<elliottcable> hi
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<elliottcable> nobody wants to talk to me. I get it. Okay. )'=
brr has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
brr has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> -find five
<purr> elliottcable: Found: fistbump
<elliottcable> -fistpump
<purr> elliottcable: 7o7 FISTPUMP
<alexgordon> elliottcable!
<alexgordon> OMG
<alexgordon> HAVE I MISSED YOU?!
<elliottcable> micahjohnston, devyn, … either of you ever heard of E?
<elliottcable> http://www.erights.org
<elliottcable> apparently it's another, but much more academic, distributed programming language.
yorick has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<alexgordon> elliottcable likes a language called "E"?
<alexgordon> figures
<elliottcable> lol
<purr> lol
<Nuck> It's not E for Elliott, it's because E is his favorite drug
<elliottcable> Burger King's BBQ-sauce is so goddamn disgusting.
<elliottcable> uck.
<elliottcable> What happened to your queer party-friends?
<elliottcable> ♪ I GOTTA GOLD CHAIN
<elliottcable> ♪ I'M ON COCAIIIINE
<elliottcable> ♪ I'M LIKE YO, MAAAN
* elliottcable grins
<alexgordon> Nuck: the joke, you get it
<alexgordon> elliottcable: so where the fuck are you now
<alexgordon> which corner of the US
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ the joke, you *are* it
<elliottcable> OH SN
<elliottcable> North Carolina.
<elliottcable> just arrived yesterday
<alexgordon> North Carolina is like North Dakota but with people right?
* alexgordon has no idea where states are
* elliottcable laughs
<elliottcable> east coast.
<elliottcable> mid-way down.
<elliottcable> I live in a beach town.
<alexgordon> so... near panama?
<elliottcable> University / beach town, near to the “south” that I'm sure you've heard of.
<elliottcable> It's the very edge of the famous “south.” Everybody here definitely has the accent, though.
<elliottcable> that explanation fairly brit-compat?
<elliottcable> I feel like that should be a node module.
<elliottcable> `npm install brit-compat`
<alexgordon> all I know is
<alexgordon> New York, Syrup-land, Jazz-land, Porn-land and Bears
<alexgordon> oh and Old People-land
* alexgordon should really go to bed
<elliottcable> I'm so extremely inebriated
<alexgordon> elliottcable: the term is "pissed"
alexgordon has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"]]
<elliottcable> he left )'=
<elliottcable> I'm going to kill myself now )'=
<elliottcable> GUYS DAMIT
<elliottcable> none of you exist and it sucks
brr has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<elliottcable> even brr doesn't exist
<elliottcable> see? sucks all of you
brr has joined #elliottcable
<russfrank> elliottcable: is that coffeescript you're writing?
<russfrank> elliott!
<elliottcable> MICAGH
<elliottcable> er
<elliottcable> russfrank ⑊
<elliottcable> russfrank!
<elliottcable> three years?
<russfrank> hahahah
<elliottcable> and yes, it is
<elliottcable> I wrote a paws
<elliottcable> come help me write a better paws
<elliottcable> okay? okay.
<elliottcable> fucker.
<russfrank> OK
<elliottcable> I
<elliottcable> I will pay you*
<elliottcable> money*
<elliottcable> how much bitcoin do you want
<elliottcable> I have a lot and am drunk
<russfrank> hahahahah
<elliottcable> probably for my own benefit, I am wayyyy too drunk to accurately type my ~70 character password
<elliottcable> I f I cannot unecrypt my wallet how can I drunkenly pay people to do things D:
<elliottcable> russfrank ⑊ tell your brother to get in IRC
<elliottcable> before I mormon-wrape his mormon-ass
<elliottcable> UN ENCRYPTED
<elliottcable> SUCCESS
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/iIp6f
<elliottcable> I AHVE A LOT OF THEM
<russfrank> elliottcable: you may not pay me bitcoin while drunk!
<elliottcable> russfrank ⑊ do you know coffeescript
<russfrank> I'm okay with coffeescript
<elliottcable> okay do you know paws
<elliottcable> git clone git://github.com/elliottcable/muPaws.js.git
<elliottcable> and then um run the examples
<elliottcable> they're real code they work i feel smart
<russfrank> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> but im workging on the other paws right now
<elliottcable> shut up don't laugh at me i have more beer than you
<elliottcable> seriously how long has it been
<elliottcable> I don't think I've seen you, in, like, three, years
<elliottcable> vommas are great
<elliottcable> I'll pay you 71.95 bitcoin because that's a lot of bitcoin to write some paws <3
<russfrank> I've been idling in here for awhile
<russfrank> def hasn't been 3 years
<russfrank> I'm a little drunk too :]
<russfrank> being a good person though because I have work tomorrow
<elliottcable> how old are you and how old is micha
<elliottcable> I can't remember who's older
<elliottcable> where do you work
<elliottcable> are you still smart
<micahjohnston> hi elliottcable
<russfrank> I work for Rutgers University where I also go to school for some reason
<elliottcable> FICKING MICAH
<elliottcable> FUCKING MICAH™
<elliottcable> micah I wrote a paws help me
<micahjohnston> who are you not irc!
<elliottcable> or am writing*
<elliottcable> both
<russfrank> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> I wrote one and am writing one
<elliottcable> both facts are true
<elliottcable> MICAH PLEASE HELP ME
<micahjohnston> ok
<russfrank> I'm 21, micahjohnston how old are you
<elliottcable> your music sucks code is more important peoplease be a programmer again
<russfrank> lol
<elliottcable> programming sucks but you were a goood programmer anyway
<micahjohnston> russfrank: 17, 18 in a month
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: i want to code lots
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: just had lots of finals
<elliottcable> I thought russfrank was your brother
<elliottcable> what the fuck
<russfrank> lol, no
<russfrank> oh elliott
<elliottcable> didn't you have a brother in here or something
<elliottcable> I am so confused god-damnit
<russfrank> I did not
<micahjohnston> rusky
<micahjohnston> is on a mission
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ I will pay you bitcoin, or any other coin, to work on Paws with me
<micahjohnston> for a year and a half
<elliottcable> I want it to be complete SO BAD but I am slow and terrible
<micahjohnston> ok i will help
<elliottcable> rusky ≠ russfrank
<micahjohnston> my last two exams are tomorrow and wednesday
<elliottcable> my mind is literally blown
<elliottcable> my fucking mind is fucking blown
<micahjohnston> i want to get way deep into programming again
<elliottcable> three years of assumptions, broken
<micahjohnston> explain
<elliottcable> I thought russfrank === rusky
<micahjohnston> haha
<elliottcable> why else is there to explain
<elliottcable> so micahjohnston mupaws works
<micahjohnston> he's in a prog rock band
<elliottcable> it's a Real Thing
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: OH REALLY
<elliottcable> but, it's ugly
<elliottcable> and I can't
<micahjohnston> THAT'S COOL
<elliottcable> make bubbles in it
<elliottcable> I need to make bubbles
<elliottcable> Paws is borign
<micahjohnston> haha whe
<elliottcable> bubbles are cool
<russfrank> looooool
<elliottcable> so, I'm writing a new paws that's cleaner, better-written, less insane, easier to *innovate* within
<elliottcable> need a frameworjk to develop new ideas
<elliottcable> like bubbles
<elliottcable> so, new paws, to do that
<elliottcable> I'm literally copying the old paws, verbatim, since it already works
<elliottcable> bugt with less elliottcable-insane code,
<elliottcable> and more clean, idiomatic, everyone-else-compatible code
<elliottcable> in CoffeeScript and shit
<elliottcable> also:
<elliottcable> making sure it works fully in a browser this time
<elliottcable> because that's kinda part of the whole Point of apws
<elliottcable> paws
<micahjohnston> oh bubbles
<micahjohnston> time travel bubbles
<micahjohnston> ok
<elliottcable> point of Paws
<elliottcable> so
<elliottcable> recap, less drunk:
<elliottcable> - Paws is a thing, it works
<elliottcable> - Paws, althoughg it works, is currentlky ery difficult to be *smart* with
<micahjohnston> because it's a rube goldberg machine machine?
<elliottcable> - writing a new Paws REALLY HARD and REALLY FAST, with no innovation, simply to do the same thing as I've already done, but ALLOWING INNOVATION
<micahjohnston> lambda calculus style?
<elliottcable> - new Paws needs to work in the browser, because old one doesn't, and that's fucking stupid, because that's onle of the most important things Paws can do (work in the browser, that is)
<elliottcable> did any of that make any sense to less-inebriated people like micahjohnston?
<micahjohnston> yeah it made sense
<elliottcable> kkkk
<elliottcable> git clone git://github.com/elliottcable/Paws.js.git
<micahjohnston> also do you want to listen to me rant about girl
<elliottcable> SURE
<micahjohnston> yeah definitely paws
<elliottcable> so ranting about girl doesn't count against work-time
<elliottcable> can I rant about girl too? i have girl-rant to do
<elliottcable> after you
<micahjohnston> sure
<micahjohnston> ok so
<elliottcable> 'K
<elliottcable> GO
<micahjohnston> we broke up a month ago
<micahjohnston> and
<elliottcable> name?
<micahjohnston> kendal
<micahjohnston> so
<elliottcable> I need a refernece-point, I feel like there have been several girls
<elliottcable> okay
<micahjohnston> well
<micahjohnston> kendal
<micahjohnston> 's the only one i've really had anything with
<micahjohnston> basically first everything
<micahjohnston> first held hands, first kiss, etc.
<micahjohnston> anyway
<elliottcable> sex>?
<micahjohnston> 3rd base :p
<micahjohnston> anyway I am definitely not kendal's first
<micahjohnston> like she comes from a christian conservative background but has become liberal/agnostic/etc. so has an interesting mix of beliefs about sex and commitment
<micahjohnston> anyway
<micahjohnston> so
<micahjohnston> kendal and sam
sephr has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<elliottcable> i on't know bases
<elliottcable> but go on
<micahjohnston> are two of my best friends
<micahjohnston> ok
<micahjohnston> base 1: kiss
<micahjohnston> base 2: hands genitals
<micahjohnston> base 3: mouth genitals
* micahjohnston home run: se
<micahjohnston> sex
<elliottcable> kk
<micahjohnston> so
<elliottcable> wow, I never knew that
<micahjohnston> it's a nice oblique way to discuss it :p
<micahjohnston> so anyway
<micahjohnston> kendal and sam had been dating for like 2 years
<elliottcable> wait
<elliottcable> that communicates baseically nothing
<elliottcable> stupid system is stupid
<micahjohnston> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> WHOSE mouth on WHOSE genitas
<elliottcable> PM if you wnt
<elliottcable> I get it if shit is private
<micahjohnston> well in my case both
<micahjohnston> :p
<elliottcable> I'm ver\ not-private, but, whatervs
<elliottcable> okay GO ON SORRY
<micahjohnston> lol
<micahjohnston> so
<elliottcable> kendal and sam
<elliottcable> both good friends(right?),
<elliottcable> of yoyurs, I mean
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> forgive drunk, cannot type well easily
<micahjohnston> so actually their dating is basically why my current friend group exists
<elliottcable> whaaaat
<micahjohnston> well my current "friend group" is undergoing lots of flux atm but anyway lol
<micahjohnston> but like
<micahjohnston> kendal and sam were super super close
<micahjohnston> two years ago
<micahjohnston> sophomore year
<micahjohnston> and
<elliottcable> you're all seniros now?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> would mostly like sit alone at lunch or with kendal's friends
<elliottcable> kk
<elliottcable> you would?
<micahjohnston> so then one day kendal's friends were gone and sam kinda knew me and my friends so he was like "they're cool" and they sat with us
<micahjohnston> sam and kendal would
<micahjohnston> so now me and sam and kendal and couple others are really good friends
<elliottcable> wait
<elliottcable> re-phrasing because drunk and confused
<micahjohnston> ok
<elliottcable> you + kendal == thing,
<micahjohnston> sam and kendal were kind of a bubble on their own
<elliottcable> sam + kendal used to be thing,
<micahjohnston> right
<elliottcable> you used to hang out with sam's group,
<micahjohnston> no
<elliottcable> er
<elliottcable> kendel's*
<micahjohnston> sam and kendal used to be a bubble on their own
<elliottcable> you used to hang out with kendal's group
<micahjohnston> then they now hang out with our gruop
<elliottcable> and now sam's group hangs out with your-and-kendal's group
<micahjohnston> no
<elliottcable> can you draw me a venn diagram?
<micahjohnston> not my-and-kendal's
<micahjohnston> lol
<micahjohnston> these gruops aren't super important
<elliottcable> okay moving on
<micahjohnston> but you misunderstood an omitted subject
<micahjohnston> sam and kendal were on their own
<micahjohnston> them merged with me and a couple friends
<micahjohnston> now we're good friends
<elliottcable> couple of *your* friends?
<micahjohnston> so last year I was super shy and not-confident
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> now, you-and-couple-of-your-friends are now good-friends with sam-and-kendel-'s-group
<elliottcable> right?
<micahjohnston> so like I always thought she was super attractive
<micahjohnston> well not sam-and-kendal's group
<micahjohnston> just sam and kendal
<elliottcable> kkk
<elliottcable> got it
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> NEXT GO
<micahjohnston> so
<micahjohnston> but a) she was dating sam and they were in a super close long-term relationship
<micahjohnston> and
<micahjohnston> b) I thought she was way outta my league etc.
<micahjohnston> so we got to be good friends and stuff and I kinda had a crush on her but didn't pursue it at all and mostly ignored it etc.
<micahjohnston> and so
<micahjohnston> right about4 that time last year, she and sam broke up for the first time
<micahjohnston> I"ve lost counrt how many times
<micahjohnston> after that
<micahjohnston> they were super on and off
<micahjohnston> and so
<micahjohnston> fast foward to beginning of this year
<micahjohnston> I have Become Social™
<elliottcable> ™
<micahjohnston> i am sexy and girls like me nowadays
<micahjohnston> apparently
<elliottcable> ™™™
<micahjohnston> still getting used to that
* elliottcable high-fives
<elliottcable> KNOW THAT FEEL BRO
<elliottcable> go on
<micahjohnston> anyway so kendal and i started flirting occasionally
<micahjohnston> said we liked each other, sort of became a thing, but not really a public thing
<elliottcable> this is awesome I never knew anything about your life except that you're smart and not-so-mormon
<micahjohnston> so this was last october or so
<elliottcable> private thing ಠ_ಠ
<micahjohnston> not private thing
<micahjohnston> just like
<micahjohnston> not an official Thing at all
<micahjohnston> and, i shoudl have been alerted by this fact, as i will explain later
<micahjohnston> but anyway
<micahjohnston> so over the next few months we were kind of on and off
<elliottcable> kk
<micahjohnston> and right aswe started being a thing she was talking about breaking up with sam forever
<elliottcable> wauit
<elliottcable> WAIT
<elliottcable> WAIT
<micahjohnston> which she had done before
<elliottcable> sorry
<elliottcable> trying to be clear
<elliottcable> kind-of-on-and-off needs clarifaction
<micahjohnston> ok
<elliottcable> that cold mean a lot of things
<micahjohnston> i'll get to that part
<elliottcable> did she ever tell you she was a thing with you?
<micahjohnston> in a sec
<elliottcable> so to speak?
<elliottcable> okay go on sorry
<micahjohnston> yeah i'll get to that
<micahjohnston> so
<elliottcable> RealTalk.
<elliottcable> I like you.
<elliottcable> So your real-life shit is important to me.
<micahjohnston> I thought she and sam were over because actually the day we first kissed earlier she was talking about how she didn't want to date him anymore at all
<micahjohnston> aw thanks
<elliottcable> And I kiiiiiiiiinda feel,
<micahjohnston> it's mutual
<elliottcable> like I should be giving this sober-attention
<elliottcable> I feel like I'm shorting you somehow by trying to talk about this when I'm *AMASSIVELY DRUNK*
<micahjohnston> idk no it's fine :P i just want to spew
<micahjohnston> so yeah I thought they were over
<elliottcable> KK GO
<micahjohnston> and then for the next few months it was great
<elliottcable> “next few months”
<elliottcable> dates?
<micahjohnston> like the scene in 500 days of summer with the hall & oates song
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> October - ???
<micahjohnston> well
<elliottcable> never seen 5oo days of sumer
<elliottcable> have an ex who tried to get me to watch it
<elliottcable> never did
<micahjohnston> ok it's super super super great
<elliottcable> Timeline me
<elliottcable> October == she kinda starts to on-and-off with you
<micahjohnston> great movie to watch to feel better :p
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> ok so
<micahjohnston> can't remember if this is after or before christmas break
<elliottcable> ?? - ?? == she starts to date you, sortof
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> there was one time
<elliottcable> but still, December-ish
<micahjohnston> I wanted to be exclusive
<micahjohnston> but 2 days later we decided not to
<elliottcable> “we”
<micahjohnston> she was more uneasy about it than i was but i was a bit
<elliottcable> realtalk me
<elliottcable> as in, *she* decided not to, but *you* wanted to?
<elliottcable> or honestly-mututallyed-decided-to?
<micahjohnston> she was like "what are we" and I was liek "I kind of want to be exclusive" and she was cool with it and then 2 days later she was like "I don't thikn i'm ready to be committed to you" and I'd been feeling a little biut uneasy about it too but she was the main factor in it not happening
<micahjohnston> so yeah
<elliottcable> k.
<elliottcable> go on.
<elliottcable> WAIT
<elliottcable> give me
<elliottcable> one minute and thirty seconds
<elliottcable> doing something, and want to concentrate on this
<micahjohnston> ok I remember timeline, that hapepned around christmas
<micahjohnston> because that day was when we were watching loveactually and making gingerbread houses and making out and it was a great day
<micahjohnston> all right
<elliottcable> OKAY AM FULLY HERE
<elliottcable> hi
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<micahjohnston> ok cool
<micahjohnston> so
<micahjohnston> anyway so yeah we were still a thing over christmas break and then sometime in january after we went back to school i guess, she was all of a sudden being just-friendsy with me, and then a bit later she said she didn't want to date anyone
<micahjohnston> i am telling this from micah-point-of-view and will tell about the real facts after
<micahjohnston> so then i was sad for a week or two
<elliottcable> kk
<micahjohnston> and then we also didn't have any classes (literally none, not even lunch) with the new semester and basically didn't see each other
<micahjohnston> and she was like "i miss you" and we started doing things again and then we became official the day before valentine's day
<micahjohnston> and then, it lasted two months until halfway through april, and we broke up
<micahjohnston> and now here we are today
<micahjohnston> so
<micahjohnston> extrafacts:
<micahjohnston> partially, i was blinded, and partially, dumb, and stuff
<micahjohnston> but like i assumed she was over with sam this whole time
<elliottcable> wait
<elliottcable> wait wait wait wait
<elliottcable> no extrafacts yet
<elliottcable> back up
<micahjohnston> ok
<elliottcable> “broke up” need details on that too
<micahjohnston> ok well this facts are important
<micahjohnston> these lead up to the breakup
<micahjohnston> so
<elliottcable> how / why / was it mutual / if not who initiated it / how do you feel about it
<elliottcable> okay go
<micahjohnston> it was partially mutual
<micahjohnston> she initiaited it but I was going to at one point
<micahjohnston> anyway so
<elliottcable> don't bullshit me, I want the truth about how you feel
<micahjohnston> she and sam were like
<elliottcable> okay.
<micahjohnston> the whole time we were on and off a thing
<micahjohnston> she was also on and off a thing with sam
<micahjohnston> like she has been for the past year and a half
<micahjohnston> and probably still is right now
<micahjohnston> and so like
<elliottcable> ಠ_ಠ
<micahjohnston> the time that she cut things off, and decided not to date anyone
<micahjohnston> now makes sense to me
<elliottcable> buckets of ಠ_ಠ
<micahjohnston> she was confused etc.
<elliottcable> cut things off with *you*?
<micahjohnston> not while we were dating
<elliottcable> or cut things off with *Sam*?
<micahjohnston> no, in january
<micahjohnston> this is the january time when she cut things off with me and then we got back together and then we made it official
<micahjohnston> but yeah she never cheated on me while we were dating
<micahjohnston> well like Officially Dating
<elliottcable> woah
<elliottcable> SO fucking confused.
<elliottcable> okay.
<micahjohnston> sorry
<elliottcable> Was she ever “with” sam
<elliottcable> while you two were “official dating?”
<micahjohnston> no
<micahjohnston> no
<micahjohnston> nop
<elliottcable> second: was she ever “with” Sam while you two were broken-off?
<micahjohnston> yeah but not officially just like
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> or was it very much a stopped-being-with-sam-SOMETIMES, started-being-with-you-SOMETIMES, thing?
<micahjohnston> no, pretty sure it was both of us sometimes
<micahjohnston> idek
<elliottcable> trying to figure out if you-and-Sam were interleved at all
<micahjohnston> yeah I thikn we probably were
<elliottcable> k
<micahjohnston> ok so
<elliottcable> go on, less confused
<micahjohnston> apparently
<micahjohnston> she was making out with sam like a few days before we started dating
<micahjohnston> and apparently this was obvious to literally everyone around me except for me
<elliottcable> oh, fuck.
<micahjohnston> but like I didn't realize this until partway into april, actually the day before
<micahjohnston> before prom
<micahjohnston> kinda a shitty prom
<micahjohnston> but anyway
<micahjohnston> like, when we started dating she didn't immediately tell sam that we were dating, just that she and him were Just Friends, and then later said that we were dating
<micahjohnston> which should have made me ask more quesitions than it did
<micahjohnston> so should have the time when she said she didn't know if she was ready to be committed
<micahjohnston> and also I should have paid more attention to her reluctance the day before valentines day when we became official
<micahjohnston> but anyway I was a dumb fuck and didn't realize this
<elliottcable> yep
<elliottcable> very-much “got it”, go on
<micahjohnston> and also way earlier when we were on and off a thing, a gossipy person found out and was telling everyone that we were a thing
<micahjohnston> and then she was like
<micahjohnston> grilling me about how much i said
<micahjohnston> and was kinda secretive about it
<elliottcable> Jesus. Bro.
<micahjohnston> and now i realize that was definitely because she didn't want sam to find out
<elliottcable> I know you have so much more to say.
<elliottcable> But I suddenly understand why people say, to other people, “You can do better than that.”
<micahjohnston> uhuh
<micahjohnston> but yeah and like while we were dating I know she didn't cheat on me at all, but I know she wasn't over sam at all either
<micahjohnston> like she'd get angry when he flirted with other girls and stuff, and the day before prom, here's what happened:
<elliottcable> ohhhhhhhhh maaaaaaan
<micahjohnston> we were sitting in an assembly in a row, kendal, me, (friend), sam, and sam always told her iphone games to play, but it wasn't downloading on her phone, so he gave her his, and then he got a text from a girl that just had a smiley in it and was vaguely flirty and she got all upset and like leaned on my shoulder and i was starting to get freaked out
<micahjohnston> and then that night, i was talking with peopel in my group for prom and getting a bit nervous about our plans to have a drunkparty
<micahjohnston> which didn't pan out
<micahjohnston> but anyway so we were on the subject of drunken makeouts and it kind of just exacerbated my bad feels and then that's when my friend told me about how she was making out with sam up until a few days before we got together
<micahjohnston> and I was feeling super awful and dead set on breaking up with her
<micahjohnston> and prom wasn't very good the next day
<micahjohnston> and on monday we talked about it and she was kind of understanding because like
<elliottcable> wait
<elliottcable> need to read all of that several times ti understand, because drunk.
<micahjohnston> she did genuinely like me and genuinely care about me, it's not like it was just a completely one-sided thing
<elliottcable> give me a couple minutes to absorb. hold your thoughts.
<micahjohnston> all right
<elliottcable> day before prom, you guys were still dating.
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> wait
<elliottcable> fuckin'
<micahjohnston> and that's when i realized what had been going on
<elliottcable> way too drunk for this shit
<micahjohnston> like she hadn't been cheating on me but
<elliottcable> sam shared iPhone games with Kendal.
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> Sam gave Kendal his phone, in assembly, to play a gane.
<elliottcable> Got it.
<elliottcable> and flirty. and then with you. okay.
<elliottcable> this is while you and Kendal were still A Thing™.
<elliottcable> Fuck Kendal.
<elliottcable> This whole thing.
<micahjohnston> we were officially dating at this point
<micahjohnston> but yeah
<elliottcable> makes me want to fly to Utah and tell her she's a bitch.
<micahjohnston> lol
<micahjohnston> but yeah so then
<elliottcable> drunkparty after prom ... still reading ...
<elliottcable> plans didn't pan out.
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> that was just an aside
<elliottcable> “my group for prom”?
<elliottcable> okay.
<elliottcable> Friend told you, about her and sam being making-out-thing RIGHT UP UNTIL she and you became a thing,
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> and that fact, hurt you. and that made you want to end it.
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> am I at all on the right track here?
<micahjohnston> because she was also obviously not over him
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> BUT
<elliottcable> despite bullshit and not being over him
<elliottcable> she liked you.
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> i know she genuinely did
<elliottcable> and when you two real-talked-seriously about it, *after* prom,
<elliottcable> it came out that she still had feelings for him, but also liked you?
<micahjohnston> no actually
<micahjohnston> she said sam sent her a whiny text day of prom about her being possessive/holding her back and she said she didn't want to date him anymore and stuff
<micahjohnston> not sure how much I believe that
<micahjohnston> so it didn't "come out that she still had feelings for him"
<micahjohnston> that much was obvious and then she said that she no longer did
<micahjohnston> don't really believe her now but anyway
<elliottcable> brb. ghold on.
<micahjohnston> ok
<elliottcable> So, as of prom-date,
<elliottcable> - you were still officially with her,
<elliottcable> - she was still officially with you, but still had feelings for Sam,
<elliottcable> - *Sam* didn't know that he-and-her weren't a thing, but
<elliottcable> - she told you she no longer did (as of promdate)(
<elliottcable> am I understanding properly?
<micahjohnston> no, sam and her were doing nothing and stuff, she would just get upset when he flirted with other girls
<micahjohnston> they weren't a thing but she wasn't over him
<elliottcable> Got it.
* elliottcable breathes deep
<elliottcable> Okay, day *after* prom. You sat her down, and talked to her about all of this?
<micahjohnston> yeah well two days after but yeah :P
<elliottcable> same diff
<micahjohnston> :p
<micahjohnston> but yeah so she was kind of understanding and stuff
<elliottcable> wait.
<elliottcable> Still catching up, 'cause drunk.
<micahjohnston> aight
<elliottcable> You talked, and you were all “Shit. You're not over Sam, are you?” and she was all “No ... I guess I'm not. I'm sorry.”
<elliottcable> right?
<elliottcable> and she understood your upset-ness over that fact (that you'd realizied)
<micahjohnston> no, she actually said then that she was now over sam
<micahjohnston> basically implicitly admitting that she hadn't entirely been before
<elliottcable> K. But you said she understood your upset-ness.
<micahjohnston> but now was
<elliottcable> Got it. Okay.
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> and then the friday after that
<elliottcable> friday-after-prom.
<micahjohnston> she broke up with me
<elliottcable> when was Prom? How long ago are we talking, here, as of *today*?
<micahjohnston> over the week after prom i'd still kept feeling bad and it wasn't going well
<micahjohnston> it was like april 14th or something like that
<micahjohnston> month ago
<elliottcable> k
<elliottcable> so you got dumped three weeks ago? |=
<micahjohnston> so the relationship was 2 months and then ended about a month ago
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> kk
<elliottcable> sorry ... go on ...
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> so then we broke up
<micahjohnston> and i heard from someone (same friend who introduced me to 500 days of summer because she was actually going through a breakup at the same time :P) that she and sam kissed a few days after we broke up
<micahjohnston> apparently it was just a "peck goodbye" in the parking lot like not serious makeouts but like
<micahjohnston> fuck
<elliottcable> ಠ_ಠ
<micahjohnston> fuck
<elliottcable> Okay. Got the timeline. Answer me a few things now?
<elliottcable> Or do you have more to tell me?
<micahjohnston> sure
<micahjohnston> well yeahj
<micahjohnston> i called her at midnight feeling like shit and asking her about it and stuff
<elliottcable> midnight?
<elliottcable> midnight, when?
<micahjohnston> and like the next day she kept texting me and i didn't answer because i felt like shit
<micahjohnston> week after we broke up or so
<micahjohnston> just like, i was feeling like shit and called her middle of the night and stuff
<elliottcable> knowthatfeel ...
<micahjohnston> next day we talked at a coffee shop and stuff
<elliottcable> WAIT BRB
<micahjohnston> ok
<elliottcable> fuck
<elliottcable> Cherish tried to face time me, but the signal was terrible, and it sucked.
<elliottcable> so much for that.
<elliottcable> you guys met ... at a coffeeshop ... after you called her, middle-of-the-night, a week after breaking up, to talk to her
<elliottcable> am I on-track?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> so basically this is just me feeling fucked up lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> keep going. What happened at the Coffeeshop.
<micahjohnston> anyway she said that she cares about me but doesn't deserve me because i deserve someone who can be committed etc.
<micahjohnston> idk
<elliottcable> ugh
<elliottcable> Be honest with me ... did she come across as *meaning* that, or did it feel empty, to you?
<micahjohnston> it came across as meaning that i guess
<micahjohnston> like she's not a soulless bitch
<micahjohnston> although i am still hurt
<micahjohnston> and anyway i bet she and sam are still occasionally making out
<micahjohnston> and i am doing my best to distance myself from her and get over her
<elliottcable> Micah )'=
<elliottcable> I'm way too drunk to say anything that isn't going to sound either A) facetious or B) retarded.
<micahjohnston> thanks for listening
<elliottcable> I'll condense my responses down to one sentence, and then we're going to move on ... not because I don't care, but because I'm afraid of responding in-depth when I'm a solid 3.193938 + 5.204944 + 2.129292 = 10.528174 UK units of alcohol in ...
<micahjohnston> haha
<elliottcable> You're doing yourself right, by trying to get over her. She's a bad start, for you. Relationships aren't all like that. You'll find, soon, with the “next girl,” that sometimes, they *really like you*, and they're focusing all of their attentions *on you*. Not on some other guy.
<elliottcable> Reasonable / understandable - enough?
<elliottcable> Not suggesting you don't already know this. I'm just trying to reinforce it, from first-hand experience (first-hand experience both with what you're talking about, because, to some extent, I've *been* there ... and, also, first-hand experience with *other* things, things where the girl is truly only into *you*.)
<micahjohnston> thanks
<micahjohnston> yeah it's just hard because this is by far the most i've been into a girl
<elliottcable> Yeah. How do you feel about her?
<micahjohnston> like this is the most real thing i've had and i liked her tons
<elliottcable> Now, a month later?
<micahjohnston> but now i'm feeling a lot more over her
<micahjohnston> i feel more bad about what happened than bad that we're not together
<micahjohnston> getting over the phase where "I'll never find anyone like her" yknow
<micahjohnston> not really interested in dating her anymore, but keeping my distance for a while to keep it that way
<micahjohnston> anyway, getting to know some new friends way better and hanging out with them a ton
<micahjohnston> anyway I love sam but sometimes he's a huge asshole
<micahjohnston> he's actually the cause of a significant amount of the drama in my life
<micahjohnston> such a douche sometimes
<micahjohnston> like one of my friends does not speak to him anymore
<micahjohnston> like kendal was on and off with her so much because he was not a good boyfriend
<eccloud> ಠ_ಠ
<eccloud> so, Sam was a friend *before* Kendal-and-you were a thing?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> i basically have a very shallow friendship with him
<micahjohnston> we're only friends when we make or play games together or talk casually at school
elliottcable has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<micahjohnston> i've never said a word to him about this whole thing with kendal etc.
<eccloud> “make”
<eccloud> you make games with him?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> and my friend caius
<micahjohnston> and sometimes another friend
<micahjohnston> we've won competitions
<eccloud> woa
<eccloud> back up
<eccloud> your ex-girlfriend's, not-so-ex boyfriend
<eccloud> is a part of your game-making team?
<micahjohnston> haha yeah
<eccloud> fuckin' mind blown
<eccloud> okay.
<eccloud> very much saturated, for my current level of inebriation.
<micahjohnston> hahaha ok
<eccloud> anything else you want to share, right now?
<micahjohnston> want to hear a fun story?
<micahjohnston> about drugs
<micahjohnston> with my best friend
<micahjohnston> who was not involved in any of this drama
<eccloud> omg yes
<eccloud> which friend
<micahjohnston> yay
<eccloud> give me names
<micahjohnston> caius
<eccloud> my mind
<eccloud> is like a JavaScript dictionary
<micahjohnston> he's in game making team
<eccloud> gotta give facts,
<eccloud> KEYS
<eccloud> to store in.
<micahjohnston> haha ok
<micahjohnston> so caius
<micahjohnston> and a girl named erin
<eccloud> { Kendal => <all of that>, Caius, => <new information> }
<micahjohnston> yeah
<eccloud> Caius and Erin
<micahjohnston> so caius and erin like each other but are way too shy to do anything about it
<micahjohnston> anyway
<eccloud> LOL
<purr> lol
<micahjohnston> we went to an alt-j concert
<micahjohnston> forgot, have you listened?
<eccloud> shaddup purr
<eccloud> no iae what alt-j is
<micahjohnston> ok
<micahjohnston> you'd love irt
<micahjohnston> i'll send you some on spotify
<micahjohnston> bassy/electronic/indie/folk/weird
<eccloud> some other time
<eccloud> waaaaay too drunj for bew nysc
<eccloud> new music
<micahjohnston> ok cool
<micahjohnston> so
<eccloud> do you like Pompeii by Bastille?
<micahjohnston> haven't listened
<eccloud> SDD::D::
<eccloud> D:
<eccloud> SENT
<micahjohnston> about to
<micahjohnston> ok so
<eccloud> SO LISTEN
<micahjohnston> haha ok
<micahjohnston> sio
<micahjohnston> alt-j concert
<micahjohnston> it's kinda trippy music
<eccloud> SENT
<eccloud> go on
<micahjohnston> and also kinda ravey venue
<micahjohnston> so there was E everywhere etc.
<eccloud> i don't understand raves
<micahjohnston> anway
<micahjohnston> Erin is into that shit
<eccloud> 24 years old, and a lot of sex, and I *still* have never been to a rave
<micahjohnston> haha
<eccloud> erin is Caius's friend?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> so
<micahjohnston> we went to concert
<eccloud> slash ‘secret’ love-interest?
<micahjohnston> yeah :p
<micahjohnston> so
<eccloud> “we” meaning caius/erin/you?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> the drug was 25i-nbome
<eccloud> wat
<micahjohnston> hallucinogen stuff like lsd but also, "music appreciation drug," makes you see faces in everything, euphoria, social connection
<micahjohnston> so anyway fun times
<micahjohnston> I didn't take any
<micahjohnston> just saw caius grinning his face off during the concert and knew erin was on something so i was like "are you on something"
<micahjohnston> and he was so I was like "I'm driving"
<eccloud> he said he was?
<micahjohnston> so, caius had driven the three of us
<micahjohnston> yeah
<eccloud> and you were like, I'm driving back. 'cause you're high as tits.
<micahjohnston> we live in various suburbs and the concert was downtown, so kinda long drive
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> lol
<purr> lol
<micahjohnston> so anyway
<micahjohnston> caius has a manual
<eccloud> who'se car?
<micahjohnston> I have never driven a manual
<eccloud> OMG.
<eccloud> THAT FEEL.
<micahjohnston> well, had*
<eccloud> “You're high, but your car is a fucking manual. you FUCK.”
<eccloud> had!?
<micahjohnston> now I have
<micahjohnston> as of that night
<eccloud> please tell me you didn't crash your high-friend's manual-car.
<micahjohnston> I drove perfectly
<eccloud> wat.
<micahjohnston> I learned how to drive stick from his shitty high instructions and from wikihow on his iphone
<micahjohnston> practiced in the underground parking garage
<eccloud> OH. MY. GOD.
<eccloud> MICAH.
<micahjohnston> drove home on the freeway
<eccloud> MICAH.
<micahjohnston> got everyone home
<eccloud> I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe.
<micahjohnston> :D
<eccloud> Look.
<eccloud> I've had a lot of pretty-good stories.
<eccloud> I could tell, stories, that would make you cry.
<eccloud> But fuck.
<eccloud> “Had to drive my high friend and our concert-goer friends home, but his car was a manual, so I had to learn how to drive manual off Wikihow.”
<eccloud> Kinda. Is “up there.”
<eccloud> Probably beats out all but my top five stories.
<eccloud> jesus. brb. breathing.
<micahjohnston> haha :D
<eccloud> okay.
<eccloud> Paws?
<micahjohnston> Paws
<eccloud> If only because I'm too drunk to do anything that isn't *extremely* deterministic?
<micahjohnston> i type github.com and it autocompletes github.com/elliottcable/anal
<eccloud> excellent.
<micahjohnston> haven't done much programming on this computer
<micahjohnston> lol
<purr> lol
<micahjohnston> but yeah Real Life is great
<eccloud> one last question.
<eccloud> and you can DM me the reply if you have a reason to do so.
<micahjohnston> ok
<eccloud> Have you partaken in *any* mind-alterating substance, yet? And, far more interesting to me, have you partaken of a *non-alcohokic* mind-altering substance yet? (i.e. drugs)
<micahjohnston> lol, I had pot brownies once
<micahjohnston> that Erin made
<micahjohnston> but I guess there wasn't enough in them
<micahjohnston> so, felt nothing
<micahjohnston> planning on getting high this week actually
<eccloud> oh?
<eccloud> deets.
<eccloud> because I never have.
<micahjohnston> caius wants me to try nbome with him
<eccloud> and I will be SO HURT if you beat me to it.
<micahjohnston> haha
<micahjohnston> I probably will in all reality unless you hustle
<eccloud> fuck meeee
<eccloud> I've been meaning to try either acid or, um, that other one
<eccloud> for a while
<eccloud> but I don't know anybody I trust enough to do it with, who wants to do it
<eccloud> if that makes sense
<eccloud> E / molly
<micahjohnston> yeah E sounds fun
<eccloud> LSD or ecstasy.
<micahjohnston> nbome sounds awesome though
<eccloud> are the only two I know enough about, to feel safe about trying once.
<eccloud> I'm too afraid of designer drugs.
<micahjohnston> also it's apparently neither legal or illegal because it's like a research drug
<micahjohnston> at universities
<eccloud> I need *knowledge* to feel safe, fucking with my blood/brain barrier.
<eccloud> well yeah
<eccloud> but I couldn't give less of a shit about legality
<eccloud> only care if it's widely-tested/safe
<micahjohnston> yeah I know just interestingfacts
<micahjohnston> anyway nbome literally sounds like E + LSD
<eccloud> let me know how it goes.
<eccloud> preferably in private.
<micahjohnston> ok will
<micahjohnston> :p
<eccloud> Bitcoin and drugs are two things I don't feel compfortable discussing in private.
<eccloud> better yet, invite me to Utah to do drugs with you. ;)
<micahjohnston> haha
<micahjohnston> we will have to meet up after i'm free and in college
<eccloud> deal.
<eccloud> “free”
<eccloud> sounds about how you've described it.
<micahjohnston> got a scholarship including housing
<micahjohnston> :D
<eccloud> OKAY.
<eccloud> Paws.
<eccloud> Code.
<micahjohnston> paws
<eccloud> Creating things.
<eccloud> Leading a useful life.
<eccloud> Being a *person* instead of just a consuming sheep.
<micahjohnston> currently listening to some prescribved pieces for music theory test on wednesday while we work :p
<eccloud> kk
<eccloud> well idk “we” work.
<micahjohnston> ok
<eccloud> I'm really drunk. I've switched Spaces away from my coding Space.
<eccloud> because.
<eccloud> drunk.
<eccloud> but maybe I can show you, while drunk, where I am, and what i've done.
<eccloud> have you seen what muPaws does, now?
<eccloud> it's pretty goddamn complete.
<eccloud> short of the *cool* stuff (time travel, distribution), it does ALL of the basic things.
<eccloud> it's a *complete* Paws implementation.
<eccloud> the problem is, it's GOD-DAMNED UGLY.
<eccloud> Like, even I, the quintessentially insane elliottcable, don't have the brain power to code inside of it.
<eccloud> it's just too far gone out the other-side of insanity.
<micahjohnston> i expected that to happen :p
<eccloud> So, my current project, seems to be “porting” everything from muPaws to a “sane” Paws.js
<micahjohnston> LET'S REWRITE PAWS AGAIN
<eccloud> in fact, I'm going out the other side.
<eccloud> into ridiculous levels of sanity.
<eccloud> by which I mean, using all of the things I hate, but everybody else seems to think are okay.
<eccloud> like, “boring” code-style
<eccloud> and CoffeeScript
<eccloud> and require()
<eccloud> and tjholowaychuk projects
<eccloud> and npm
<micahjohnston> aight
<micahjohnston> cool
<micahjohnston> I wish I had $10 for http://www.probability0.com/
<eccloud> git clone it
<micahjohnston> fishbane is the best
<eccloud> what is probabilty0
<eccloud> I watched the trailer.
<eccloud> I suppose I'mt oo drunk to understand it.
<eccloud> hello?
elliottcable has joined #elliottcable
<micahjohnston> hi
<purr> micahjohnston: hi!
<micahjohnston> i don't know what probability0 is
<micahjohnston> I know what some of the games in taht bundle are :p
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: actually kendal is a lot like you in some ways
<micahjohnston> like personality-wise
<micahjohnston> I was thinking about this
<elliottcable> oh?
<elliottcable> that's fucking scary
<elliottcable> please don't date anybody remotely similar to me kthx <3
<micahjohnston> born conservative christian, retains a lot of those beliefs although has turned more agnostic and liberal and stuff
<micahjohnston> so interesting mixed bag of those beliefs
<eccloud> meh, that doesn't describe me at all
<micahjohnston> yeah I know
<micahjohnston> getting to nmore things :P
<eccloud> is she offensive and yet caring? is she rich? is she considerably insane by normal standards? is she often depressed? is she *fun*?
<micahjohnston> just the whole really self assured/bragging thing is kinda similar
<micahjohnston> offensive and yet caring, and fun
<elliottcable> cool my irssi is working again sorta
<micahjohnston> are the things I would say
<micahjohnston> are simialr
<micahjohnston> you know I am tired of her at this point, like she's the kind of person you love when you're dating but can sometimes be hard to deal with
<micahjohnston> :P
<elliottcable> lol
<purr> lol
<eccloud> dude that describes me so well
<micahjohnston> lol yeah
<eccloud> wow, I really *am* drunk
<elliottcable> need to fix my irssi
<elliottcable> whatevs
<elliottcable> paws? paws.
<elliottcable> so.
<elliottcable> clone the old one, run the examples?
<elliottcable> then let's talk about the new one?
<elliottcable> when did you say finals are over?
<elliottcable> I was serious.
<elliottcable> I will pay you for some level of attention to Paws, right now, on a schedule.
<elliottcable> perhaps a months' worth at the very least, a 9 to 5 sort of thing.
<micahjohnston> wednesday is last one
<micahjohnston> http request failed on clone
<micahjohnston> haha the funny thing about this is that my parents have literally no idea that I have ever dated anyone
<elliottcable> seriously.
<elliottcable> your family.
<elliottcable> so I dated this girl named Abigail.
<elliottcable> I call her Abi.
<elliottcable> call/called.
<elliottcable> she has ridiculously religious parents, too.
<elliottcable> but not like, normal-mormon-ridiculous,
<elliottcable> instead,
<elliottcable> abnormal-Christian-ridiculous.
<micahjohnston> oh yeah you told me a lot about her at the time :P
<elliottcable> don't want to get into girls now.
<elliottcable> yeah lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> you and *her* were similar!
<micahjohnston> chipped tooth
<elliottcable> ;)
<elliottcable> so.
<micahjohnston> hahaha
<elliottcable> PAWS.
<elliottcable> or just goddamned CODE!
<elliottcable> anything PRODUCTIVE
<elliottcable> changing the WORLD
<elliottcable> instead of bitching about GIRLS
<elliottcable> (me, not you.)
<elliottcable> (I bitch about girls too much.)
<elliottcable> (instead of changign the worl.d)
<micahjohnston> haha
<elliottcable> okay, yes, I'm drunk >,<
<elliottcable> so.
<elliottcable> http error? can't clone?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> loh yeah I know why
<micahjohnston> blocked http
<micahjohnston> so I'm through proxy right now
<micahjohnston> ugh god damnit
<micahjohnston> it's become lots less frequent now
<micahjohnston> but osmehoe always when I'm talking to you lol
<purr> lol
<micahjohnston> somehow
<elliottcable> I can just gzip and transfer in other methods
<elliottcable> can you ssh / ftp to server?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> god damn it's past midnight
<micahjohnston> i'll help with paws
<elliottcable> you can sleep if you need to
<elliottcable> I'll watch TV
<elliottcable> we can talk when sober
<micahjohnston> oh ok
<micahjohnston> cool
<elliottcable> I'm so edcited. I'm definitely back on a Paws kick. have been for a couple weeks.
<micahjohnston> because I definitely want to make paws now
<elliottcable> I'd given up a while back. But I'm definitely in the mood again.
<micahjohnston> but exam tomorrow :p
<elliottcable> I'm bored now if you want to.
<elliottcable> But if you need to sleep, sleep.
<elliottcable> still reading on N-bomb.
<elliottcable> honestly? 'cause worried.
<elliottcable> if my favourite intellectual-person dies due to an inquisitive drug overdose, I'mma be PISSED.
<elliottcable> ಠ_ಠ
<micahjohnston> :p
<elliottcable> fuck news
<elliottcable> but I'm reading drug databases
<elliottcable> aaaaaaaanyway'
<elliottcable> want a gzip? tonight? or want to wait until no-tests and more-sober, respectively
<micahjohnston> drug databases?
<micahjohnston> I think let's wait
<micahjohnston> I'm looking a little on github
<micahjohnston> but yeah
<elliottcable> kk
<elliottcable> 919-636-4204
<elliottcable> I'll forget.
<elliottcable> Text me when tests are over.
<elliottcable> Let's make a goddamned distributed programming language.
<elliottcable> <3 g'ight
<purr> Let it be known that elliottcable hearts g'ight.
<elliottcable> fuck
<elliottcable> topo druj ti fux tgat'
<micahjohnston> hahahahaha
<elliottcable> too drunk to fix that
<micahjohnston> I love you elliott
<elliottcable> -- g'ight
<purr> Let it be known that elliottcable is indifferent to g'ight.
<elliottcable> FIXED
<elliottcable> GENIUS
<micahjohnston> watch this:
<elliottcable> even though drunk?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> ugh squishy video
<elliottcable> quishy>
<elliottcable> ?
<micahjohnston> like, stretched
<micahjohnston> :p
<micahjohnston> ok nonssquished version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGDXgEFnrTs
<micahjohnston> the guy just got laid by the girl he's in love with
<micahjohnston> fucking awesome scene
<micahjohnston> oh my god i love that movie so much
<elliottcable> reminds me soooooo much of the T.V. show “Eli Stone”
<elliottcable> sooooo much
<micahjohnston> would it be on youtube?
<elliottcable> the last person who mentioned 500 Days of Summer to me,
<elliottcable> was Abigail.
<elliottcable> who made me fall in love with a song from it. and told me to watch it. which I still haven't.
<elliottcable> man. memories. so many.
<elliottcable> miss her, in a way.
<elliottcable> Abigail, that is.
<elliottcable> you wanna hear my girl-problems?
<elliottcable> unless you're going to sleep 'cause tests.
<elliottcable> actaully nah I'm wayyyyyyy to drunk to even begin to explain this complex shit
<micahjohnston> what song was it?
<micahjohnston> I fucking love the whole soundtrack
<micahjohnston> yeah I'd be down to hear girl-problems
<micahjohnston> unless you're too drunk :P
<elliottcable> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> privmsg. 'cause. she reads this channel
<elliottcable> she literally imessaged me about saying
<elliottcable> a thing earlier. whatever.
<micahjohnston> aight
<micahjohnston> hi
<purr> micahjohnston: hi!
<elliottcable> ... continuing from private
<elliottcable> do you have any iae how much of my private style is adopted from people I've dated!?
<elliottcable> like,
<elliottcable> idk even.
<elliottcable> jesus.
<micahjohnston> haha
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> but know that feel, nonetheless.
<micahjohnston> kendal and sam are so
<micahjohnston> ugh
<micahjohnston> like
<elliottcable> like,
<micahjohnston> when he tries to share a show/game with her she automatically hates it because it's him
<micahjohnston> like she has to hate stuff because it's him
<micahjohnston> and they argue all the time
<micahjohnston> but I fucking guarantee they were making out like last weekend
<elliottcable> dude.
<micahjohnston> and i need to not care about it
<micahjohnston> like, here's a text convesration we had on sunday or saturday or something
<micahjohnston> I said something
<micahjohnston> she was like "fell asleep at friend's house, drove home at 3am" or something
<micahjohnston> and I was liek "was it sierra and them"
<micahjohnston> and she was like "no it was sams. anyway adlgfhkadfgkhlarhkl"
<micahjohnston> so like she said friend's instead of sam's
<micahjohnston> which is ridiuclous
<micahjohnston> idk
<micahjohnston> fuck me
<micahjohnston> i need to not care
<elliottcable> woah reading
<elliottcable> fucking too drunk to, uh, “parse”
<elliottcable> you need to be more explicit
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> ok
<micahjohnston> so
<elliottcable> screenshot for me or something?
<micahjohnston> last weekend
<elliottcable> or pm me more details?
<micahjohnston> well my phone is a pice of shit
<elliottcable> LOLK
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> do you want an old iPhone?
<elliottcable> I have like twelve
<elliottcable> twelve iphones
<micahjohnston> hahahah that'd be sweet
<micahjohnston> I have a shitty broken iphone 3g
<elliottcable> I hgave some of those too
<micahjohnston> but this one is a dumbphone
<elliottcable> sonehow I end up with old, broken, extra iDevices
<elliottcable> I have like four Macs within arm's reach
<micahjohnston> haha
<elliottcable> ancient but ridiculously overpowered Mac Pro, not eve plugged in, just used as a desk for my wallet and watch ...
<elliottcable> Mac Mini plugged into some-40TB-of-storage, I use for backsups and media ...
<elliottcable> Retina MBP as my primary computer ...
<elliottcable> extra Macbook Air I use as my Windows testing machine ...
<elliottcable> then there's all the iDevices, jesus
<elliottcable> what Apple product do you want, and where's your address?
<elliottcable> http://store.apple.com/ pick one, I have one that's an extra
<elliottcable> no imacs, I don't have any imacs
<micahjohnston> haha i don't think it can be mailed to my house or my parents would flip
<elliottcable> lol
<elliottcable> “who'd this come from”
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> “some guy on the inthernet who's kinda gay”
<micahjohnston> hahaha
<elliottcable> “mom, Internet Cops are not a thing”
<micahjohnston> omg
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> in august I will have my own address at the dorms
<micahjohnston> :p
<elliottcable> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> P.O. box bitch
<elliottcable> just got my first one
<micahjohnston> anyway want dumb ex girlfriend story
<elliottcable> P.O. box 5366
<elliottcable> Chicago, IL 60680-5366
<elliottcable> United States
<elliottcable> mail me a fuckin' thing
<elliottcable> <3
<micahjohnston> haha ok
<micahjohnston> fuckin love sufjan stevens
<micahjohnston> so my friend i have been talking to a bunch about relationships
<elliottcable> who what
<micahjohnston> about that scene in 500
<elliottcable> who what
<micahjohnston> she showed me the movie
<elliottcable> punched myself in the balls
<micahjohnston> went through a breakup around the same time as me
<elliottcable> hurt A LOT
<micahjohnston> omg what
<elliottcable> oops
<micahjohnston> "Right? It makes me such a sap. Because it makes me think that that feeling is the silver lining to all this other crap"
<elliottcable> what
<elliottcable> is
<elliottcable> that quote
<micahjohnston> she said it
<micahjohnston> via text
<micahjohnston> tonight
<micahjohnston> and it made me happy
<micahjohnston> about that scene I linked you
<elliottcable> what
<elliottcable> confused
<micahjohnston> :P
<elliottcable> saw the scene
<elliottcable> don't get it
<elliottcable> so confused
<micahjohnston> the 500 days of summer scene
<elliottcable> saw it
<micahjohnston> he just got laid, relationship going well, etc.
<elliottcable> still don't get the connection between the quoted text-message and the scene
<elliottcable> OHHH
<elliottcable> that just-getting-laid is the silver-lining to relationship-crap
<elliottcable> that's SO SAD
<micahjohnston> nononononon
<elliottcable> just-getting-laid is nothing
<micahjohnston> nonono
<elliottcable> k?
<micahjohnston> he didn't just get laid
<micahjohnston> it's like
<micahjohnston> goodrelationshipfeels
<micahjohnston> fallinginlovefeels
<elliottcable> confused so much micah
<elliottcable> rephrase? what your friend said?
<elliottcable> in-context?
<elliottcable> pmpeii is so amazing right!?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> friend said is
<micahjohnston> good relationship falling in love feels
<micahjohnston> like in that scene
<micahjohnston> is
<micahjohnston> silver lining
<micahjohnston> anyway I srsly gotta slep
<elliottcable> leep well <3
<elliottcable> sleep well <#*
<micahjohnston> over the rooftops
<micahjohnston> <#*
<micahjohnston> :)
<micahjohnston> gnight
<micahjohnston> <3
<micahjohnston> good luck with relationship things
<elliottcable> <3
<elliottcable> hi all
<Nuck> A belated hello to you elliott
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<Nuck> pfthahahahaha
<Nuck> omg
<Nuck> This guy on deviantART
<Nuck> Just tried to argue that disk caches could match the speed gains of an SSD in compilation
<Nuck> Because somehow (he never explained this) the disk cache would know in advance of loading the files that they'd be needed
<Nuck> Like, it reads your mind
<Nuck> How can people be this stupid?
<Nuck> compilation is not some repeated-hit process, I tried to explain this to them over and over and over
<Nuck> They're just smiling and trying to condescend when they don't fucking comprehend caching.
<alexgordon> Nuck: does that not happen?
<Nuck> Does what not happen?
<alexgordon> pre-emptive file caching
<Nuck> Last I checked, no.
<Nuck> I think it happens on the application layer but I don't believe the OS does
<Nuck> And I doubt make does it
<alexgordon> it should happen!
<Nuck> haha
<alexgordon> if there's free RAM
<alexgordon> should be put to work
<Nuck> I think OS X assigns the majority of unused RAM to be caching
<Nuck> But not preemptive, mostly repeated-hit
<Nuck> It's hard to predict what file will come next
<Nuck> Sorta like the problem of detecting when an application will stop executing, it's hard to tell in advance what files will be read
<alexgordon> two things in this universe are unknowable: whether god exists, and how virtual memory works
<Nuck> haha
<Nuck> alexgordon: Virtual memory is a lot more comprehensible on windows than other platforms
<alexgordon> virtual memory is a lot more broken on windows than other platforms
<Nuck> Yeah, it's basically a shitty swap implementation
<Nuck> And not even linux is using swap any more
<Nuck> (though I'm thinking I might throw a bit of swap at mine, like 2G buffer)
<Nuck> I keep hitting low memory conditions
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<chiper> elliottcable: that collaberative todo thing you tweeted about earlier, you doing anything with that?
<alexgordon> chiper!
<chiper> alex!