never touched the thing in my damn life
ec: hey did you think out transactions
wanna hear
* whitequark
fucked all night with this ruby parser AGAIN
but now it should support literally every single insane part of syntax
and there is only one thing left which I didn't implement from parse.y (except warnings but fuck warnings)
do you have a ruby eval around?
bf>> ++++++.
purr: you dumbfuck
bf> +++++.
whitequark: [5]. Output: "\u0005"
oh, so which one is valid syntax?!?!?!
ruby>> "foo"
rb>> "foo"
ruby> "foo"
rb> "foo"
* whitequark
fuck it, I'm getting some sleep.
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ec: hi!
sleep well, whitequark
whitequark: purr's got no Ruby. He should, but making safe, evaluatable environments for every language, is not something I want to get into right now.
whitequark: in all likelyhood, after the rewrite, I'm going to give him his own, dedicated VM. Something tiny from Joyent or something; something I can image, and reboot.
whitequark: *then* I can start adding other languages I'm a little less sure are safe, and half-arsed sandboxing for them. Too many filesystem-access methodologies and too much pen-testing expertise on Freenode for me to not be paranoid about it ;)
whitequark: i'm starting to see what you mean by a dumb mindset in the ruby community
because the canonical accepted way to highlight code blocks in something markdown generates, for example, is to manipulate the node tree with nokogiri and replace code blocks with highlighted code blocks
that's kinda how it is in ruby because of the language philosophy
you can monkeypatch anything whenever you want
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i just created a volume group called Fred
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lol ruby
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joelteon: as in
as in
monkeypatch nokogiri to output highlighted code blocks instead?
well, i think that would be an easier way
maybe not performant
but the mindset is "do something clever"
not "make it fast"
"make it fast" is an equally wrong mindset.
what would be the proper way to do it
the mindset? "easy/common things should be easy, hard things should be possible, and (as a consequence) it should be hard to accidentally shoot yourself in the leg)
the proper way? subclass a markdown parser
ahhh I know what you mean by that markdown example
it wasn't nokogiri, it was a markdown parser which was monkeypatched
yes, I agree here.
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ec: hi!
whitequark: hi!
a whitequark appears
you weren't kidding, you *don't* sleep
ec: btw
there are universal techniques of sandboxing
use them.
ooo not a bad idea
lol seems so over-kill for an IRC bot
Dry cheerios. Breakfast of champions.
-34 unicorn, butt
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-find spec
ec: Found: perspective and temp spec
joelteon: hi!
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micahjohnston: thanks for saying you respect me. Just read that
whitequark: Know your pain, a bit (re: ruby parsing). Once spent a few months trying to write a pure-XML-and-regex syntax-hilighter for Ruby source that was *actually robust*. Failed. It was a painful mess.
ec: it's not possible
* ec
I know.
But I wanted one 99.9% more accuate than the *extremely* half-arsed ones out there
because sometimes parsing depends on whether the last identifier is lvar or not
AND lexing
a / b # /
if a is an lvar, that's division
if not, it's a method call with regexp
yep, I know
they introduced this in 1.9.2, fucktards
very familiar
luckily for a syntax hilighter, *some* of that didn't matter.
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oh man that picture
it flashes!
“Forms of address: Dominants generally call other Doms by their name or nickname. When address subs, generally names or nicknames are the norm. Of course, this is after obtaining permission to speak to them from their "Top" if they are collared.”
hi, alexgordon, whitequark, prophile
looks like the European gang's all here.
I dunno, where does whitequark live?
ec: boggles the mind that someone would go to a bondage party and endure this bullshit, *but remain fully clothed*
the one I linked, is far from fully-clothed
looks like a full-on orgy party, massively attended
multiple “scenes” (which means groups of people having sex in a particular place)
Is it judgmental of me to be imagining this with almost exclusively blubbery, deformed, or old people attending?
judgemental AND accurate
s/or //
oh gods prophile oh gods
no nudity, no alcohol, wtf is this?
Why the FUCK would you go to this.
See a lot of disgusting sexually-excited people … lose discrimination of whom you engage in your delicious fetishes with … not be allowed to drink, if that's your thing, or have a smoke after presumably getting off, if *that* is,
LOL @ the requested attire section
wtf is "Cyber"
no trousers?
also I didn't know "Chains" was an attire
alexgordon: wat.
so many rules...
ec: so paws me up
Gimmie a moment
Slowest-ass internet, omfg
gonna kill it
gonna kill it all
* ec
is channeling micahjohnston
th'fuck does @postmodern_mod3 have me blocked?
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hi ec
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what's next.
we covered masks, in detail, and you made an analogy to GC.
oh I see
whitequark: what?
ec: description of masks
so, now the down-n-dirty implementation details
of the scheduling
nothing magical here, just boring
at least, if it's magical, it's only because of what we've already described
you've got N reactors
each reactor processes “a juxtaposition”
a what
the only operation in this VM
whitequark: a reactor
reactor == stage
no no
sorry, trying to use a better name
ec: light water or boiling water?
remember Scripts?
reactor is a common term which kinda means the thing you think of
it's a pattern
"foo" "bar" "baz"
I don't know how to explain this “smartly”
so I'll just do it the dumb way I always have :x
explain this *somehow*.
i don't care
`foo bar baz` in Paws, is <locals>['foo']['bar']['baz'] in JavaScript.
parentehesis are indirection in cPaws; so sub-expressions:
wait wait wait
I don't see this being turing-complete
`foo (bar baz) widget` being <locals>['foo'][ <locals>['bar']['baz'] ]['widget']
a “juxtaposition” is that foo[...]
for instance, if we take “foo” as a value, a given of some sort, we can then juxtapose the label 'bar' against that value
an index?
the first node in an expression is special-cased: it's juxtaposed against the execution's “locals.” Which is as close as we get to any sort of scoping/variables/whatever.
nope, joelteon
in the program `foo bar baz`,
the first juxtaposition is locals[ Label<foo> ]
the result of which we'll call Object-foo
the second juxtaposition is Object-foo[ Label<bar> ]
with me?
so what does that do
getting to that.
just making clear how expressions in Scripts, break down into a series of juxtapositions-to-be-preformed.
i.e. operations to be schedule.
not discussing *what* those operations do, yet (it's dynamic. <foreshadowing>)
alexgordon: with me?
(and/or whitequark if you're following along, I suppose)
* vil
is observing
whitequark: while I'm waiting on alexgordon to wander his attention back over this-a-way,
whitequark: something I forgot to bring up when you and I were discussing vonn-neumann and related topics.
apparently I have managed to pick this up previously, because I remember how all of this works
whitequark: remind me to explain to you our analogy/concept of Rut. Something we've been using for years in this channel, it's conducive to meaningful discussion of these topics
vil: not surprisingly. ;)
vil: why don't *you* write a Paws, too? :D
ec: i know about rut
whitequark: oh? talked to micahjohnston about it already? :O
ec: yeah yeah someday
hey prophile
if you/me write a paws compiler someday
let's make it in ocaml
<3 ocaml and good llvm bindings
Let it be known that whitequark hearts ocaml and good llvm bindings.
oh. unintended
true though
-loves whitequark
whitequark: whitequark loves git, console, purr, foo, Adrian Thurston, LLVM, alsa, Tomorrow Bright, llvm, #llvm, rotting rat fetuses with birth defects, chicken, anime, notebooks with full-HD screens, ec, Atomic Object, and ocaml and good llvm bindings.
it'd be written in paws surely
-hates whitequark
whitequark: whitequark hates semicolonless javascript, javascript, any kind of javascript, and having to maintain his own LLVM tree.
-- did I say I fucking hate javascript
Let it be known that whitequark hates did I say I fucking hate javascript.
-hates whitequark
whitequark: whitequark hates semicolonless javascript, javascript, any kind of javascript, having to maintain his own LLVM tree, and did I say I fucking hate javascript.
yes, much better.
--hates vilhalmer
--hates joelteon
-hates vil
vil: vil hates Eclipse and applets.
that sounds about right
objective c--
-hates SphereCat1
vil: SphereCat1 doesn't hate anything :)
how do you
joelteon: other way
prefix notation, dude
only way to go anyway
-- c++
Let it be known that vil hates c++.
for example
guys. moving on.
ocaml. I should learn that and watch you write a compiler in it. :D
-- c--
Let it be known that alexgordon hates c--.
alexgordon: hi?
postfix notation works
but only for non-spaced (i.e. single words)
Let it be known that alexgordon hates c--.
prefix works for *any* string.
“foo++” “foo ++” “foo-bar ++” all work
±± politics
prophile: cheater.
ec: ocaml is neat.
it's not cheating, it's just taking the initiative
also, “<3 foo” and “<disapproval eyes> foo” work
Let it be known that joelteon disapproves of objective-c.
ಠ_ಠ objective-c
Let it be known that joelteon hates objective-c.
-- objective-c
Let it be known that joelteon hates ##c.
-- ##c
-hates joelteon
joelteon: joelteon hates ##c, #css, javascript, css, and objective-c.
back on topic. I've got a needy girlfriend here, and the only reason I'm allowed to be here is that I'm “working.”
so, working.
##c is pretty bad
why do you jate ##c so much
should I go there
because they idolize zhivago
it's just full of assholes. always has been.
oh, and zhivago, jesus christ
who is the single worst person that is involved in technology including richard stallman
ec: lol type with one hand, fulfil needs with the other
zhivago and zenspider
why does everybody who starts with a Z suck?
zrichard ztallman
ec: oh also I talk with zenspider
zach holman is a pretty cool guy
whitequark: stay away from me.
lol, the one time I met him in person
you told me
oh, I did
if I'm a dick to him 'cause he's a dick to me
then how am I better
anyway: I'm widely hated, I should definitely have a Z-name
so, whatever
Oh, I'm not a dick to him
as I said, my introduction was entirely genial: “Hi! I'm elliott! You hate me on the Internet!”
I just stay away from *anything* invlving him
there we go.
I feel like I'm in some secret club of douchebags, now. I wasn't *truly initiated* before, but now I have a Z-name, and thus can fly with the big dogs. zenspider, zhivago, zcable.
vil is now known as zvil
* zvil
points out that paws is still not happening
zvil is now known as vil
good point
I'm now a Z-name, that means I get to mercilessly and unilaterally kickban people.
oh no
* vil
is dduck like ddis?
zcable: fuck you
llvm 3.3
<3 llvm 3.3
is there's a duck unicode character?
why, specifically?
type can I's?
zcable: too arrogant
no, why <3 llvm
zcable: about eight micro-dijkstras
I *know* why fuck-me. <3
apparently that means wild duck
zcable: uh... it's likely the best existing infrastructure for a static compiler?