil> let's see if it melts my laptop
<vil> I'll let this file transfer finish first to give it the best possible chance of working
<vil> no dice
<vil> oh well
<vil> I wonder if the iMac can do it?
<elliottcable> hi
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<Willox> hi there
* vil waves
<elliottcable> brr ⑊ kick'd because the channel was moved here; I kicked everybody out
<Willox> Where did it used to be?
<Willox> elliottcable // Power supply tomorrow!
<Willox> !
<Willox> For some reason my config change to "//" separate names only works in this channel
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ be nice, what's wrong with C?
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ is there something else you would suggest for low-level work?
<elliottcable> is there a judofyr alive?
<micahjohnston> HI
<purr> micahjohnston: hi!
<elliottcable> or micahjohnston?
<Willox> are your eading through the entire log?
<Willox> you reading*
<elliottcable> by the way, micahjohnston, I fucking *loved* The Cave.
<elliottcable> -clouds
<purr> elliottcable: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
<alexgordon> sup elliottcable
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ I don't go through girlfriends remotely fast. ಠ_ಠ
<alexgordon> how many girlfriends have you had?
<elliottcable> My relationships tend towards the long and serious, not short and flingy. ಠ_ಠ
<joelteon> wait
<joelteon> am I missing some context here
<Willox> He is looking through the entire chat since he was last on
<Willox> Which is pretty long
<joelteon> oh
<elliottcable> elliottcable: “I'm perfectly safe inside my fish, thankyouverymuch” what.
<purr> beep.
<joelteon> my buffer replay is only 50 lines
<Willox> Mine is 120ish
<alexgordon> mine is infinite
<elliottcable> also, nuck, holy shit, you pissed off micah to 14-year-old porportions. It's been a *long* time since I've seen Micah lose his temper. I thought we'd lost that particular hilarity to posterity. ;)
<Willox> I'm gonna increase mine
<Willox> but infinite is kinda crazy
<alexgordon> there's pills for that
<joelteon> I'm gonna increase mine
<joelteon> well no I'm not
<joelteon> people don't talk about me
<elliottcable> We need a -blind sweeping assertion factoid just for micah :D
<Willox> Now at 1000 buffer
<Willox> length
<elliottcable> 55 ſ 653 65 +prophile: culturally speaking
<elliottcable> 55 ſ 653 69 +prophile: i'm covered in bees
<elliottcable> http://iwantmyname.com is *best* registrar.
<elliottcable> and http://zerigo.net for DNS.
<Willox> hm
<Willox> I just use name.com for both of those services
<alexgordon> +1 for iwantmyname
<elliottcable> Pirating music is too hard.
<alexgordon> it's expensive but almost full service (no blowjobs)
<joelteon> I want iwantmyname
<joelteon> :|
<joelteon> but >101domain
<elliottcable> If the indie artists want money, have them come up with a *new* content-distribution system that's as easy for their end-consumer as Spotify is, but that gets them what they want.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: I considered at a time making a better piracy system
<elliottcable> Or, you know, just bitch and moan that the industry/society has moved on past the days when they got fed from a happy tit.
<Willox> williamwallace.io is available
<elliottcable> Indie recording artists are the new MPAA.
<Willox> williamwallace.asia
<Willox> perfect
<joelteon> .asia
<joelteon> amazing
<elliottcable> They just expect us to bend over and shove our desire for newer, easier content-distribution systems up *our asses* (their customers.), because it makes them unhappy.
<elliottcable> Hulu EXISTS, MPAA. And it's way better, and way easier, than anything that's ever existed before, and it (and things like it) are going to *continue* to exist.
<alexgordon> heh elliottcable
<alexgordon> fight that bitching!
<elliottcable> Spotify EXISTS, idiotic whiny indie artists. And it's way better, and way easier, than anything that's ever existed before, and it (and things like it) are going to *continue* to exist.
<alexgordon> but no really, I've spent thousands of pounds on music
<alexgordon> the pirates are the only ones who have given me any thanks
<Willox> I like iwantmyname's design
<elliottcable> (To weigh-in on the topic: I don't pirate either. Haven't in years. It's so much easier to put my credit-card into Spotify, and stop caring about any music that isn't on it.)
<alexgordon> I regret ever spending money on music
<Willox> I agree elliottcable!
<elliottcable> -ground
<purr> elliottcable: is no longer stuck up in the clouds.
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ -clouds means “I'm reading the scrollback.”
<Willox> that's lovely
<elliottcable> joelteon ⑊ use -logs or -weblogs, you don't need your client to store indefinate logs.
* elliottcable sighs
<elliottcable> I dislike the ground.
<Willox> :(
<elliottcable> I was happy, while I was in the clouds. Now, I'm back to the ground, and it's boring and depressing.
* elliottcable wanders off again
<elliottcable> Also, is it bad that I *want* this burger?
<Willox> Yes
<Willox> I should have arch working nicely on saturday
<Willox> hopefully
<elliottcable> whee
<elliottcable> if you want help, let me know
<elliottcable> oh
<vil> stupid old technology
<elliottcable> you're new here
<Willox> I'll probably be able to cope
<vil> I don't get any of the cool stuff
<Willox> What are you trying to say about me, elliottcable? :(
* elliottcable shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<elliottcable> Nothing of particular matter
<elliottcable> hey
<elliottcable> since you have nothing better to do
<elliottcable> go clean up Purr's code.
<Willox> I will if you want
<elliottcable> so I can open-source it and give #Node.js access to modify it.
<elliottcable> yes, I do want, that's why I asked
<elliottcable> silly.
<Willox> k
<alexgordon> wait is that how it works?
<Willox> You mentioned keys being in it?
<alexgordon> you just tell Willox what to do
<Willox> Would they be private?
<elliottcable> I just tell *somebody* what to do, and they do it, usually
<elliottcable> unless it's “work on Paws”
<alexgordon> Willox: make me a sandwich!
<elliottcable> *nobody* listens to me when I tell them to do that
<elliottcable> ಠ_ಠ
<Willox> no alex
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ if there's any hardcoded keys, I'll take care of them
<vil> alexgordon: you forgot sudo
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ the primary hold-back is that it's just really fucking disorganized, messy, and fucked-up
<elliottcable> it's had a ton of contributors, and not *one* of us has cared about style / standardization / organization. We want the bot to shrug, it shrugs, and we close the tunnel as soon as we get it to shrug.
<Willox> so
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<Willox> github is down
<elliottcable> shit, github *is* down
<elliottcable> whodathunk
<vil> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> (time for a -downforeveryoneorjustme?)
<vil> down here too
<Willox> Imagine it never came back
<Willox> :x
<elliottcable> Glance over at Twitter just in time to see http://ell.io/iPUnX
<Willox> AH
<Willox> I would've seen that if it was on /github
<Willox> silly twitter
<elliottcable> lol'd
<vil> I have 8 gigs of ram sitting here
<vil> I have no idea where they came from
<vil> or even the manufacturer
<Willox> I have 8 gigs of ram doing nothing too
<Willox> 4 ddr2 4 ddr3
<joelteon> I have 8 gigs of ram but they're doing stuff
<vil> mine are identical ddr3 chips
<Willox> I also have 8 gigs of ram doing stuff, joelteon!
<vil> they just appeared in my closet
<Willox> I have 2 XMS3 sticks and 2 XMS2 sticks
<joelteon> I was promised 16GB of RAM
<joelteon> when I took this job
<joelteon> and they gave me 8GB
<joelteon> pathetic
<Willox> Wow
<Willox> They should double your pay
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> or triple it
<Willox> GitHub's back!
<vil> who wants to buy me a new iMac?
<Willox> Not the quickest it has ever been though
<alexgordon> elliottcable: TALK TO ME ABOUT BRAINY STUFF
<vil> the only thing it will be used for is installing the water shader mod in minercaft
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ i really like this coffe
elliottcable is now known as ell
<ell> alexgordon ⑊ u r rud
<vil> dammit ell, three characters is MY nick-length
alexgordon is now known as ale
<ell> no it's brrs
<ell> I just typed /go hat
<ale> this is quite a good nick
<ell> then i was a litl sad
<ell> ale :D
<ale> last seen 1 year ago
<ale> it's miiiine
<ell> miiiiine
<ell> how?
<ell> god damnit this is confusing
ell is now known as ellie
<Willox> now it's confusing
<joelteon> the fuck
<ellie> this is creepy because i have a friend named ellie and she's hot
<joelteon> no she isn't
<vil> joelteon: this happens every now and then
<ellie> Willox ⑊ confusing ... TO YOUR PENIS *dun dun dunnnn*
<ale> ellie fancies himself
<ale> we all knew that
<ellie> wait wtf who is that
<Willox> They use twitter a lot
<ellie> I would ahve assumed jd would own that
<ellie> http://twitter.com/elliepritts ← the real one, but that barely counts pff
<ellie> here's her wabastie
<joelteon> she shoots rockstars
<ellie> its a god website
<joelteon> wow
<ellie> gud
<ellie> gud wbeiste.
<ale> ellie: I prefer the one before
<joelteon> holy fuckballs
<Willox> Did you make it for her, ellie?
<Willox> amazing
<ellie> no lol
<purr> lol
<ellie> another friend of mine
<ellie> he also did my FaceBook background
<ellie> which is an artistic masterpiece
<joelteon> oh that's beautiful
<Willox> of you
<joelteon> ok i sent you a friend request
<ellie> nope
<ellie> no facebook friendness for stupid internet people
<ellie> except, somehow, Nuck, I think
<joelteon> hey fuck you too m8
<ellie> LOL “friends with Eli Grey”
<joelteon> cheky kunt
<vil> but nuck is the stupidest internet people
<ellie> then, Nuck and sephr
<ellie> nuck *is* the stupidest internet people )'=
<joelteon> you pick two people out of this entire channel
<joelteon> and you choose NUCK and SEPHR
<ellie> Think about it, it's obvious
<ellie> They're exactly the sort of douches who would look you up on a place like Facebook and add you.
<ellie> Because they're both fuckin' thirsty bitches.
<ellie> -learn two people out of this entire channel = NUCK and SEPHR
<purr> ellie: Learned `two people out of this entire channel`.
<Willox> Now GitHub only has minor outages ellie
<ellie> Facebook appears to be down, too
<Willox> Nope
<ellie> All I get: http://ell.io/iqCvL
<Willox> Works fine for me
<ellie> ♪ True Thrush, Dan Deacon
<purr> ellie is listening to “True Thrush”, by Dan Deacon
ellie is now known as elliottcable
<joelteon> ♪ the tip of the iceberg, owl city
<purr> joelteon is listening to “The Tip of the Iceberg”, by Owl City
<Willox> damnit
<Willox> I struggle so much with developing things to a vps
<Willox> I suck at this
<Willox> putting things to
<Willox> just file transfers
<Willox> I hate it
<joelteon> deploying
<joelteon> omgwtf
<Willox> Any file transfers
<joelteon> the guy from relient k is on this album
<joelteon> wtfg
<joelteon> wtf
<elliottcable> fuck vps
<elliottcable> why the hell are you deploying manually
<elliottcable> what are you doing that needs a vps?
<elliottcable> nodejitsu. heroku. a thousand other similar things.
<Willox> Literally using it as a web server
<sephr> please dont mention nuck and sephr in the same channel on the same day
<Willox> It's such a tiny thing
<sephr> except that one time i just said it now
<elliottcable> okay sephrnuck
<sephr> i dont think nuck has even programmed before
<elliottcable> i'm pretty sure he only programs dog anuses
<elliottcable> (dog anii?)
<joelteon> ani
<sephr> oh wait
<sephr> nuck: you're a genius
<sephr> i was saying that for ec
<joelteon> elliottcable: anii would be the plural of anius
<elliottcable> anui?
<joelteon> anuus
<elliottcable> oh god sephr privmsg'd me about ΩF:∅
<joelteon> you just s/us/i/
<elliottcable> i feel dirty make it stop HELP
<Willox> I've been using my command prompt today and it's still red on yellow
<Willox> my eyes are broken
<sephr> you can scrub and scrub but you'll never be clean
<elliottcable> Given what sephr is privmsging me, nuck, I do so hope you don't ever write any code for him
<elliottcable> Also, I would never have guessed that he was so gay
<elliottcable> it makes me like him a little bit more
<joelteon> he is gay
<elliottcable> -two people out of this entire channel
<purr> elliottcable: NUCK and SEPHR
<sephr> nuck: i was thinking of another 4-letter person who frequented this channel
<elliottcable> locks?
<sephr> yeah
<whitequark> elliottcable: (re C) there is a LOT wrong with C
<sephr> locks is the idiot that i hate
<sephr> sorry nuck
<elliottcable> -learn 4-letter people who frequent this channel = nuck, locks, and sephr
<purr> elliottcable: Learned `4-letter people who frequent this channel`.
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ not disagreeing, although I'd be interested in a discussion of which particular things you're talking about some day;
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ ... but what's your *alternative*, is what i'm more interested in?
<elliottcable> are you truly suggesting writing in a higher-level dynamic language and using an FFI?
<elliottcable> FFIs are so ridiculously disgusting >,<
<whitequark> elliottcable: I'm writing a higher-level static language
<elliottcable> ♪ Solar Sailer, Daft Punk / Pretty Lights
<purr> elliottcable is listening to “Solar Sailer (Remixed By Pretty Lights)”, by Daft Punk
<whitequark> though, it indeed includes FFI to implement a C ABI for interoperability with other components.
<elliottcable> this is fucking amazing
<elliottcable> you mean Foundry?
<whitequark> yep.
<whitequark> its internal calling convention is something that Foundry completely controls
<whitequark> as opposed to C, where each function is a potential entry point
<whitequark> in Foundry, you have to explicitly declare your external interfaces.
<sephr> elliottcable: what do you use for syndicating your scrobbles to irc?
<whitequark> elliottcable: I can explain what I despise in C.
<elliottcable> I'm not syndicating them; I manually type it when I play something I like a lot, and think others in here will like a lot
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ later
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ not very programming-compatible right now
<sephr> with color codes and everything
<sephr> and through purr instead of elliottcable
<sephr> so much dedication
<sephr> -purr
* purr
<sephr> -source
<purr> sephr: oftn-bot's source (which purr is forked from) can be found at: <https://github.com/oftn/oftn-bot>
<sephr> -music
<joelteon> often-bot
<sephr> meh
<joelteon> -butts
<joelteon> rats
<elliottcable> it's not through purr ...
<sephr> -find last.fm
<purr> sephr: Could not find `last.fm`.
<elliottcable> notice the line purr is replying to
<elliottcable> he just searches for music on command
<elliottcable> -song oftn
<purr> elliottcable: Song not found. ):
<elliottcable> -song sephr
<purr> elliottcable: Song not found. ):
<whitequark> -fucks
<sephr> oh
<elliottcable> -song eli grey
<purr> elliottcable: “Little Eli” by Grey Reverend: <http://tinysong.com/1bY0J>, “Grey Area” by Shane Eli: <http://tinysong.com/Yd9r>
<joelteon> hehe
<whitequark> no fucks given?
<whitequark> also dudes
<elliottcable> dudes
<elliottcable> quarks
<whitequark> I bought a quadrocopter
<sephr> ♪ as an alias to -song ?
<elliottcable> noway
<purr> sephr: Song not found. ):
<whitequark> it's fucking amazing
<sephr> ok confirmed
<whitequark> and impossible to control
<whitequark> totally
<joelteon> we have two quadrocopters here
<elliottcable> sephr ⑊ nah; ♪ is for saying what *you're* listening to, and -song is for looking up music for a discussion
<joelteon> they're pretty cool
<sephr> oh neat
<whitequark> though, I pretty much fail at controlling anything flying.
<sephr> i want to add that to oftn-bot in #oftn
<Willox> I did a ♪ shortcut
<whitequark> RC airplanes, helicopters, quadrocopters...
<Willox> Am I cool now?
<joelteon> hang on, Imma get a cuppa
<whitequark> joelteon: I have crazyflie nano
<whitequark> http://bitcraze.se
<whitequark> it's tiny, really tiny
<whitequark> 19g
<nuck> lmao
<elliottcable> Lookit all the quadcopters!
<sephr> is your fork open source?
<sephr> i dont see oftn-bot on your github
<elliottcable> mine isn't a fork of oftn-bot; it's a fork of eboy's ecmabot or whatever; and the project isn't registered as a fork
<elliottcable> because I just created a project and pushed.
<devinsamarin> kinda the same thing
<elliottcable> and as I was just discussing with Willox, it's not open-source until somebody cleans it up.
<devinsamarin> whoah
<elliottcable> devinsamarin ⑊ wat fuuuuuck who are you
<Willox> gimme access then silly
<elliottcable> Willox ⑊ can't until github's up!
<devinsamarin> elliottcable: your worst nightmare
<Willox> It is!
<Willox> just slow
<elliottcable> devinsamarin ⑊ when did you change your nickname!
<sephr> i'm sure you could get someone in #oftn to clean it up for you
<devinsamarin> elliottcable: like a few minutes ago
<elliottcable> what's with the flood of people abandoning their sensible nicknames!?
<elliottcable> sephr ⑊ nothx
<joelteon> >using your real name as an online handle
<devinsamarin> my nick is just like your
<sephr> it'd be worth it to get any features you added to it back upstream
<Willox> what's with people not having capitalized names
<joelteon> wtf does sephr mean
<devinsamarin> and we have the same character width
<sephr> joelteon: it's my family name
<sephr> the sephrs
<Willox> 3 people in here have capitalized names
<Willox> one of them is a bot
<vil> down with caps
<vil> get it
<devinsamarin> I'm not used to capitals for usernames
<vil> because then it's LOWER case
elliottcable is now known as ELLIOTTCABLE
<vil> lol
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> shoutin' cause it's cool.
<joelteon> having capitalized names is gay
<joelteon> homosexual
<joelteon> two persons with capitalized names cannot be married in most states
<ELLIOTTCABLE> seriously, purr, you don't have *any* factoids that are expected
<joelteon> -dick
<purr> joelteon: no. fuck you.
<joelteon> nice
<ELLIOTTCABLE> somehow you have a ridiculously huge number, but you never have the one that you're expected to have.
sephr is now known as eligrey
<joelteon> -ridiculously huge
<joelteon> aw, man
vil is now known as vilhalmer
<vilhalmer> full name woo!
<joelteon> ss
<eligrey> everyone who didnt alias their current nick on nickserv doesnt deserve their nick
<joelteon> there are 8 clangs running right now
<joelteon> on my machine
<vilhalmer> vil is my main nick here, this one belongs to it
vilhalmer is now known as vil
* eligrey /ns infos all of the suspicious nicks here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> It's official. All of my nicks are uppercase now.
<joelteon> word
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my name looks so much better in yelling.
<devinsamarin> NOO
bosie has joined #elliottcable
purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #ELLIOTTCABLE. Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<ELLIOTTCABLE> who the fuck is bosie
eligrey is now known as EliGrey
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh my god that name is familiar
<devinsamarin> OH COME ON
<joelteon> HEH
devinsamarin is now known as DevinSamarin
<Willox> no
<Willox> no
<Willox> no
<DevinSamarin> EliGrey: Hey.
ELLIOTTCABLE has left #elliottcable ["AIO_ALLDONE"]
ELLIOTTCABLE has joined #elliottcable
<Willox> I can do full name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> much better
<Willox> It's pretty long
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wait you're all in here too!?
<EliGrey> capslocked names are so bad amirite?
<joelteon> MIND = SUCKED
bosie has left #elliottcable [#elliottcable]
<EliGrey> DevinSamarin: Hey.
<DevinSamarin> You're so right.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bosie left my life is over
<EliGrey> elliottcable will never get the caps out of me
<EliGrey> I don't need autocomplete
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/i81h
<EliGrey> that keming
<joelteon> ♪ Hello Seattle (remix)
<purr> joelteon is listening to “Hello Seattle (remix)”, by Owl City
<joelteon> The original one is better.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/iCbvb
<joelteon> Ok if I ever get a tattoo, I'm getting a tattoo of an owl
* EliGrey deletes all elliottcable/* forks
<EliGrey> nice clean and capsless github pages, just like they should be
EliGrey is now known as eligrey
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // gime access
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh I forgot
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: i'd be super down to make a micah-version of paws
<ELLIOTTCABLE> need to change my UNIX username to all-caps
<ELLIOTTCABLE> micahjohnston ⑊ go do so then?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> er, that sounded very passive-aggressive
<ELLIOTTCABLE> didn't mean it to )'=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> would love to see something great made with time-trael
<micahjohnston> cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or any other of my good ideas
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I love my *ideas*, I'm not hugely attached to my own control of them.
<micahjohnston> yeah I think time travel would be better facilitated with immutable primitives instead of mutable execution instruction-pointers, but that's just a hunch
<micahjohnston> I want to make something that's like delimited continuations
<micahjohnston> everywhere
<micahjohnston> and so it's really really natural to control asynchronicity
fwg_ is now known as fwg
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's a good plan
<fwg> ohai people
<ELLIOTTCABLE> @ micahjohnston
<fwg> what is #elliottcable up to?
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: :D
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: "the cave"?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i love it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> who the fuck is abumirqaan
<Willox> thanks
<micahjohnston> the game?
<micahjohnston> oh double fine game
<micahjohnston> haven't played
<micahjohnston> well ig tg
<micahjohnston> lunch time
<micahjohnston> bye
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wait what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's so great
<ELLIOTTCABLE> go fucking play it
<joelteon> everyone play haxball with me
<joelteon> :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> okay so, time to figure out what to do with my time
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm afraid of spending time on Paws or anything, because I tend to get Very Involved™.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> But I'm also afraid of giving up my GitHub streak, now that i'm a developer again.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ You srsly looking at Purr?
<Willox> I am
<ELLIOTTCABLE> man, having a captive developer who genuinely doesn't have any pet projects is pretty excellent.
<Willox> It's not even that bad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> How the hell are you so non-already-engaged? *Everybody*'s got some pet project they're obsessed with.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Oh, It's bad by my standards.
<Willox> I mean
<Willox> when I look at my scroll bar and see how far down I am
<Willox> (about 1/8)
<Willox> I can see what you mean
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if you want to make purr pretty for me, basically,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> A) fix the indentation.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that is, in purr.js and the related “local” files.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> preferably threesp, but anything consistent that *isn't* hard-tabs is fine with me.
<Willox> I use 3 spaces for node :)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> B) figure out a way to remove DevinSamarin's code, and submodule it in from the actual github repo.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> right now it's directly vendored in, and I don't want to be versioning it.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> either that, or set it up with npm, which would be even more desirable.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> C) seperate the *massive* and *unorganized* purr.js into a series of seperate files, organized and seperated however seems most expident to you.
<Willox> I'd just put it in a package file
<DevinSamarin> what
<DevinSamarin> yeah
<DevinSamarin> okay
<ELLIOTTCABLE> All that, and I'll give you a credit in the README. #omgsogenerous
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or just, y'know, make a readme, and put your name in there
<DevinSamarin> what
<DevinSamarin> yeah
<DevinSamarin> okay
<Willox> Why are you using this purr-loop thing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so far, “collaboration” has been a shared terminal multiplexer on the server
<ELLIOTTCABLE> `tmux -S /srv/irc/purr/tmux-socket attach-session -t purr`
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/i6UeJ
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he runs in one pane, we edit him in the second, and third for general shell-shit (git, moving files, whatever)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> his code is terrible, so if he crashes for some reason, we want to make sure he reboots and joins again.
<Willox> You just took a picture of an error :D
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // never considered using forever?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> was more pointing at the tmux-statusline at the bottom
<ELLIOTTCABLE> does *any* of this look like it's well-thought-out?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you can blame devyn for any of it you feel needs blaming ;)
<Willox> Ok
<Willox> a braille function
<Willox> of course
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: holy shit your terminal font is itty-bitty
<vil> I wish I had a retina display
<vil> Willox: he once spent half an hour turning a feature on and off while nuck and I were trying to figure it out, just to mess with us
<Willox> heh
<Willox> http://willox.tv/ vil, do you think the home icon missing stands out at all?
<vil> lolol
<purr> lol
<vil> why .tv?
<Willox> Local address
<vil> ah
<Willox> I could've got a sub domain but
<Willox> I'm not lazy enough I guess
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh my god vil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's probably sad.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's definitely sad.
<vil> hahaha
<vil> what was it even?
<Willox> please change your name back
<ELLIOTTCABLE> such as an irssi plugin to display peoples' nicks in all-caps when the message is in all-caps
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vil ⑊ “get along.”
<purr> hah
<vil> I stopped being productive around noon
<vil> oh yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vil ⑊ help Willox with purr!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> do you have any idea what this channel could do if any of us could learn to productively work together with any of the others
<Willox> I can't even find which of the code is DevinSamarin's
<ELLIOTTCABLE> except sephr, nobody can work productively with sephr
<Willox> how have you fit this much in literally 3 files
<ELLIOTTCABLE> probably all of lib/irc/
<ELLIOTTCABLE> holy shit, purr has been git-versioned for *a year*!?
<vil> brb snacks
<Willox> ok
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i want snacks too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bring me snacks vil
<Willox> Oh god
<Willox> The same irc library is in his vbotjr repo
<Willox> but probably a year newer
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like I said
<ELLIOTTCABLE> submodule the *actual repo* in
<ELLIOTTCABLE> assuming it All Works™ at all
<Willox> yeah :v
<Willox> I'll have to check
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or, better idea, save yourself time
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't need the *new features* or anything
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just find a temporally-proximal commit and submodule it in *at that commit*?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> perhaps git-bisect his code to find the matching commit to what we're using, or something
<Willox> It'd be easier for me to wait till my Arch machine is set up before trying to use Git
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: I brought you some Wheat Thins but I eated them
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol @ purr's punchcard
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Tuesday at 6AM is apparently when I work on purr.
<vil> ugh code anxiety
<vil> whenever people want me to help on stuff my brain is like "nope you aren't good enough at programming"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vil shut up you're better than purr
DevinSamarin is now known as devin
<vil> yes! I'm better at programming than a bot
<vil> oh wait that's not what you meant
<vil> alright, give me access, I'll take a look
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Sideways, Mimosa
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Sideways”, by Mimosa
<Willox> I'm just gonna work on this site
<Willox> purr can wait a day or so
<vil> god dammit did you really make your github username all caps too
<Willox> haha
<Willox> This is all my fault
<vil> you and your stupid W
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: gimme purr
<audy> william wallace?
<Willox> William Wallace
<audy> Mr Wallace?
<Willox> hi
<purr> Willox: hi!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vil ⑊ what?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vil ⑊ you have access already
<vil> what where
<vil> 4040 not found
<vil> 404 even
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what's your github name again? o_O
<Willox> audy
<vil> vilhalmer
<Willox> that isn't the reference people usually make
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: you just broke all links to your gh projects
<audy> Willox that's the only one that comes to mind
<audy> are we having a purr hackathon or something?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark ⑊ nah, it's not case-sensitive
<ELLIOTTCABLE> GitHub is just down again
<Willox> It's up for me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nothin'll load for me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Cloudlight Eskmo
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Cloudlight”, by Eskmo
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “It's not just you! http://github.com looks down from here.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> The new Google Maps.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I might just not need yelp anymore.
<vil> right?
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // zoom all the way out!
<Willox> The sun is in a syncronized position
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm not in Chrome, you idiot.
<Willox> aw
<Willox> :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I use a *real* browser.
<Willox> Nah
<Willox> you're missing out
<ELLIOTTCABLE> One, unfortunately, still without WebGL.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> love that the sattelite thumbnail scrolls with your view.
<Willox> It has always done that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> never saw it do it before
<Willox> Check out dat sun
<Willox> I should've thought of some content for this before trying to make it
<vil> Willox: content is secondary
<audy> whitequark ELLIOTTCABLE GitHub forwards when you change your username
<Willox> vil // a lot of people disagree
<vil> haha
<whitequark> audy: oh it does it now
<audy> i'd link to the blog post but github is down for me
<vil> I have yet to publish a single website that contains any actual content
<Willox> I have a perfect connection to github right now
<vil> me as well
<audy> status.status.status.github.com
<vil> weird
<Willox> Probably because only my half of the world is on it
<Willox> GitHub is currently unavailable over HTTP. HTTPS and all
<Willox> lies
<vil> https is working, http is down
<audy> well the blog is down
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ GitHub does not foward; but usernames are not case-sensitive
<Willox> You mean audy?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes, but only *repositories*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the profile page and GitHub pages don't redirect
<joelteon> my first child will be named ma~
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but, they're not case-sensitive, so *nothing* broke for me
<Willox> They're case insensitive anyway
<audy> but forwarding!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it forwards!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 'cause case-insensitive!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Humbled Double Fine Bundle
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Humble Indie Bundle 3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Humble Indie Bundle 8
<ELLIOTTCABLE> man, I missed a bunch of those ಠ_ಠ
<Willox> The newer ones aren't too good
<Willox> (in my opinion)
<vil> ♪ Amber Jam, Xinon
<purr> vil is listening to “Amber Jam”, by Xinon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Jesus, AWS added a *shitton* of services when I wasn't looking. O_O
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/iFKfI
<vil> is AWS a good choice for hosting a simple website?
<vil> because I pay for a lot of stuff that I'm not touching at the moment
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not at all
<vil> darn
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I suggest Linode for a general VPS
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but that might actually be *more* expensive, given the existence of micros
<vil> that's actually more than what I'm paying, yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in which case, for something AWS-like, but much better, at the same price, look into Joyent's offerings
<vil> ah, well
<ELLIOTTCABLE> especially if you do *anything* with Node.
<vil> mmm, interesting
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but most of *all*,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you shouldn't be using either if it's static *or* if it's a “simple” app.
<vil> which it is
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Heroku if you've got a simple Ruby-anything, nodejitsu if you've got a simple JavaScript-anything, and GitHub Pages if you've got a simple static-anything
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the only way to justify Linode or Joyent is if you've got custom deployment bullshit to do, or have a lot of weird random prototyping shit you want to do
<vil> yeah no
<ELLIOTTCABLE> for instance, purr and persistent logs for this channel, justify my Linode for me.
<vil> I just need something that can stand up to the (likely-minimal) traffic I'll get when I release this app
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not to mention remote development over SSH, though I don't do that much
<ELLIOTTCABLE> at least, anymore
<vil> I have my little server for the small amount of stuff I do in that area
<vil> and for most of the year, free electricity
<vil> well, I say free
<Willox> hm
<Willox> I just got disconnected :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I liked that I.P. >:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I guess it's time to deallocate it >:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bye-bye ;_;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/iNRPm
<Willox> You liked it?
<Willox> I like my local IPs and that is about it
<vil> wish I had a static IP
<vil> and a lack of AT&T
<Willox> By ISP gives me dyanmic IPs
<Willox> I've had the same IP for years now
<Willox> My ISP*
<vil> mine is basically static, hasn't changed in over a year
<vil> yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I need to dump S3 and move to something else, but although I'm extremely competent with my password-security, I haven't yet arrived at a data-security plan I like.
<Willox> Local ip -> 10.10
<Willox> That's likable
<eligrey> still on ipv4?
<Willox> windows
<Willox> Plus an ISP router
<eligrey> windows has had v6 support for ages
<vil> eligrey: I am too
<Willox> ISP router :(
<vil> that
<Willox> Our ISPs really don't want to switch to ipv6
<vil> I think AT&T finally switched it on here
<Willox> 10.10 is good enough
<eligrey> i switched to v6 over a year ago and its been great
<Willox> way better than whatever you have
<vil> but it's not automatic yet, and I haven't gone through the trouble of switching
<eligrey> * [eligrey] is connecting from *@2001:558:6031:15:609e:589d:c6b5:98c3 2001:558:6031:15:609e:589d:c6b5:98c3
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Fucking Best Song Everrr”, by Wallpaper
<eligrey> right in the ipv6 feels
<Willox> I reckon my IP will just get connecting to ipv6 addresses working
<Willox> and that'll be it forever
<Willox> My ipv6 readiness score is 0 out of 10
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Anytime sephr has something I want, it makes me want it less.
<eligrey> pretty sure the ipv6 readiness score includes ipv4 as part of it
<Willox> woah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> THIS SONG. I'm really FEELIN' this song.
* ELLIOTTCABLE sings along heartily
<Willox> ok
<Willox> it's ok
<joelteon> i know how you feel ELLIOTTCABLE
<joelteon> i feel wary of anything sephr does
<vil> the fuck do you get chrome to go to ipv6 addresses again?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Okay, come here.
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: this is a pretty excellent song
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey, devin, nuck, ale
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you guys are all sort-of-obsessive and care about shit that most people don't care about, a *lot*.
<devin> me?
<devin> why me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> So I'm gonna go out on a limb and say at least one of you has some ridiculously complex security practices for their personal data.
<ale> sup
<devin> wut
<joelteon> devin ≠ devyn?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I know a hell of a lot about password-security / key-security; but I need a new plan for recording important data, storing important data, especially when it's sensitive.
<devin> i put all my personal data on pastebin
<ELLIOTTCABLE> So. Talk security to me, bby.
<Willox> I have a password on my windows account
<devin> you like it when I talk security babe?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah that
<devin> iono, ccrypt
<devin> used to use that for a few things
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm thinking I need two tiers. One for financial data securing access to ≥ $US 50,000 in value, and one for everything else “secure” but not *that* secure.
<devin> KeePass
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no, I can't just store it locally.
<devin> use that now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> This isn't a software problem.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I need a methodology for storing it *reliably* **and** securely.
<devin> notecards in a giant vault
<devin> QR codes printed on notecards in a vault
<ELLIOTTCABLE> something remote (like S3), and/or synced (like Dropbox), that I can trust to keep data retained past when I personally would be able to (I wipe machines all the time, and care very little about my local data)
<Willox> A biscuit tin
<ELLIOTTCABLE> already do that for bitcoin
<Willox> duct taped together
<devin> Google Drive
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but need something that can hold more data, and be more immediately-accessible, for information
<ELLIOTTCABLE> why Google Drive? Not sure I trust Google.
<Willox> Don't use google drive
<Willox> They might decide to claim ownership
<Willox> (which they can legally do)
<Willox> (because silly)
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: I like Google, but I wouldn't trust them with anything important
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah exactly.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> So, who can I pay a lot of money to do this well for me?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Trying to figure out how to trust and *who* to trust once I figure out how to trust them.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I really, really like Blockchain.
<Willox> You need a phone number that you have to call from a specific location to unlock the contents
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I need something like that for data.
<devin> ELLIOTTCABLE: Google's not evil though
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Something where the local-client is open-source, and all of the encryption happens on *my* end,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but which is completely seamless.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't want to be running any stupid daemons that I have to update and manage and storing opaque blobs of encrypted data on remote services that I *still* don't trust.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> maybe this is a service I need to build and provide.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> except *I* would never trust me with important data.
<joelteon> so give it to me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> of *course* I'd expect me to have unreasonable quantities of hardware slowly working on cracking clients' data.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, wat dooooo
<devin> personal dropbox?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Already have/use dropbox.
<devin> i think they have free servers
<ELLIOTTCABLE> But I'm talking about stuff far too important/secure to have it synced to my personal devices all the time.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't knowwww wat do
<devin> git? lol
<purr> lol
<Willox> what kind of stuff needs to be that secure
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ You're new here, I'll forgive that.
<devin> his $50,000 nsa data
<Willox> Save yourself the hassle and delete it all, ELLIOTTCABLE
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I've tried to find such a service and failed
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Not *all* my money is in Bitcoin yet, jesus.
<whitequark> there's SpiderOak, there's two more similar services
<whitequark> but they all suck
<whitequark> "yet" lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't want sync or anything.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> A second Dropbox account, with much-more-secure-password?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not enough.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I need encryption of the local copies, and 2fa tied in. /=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wonder if there's a Stack Exchange for this topic ...
<whitequark> local together with 2fa doesn't make sense?
<Willox> "Save yourself the hassle and delete it all"
<Willox> Legitimate advice
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 2fa for downloading copies of the remote encrypted data
<ELLIOTTCABLE> basically, I want blockchain-level security for data, damnit!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> It works great.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have local backups, so I don't depend on their servers (they e-mail a copy every time something changes);
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but it's also stored remotely, so there's the convenience;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but it's *secure*, because it's never decrypted remotely,
<Willox> They email a copy every time it changes?
<Willox> Oh, an encrypted copy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and it's also secure from brute-forcing, because they require 2fa to even get a copy of the *encrypted* data
<ELLIOTTCABLE> on a new device that doesn't already have a localstorage copy in the browser
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's so genius
<Willox> 2fa looks cool
<whitequark> oh, they added 2fa
<Willox> With the card and all
<whitequark> neat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I get to take it a step further than that with bitcoin, and have a brainwallet storing the massive majority of my BTC investement; which means I don't even have to trust their servers, a physical safe, or anything else with the private key
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Blockchain was obviously created by *truly* paranoid people. And they did a god-damned good job.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> And somehow they made it *completely accessible*.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Blockchain completely revamped my views on uncustomized Twitter Bootstrap apps.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Turns out, once in an everloving long time, somebody who doesn't care as much about design as they should *actually produces something worthwhile*.
<Willox> Looks slightly customized
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #surpriseofthecentury
<ELLIOTTCABLE> > slightly
<Willox> It has rounded corners at the top
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I need to order a Yubikey. Hm.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Authy.app is excellent, too.
<Willox> I bet they can't wait for the app tld
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I might go start a topic about this on a Bitcoin forum.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I feel like they're the only people paranoid enough to help me solve it.
<vil> hmm, Authy looks nice
<vil> should replace Google Authenticator and its terrible UI
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it does everything GAuth does, and more
<ELLIOTTCABLE> truly excellent
<Willox> Authy does look nice
<joelteon> this just in: caffeine withdrawal isn't so fun
<Willox> joelteon // I live on Pepsi Max
<Willox> and once I finish it I drink more
<joelteon> well good luck my friend
<joelteon> stop using slash characters for tab completion you pretentious fucks
<Willox> dnsimple looks quite cool
<Willox> Because you need iPhone DNS management!
<vil> Authy's setup UI is a bit buggy, but worked
<ELLIOTTCABLE> joelteon ⑊ no.
<joelteon> ELLIOTTCABLE ☠ ok
<ELLIOTTCABLE> looks even better with my all-caps name
<joelteon> yeah
<Willox> heh
eccloud has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<joelteon> i'm so glad i finally got around to customizing vim
<Willox> no
<Willox> You are making me want my powersupply
<Willox> I need a life
<vil> joelteon: I've done about a third of the customizations I want to
<Willox> time to play a game
<joelteon> vil: there are always more
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ Got a Facebook?
<vil> ♪ Pressurize, Liquid Stranger
<purr> vil is listening to “Pressurize”, by Liquid Stranger
<devin> ♫ what
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: I've adopted using pass-phrases whenever possible now
<devin> ♪ Octupus Garden, The Beatles
<joelteon> samesies
<purr> devin: Song not found. ):
<devin> ♪ Octupus' Garden, The Beatles
<purr> devin: Song not found. ):
<devin> ♪ Octupuses Garden, The Beatles
<purr> devin: Song not found. ):
<vil> ♪ Octopus' Garden, The Beatles
<purr> vil is listening to “Octopus's Garden”, by Beatles (The)
<Willox> I always look at it but I never type things in to it :x
<Willox> Willox303 there too
<joelteon> I want focus follows eyes
<joelteon> that's still my kickstarter idea
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark ⑊ you said Spideroak sucks, right?
<vil> wow, Authy's barcode reading is spectacularly fast
<vil> didn't even finish moving it up to the screen
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lolright?
<purr> lol
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: personally i just use a 3-part master pass (usb+nfc+my head) for keepass which has everything including truecrypt passes
<eligrey> and you should also use the deniability features of truecrypt
<eligrey> fill it up a 3TB trucrypted drive with like 40GB of whatever to make it look legit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't trust myself.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I can remember a code, and that's damned-well about it.
<eligrey> in the false partition i mean
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wonder if I should go back to Backblaze'in
<vil> oh hey, I forgot to set up Dropbox on my server again
<vil> probably should do that
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: yeah
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: what do you use for global key management?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't; I've never found one of those solutions that works well at all. None of them are integrated enough.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I stick to a system of passwords that I keep memorized, and share amongst “like services.” If one of those is compramised, I can change the password for all the related services, and not be afraid of breach to “more important” (more secure) services.
<eligrey> the only place keepass doesnt run is on machines without a display manager and chrome os
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Don't care where it *runs*, care how much effort it takes.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> No integration with iOS Safari, no integration with ssh-agent, etcetcetc
<eligrey> it works on android
<eligrey> why are you still using ios?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Only remotely integrated solution for my lifestyle is Keychains and the iOS equivalent; and I'll only trust that with so much, up to a point, before I abandon it and keep it all in my head.
<eligrey> -g ios keepass
<purr> eligrey: MiniKeePass - Secure Password Manager for iPhone, iPod touch ... <https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minikeepass-secure-password/id451661808?mt=8>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Because Android is a flaming pile of shit?
<eligrey> i'm guessing that's compatible with keepass dbs
<Willox> I know the guy that made that icon from a forum
<vil> I hope I don't forget all of these passphrases
<eligrey> all of the keepass-compatible ios apps
<vil> I'm trying to rely on my strange sense of humor to ensure that my brain can re-generate them
<eligrey> some are open source
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Jesus, that website
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I dislike you immensely.
<eligrey> i never said i liked it either
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Well, I *did* ask.
<eligrey> its crap
<ELLIOTTCABLE> brought it upon myself etcetcetc
<Willox> You are talking about the theme?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://keepass.info
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that, not the blog
<eligrey> can you use nfc as part of your keepass password?
<eligrey> on ios
<eligrey> not sure if the latest iphone has nfc yetr
<eligrey> yet*
<Willox> It does its job
<vil> eligrey: nope
<vil> I'm really hoping they don't drop support for the 4 with iOS 7
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: some day i may make my own solution but keepass fufills all of my password needs for now
<vil> I'll be sad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's no NFC, and never will be
<eligrey> even if it isnt the most beautiful thing ever
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's Apple. NFC is too user-unfriendly to ever be a thing Apple adopts, similar to QR codes.
<Willox> I just have passwords
<Willox> I feel like a consumer
<eligrey> i guess youll never be able to use apple wallet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ heh
<Willox> Like
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ at the very least, learn to make secure passphrases.
<Willox> For important things, unique passwords
<Willox> Oh.. it's definitely secure
<Willox> I never liked storing my passwords in places
<eligrey> a text file on your desktop called passwords?
<Willox> I just remember
<Willox> Probably about 8 or so different passwords
<vil> I use 1Password because I have over a hundred accounts
<eligrey> other than my master password i have only 2 other passwords i have to remember
<vil> time for a new master password, actually
<Willox> I use a really bad password on sites that I expect to be storing plaintext
<Willox> but I guess that is kind of backwards
<eligrey> my google account for logging into chromebooks and my microsoft account for win8 desktops
<vil> eligrey: I'm at five right now with these passphrases
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: before you say "but you said keepass doesnt work with chrome os" - it doesn't, i just sync it with lastpass
<eligrey> i dont like lastpass but i have to use it for now in chrome os
<Willox> "your password is to long" = instant racial slurrs directed at whoever is reading my password
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a new heuristic for password-crackers?
<Willox> Well if it's too long I imagine they are not hashing it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Check cursewords first / more-often, if the site being cracked has stringent requirements”
<vil> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I find it much more annoying when they don't allow *long* passwods.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ... passwords*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my *shortest* phrases are over 60 characters
<eligrey> or maybe they dont offer free ingress
<vil> a bunch of education sites are eight characters MAX
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the worst of all, is when they *don't validate* that requirement in some places.
<vil> and I'm like "the fuck you doing"
<eligrey> personally i don't accept passwords over 1GB in size
<Willox> The funny thing is, so many services don't allow 60 chars
<eligrey> call me crazy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> For instance, the password I signed up for my bank with, was long; then I discovered that their *website* won't allow you to *type* passwords over a certain length
<ELLIOTTCABLE> meaning I literally couldn't log in.
<vil> wow
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // I have had a similar situation!
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: i had the same issue with wolframalpha and steam
<Willox> As a joke at school I made my password some rediculously long thing that takes me a couple of minutes to type
<Willox> but I can't log in to the website with it
<Willox> It's literally a story
<vil> mine are nowhere near that long
<vil> both of the new ones are 20+
<vil> several quatrillion years to crack apparently
<Willox> All of this information brings us closer to cracking your passwords
<vil> good enough for me
<purr> lol
<vil> what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> saw an interesting article recently where they were showing things that people *thought* were secure passwords, cracked by the hundreds of thousands in about an hour
<Willox> 647 quadragintillion years for my school password
<vil> other than I spelled quadrillion wrong
<ELLIOTTCABLE> partially 'cause they were stored in MD5, but still
<Willox> that explains it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “The following folders will not be backed up: http://ell.io/i1Hr7
<vil> heh
<vil> I thought you had a whole drive for that?
<Willox> That looks like a nice picture
<Willox> You better add that to the backup
<vil> ♪ Breakdown, Noisestorm
<purr> vil is listening to “Breakdown”, by Noisestorm
<vil> alright, time to come up with an insanely clever master password
<Willox> Just use a hash of the domain for your passwords!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, wanted to do that for a LONG time.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but the problem is integration.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I need to write a good bookmarklet to do it, simply because that's supported everywhere.
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Willox> The security in this product is the fact that it is leather
<vil> did they ever add bookmerklet support to Chrome/iOS?
<vil> goodness I'm transposing vowels all over the place today
<Willox> oh man that video
<Willox> I need a password minder
<vil> my mom still writes hers down
<vil> I should buy her 1Password
<Willox> Get her the password minder
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Chelsea's mother and father ACTUALLY DO THAT
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've seen it.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> It looks EXACTLY like in that video.
<devin> NO
<ELLIOTTCABLE> A fucking ancient datebook,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> spiral-bound inside, with like “who called” and “what did they ask for” fields,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and a leather cover wrapping the binding and front/back and shit
<vil> ALPHABETICAL LISTING for easier theft
<ELLIOTTCABLE> STUFFED FULL of passwords, account numbers, credentials of all shit
<Willox> haha
<vil> lololol this is fantastic
<purr> lol
<vil> my moms' are at least spread across lots of random pieces of paper
<vil> and she leaves older ones on the page so you can't really tell which one it is
<Willox> My mum doesn't write her passwords down
<vil> wtf? "digital RE-minder"
<vil> that's not how you say that word
<Willox> REEE minder
<Willox> That's an infomercial
<vil> mine literally can't remember them across two minutes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Ooo, I have 9 Simple invitations. Anybody want one?
<Willox> What's simple?
<Willox> If it's the bank thing no thanks
<ELLIOTTCABLE> why no thanks? it's excellent.
<Willox> Would I use it?
<Willox> wait
<Willox> Why has Nigeria Prince posted on their site
<Willox> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> https://simple.com/
<Willox> https://simple.com/blog/ On here
<Willox> The latest article
<ELLIOTTCABLE> April 01, bro
<vil> April 1
<Willox> It's funny
<Willox> If I had read the post I would've realised
<Willox> from just that image
<vil> ♪ Raise Your Weapon Madeon Extended Remix
<purr> vil is listening to “Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Extended Remix) RedMusic.pl”, by deadmau5
<Willox> I swear
<vil> unf
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: thinking about it
<vil> bbl dinner
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // I am not any of the requirements to be elegible for simple
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have no idea where this came from
<vil> hah, Authy wished me a happy Thursday in the verification email
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/ifSyZ
<Willox> Wait! I have an android phone
<Willox> I reach 1 requirement
<Willox> and simple was starting to look cool
<Willox> Gotta be in the US
<Willox> have a social security number
<Willox> and be 18
<Willox> or over
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you don't have an SSN? o_O
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wait, where do you live?
<Willox> England, silly
<Willox> Why would you expect me to live in the US?
<Willox> Sure it's a big place
<ELLIOTTCABLE> The majority of people in here do.
<Willox> nah, it's fair enough
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Moments, Giraffage
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Moments”, by Giraffage
<Willox> Most people do tend to be from the US everywhere without a specific audience
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Man, I love this. Nice, quiet, calm, excellent stuff.
<Willox> Are these other libraries in Purr unique to Purr?
<Willox> I'm guessing some are
<ELLIOTTCABLE> all of them except the irclib
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't bother splitting them out, just keep them vendored in
<Willox> I will
<Willox> Nothing that needs releasing there really
<Willox> I like the json saver though
<joelteon> yessssssss
<joelteon> joelt.io registered with iwantmyname
<joelteon> 101domain is refunding me
<joelteon> thank god I can get away from that hellish place
<Willox> That's a fast transfer
<Willox> Oh
<joelteon> nah 101domain canceled it on my request
<Willox> I was gonna say
<Willox> 1 day transfer is pretty crazy
<joelteon> Yeah, pretty fast though
<joelteon> no kidding
<Willox> The JSONSaver is actually really cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Error: Invalid Password. The password must contain at least 1 digit and 1 letter.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Fuck you guys.
<joelteon> heh
<Willox> What an insecure password you have
<joelteon> getting into a flamewar in #vim about how ugly linux is
<Willox> Why would you be in vim to complain about linux?
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // did you see the chrome extension I was linking to earlier today?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's so ugly
<Willox> The extension is ugly?
brr has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
<Willox> I was gonna say, the extension doesn't look like anything
<Willox> It shows comparisons next to units
<Willox> So $xxxx will have an example of what it actually is
<Willox> instead of just being a number
<Willox> :v I'll find it again
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I love startups.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://shoeboxed.com
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://fancyhands.com
<ELLIOTTCABLE> best things in the world
<Willox> They always have nice designs!
<Willox> Startups sure know where to find their web developers
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Facebook is so fucked up for me. No idea why.
brr has joined #elliottcable
<Willox> I found a new color scheme I am using for sublime now
<Willox> Clouds Midnight. looks pretty nice
* ale does elliott eyes at Willox
<Willox> hi
<purr> Willox: hi!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ale ⑊ why?
<Willox> Aw cool, I released an addon on the steam workshop which has currently 69,213 users
<ale> sublime, duh
<Willox> ale, I'll be trying out vim in a couple of days
* ale elliott eyes at Willox
<Willox> Well
* Willox willox eyes at Ale
* ale elliott eyes
* Willox ale*
* Willox Willox*
<Willox> boy i messed that up
<ELLIOTTCABLE> My name change is having the desired effect! :D
ale is now known as ALE
<ALE> ELLIOTTCABLE: vaguely dalek-like
<Willox> Somehow it's increasing at a steady rate
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ if that extension was avaialable for Safari, I'd try it.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ subscribers?
<Willox> This isn't about the chrome extension, I didn't make it
<Willox> This is just an addon I made for a game
<Willox> I sense great interest
<Willox> I'm pretty happy with 70,000 users though
sephr has joined #elliottcable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what is this, again?
<Willox> I'll be embarrassed if I show you :v http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108424005
<ELLIOTTCABLE> er, I don't get it.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> It's a program to crack keypads in a game?
<Willox> Nah
<Willox> It IS the keypads
<Willox> sandbox game, people build stuff using my keypads
<Willox> The screenshot is an example of me setting a keypad up to explode those barrels
eccloud has joined #elliottcable
eccloud has quit [Client Quit]
<Willox> I only uploaded it to try to get an achievement when it gets 1000 thumbs up
<Willox> Which I got :D
eccloud has joined #elliottcable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i think i'mma go fap
<Willox> glhf
<ELLIOTTCABLE> would have been the more appropriate response.
<Willox> gl hand
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there we go!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, hungry
<Willox> gl both hands
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Good Luck Banging Other Trannies, Ho ... Have A Nice Day, Seriously.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -topic s/E./E:/
purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #E:LIOTTCABLE. Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -topic s/E:/EL/
purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #ELLIOTTCABLE. Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<Willox> gj
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -topic s/\./:/
purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #ELLIOTTCABLE: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh shaddup Willox
<Willox> I like the regex
<ELLIOTTCABLE> blame devin for that one
<Willox> purr has too many features to be a bot
<Willox> purr is an AI
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no purr is a person
<Willox> How much is purr paid?
<ALE> -topic s/ //
purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #ELLIOTTCABLE:Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<ALE> -topic s/ //g
purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #ELLIOTTCABLE:Puppypawspatterplacidlythroughthepalepassageways...
<ALE> better.
<Willox> When you enter these commands do you begin them with a "-"
<Willox> Do you go type "topic" or "-topic"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and I'm not going to leave it configurable if you do shit like that, ale
<Willox> I think my client hides the - char
ELLIOTTCABLE changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #ELLIOTTCABLE: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<ALE> -topic #ELLIOTTCABLE: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ..
<purr> ALE: SyntaxError: Syntax is `s/expression/replacetext/gi`.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ your client sucks, get irssi installed.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ how old are you, by the way?
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // I actually thing it's outdated ZNC
<Willox> I'm 16
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I hear you're in England; I might need to have you hunt down ALE ...
<ELLIOTTCABLE> aw, damn.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> unlikely to have the freedom of movement my task would require.
<Willox> not quite
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'll get around to getting a visa someday soon
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<Willox> I probably couldn't hunt ALE very reliably either
<ALE> lol
<purr> lol
<ALE> ikr
<Willox> Clearly you're a pedo
<joelteon> down?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't know why the word “down” is in there.
<joelteon> down
<joelteon> why down?
<ALE> average age of this channel is definitely teenage
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have no idea why down.
<joelteon> are they flying around?
<joelteon> hovering?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hovering child-programmers.
<ALE> Willox: asl?
<joelteon> gross
<ELLIOTTCABLE> elliottcable: what.
<purr> beep.
<Willox> 13
<Willox> f
<Willox> canada
<ALE> hahaha
<Willox> cum get me baby
<ELLIOTTCABLE> thats hot
<ELLIOTTCABLE> where in cnand
<Willox> the bottom bit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> do u have a twiter
<Willox> close to you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> do you have a horse mas this hot
<ALE> Willox: but seriously...
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wil lyou wear it when we meet
* ALE wants to know if he should start running
<Willox> ALE, I don't plan on hunting you :)
<ALE> if I'm going to have a bounty hunter on me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> CanadaGirl's tweets are protected.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> are u gonna accept my friend
<ALE> Willox: you haven't considered how much ELLIOTTCABLE will pay to track me down
<Willox> sure
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Hm. There's an interesting question:
<Willox> Alex Gordon
<Willox> I'ma comin for you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Would the bounty to have someone hunt him down be higher, or lower, than the cost of buying him off?
<ALE> are you near london?
<Willox> I am
<ALE> eek
* ALE buys flight to brazil
<Willox> 56 minute drive
<ALE> that's either like... luton or brighton
<Willox> I'm outside of london
<Willox> Camberley, Surrey
purr is now known as eek
<ELLIOTTCABLE> best nick
<Willox> no purr
<Willox> no
* eek
<Willox> haha
<ALE> oh near bagshot
<Willox> Yes
<Willox> It states on my github profile
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “I am a faggot”
<Willox> Camberley, Surrey, England
<Willox> :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nope, pretty sure it's the thing I said
<Willox> I have a follower
<Willox> I don't know who
<Willox> but they are following me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/ios2G
<Willox> D:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Whoever it is, the only thing they did, is contribute to https://github.com/swordbeta/IPSEN5
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which is in haxspeak
<ALE> lol 1 follower
<eek> lol
<ALE> do I have more followers than elliott yet?
<Willox> ALE, I have never contributed to anything but my own 2 repos
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wow, how do I still have more followers than you
<ALE> dammit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then again, your famous-thing isn't open-source
<ALE> yeah true
<ELLIOTTCABLE> solution: make your famous-thing open-source
<ALE> still, I've managed to get like 150 stars on a repo which has no code, just an issue tracker
<Willox> Now you will be notified of all my commits ELLIOTTCABLE
<Willox> Prepare
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ oh noes
<ALE> which has to be some kind of record
<Willox> I found that person's commit!
<Willox> -<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<Willox> +<h1>Now that world knows who we are, hello you!</h1>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> These .gif's scare me.
<Willox> I want a github teddy bear
<ELLIOTTCABLE> This is definitely the best one.
<Willox> Why does everybody have a cool name and alias
<Willox> except me
<Willox> srs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> make one?
<Willox> but
<Willox> my name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bbl food idk ugh
<Willox> ALE, give me a new name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ale's name sucks
<ALE> github.com/willies
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ale needs to change his name back to alexgordon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ilikewillies*
<Willox> ALE, give me new name
<ALE> Willox: willies
<ALE> ELLIOTTCABLE: ikr, but I would break lots of links
<Willox> I want a different name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ALE ⑊ they redirect now, bitch
<ELLIOTTCABLE> as was just linked
<Willox> ALE, you are my designer
<Willox> design me a name
<ALE> ELLIOTTCABLE: linked where?
Willox is now known as AwesomeVampire
<AwesomeVampire> I used a name generator which is ~good~
AwesomeVampire is now known as AholicWill
<ALE> ELLIOTTCABLE: the documentation says that they do not redirect https://help.github.com/articles/what-happens-when-i-change-my-username
AholicWill is now known as Willox
<Willox> "MC Will"
<Willox> "WillWill"
<Willox> "BlackWill"
<Willox> who made this
<ALE> oh "Redirects are setup for all repositories, however"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> new stuff
<ALE> anyway, probably best if I just set up a new account
<ALE> just to keep my old account intact
<ALE> I don't want someone hacking my stuff by stealing my old username
<Willox> Does that happen?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> move your old one, then create a new one at the old name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's what I've always done
<ALE> but then the redirects won't work!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you sure?
<Willox> Great name!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've had several names
<ALE> well whatever
<ELLIOTTCABLE> many I won't divulge here, because they compartmentalize parts of my life I'd rather leave in the past
<ALE> new name methinks
<ALE> I have one in mind
<Willox> You don't need to share your previous names
<ELLIOTTCABLE> sourcelibrarian was a temporary fling inbetween elliottcable-periods
<Willox> you just need to give me a new name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ALE ⑊ new name? Why not just alexgordon?
<ALE> too long
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ fuckermagnet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ magnetfucker
<Willox> :c
<Willox> you make me sad so
<ALE> I think I do already own it https://github.com/alexgordon/
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ ironmolester
<ALE> wait no
<ELLIOTTCABLE> too long? o_O
<ALE> not on May 10 2013
<ALE> can't have it :\
<Willox> 20 says ago
<Willox> days
<Willox> fresky
<Willox> oh god
<Willox> I must be tired
<Willox> ----------------------------------
<Willox> 20 days ago. freaky
<joelteon> omfg
<joelteon> i hate CSS
<joelteon> so fucking much
<Willox> Why so, elton john?
<joelteon> because
<ELLIOTTCABLE> purr: record that subject #12 is seen to respond immediately in the wake of a long series of dashes.
<joelteon> this table
<ELLIOTTCABLE> er. wrong window.
<joelteon> the thead is acting as though it has 0% height
<joelteon> although it patently DOES NOT
<Willox> That's tables for you
<joelteon> no it only happens in safari
<ELLIOTTCABLE> There's a dead rat-fetus on my porch.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> rat-fetus.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> on my porch.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what the *actual* fuck.
<Willox> lick it
sharkbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
sharkbot has joined #elliottcable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -learn dead rat fetus = who thinks I should lick it?
<eek> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `dead rat fetus`.
<Willox> I really need to start doing things
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fix purr/eek
<Willox> I am going to do that when my Arch setup is ready!
eek is now known as purr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then install arch
<Willox> PSU is coming in the mail tomorrow
<ELLIOTTCABLE> حصريأ وبنفراد لليوتيوب النسخه الكامله
<ELLIOTTCABLE> الملايين الزاحف المجنح . حقوق النسخ والتوزيع محفوضه لدى موقع ماي ايجي والسينما للجميع وحصلت على اذن برفعه لصالح قناتي . ؟ تحذير قد يحتوي الفلم على لقطات مخيفه فلا ننصح بمشاهدته من قبل الآطفال وضعفأ الفلوب وأ نا والموقع غير مسؤلين عن اي مشاكل نفسية تنجم ...
<Willox> what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ... عن مشاهدت
<Willox> I am just getting many unknown characters
<nuck> Oddly my computer displayed that all perfectly
<Willox> fucking hexchat
<Willox> What encoding should I use?
<nuck> UTF-8
<nuck> Always
<Willox> I am D:
<nuck> Never use anything except UTF-8
<nuck> Speaking of penises
<Willox> I am already using UTF-8
<nuck> I just watched Boku no Pico, the original shotacon hentai
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also known as ISO-8008135
<nuck> That's the worst porn I've ever watched
<nuck> And not just because it was shota
<ELLIOTTCABLE> we all know you like little boys, nuck
<nuck> Dude, an old man tried to convince a customer that he'd never met before to fuck his grandson
<nuck> And when the grandson kept fucking the customer, he's just sittin' in his shop, smokin' a goddamn pipe
<Willox> Somebody say a special character
<nuck> "yup. My grandson dun tapped that"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a special character
<Willox> :(
<nuck> And THEN every time they cum it sounds like a fucking wet-ass fart
<nuck> Like, really really wet fart
<Willox> ⑊
<Willox> Sigh
<Willox> It's the font
<nuck> ha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Vans On, T. Mills
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Vans On”, by T. Mills
<Willox> This entire time
<Willox> it has been the font
<Willox> ⑊
<Willox> :(
<Willox> Do you see it properly?
<joelteon> yes
<Willox> Aha!
<Willox> I have Meiryo installed
<Willox> And it works
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lolwatstat
<purr> lol
<Willox> It's a font
<Willox> "Japanese sans-serif gothic typeface"
<Willox> aka it works
<ELLIOTTCABLE> get Anonymous Pro if you're on Windows / Nix.
<joelteon> and if you're not...
<ELLIOTTCABLE> can't beat the combination of OS X's rendering and Menlo's hinting, though.
<joelteon> nope
<Willox> I have Meslo
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <3 Menlo so buttfucking much
<purr> Let it be known that ELLIOTTCABLE hearts Menlo so buttfucking much.
<Willox> Which is like Menlo
<joelteon> <3 Consolas
<purr> Let it be known that joelteon hearts Consolas.
<joelteon> the only good thing Microsoft has ever done
<Willox> I'm not a fan of Consolas
<Willox> Blackadder is on bbc iplayer
<Willox> woo
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -- Menlo so buttfucking much.
<purr> Let it be known that ELLIOTTCABLE hates Menlo so buttfucking much..
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ++ Menlo so buttfucking much.
<purr> Let it be known that ELLIOTTCABLE is indifferent to Menlo so buttfucking much..
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -- Menlo so buttfucking much
<purr> Let it be known that ELLIOTTCABLE is indifferent to Menlo so buttfucking much.
<Willox> um
<Willox> What have you done!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> need to fix that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> need a “no.” to undo the last thing you did with purr. hrm.
<ALE> ELLIOTTCABLE: do you even lift?
<Willox> This font is very off putting
<Willox> I am used to monospacing
<joelteon> god i fucking hate webkit
<Willox> joelteon // send me an example and I'll help
<joelteon> no, wait
<joelteon> how do you get the safari web inspector to go back into the main window?
<Willox> I'm not sure
<Willox> I use chrome for that sort of stuff, unless the problem is in a specific browser
<joelteon> the problem is in safari
<joelteon> ah it's the old "a UI element that only shows up occasionally"
yrashk has joined #elliottcable
<Willox> Safari's inspector is very similar to Chrome's
<vil> oops I accidentally signed up for the developer side of Authy too
<vil> I guess I'll have to use it at some point
<Willox> vil, I look forward to your improvements of purr ;)
<vil> don't look at me, I still can't even see the repo :3
<Willox> godamnit ELLIOTTCABLE
<vil> also what did you break?
<Willox> I'm not working on it until I get my new desktop running, vil
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // please give vil the access and stuff :3
<vil> ack
<Willox> No turning back vil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vil has it
<vil> ♪ Watercolor, Pendulum
<purr> vil is listening to “Watercolor”, by Pendulum
<ELLIOTTCABLE> How did I add everybody who's ever been in the channel EXCEPT the two people who actually want to work on it!?
<vil> I promise I don't: http://cl.ly/PJhk/image.jpg
<Willox> I believe you vil
<Willox> I can't convey my sarcasm there
<Willox> but it was sarcasticly sarcastic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fucking love Pendulum
<vil> screenshot for pr00f
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's my driving music, there.
<vil> also my System is going NUTS
<Willox> ♪ Biffy Clyro, Different People
<purr> Willox is listening to “Different People”, by Biffy Clyro
<Willox> That ^
<vil> the Dock is frozen along with Mission Control and Notification Center
<vil> wtf
<ELLIOTTCABLE> see, you said System in titlecase
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which confused me immensely for a moment because that's the name of my dotfiles repo
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // what about a .use() sort of thing for purr?
<vil> wat is happen
<vil> halp
<Willox> For the listeners
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: mine too!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ implement it seperately on a branch, I'll take a look.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> probably fine by me with some caveats
<vil> brb gotta reboot before something catches fire
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // That way we can have external handlers.. like middleware
<Willox> Less would have to be in the 'main' file
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if you want to factor it all into npm modules, be my guest
<Willox> I'm not suggesting a file for every command, and I don't think it should all be separate npm modules
* ELLIOTTCABLE holds out hand, palm-up, while spontaneously sprouting a butler's vestments from his very skin itself
<Willox> Just a file per category or something
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't forget: this is in #Node.js
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so anything that makes it stupid-easy to contribute to isn't a bad idea
<Willox> hm
<Willox> Actually
<Willox> I like the idea of it using modules
<ELLIOTTCABLE> push NPM module, and have purr watch for NPM modules and notify me of ones with “purr-” in their name or something
<Willox> purr would be like a base that you just chuck modules on top of
<ELLIOTTCABLE> easier than messing around on the server
<Willox> Sure it'd need configuring
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so I can just `-install <blah>` when I have access-privs
<Willox> I like it more and more
<Willox> I don't know how I'd have it install modules itself
<Willox> but if it's possible sure
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's all easy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dw about the *interface*, I'll handle that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just give me the infrastructure.
<Willox> Can do
<ELLIOTTCABLE> factor everything into "private":true modules.
<vil> well, that was fucking weird
<ELLIOTTCABLE> leave them in the same repo for now, but vendor node_modules/
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'll seperate them out into individual repos once we're ready to publicize the whole mess
<Willox> Yeah
<Willox> First I think I need to sort out the irc library though
<Willox> I kinda want it to use the one straight from devin's repo
<ELLIOTTCABLE> again, submodules
<Willox> I don't know if that's from somewhere else or not though
<ELLIOTTCABLE> huh? no it's not
<Willox> ok
<Willox> I wasn't sure
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it shouldn't be, anyway
<Willox> it has the exact same directory structure as purr
<Willox> Actually
<ELLIOTTCABLE> again: bisect the repo for the point where it diverges, and then it should be easy to tell if there's any *internal-to-/lib/irc*-changes we can push upstream
<Willox> Purr's is newer than it
<Willox> It was last changed 2 years ago
<ELLIOTTCABLE> diff the bastard then and you're good, no messy bisecting
<gkatsev> ELLIOTTCABLE: why is your username shouting?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gkatsev ⑊ <3
<Willox> What's an example purr-profile?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> noooo idea
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ask devin or devyn this stuff
<Willox> It should just be in that format
<ELLIOTTCABLE> history: devin wrote v8bot; inimino forked it into ecmabot for ##Javascript and devyn forked it again for ##Paws;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh and sephr for #oftn
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then devyn did all the development on purr that you see, except Random Insane Crap, which is probably *my* fault.
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // I think in the final thing it'd be a bit different to that
<Willox> Just supplying an object instead of having a module supply the object
<ELLIOTTCABLE> For a long time I just yelled at devyn when I wanted a feature, until I got bored and just started doing it myself (much less prettily)
<Willox> (it'd need some kind of connect or init function too)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yah, I get the idea
<Willox> I think that'd be beautifully clean
<vil> I like it
<vil> just chain a .connect(arrayOfRooms) on the end?
<vil> or something similar
<Willox> At the moment it takes an object
<Willox> Like that
<vil> yeah
<vil> oh, perfect
<Willox> Aw yeah I just learned purr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> again: prototype it in a fork
<Willox> I shall
<Willox> But I am not starting yet remember
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, please follow granular-committing practices, makes me happier to merge
<Willox> I'll try
<vil> what shall I do in the meantime? I assume you know JS better than I do, Willox, being a web-dev
<purr\GH> [System] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 1 new commit to Master: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/System/commit/d13318885bd39ed9f25e7abb411d5301a3d58320
<purr\GH> System/Master d133188 elliottcable: Adding a folder-icon
<Willox> vil, everything I know is literally just from Lua
<vil> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vil ⑊ you don't know JS well? who are you and why are you in my channel? ;)
<vil> alright then
<Willox> I just work it out as I go
<Willox> Which sounds worrying, but it's really ok
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: I didn't say I didn't know it WELL, just that I assumed he knew it better
<Willox> vil, you can do whatever you like
<Willox> Work out what is given to the .use funtion if you like
<ELLIOTTCABLE> things aren't very modular right now.
<vil> alright
<vil> I know absolutely nothing about NPM or the like
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so the question is, are we going to leave all of devin's IRC functionality exposed to modules?
<Willox> Well
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or are we going to restrict these IRC middlewares to only doing simple listeners/commands?
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // I want to pass the purr variable to the modules
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I favour the latter, at least for now.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox ⑊ any particular reason they need it?
<Willox> Because people should be able to add their own wacky features :)
<Willox> I don't think any stock middleware will use it
<Willox> But if people want a middleware that does something deep, it should be able to without them modifying purr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'd rather leave “features” out until somebody asks for it. Let's only include in the interface what's required to migrate all existing functionality to modules.
<Willox> So what would be given to a middleware function?
<Willox> argument wise
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I agree, but I don't think we can properly design-for/forsee the needs of that eventuality right now.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hm. No arguments; instead, expect it to *return* an object-hashmap of commands/listeners to functions.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> until we know we need more.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> can always add, but it's difficult to take-away/refactor.
<Willox> That'd work
<Willox> But most middleware I've seen in node is often just where a function is passed
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't use any ‘middleware’-pattern libraries, personally
<vil> ok so the middleware will give purr a list of things to call when stuff happens
<Willox> It isn't exactly middleware in purr though
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bet we could do this with streams instead
<ELLIOTTCABLE> maybe for a full-rewrite, will do so
<Willox> Becaused all of the middleware isn't called, just what needs to be depending on user input
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // do you mean a different irc lib?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, dumping devin's code
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I fucking hate his API
<Willox> I've seen a nice irc lib
<Willox> Want me to find it?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> everybody knows he and I don't get along well when it comes to code/design ;)
<purr> hah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nah, I'd end up writing my own. Have particular ideas in the direction.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Irrelevant right now.
<Willox> Ok
<vil> whatever happened to ಠ_ಠ?
<Willox> I guess that could still work with this middleware idea anyway
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // https://github.com/martynsmith/node-irc Bare in mind this is quite nice
<Willox> bare
<Willox> :(
<Willox> I am about to cry
<Willox> So many spelling mistakes I have made
<Willox> Bear in mind
<Willox> that that library is quite nice
<Willox> It even has the dance command!
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // In this branch it might be easier to do a lot of it from scratch and move stuff over to where it should be
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I doubt it.
<Willox> just that so much of the code is going to be in a different place
<Willox> actually
<Willox> Nevermind :v
<ELLIOTTCABLE> There's not very much code outside of the irc-lib that we're avoiding touching for now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just a couple if fat-ass files, and some really simple “modules”
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // If the argument to .use() returns an object, you could have one middleware define multiple commands
<Willox> So maybe that is a better idea
<vil> I like that a lot, yeah
<Willox> And it'd be able to define what it actually is so purr knows when to call it
<Willox> So that's a better idea
<vil> map from event to function
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's what I said to do
<Willox> I know
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it should still be a function, though
<Willox> So
<ELLIOTTCABLE> we don't know *now* what we're gonna pass it
<Willox> Well
<Willox> .use(func) .use(func())
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no, .use(func)
<Willox> It's obvious what looks nicer
<ELLIOTTCABLE> impl of use can call the func
<ELLIOTTCABLE> func() => { ... }
<Willox> .use(func) is what I am saying looks nicer anyway
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's going to be that way etither way
<Willox> It'll need to be able to define multiple middleware from one .use call though
<Willox> Or you'll end up with loads of lines for the entire 'core' middleware
<vil> Willox: func will return a map of event->reaction
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there shouldn't be any core
<ELLIOTTCABLE> at least for now, the irclib is staying the irclib
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // Sure?
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // Do you know what I mean when I say core?
<Willox> I just mean some default middleware
<vil> e.g. -what
<Willox> Maybe
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Iiii'll leave this up to you guys.
* ELLIOTTCABLE goes back to other shit
<Willox> Just stuff that's almost always going to be used, that'd make no sense being a separate module
<Willox> Maybe we could just have a common module though, vil
<vil> so any channel-management stuff, like kicking ability
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fuck this
<ELLIOTTCABLE> starting over
<vil> ?
<Willox> :v
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if I have to make a nice API for this, I'll make a nice API for this right now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> sorry, was trying to avoid getting distracted by wasting-time-on-IRC-bot, but I suppose it's as good a time as any.
<Willox> Well
<Willox> What do you think of what I just said instead
<ELLIOTTCABLE> An insanely hot ex of mine just texted me this:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “I have some questions.”
<vil> what do you mean by common module?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Pertaining to routers and passwords and the bypassing or pertaining thereof.”
<vil> ELLIOTTCABLE: haha
<Willox> purr-common module with common middleware instead of just supplying it with purr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ... ‘Pertaining to ... and the bypassing or pertaining thereof.’
<purr> lol
<Willox> I like the idea of this
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “If my penis isn't regularly interacting with various of your body parts, I don't provide I.T. support.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Personal rule. <3”
<vil> good rule
<Willox> purr.use(purr-common.all);
<Willox> easy
<Willox> Maybe just purr-common, I dunno
<Willox> I don't like the varname
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yhold on bleeding
<Willox> that's bad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no dashes in JS you imbecile
<vil> wait, what were you thinking of originally? that's what I was picturing
<Willox> I know
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so much blood
<Willox> that's why I said it's bad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i blame the grill
<Willox> vil, I mean the fact that the common functions don't come WITH purr
<vil> oh, yeah
<Willox> Keep it light I reckon
<vil> I figured we were going to pull them out
<vil> just make purr a messaging core
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that already exists, it's edvin's code
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bloodbloodblood!
<vil> I'm gonna go read through the existing code so I know where we're coming from
<Willox> good luck vil
<ALE> ELLIOTTCABLE: wait, has the grill burnt your hand again?
<vil> …yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but i'm bleeding and i blame it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> everything is always the grill's fault
<ALE> wait
<ELLIOTTCABLE> xe's a bitch.
<ALE> really
<ALE> what
<ALE> why do you keep using the Forbidden letter?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> avenge my death, friend ale
<ELLIOTTCABLE> avenge my death
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Round and Round, Imagine Dragons
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Round and Round”, by Imagine Dragons
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Faithful my ass, you don't even know Paws.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, you're a stick-figure with a calculator.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I suspect you'd be a terrible jouster.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I dunno, you *do* have the advantage of surface-area ...
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ... depends on whether your faithful steed was *also* a stick-figure.
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // So you think we should have middleware be a function that is passed to .use()?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> give me a second here
<vil> die on your own time dammit, the future of purr is at stake!
<Willox> I think it'd be better as just an object
<vil> Willox: if it's a function though, it could do set-up when initially added
<Willox> Hm
<Willox> If it is going to need to load data, yes
<Willox> you're right
<vil> like, I don't know how the quotes DB works, but that probably requires initialization
<Willox> It probably all uses JSONSaver
<vil> and if not, just return an object and nobody can tell!
<Willox> Which is pretty cool
<vil> I saw that in there, dunno what it is
<Willox> It works just like an object in javascript
<Willox> but it saves it's data every so often
<vil> oooh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “works just like” lol'd
<purr> lol
<Willox> purr.js line 57 - 58
<Willox> It's true, ELLIOTTCABLE c:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's an object and a setInterval
<ELLIOTTCABLE> c'mmon guys
<Willox> Yeah but it's MORE
<Willox> It's the idea behind it
<Willox> We need a way for middleware to always call as well!
<Willox> for logging
<vil> ♪ Alive Zedd Remix
<purr> vil is listening to “Empire Of The Sun - Alive (Zedd Remix) [HQ]”, by Zedd
<vil> so wait, are we just going to have the action functions return the message to be sent, or how is that going to work
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Contact, Daft Punk
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “in extremix (radio contact)-cable-15-08-2010”, by Daft Punk
<ELLIOTTCABLE> let's do this.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wat the fuck
<vil> lolol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's not at all ...
<vil> what IS that?
<Willox> I don't think the middleware should have to check commands
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -song Contact by Daft Punk
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: “Contact” by Daft Punk: <http://tinysong.com/1ckhI>, “13 - Contact - www.CdsParaBaixar.Org” by Daft Punk - www.CdsParaBaixar.Org: <http://tinysong.com/1cuuy>, “Contact (feat. DJ Falcon)” by dAFT pUNK: <http://tinysong.com/1cuuz>
* ELLIOTTCABLE kicks purr
* purr r
<vil> I think the "by" makes a difference
<ELLIOTTCABLE> moving on
<Willox> the middleware function should give purr some kind of filter to if it calls or not on a message
<vil> okeydokey
<Willox> or whatever
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if we're doing this.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the point of middleware, of course, is to *stack*.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> excellent example for purr:
<Willox> yis
<ELLIOTTCABLE> some Purr code, right now, has a timer built in. A little delay before he replies, so he feels less botty.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *Especially* with stuff that's, y'know, humany. Like lol'ing, or saying “hah” to unlikely shit.
<purr> lol
<Willox> he responds to me instantly
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it'd be nice if that could be abstracted away, and applied to *any* command.
<Willox> Literally in less time than my ping
<ELLIOTTCABLE> similarly:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> almost all of the shit that's fun is currently isDick'd
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // .say(..., delay) ?
<vil> Willox: should be more general than that
<Willox> It could be
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which basically A) gives us a way to shut him up when he's being annoying, and B) gives us a way to change his behaviour over multiple channels (i.e. he's never a dick in #JavaScript
<Willox> It should only be for responses though
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: I'll be a dick in 23 hours, 59 minutes, 57 seconds, 497 milliseconds (999mſ 971µſ); please wait patiently.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ↑ like that
<vil> I didn't know that was a feature
<ELLIOTTCABLE> these are the sorts of things that *middleware* should be able to do
<vil> so now lol
<vil> will reactivate in 24 hours
<ELLIOTTCABLE> simply adding a command, honestly, should be possible from within IRC; we don't need a .use() statement for that
<vil> neat
<vil> so -learn
<Willox> I think commands should still be stated using .use()
<Willox> Just to keep it the same, but it should do more too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nah, nah, here's what I'm thinking
<ELLIOTTCABLE> basically: load any installed module starting with 'purr-'
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the module itself can call register_command, whatever.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Really simple. Straightfoward, for the simple stuff.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Middlewares, I still want; but we need to provide a way to *hook into* events. Which probably means diving into eboy's libs. Which, god-damnit, I was hoping not to do.
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE // modules could work as plugins and be dynamically loadable/unloadable
<Willox> with installing like you said, too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes, that's the goal
<ELLIOTTCABLE> basically:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> any purr-* module should `require('purr')` or whatever
<ELLIOTTCABLE> npm handles all the recursiveness
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then it can call purr.module.initialize(...)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which should preform any initialization of the module itself, register handlers/listeners/commands with purr, and bring in an unload function.