ELLIOTTCABLE changed the topic of #elliottcable to: #ELLIOTTCABLE: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways ...
<elliottcable> hi all
<alexgordon> hi all
<elliottcable> shut up alex
<elliottcable> )'=
<alexgordon> :(
* elliottcable breathes
* elliottcable breathes deeper
* elliottcable blows nose hard
<elliottcable> OKAH
<elliottcable> AM OKAY
<elliottcable> HALLO IRC
<elliottcable> 'K?
<elliottcable> 'K.
<alexgordon> PAGE THING
<elliottcable> ideas? help me >:
<elliottcable> i suck help me plzzzzzzz
<elliottcable> having one of those moments after a break-up that sound like an almost-tautology to anybody who's *not* just been through a break-up, but make perfect logical sense to someone who has
<elliottcable> “I'm alone now ... I'm never going to touch her again.”
<elliottcable> ... and various other thoughts following that pattern.
<alexgordon> oh wow
<alexgordon> amazon can deliver things every so often
sharkbot has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> lol sharkbot
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ compare:
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ http://Paws.mu vs. http://ell.io/irHiA
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: looks good
yorick has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<elliottcable> so fucking, not-okay
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ which one, is what I was asking
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ hence the ‘compare’
<eligrey> can any of you think of popular websites that let you put any url in something that ends up in an <img>?
<eligrey> oh!
<eligrey> tumblr
<eligrey> but only on your tumblr domain
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: can i have posting access to whatever tumblr-powered tumblog you use for this channel or whatever it was you used it for?
<eligrey> oh this one
<elliottcable> eligrey ⑊ er, what?
<elliottcable> eligrey ⑊ and GitHub does.
<elliottcable> <nuck> elliottcable has ascended to a higher plane of programming.
* elliottcable laughs
<elliottcable> man, Nuck, you flatter me sometimes. I forgot entirely.
<elliottcable> < alexgordon> but if I've learnt one thing from elliottcable, it doesn't matter if people think you're insane as long as you're right
<elliottcable> omg you guys <3
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: they look the same, except for the differences which I'm sure you are aware of
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ I mean which do you *like more*
<elliottcable> jesus H christ.
<alexgordon> oh you mean the font?
<elliottcable> ... no
<elliottcable> the bar. I moved it, and shortened the entire header.
<elliottcable> the type should be the same.
<alexgordon> oh well
<alexgordon> I honestly didn't notice
<alexgordon> so
<elliottcable> lol @ joelteon
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> comparing them, I prefer the bar at the bottom
<elliottcable> < otters> leave :: (Progressive e, Arrogant e, Prick e) => IRCUser e → EmptyVoid
<alexgordon> but since I didn't notice, it's probably fair to say I don't actually care
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: I mean comparing them, I pretty much prefer the droplr
<alexgordon> I think the "PAWS" is a bit hard to read with the spaces in the letters so squished up
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ er, huh?
<elliottcable> oh, you're in Chrome or some such shit
<elliottcable> Droplr is of Safari.
<alexgordon> yah
<elliottcable> Chrome and FireFox *mangle* it.
<alexgordon> ah
<elliottcable> might fix someday. probably not. Honeyelliott don't give a shit.
<alexgordon> oh well then
<alexgordon> forget it
* elliottcable laughs
<elliottcable> Chrome mangles text rendering
<elliottcable> literally absolutely nothing I can do about that.
<elliottcable> )'=
<elliottcable> < Nuck> I’ve never met anyone who is that awesome when on drugs
<elliottcable> er
<elliottcable> stars
<elliottcable> < Nuck> I’ve never met anyone who is *that* awesome when on drugs
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: thanks
<eligrey> view in chrome
<elliottcable> lol'd
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> np
<elliottcable> now write a paws
<elliottcable> you're in PA, US
<elliottcable> which is only one letter away
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: can you think of any sites that let you use custom urls for avatars?
<eligrey> i could destroy twitter if twitter let me do that and then everyone retweeted me
<elliottcable> grrrrrrrrr
<eligrey> wow they allow 2-letter regs?
<elliottcable> they allow *one* letter registrations.
<elliottcable> 10k a pop.
<elliottcable> er, sorry
<elliottcable> 50k a pop. per year.
<elliottcable> Amazon needs to buy a.ws
<eligrey> do they allow 0-letter (i.e. custom records on the tld itself)?
<eligrey> http://ws/
<eligrey> would be nice to have that
<eligrey> apparently they have an A record on WS but they just use it to redirect you to website.ws
<eligrey> http://ws./
<elliottcable> yep, I noticed that about fifteen minutes ago
<elliottcable> “I would like to buy ws”
<elliottcable> “We're sorry, the name of the domain you want didn't come through. Could you re-send it? :)”
<elliottcable> “You don't understand. I want DNS control over the TLD.”
<eligrey> you can probably afford AI though
<elliottcable> the last time I owned a domain you couldn't control your own subdomains on was http://(.Y.)/
<eligrey> Anguilla is a small island with their own tld
<eligrey> the thing is they probably won't let you touch the MX records as I know someone uses n@ai as their email address
<elliottcable> I was so sad when to. shut down
<elliottcable> who does?
<eligrey> Ian something
<eligrey> n@ai being their name backwards
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: oh Ian Goldberg
<micahjohnston> HI
<purr> micahjohnston: hi!
<micahjohnston> I AM GRADUATE
<elliottcable> *This* dude runs a fucking TLD!?
<elliottcable> omg micahjohnston
<elliottcable> he is graduate
<purr> <devyn> why can't syslinux find menu.c32 :/
<eligrey> http://ai./vince/ also works
<joelteon> huh?
<eligrey> -g anguilla gdp
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: didn't drink last night becas had to drive home at midnight :p
<eligrey> google says 108.9 million USD (2008)
<joelteon> he *runs* that TLD?
<elliottcable> yep
<joelteon> that's kinda cool
<elliottcable> dude, I could buy anguilla D:
<joelteon> why do you have so much money
<elliottcable> I need food. And a stiff drink. And my girlfriend back.
<elliottcable> lol http://b.ai/
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> damn
<micahjohnston> :D
<alexgordon> HI micahjohnston
<micahjohnston> hi alexgordon
<alexgordon> sleep time
alexgordon has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"]]
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: paws.mu is fuckin sweet
<elliottcable> browser?
<micahjohnston> i'm gonna eat all of these cookies tonight D:
<micahjohnston> chrome
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: breakup is final? :(((
<elliottcable> basically, yeah
<elliottcable> having a really hard time with this
<elliottcable> I'll tell you the story in private sometime soon, 'k?
<elliottcable> meantime, are you busy this weekend?
<micahjohnston> all right
<elliottcable> due to extenuating circumstances, I am *ABSOLUTELY UNSPOKEN FOR* for as much as a week from today
<elliottcable> (got into a wreck, and needed that vehical to get out of town, so now I'm staying at a cheap-ass motel, idling, in this shitty-asss-town, until my car is ready. I don't even have a home to stay at.)
<elliottcable> so, can I co-opt you for a Paws marathon?
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> just graduated
<elliottcable> :D
<micahjohnston> so i have time
<micahjohnston> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> I knowwwwww
<elliottcable> :DDDD
<micahjohnston> :DDD
<elliottcable> here's my goals, then.
<elliottcable> actually, better yet!
<micahjohnston> mutexecution
<elliottcable> lol shaddup
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ gimmie a date. When're we gonna work until?
<elliottcable> devyn ⑊ CAN I DRAG YOU INTO THIS
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ Micah just graduated! :D
<alexgordon> o7
<alexgordon> OMG
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ this is relevant, because I was just talking to you about dragging you back into Paws, for real this time;
<alexgordon> micahjohnston: congratufuckinglations
<micahjohnston> alexgordon: thanks!
<elliottcable> we're going to marathon the next week on Paws-related shit. Get a ton done.
<alexgordon> lol
<elliottcable> it'd be a perfect time to get you back up to speed and for you to help us make decisions / solve design problems, as well as perhaps throwing together your own implementation
<alexgordon> if you say so
<elliottcable> oh come on :D
<alexgordon> micahjohnston: oh so are you on holiday now?
<micahjohnston> yeah!
<micahjohnston> :D
<micahjohnston> go up to college in august
<alexgordon> always forget that americans have their summer holidays earlier
<joelteon> fucking americans
<alexgordon> micahjohnston: now THAT is something to celebrate
<alexgordon> (being on holiday :P)
<micahjohnston> :P
<elliottcable> fuckin' americans
<micahjohnston> diagonal execution + delimited continuations
<alexgordon> NOW can I sleep?
<elliottcable> kkkkakakkay
<elliottcable> I want to:
<elliottcable> make Paws.js run code, at least up to the level that µpaws.js does
<elliottcable> see paws.hs or paws.cpp be a thing, enough for us to start designing distribution immediately after the end of this marathon
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: why not just pay people to learn paws and implement it for you?
<elliottcable> and have a website/landing-page, so we can start taking the project beyond the, uh, maybe-six-people who currently actually understand it
<elliottcable> eligrey ⑊ thought about it, but it requires an equal amount of participation from myself *either way*.
<elliottcable> eligrey ⑊ so might as well take the free path.
<eligrey> of course but once they all learn a decent amount then you can have them team other people
<eligrey> so teach 3 people and then have all 3 of them go together and teach 3 other people
<eligrey> hire 6 people total
<elliottcable> want to clear all of those out, and any others we run across
<alexgordon> you know, rails is so easy I'm considering writing an AI to do it for me
<elliottcable> alexgordon: what.
<purr> beep.
<alexgordon> get it to answer emails...
<alexgordon> do pay negotations
<alexgordon> build the thing
<alexgordon> nod head in response to critisism
<alexgordon> demand payment
<alexgordon> file lawsuit
<alexgordon> kick down door
<alexgordon> etc
<eligrey> also give it a time travel function
<eligrey> time travelling ais are so easy to build
<alexgordon> eligrey: don't be fucking ridiculous.
<eligrey> just tweet time-travelling-ai-command:"write time travelling ai"
<alexgordon> :P
<alexgordon> anyway
<alexgordon> sleepy time
<elliottcable> o7 alexgordon
<eligrey> then in the future when it exists it will write itself
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
* elliottcable pats eligrey
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ so, you like the landing-page? :D
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ load it in Safari! You'll be happier. It's prettier.
<elliottcable> -micahjohnston
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://ell.io/ifI8A
<eligrey> it looks fine in chrome
<elliottcable> oh. I thought it was the happy one.
<elliottcable> nah, it's ugly in chrome. Chrome renders the type *terribly*. Makes elliott sad.
<eligrey> and not rendered using months-out-of-date software
<eligrey> people who dont use rolling release browsers arent people
<micahjohnston> lul wolf meme
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/i1gV9
<elliottcable> Right-side being canonical.
<elliottcable> and also out-of-date as I haven't pushed yet.
<elliottcable> Spring Fling '13! Let's do this.
<micahjohnston> eligrey: you are a robot
<elliottcable> eligrey ⑊ you're good at management-shit; go write some copy that makes Paws sound amazing.
<elliottcable> ;)
<elliottcable> knowing you, it'll all be lies, and probably patently-and-obviously ridiculous; but it's a landing page. That's par for the course, and thus right in your proverbial wheelhouse.
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: sure if you pay me
* eligrey actually has for-profit ventures that take up his time now
<elliottcable> lololol
<purr> lololol
<elliottcable> ohshi—
<elliottcable> can I really do this!?
<elliottcable> BEST. THING.
<elliottcable> also: LOL, I found JavaScript / DOM code I wrote *years* ago in a git-stash.
<elliottcable> It's. Wow. Normal-esque.
<elliottcable> Poor past-me didn't even know enough JavaScript to be me.
<elliottcable> looks like I used to know a *lot* about the DOM, though. This shit goes pretty H.A.M. with the DOM manips, and they all look pretty canonical/clean. No shortcuts, no muss.
<elliottcable> oh god the effect is terrible though
<elliottcable> definitely needs some design attention ;_;
<elliottcable> My father's found a 12ga / 7.62×39 over-under.
<elliottcable> What *even* the fuck
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: H.A.M. is a now-defunct IDE for GBA homebrew dev
<elliottcable> lolreally?
<elliottcable> it means “hard as a *motherfucker*” over in these parts.
<micahjohnston> haha
<elliottcable> it's what all the kids're using these days to describe their underage drinking spres.
<elliottcable> sprees*
<elliottcable> oh gods it's so ugly what is this MAKE IT STOP
<micahjohnston> i came close to one of those
<elliottcable> first stab at body-styling: http://ell.io/ilPpV
<elliottcable> man, I may end with a fairly high-quality result, but it starts out fucking terrible.
<elliottcable> I take SO MANY ITERATIONS to make anything remotely stand-able.
<micahjohnston> hm seems that "paws" is a bit much
<elliottcable> yep
<elliottcable> workin' on it
<elliottcable> love the idea, but going to take some effort to make it nice.
<micahjohnston> mhm
<micahjohnston> it's like GOD in the bible
<elliottcable> OOKAY THAT'S MUCH BETTER http://ell.io/igdwq
<micahjohnston> YEAH KEEP IT
<elliottcable> IT'S GOT SHOUTING
<elliottcable> THEREFORE IT IS GOOD <3
<elliottcable> The very first commit sayd this:
<elliottcable> BIG RED LETTERS!
<elliottcable> They ended up being big BLUE letters. Whatevs.
<elliottcable> Getting closer. http://ell.io/iNOTF
<micahjohnston> hmmm problaby
<micahjohnston> i have slight headache
<elliottcable> aw >:
<micahjohnston> i can't get nes emulators to work
* elliottcable pats micahjohnston gently
<micahjohnston> :(
<elliottcable> I'd give you a squirrel
<elliottcable> but I couldn't find it in the bot
<elliottcable> #casualtiesofwar
<elliottcable> -find qyy7
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Could not find `qyy7`.
<elliottcable> -find qyy
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: :d
<elliottcable> -:d
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://ell.io/qyy6
<elliottcable> ... not a squirrel.
<micahjohnston> -micah
<micahjohnston> -micahjohnston
<purr> micahjohnston: http://ell.io/ifI8A
<purr> micahjohnston: http://ell.io/ifI8A
<elliottcable> -find ell.io/
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: micahjohnston, logs, paws, :d, and fuck you
<elliottcable> -fuck you
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: <http://ell.io/pGQq>
<micahjohnston> cl.ly/8qke
<micahjohnston> i have that memorized
<elliottcable> -find 8qke
<elliottcable> aw
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ okay, what're you thinkin'? http://ell.io/iSEg4
<elliottcable> Haven't decided on the body-type yet. Might go with something serif, or at least a little heavier.
<elliottcable> I'm also *definitely* going to have a lot less emphasis in the real body-copy
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: squirrel! and incomprehensibly
<elliottcable> using some years-old copy as a sort of “relevant lorem-ipsum”
<elliottcable> -incomprehensibly
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://cl.ly/8qke
<elliottcable> there we go :>
<micahjohnston> :)
<elliottcable> -factoid squirrel!
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Popularity: 2, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<elliottcable> -factoid incomprehensibly
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Popularity: 3, last changed by: incomprehensibly, 557ſ 225mſ ago
<elliottcable> 557 days D:
<elliottcable> thassa lotta days D:
<micahjohnston> -squirrel!
<purr> micahjohnston: http://cl.ly/8qke
<micahjohnston> i open megaman or battletoads in nestopia
<micahjohnston> and it says press start
<micahjohnston> and i press start
<micahjohnston> and nothing happen
<micahjohnston> :(
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ thoughts? http://ell.io/iQyoO
<elliottcable> body still mostly sucks. Getting closer, though.
<micahjohnston> looks nice
<micahjohnston> still unsure about PAWS
<micahjohnston> in body
<elliottcable> yeah ugh
<elliottcable> I want to make it work well, it's *gotta* be able to work well ... just not sure how, yet.
<micahjohnston> mhm
<micahjohnston> i want to chat about
<micahjohnston> diag exc+dlimited
<elliottcable> do you have concrete ideas you can express succinctly?
<elliottcable> remember.
<elliottcable> emotional-elliott.
<elliottcable> not a whole lotta bandwidth for hardcore intellectual right now.
<elliottcable> Hence why I dug out a website and am working on that.
<elliottcable> Emotional elliott, doing emotional design-y things. lol.
<purr> lol
<micahjohnston> heh ok
<micahjohnston> i actually have to go soon :(
<elliottcable> oh >:
<elliottcable> will miss
<micahjohnston> ok well basically idea:
<micahjohnston> so you have each big ol area
<micahjohnston> divided up into chunks
<micahjohnston> (this is syntaxwise)
<micahjohnston> and chunks are like statements
<micahjohnston> but probably can be more than gthat because:
<micahjohnston> if you have
<micahjohnston> print() -> print(another)
<micahjohnston> that depends on first so is same chunk
<elliottcable> to be clear: I don't understand delimited cont's *well*
<elliottcable> at all
<elliottcable> just the overall idea
<micahjohnston> ok yeah not there yet
<elliottcable> doubt I could implement them in a simple playing-language interpreter, for instance
<elliottcable> kk
<micahjohnston> so when you have list of chunks in a block
<micahjohnston> they are executed independnetly
<elliottcable> so, you're talking about lines that have defined relationships somehow defined syntactically
<micahjohnston> though can probably depend on one another through name-binding
<micahjohnston> for instance
<micahjohnston> a <- input; b(a)
<elliottcable> mmhmm got you
<elliottcable> lexical binding of relationship-ness
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> but we also gotta make it not only values but also just ordering
<elliottcable> 'course
<micahjohnston> and that's one reason not-returning is bad because you are usually interested in when something is finished
<micahjohnston> but anyway yeah
<micahjohnston> so sommat like that
<micahjohnston> and then it's super super defined what exactly you pass as a continuation to the callee
<micahjohnston> instead of it being
<micahjohnston> it's
<elliottcable> yep gotcha so far
<micahjohnston> this line/chunk
<elliottcable> and all chunks that depend on it
<micahjohnston> plus everything name-bound to ityeah
<elliottcable> how do delconts come in?
<micahjohnston> not quite suer if they actually do
<micahjohnston> just that my idea delimits the continuation!
<elliottcable> “delcunt.”
<elliottcable> behehehe.
<micahjohnston> :P
<micahjohnston> haha
<elliottcable> LOL
<micahjohnston> but yeah delconts have return values
<elliottcable> okay. I understand completely.
<elliottcable> two observations:
<micahjohnston> so maybe we could have those
<micahjohnston> but maybe not
<micahjohnston> so maybe it's not delconts but it's the same benefits
<micahjohnston> yeah it just became clear in my head
<micahjohnston> ok i'll let you talk :p
<elliottcable> First off, I have the completely unfounded feeling (but my completely-unfounded-feelings are usually pretty fucking great) that this requires *nothing else of Paws*, to implement. Would have to think hard about it for an hour.
<elliottcable> Second: ignoring relation to Paws, because that's irrelevant to you ... you should be able to implement this *easily*, if you stay away from the syntax.
<elliottcable> at least until you've had more time to do the considerations of how *actually programming* in such a structure would happen, don't worry so much about syntax. Just imagine a magical IDE that handles it for you, or something. Or a graphical syntax with drag-and-drop-relations between chunks.
<micahjohnston> mhm yeah
<micahjohnston> I also think we should make more syntax
<micahjohnston> name-wise
<elliottcable> 'splain
<micahjohnston> like this entails some already with the binding
<elliottcable> in Paws? or in Diagonal?
<micahjohnston> but I also think execution literals should basically be lambdas with a name for where the first hole is or whatever
<micahjohnston> i guess diagonal
<elliottcable> <provisional-name-do-not-repeat>
<elliottcable> “basically be lamdas”?
<elliottcable> I've got some write-up sitting somewhere on my hard-drive with reference to this ...
<elliottcable> forget the specifics,
<elliottcable> but I basically spent a *long* time thinking about re-designing executions to make “holes” first-class, so to speak
<micahjohnston> basically it gets rid of the MUST SPIN OFF PRISTINES FIRST problem
<micahjohnston> { |a| 3 + a } for instancde
<micahjohnston> not | | syntax though lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> oh, syntax for names
<elliottcable> basically, syntax for “start here”
<micahjohnston> yeah
<elliottcable> instead of omitting the syntax, and assuming start-at-the-start
<elliottcable> thought about that, too
<micahjohnston> this is getting pretty far away from paws though
<elliottcable> not necessarily
<micahjohnston> because Paws is like Io + asyncrhonous
<micahjohnston> and this is more
<elliottcable> doesn't necessarily need *syntax*!
<micahjohnston> imperative Haskell + asynchronous
<elliottcable> could easily do this without syntax:
<micahjohnston> which is what I am more interested in :P
<elliottcable> lolol
<elliottcable> imperative Haskell? how so?
<elliottcable> seems like an oxymoron. If you take Haskell, and take out everything explicitly-non-imperative, what's left?
<elliottcable> man, you make me *think* more than anybody else I know. I never have to keep this much of my brain active at once, or hold this many trains of thought in my head.
<elliottcable> It's like going to the gym, for my mind.
<joelteon> imperative buttcracks
<purr\Paws> [paws.github.io] ELLIOTTCABLE opened issue #2: Design a header-bar https://github.com/Paws/paws.github.io/issues/2
<micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: well, haskell is different from say Io in a lot of ways, not just pure functionality
<micahjohnston> pure-functionality
<micahjohnston> so "diagonal" (lol) has a lot of those ways
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> lol yeah that dash is pretty necessary >,>
<micahjohnston> well I gtg
<micahjohnston> :(
<micahjohnston> gnight
<elliottcable> gaww
<elliottcable> bye
<elliottcable> joelteon ⑊ YOU
* elliottcable grabs by neck
<elliottcable> MINE.
<joelteon> you what
<purr\Paws> [paws.github.io] Bluebie comment on issue #2: Dude just set everything as transparent and export the page as a transparent png and crop your logo out. https://github.com/Paws/paws.github.io/issues/2#issuecomment-19087293
<elliottcable> lolwat Jenna
<purr> lolwat
<purr\Paws> [paws.github.io] ELLIOTTCABLE comment on issue #2: … lolwat it's a @Bluebie... https://github.com/Paws/paws.github.io/issues/2#issuecomment-19087336
<joelteon> whos jenna
<elliottcable> srsly?
<elliottcable> you must be new here.
<joelteon> no way
<elliottcable> I feel so fucking sick
<purr\Paws> [paws.github.io] ELLIOTTCABLE merged header-refactor into master: https://github.com/Paws/paws.github.io/compare/12fd3567ea11...6f0e8e43f3be
<elliottcable> woah, the bot is smart
<elliottcable> can't believe it summarized the clusterfuck I just pushed (correctly!) as merging work in
<elliottcable> Fucking fuck I've insane'd myself into a corner
<elliottcable> asked for advice on the website
<elliottcable> and got a whole lot of “honestly? it's kinda boring. and old-school. This is PAWS. You're ELLIOTTCABLE. I expected better, or at least weirder.”-type responses.
<elliottcable> I've pushed so hard, for so long, to build this reputation of insanity, and it's now working against me; I'm not *allowed* to do anything sane.
<joelteon> that's a nice bot though
<joelteon> how does that do that
<joelteon> i like the diff view
<elliottcable> github?
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> like
<joelteon> do you do pull requests
<joelteon> or do you just merge stuff
<purr> <elliottcable> If you think anything important came out of Linus fucking around in his garage, then you’re naïve.
<joelteon> naïve
<joelteon> that's pretty
<joelteon> i like this font
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: don't forget to use the unprefixed css3 stuff as well
<eligrey> i see a lot of -webkit-transition and -webkit-transform and -webkit-border-radius in index.html with none of the standard props being used
<eligrey> also why rads in webkit and degs in gecko?
<eligrey> all of your code is pretty much webkit-only and broken in other standards-compliant browsers
<elliottcable> eligrey ⑊ quite aware, honeybuttons
<elliottcable> doesn't matter much to me, because the *central element* of the entire design is already fucked in other browsers, 'cause nobody anywhere ever except Apple gives a fucking titshit about teyt-rendering.
<elliottcable> type*
<eligrey> i'm going to add the standard props and test our your site in /IE/
<elliottcable> I'll definitely make the code as widely-applicable as I can at some point (as soon as I rewrite the CSS in Less, basically).
<eligrey> if it looks fine youre full of it
<elliottcable> but I care little.
<joelteon> ahh, less
<elliottcable> eligrey ⑊ er, I'm sorry? What are you saying will prove I'm full of it?
<elliottcable> http://ell.io/i1gV9
<eligrey> no about the other browsers sucking
<elliottcable> There's *chrome*, which is still WebKit, and it's already atrocious.
<eligrey> ie and firefox have great text rendering
<elliottcable> I won't even post a screenshot of FireFox, because it's so unbelievably revolting.
<elliottcable> no. They don.t
<elliottcable> They have *spectacularly* *bad* text rendering.
<eligrey> not talking about their layout engines btw
<elliottcable> They have text rendering that makes me want to quit the web entirely, and go write my own OS-kernel.
<eligrey> just text rendering
<elliottcable> They have text rendering that drives me, daily, to wonder if I can unlock my gunsafe in the period of time between me walking away from the computer and me ceasing to hate the entire fucking human race for having created them.
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: also that's odd chrome looks like the stuff on the right to me
<eligrey> well not exactly
<eligrey> but its definitely nowhere near as bad as your example
<eligrey> maybe it uses the osx native text rendering api and that api has problems
* eligrey installs metalista-web
<elliottcable> shoudln't need to; it's whitelisted for localhost
<eligrey> ?
<eligrey> where is it included?
<elliottcable> Typekit
<eligrey> oh the top
<elliottcable> yep
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: wow not kidding it looks fine in ie
<eligrey> one sec
<eligrey> there is one bug but i'll fix that before i take a screenshot
<eligrey> what is the base color of those letters?
<eligrey> i couldnt figure it out so i just copied one of the values from the text shadow
* elliottcable eyebrows
<elliottcable> it's in the source-code ...
<eligrey> anyways it looks like http://i.imgur.com/AgYGtat.png in ie where the only change is me dropping all vendor prefixes http://i.imgur.com/AgYGtat.png
<elliottcable> confused.
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: transparent?
<elliottcable> there is no base-colour. It's all written by hand.
<elliottcable> I designed the stack of colours making it appear 3D myself... not sure what else you want.
<eligrey> maybe i missed it somewhere
<elliottcable> take the top layer and remove the alpha bit, if you want, it's close enough
<elliottcable> yeah, pushing a change to remove the prefixes now
<elliottcable> or rather, duplicate them
<elliottcable> the problem is I don't want to bother implementing LESS right now, because that'll require I set up jekyll, and I'm lazy
<eligrey> i dont think any current versions of browsers actually need them
<eligrey> but i dont know how far back you want backwards compatibility with the older ones
<elliottcable> really?
<elliottcable> I don't care about backwards-compat here. It's a landing page. It's meant to be edgy and incompatible.
<elliottcable> It only needs to look good in *developer's* browsers.
<elliottcable> like, good developers.
<elliottcable> Which, by definition, use modern browsers.
<eligrey> yeah really
<eligrey> except i think that one -moz-transform
<eligrey> keep that
<eligrey> everything else works in the current release version of all of my browsers
<eligrey> (note: safari is not one of my browsers)
<elliottcable> removing the prefixes definitely breaks it
<elliottcable> so, Safari doesn't support some of this without the perspective
<elliottcable> same in Chrome
<eligrey> oh yeah i couldnt test the perspective stuff since none of my browsers supported it
<eligrey> oh nvm
<elliottcable> fuck
<elliottcable> FireFox doesn't support it ಠ_ಠ
<elliottcable> igawirawr
<elliottcable> whatevs
<elliottcable> exhausted
<elliottcable> I give up
<elliottcable> I hate everything
<eligrey> maybe you could just implement your own html and css rendering engine in webgl :P
<elliottcable> lolno
<purr> lolno
<elliottcable> webgl logo would be even worse than an image logo
<elliottcable> don't care give up tired goodbye everything
<joelteon> ♪ goodbye to everything
<purr> joelteon is listening to “Goodbye to Everything Reprise”, by Between the Buried and Me
<purr\Paws> [paws.github.io] ELLIOTTCABLE opened issue #3: Fix perspective in FireFox, at least https://github.com/Paws/paws.github.io/issues/3
elliottcable has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<devyn> micahjohnston: oh hey congrats
<devyn> I have yet to :/
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sephr-space is now known as eligrey-space
Nuck has quit [Quit: Nuck Off]
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Nuck is now known as Guest92643
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<elliottcable> Can somebody tell me when/why I quit!?
<joelteon> not sure
<joelteon> i have them fitered
<joelteon> filtered
<elliottcable> ughhhrghrh whatevs
<purr> <elliottcable> I'm racist as all fuck when it comes to sex
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<purr> <Nuck> I love the feeling of blood on my dick
<purr> <joelteon> butts
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<purr> <alexgordon> (that was an enema joke, my first ever)
<alexgordon> haha
<purr> <prophile> that's because ##C is so full of trolls you could give it a dusting of snow and call it norway
yorick has joined #elliottcable
<joelteon> Why did it remember my butts quote?
<joelteon> That's pretty cute
audy- is now known as audy
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
<whitequark> shit
<whitequark> everywhere
<whitequark> don't get explosive diarrhea, listen to my advice
<alexgordon> thanks for that whitequark
* whitequark is feeling really bad
<purr> <Nuck> I reject your genitalia and substitute my own.
<alexgordon> I think I've sorted out all ambiguities in the furrow grammar
<alexgordon> except
<alexgordon> { x: x }
<alexgordon> it *should* be a dictionary
<alexgordon> but it's ambiguous, because it could be a set with a lambda { (x: x) }
<alexgordon> not sure how lemon will react to having expr ::= notlambda | lambda. regarding operator precedence
dsamarin has joined #elliottcable
<dsamarin> ♫ Symphony No 1: i. Allegro tranquillo, LSO / Gergiev
<dsamarin> ♩ Symphony No 1: i. Allegro tranquillo, LSO / Gergiev
<dsamarin> -song Symphony No 1: i. Allegro tranquillo, LSO / Gergiev
<purr> dsamarin: “Symphony No 1: i. Allegro tranquillo” by LSO / Gergiev: <http://tinysong.com/1cCAl>
<joelteon> ♪ butts
<purr> joelteon is listening to “I Like Big Butts”, by Sir Mix-A-Lot
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> huh
<joelteon> oh hey
<joelteon> shortenurl works now
<purr> <alexgordon> though github DOES sound like a porn site
elliottcable has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> Fuckin' fuck!
<ellio> when did I die and how ಠ_ಠ
<ellio> alexgordon: oh my god that purr-juxtaposition
<ellio> PURE GOLD
<ellio> dsamarin: it's ♪
<ellio> joelteon: hm?
<elliottcable> why does my fuckin' server keep kicking me off IRC, but nobody else ಠ_ಠ
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: lol
<purr> lol
elliottcable has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<dsamarin> ellio: https://ark-os.org/
<alexgordon> dsamarin: Temple OS > Arc OS
<alexgordon> Ark
<dsamarin> ok
<alexgordon> :P
alexgordon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<micahjohnston> BHI
<micahjohnston> HI
<purr> micahjohnston: hi!
<purr> <devyn> wallhackers
<joelteon> hall whackers
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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Nuck has joined #elliottcable
Nuck is now known as Guest88359
<micahjohnston> HI
<purr> micahjohnston: hi!
Guest88359 is now known as Nuck
Nuck has quit [Changing host]
Nuck has joined #elliottcable