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<FourthDr> dunno
<FourthDr> read the wiki
<FourthDr> I don't have a dual core version
<FourthDr> usually no support for xc
<FourthDr> like the raspberry pi
<FourthDr> sdhc
<FourthDr> not xc
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<mateobur> is it possible to play fullHD on lubuntu/cubie2 already?
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<mateobur> hello?
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<jelly-home> mateobur: be patient, not many people here, and probably even less working on a particular distro
<mateobur> I have been able to run the sunxi-mali test successfully
<mateobur> now I just need a player that supports that hw :)
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<evgeniy> !ls