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<liguang> Hi, all
<liguang> anyone who used cubieboard2?
<liguang> seems only 1 core is working
<liguang> and can't online the other core (cpu1)
<liguang> is it?
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<jelly-home> hm, hdsentinel works fine on a cubieboard with an armhf distro
<dongs> thats funny.
<dongs> I use windows, and I never for even a second think "hmm im gonna download this app FOR WINDOWS will it FUCKING WORK
<dongs> i see setup.exe, I know it will fucking work on windows.
<lunra> Gah, why is this guy still not banned.
<dongs> for what, the truth?
<lunra> yo dongs, none of your Winblows apps are going to work on armhf,.
<lunra> You clearly don't even get the point of this channel.
<dongs> what IS the point?
<dongs> my point w/computers generally is "getting things done"
<jelly-home> lunra: is it dongs? Just ignore his rants
<lunra> jelly-home: yeah, it's dongs. I've been in this channel months ago and he was going on about this pro-Windows crap
<jelly-home> or the whole nickname; not much of value is lost
<dongs> ah yes, the opensores solution to criticism.
<dongs> ignore.
<dongs> this is why lunix still sucks in 2013.
<lunra> dongs: And your solution to criticism? :>?
<dongs> while windows 8.1 is the most amazing OS ever.
<dongs> lunra: i dunno, fixing the problem?
<lunra> jelly-home: Is there a good reason why he hasn't been banned? Not once have I seen him contribute to any of the channels I've seen him in
<jelly-home> lunra: I don't mind pro-Windows or pro-anything arguments, but the childish behaviour was just annoying
<lunra> Yeah, I don't mind rational pro-Windows... but dongs doesn't seem to understand computer architecture differences.
<lunra> rational pro-Windows is rare however ;)
<lunra> Given that he doesn't say anything useful, /ignore it is. Thanks jelly-home :)
<jelly-home> I use Windows when it works; I'd use BSD or Solaris if I had to, as well
<lunra> I use windows when I am forced to develop for it *shudder*. At least I get to use Python and all I have to do is make sure the UI doesn't render weird.
<dongs> LOL python on windows.
<dongs> remind me to never use/buy any of your "software"
<jelly-home> but bashing linux on a channel for a hw product which works so-so only on Linux and Android thus far, seems disingeous and not really helping anyone's case
<lunra> IIRC he's in the raspi channel too :P
<lunra> Windows does not run on either of these platforms AFAIK -- I don't even think anyone got QEMU to work on them.
<jelly-home> to be honest, I've never seen him say a word about windows
<jelly-home> gave off mostly a bsd-fan vibe
<lunra> Well, no BSD runs on the cubieboard AFAIK either. As for the RPi, there was a few efforts but I don't know if they got anywhere. Plan 9 runs though... :P
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<ttmrichter> dongs reminds me of how Linux advocates were back in the late '90s.
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<dongs> "were"?
<ttmrichter> Yeah. Were. Total childish pricks.
<dongs> except in '90 lunix sucked, and still does (infact just about same)
<dongs> meanwhile windows moved on
<ttmrichter> I'm not talking about the technology. I'm talking about the user base.
<ttmrichter> With you being the representative of Windows these days: a total childish prick.
<dongs> userbase still hasn't changed.
<dongs> lunix dweebs are just as annoying as they were 20 years ago
<dongs> except now they're outraged their shity os sucks even worse now compared to everytthing else
<dongs> than it did back then
<ttmrichter> Says the person in a Linux-oriented channel trolling with anti-Linux stuff.
<ttmrichter> Seriously, try harder. You're so transparent you make glass look opaque.
<ttmrichter> You may want to try the "subtle" art of concern trolling instead.
<dongs> i ran lunix on desktop in 1996. of course, back then all I did was used it to tail logs and irc.
<dongs> and it was barely usable for that.
<dongs> mostly because hardware it was on was dodgy, and under windows (which fully utilized available memory/cpu) it would crash more often.
<dongs> since lunix barely ever used > 100megs of ram, it would manage to run a few days without crashing.
<dongs> it was some old dual P2 board with issues.
* lunra grins. 'fully utilised'...
<dongs> yea, so funny.
<ttmrichter> Again, transparent to the point that interstellar vacuum looks opaque by comparison.
<ttmrichter> Try harder.
<ttmrichter> Obvious trolling is so '70s.
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<dongs> btw, its not trolling when im right.
<dongs> because its easier to close your eyes/ears than to fix hte problems
<dongs> or make drivers/etc
<dongs> since lunix/etc is just broken by design
<dongs> its just facts.
<dongs> and you people wonder why no vendor wantch to your your precious lunix
<dongs> compatibility will never happen because every dweeb with a new wallpaper will make a new distro and move files in differnet places jsut to scratch an itch
<dongs> most of htem arent really fixable either
<dongs> it'd be a fullfuckingtime job for a coder to support over 9000 lunix distros and kernels and etc in a driver.
<dongs> X is forever fucked due to 'everything is a file" and network transparency trash.
<dongs> but opensauce tools pretend its trolling
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<ttmrichter> I have a suggestion: for more transparency in trolling, exceeding even INTERGALACTIC vacuum, throw in some casual racism. Jews are the classic, but these days Arabs and the Chinese are more hipster. Go for whichever makes you happy.
<dongs> every minor kernel revision breaks driver api/abi, so forget binary drivers, hell, evne source ones need constant fucking with to support next version of stuff.
<lunra> X's network transparency is sacrificed for GL/etc anyway. X is much a non-issue now, but indeed that is shitty. Good thing a lot of us here aren't even using X on their cubieboards >_>
<ttmrichter> lunra: He's just grabbing random things in an attempt to get a rise.
<lunra> Yes, I know.
<ttmrichter> He'll go for the casual racism soon enough.
<ttmrichter> Except I headed that off.
<lunra> But in case he actually believes this shit...
<ttmrichter> Still, he may actually be stupid enough to miss that and start with it.
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<jelly-home> ttmrichter: it's not one of those, this one's got a specific pet peeve and wants us all to know about it
<ttmrichter> jelly-home: He's done ranting about ESL in the past and said things about Chinese, so no, he's just a garden variety troll.
<lunra> One of mine serves media over sftp/sshfs (which is a dirty hack but the fact is that it gets the job done and I don't care), the other is in a robot with webcam which I use to terrorise^Wentertain the cat
<ttmrichter> Does whatever he can to get a rise out of people.
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<dongs> haha media over smbb/sshfs
<dongs> do you enjoy copying 5gigs for 20 minutes?
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<dongs> every lunix "nas" i ever seen could barely saturate 100mbit network
<dongs> meanwhile my windows 2008 R2 server will saturate gigE
<ttmrichter> Do you enjoy trolling when everybody knows that's what you're doing?
<jelly-home> ttmrichter: apologies, you may be right
<ttmrichter> jelly-home: The real irony here is that he's probably got me pegged as a Linux advocate.
<ttmrichter> You know. One of those drooling Linux fanatics from the late '90s incapable of seeing problems.
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<dongs> no i just have you pegged as a typical lunix fgt
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<ttmrichter> See? He can't even read.
<ttmrichter> It's a bit tragic, really. He's in Usenet mode of trolling.
<jelly-home> well it is kind of obvious now, seeing as he used pretty much the same arguments as your post did
<jelly-home> had* used, in the past
<ttmrichter> jelly-home: What is kind of obvious?
<jelly-home> that he's a bog-standard troll
<ttmrichter> Ah.
<jelly-home> I really hoped it was a disgruntled old dude that had something useful to say now and then
<ttmrichter> For me it was painfully obvious a few days ago when he was dropping casual racism in the conversation.
<ttmrichter> Nah, I'm the disgruntled old guy with occasional useful bits.
<ttmrichter> He's just an old-school troll. The incompetent variety before subtlety was a thing.
<ttmrichter> Not. Fucking. Sake.
<lunra> baijiu (distilled Chinese alcohol, made from fermented grains) ?
<lunra> be ambiguous, be misunderstood >_>
<ttmrichter> Nothing ambiguous about it.
<lunra> Then what are you drinking?
<ttmrichter> Just because the Japanese couldn't invent their own language. :D
<lunra> ;D
<ttmrichter> Baijiu. The Chinese one.
<ttmrichter> The one that's actually strong enough to damage brain cells (and that if you just sniff the fumes!)
<lunra> My approach to alcohol that doesn't taste good is "go big or go home"
<lunra> So, awesome.
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<ttmrichter> The weak cheap stuff is 45%/90 proof.
<dongs> also classic. typical lunix users are chronic alchoholics
<dongs> or smokers.
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<ttmrichter> The expensive stuff hovers between 55-65%.
<dongs> this conversation just proves it.
<jelly-home> branded or moonshine? EU regulations are making self-made alcohol expensive and/or illegal here
<dongs> (again and again)
<ttmrichter> jelly-home: Real stuff.
* ttmrichter facepalms at the troll who just Doesn't Get It™.
<lunra> And indeed, GUI UX is terrible with free software. And it's true that Linux programmers genuinely believe they can get things done faster on a terminal.
<lunra> ...and ultimately, they often will.
<lunra> I haven't had more than a glass of wine in over a year, but I'm buried in the 'nix.
<lunra> I have never smoked cigarettes. *wink*
<ttmrichter> lunra: You're faster on what you're used to.
<ttmrichter> If you're used to consoles and text, you're faster with consoles and text.
<ttmrichter> If you're used to (competently designed) GUIs, you're faster with GUIs.
<lunra> Perhaps, but I'm younger than a lot of my peers, and I cut my teeth on Winblows. (yet I learned to code on a C64 anyway)
<jelly-home> there has to be an interesting difference between .cn and .jp population wrt genes capable of metabolizing that stuff then
<ttmrichter> jelly-home: I'm not sure I follow.
<lunra> ttmrichter: I mean that often I'll outperform people who are using GUI tools who are used to them
<dongs> Here's a folder full of say 300 photos. Pick any 10 that have flowers in them and move them to another folder.
<dongs> go console faggots, go!
<dongs> meanwhile I can ctrl=click that shit in windows in a few seconds w/thumbnail previews, DONE.
<ttmrichter> Ah! He's selected homophobia for his next trolling trick.
<ttmrichter> That's so very '80s.
<lunra> jelly-home: The Japanese people I've met don't exactly stop at one cup of sake...
<ttmrichter> lunra: That would depend very much on the task you're doing, though.
<ttmrichter> lunra: There are some tasks suited to GUIs, some suited to consoles. Smart people have tool belts, not single tools.
<lunra> dongs, obviously that requires some kind of GUI to be able to see what you're doing. And FWIW, terminology from the enlightenment project (heap of shit though it is), will show images in a terminal.
<lunra> ttmrichter: To use your example of the VPN software, that would be a rather text-heavy application where a GUI isn't very necessary
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<ttmrichter> "Intoxication occurs more quickly in Asians than in other ethnic groups."
<jelly-home> "Research from NIAAA suggests 25 percent to 40 percent of Japanese, 25 percent of Han Chinese and 15 percent to 30 percent of Koreans are affected with the deficiency"
<jelly-home> hah
<ttmrichter> Spoken by someone who's never been in China.
<ttmrichter> I'm always suspicious of "research" that directly contradicts observation.
<ttmrichter> Here's a challenge: come to China, go to an official dinner, try to keep up with the locals swilling 白酒 like it's water. Then walk away.
<ttmrichter> That's the challenge. Walking.
<lunra> Wait until you read "research" on polyunsaturated fatty acids.
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<harijsme> hi
<lunra> Hello, harijsme
<harijsme> what kind of SD card cubieboard2 uses? any microSD will work?
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<lunra> Should work. SDHC is supported on the original cubieboard and so should be on the cubieboard2 as well
<jelly-home> sdxc perhaps less so
<lunra> harijsme: Is there a specific microSD card you want to use?
<ttmrichter> lunra: I have family involved in that "research". It's a bit embarrassing having him go around pitching omega3/6 fatty acids as the cure-all to everything. :(
<harijsme> not really. im going to buy one now. trying to choos what to buy.
<ttmrichter> harijsme: I just went out and bought a random 4GB one, generic Chinese brand. It worked fine.
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<lunra> Anyone know if the entire cache is flushed on interrupt?
<lunra> Or, actually, context switch, or MMU change
<lunra> i.e. is cache virtually tagged or physically tagged?
<ttmrichter> lunra: What? You expect processor manufacturers to DOCUMENT their cache strategies? :-o
<harijsme> just got my CB2, but when i power it on and connect it to monitor nothing happens
<harijsme> tried on 2 monitors and one TV
<harijsme> what could be the problem?
<lunra> ttmrichter: Would be good :\
<ttmrichter> Yeah, I know, lunra. But it's "trade secrets". You'd need to sign an NDA, likely, to get a company to reveal its caching strategies. (Hint: it's usually "really lame".)
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<lunra> Suspected that. Oh well... :|.
<JohnDoe_71Rus> harijsme: is green and blue leds blinking?
<harijsme> yes
<JohnDoe_71Rus> hdmi-hdmi or with converters?
<lunra> I'm debating about writing my own kernel to get really high performance for my targetted needs, but given JTAG is a pain to access and I kind of need USB, it's probably not going to happen.
<lunra> (that and everything being terribly documented)
<lunra> (I've ran baremetal code on the Beagleboard-xM - I know what's needed)
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<harijsme> green led is on (not blinking) and blue led is blinking
<harijsme> yes, hdmi-hdmi without converters
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> harijsme: linux or android at the nand ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> harijsme: blue called "heart bit"
<harijsme> i guess android, cos i just took it out of box, havent installed anything
<JohnDoe_71Rus> strange. hdmi cable work with other device
<JohnDoe_71Rus> i read about linux version out of box
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<lunra> "ARMv7 does not support page coloring, and requires that all data and unified caches behave as Physically Indexed Physically Tagged (PIPT) caches." ...'behave as'
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<hedgi> hello to everyone. I have a simple question: in schematics for adding VGA port to Cubie with A10, there are two AND gates for HSync and two AND gates for VSync. What is their purpose? I can imagine, that they cause some unmeasurable delay and maybe, that they fix output Voltage. Right or wrong?
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> Why си2 has otg usb? I tried to connect usb flash to double usb, worked.
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> hedgi: last revision pcb has cvbs at Pins
<hedgi> thank you
<JohnDoe_71Rus> oh. You do not need cvbs
<atsampson> hedgi: they're for 3.3V -> 5V level conversion; the A10's outputs are 3.3V but the VGA spec is 5V
<hedgi> oh, so my second expectation was right. It serves to fix output voltage
<hedgi> right?
<atsampson> yup
<hedgi> thank you
<atsampson> there will be a bit of delay, but it doesn't make much difference
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<beginner> hey guys
<beginner> i wanna get cubieboard that free one
<beginner> is there anyone knows the steps for that?
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<mnemoc> free one?
<beginner> yeah for the project
<beginner> ?
<n01> which project?
<beginner> i wanna develop a project and i need a mini computer to integrate
<ttmrichter> A minicomputer?
<ttmrichter> I'm not even sure you could buy one of those these days without hitting the retro circuit.
<beginner> retro circuit?
<mnemoc> beginner: just buy a cb2
<mnemoc> as everyone else
<beginner> but i live in Turkey
<beginner> ok i ganna try to get one
<beginner> and no one send it to here
<n01> why? you are almost in UE
<mnemoc> beginner: see
<JohnDoe_71Rus> beginner: try this
<beginner> ok thanks
<beginner> one more question
<rm> 264 results with free shipping to TR
<mnemoc> no one ships to TR!
<n01> O_O seriously?
<n01> lol
<mnemoc> no
<beginner> do u have any idea about program which works like video looper on cb2?
<n01> agree
<mnemoc> they can't have a worse post service than italy anyway
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Sent even in Russia, with slowPost :)
<n01> that's why I use only UPS
<n01> amazon prime <3
<beginner> o u have any idea about program which works like video looper on cb2?
<beginner> ?
<mnemoc> in the same way as on any linux machine?
<utente> what country is "TR"?
<FR^2> utente: good morning.
<utente> FR^2, thanks
<mnemoc> utente: a country which is on two continents
<utente> mmm
<n01> riddle
<utente> got it
<n01> it's not russia
<mnemoc> no, that's .ru
<utente> the other is TuRkey
<n01> -.- jk
<beginner> Turkey is TR
<atsampson> mnemoc: you have to be careful about that, though -- UK ;)
<mnemoc> isn't the UK in every continent?
<mnemoc> random small islands around the globe
<JohnDoe_71Rus> mnemoc: they lose their
<madmaxx> YouTube Title: The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained Views: 4,696,183 Length: 5:15 User: CGPGrey
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<atsampson> well, it's more that .uk is not the same as the UK country code (.gb is actually GB, but only has the very silly subdomain)
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<mnemoc> <3 cgpgrey videos
<Montjoie> Hello does the cubieboard2 have any thermal sensors onboard ?
<mnemoc> no
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<atsampson> doesn't the AXP209 have an internal temperature sensor? (it's probably not very accurate, though)
<Montjoie> I will read the AXP209 spec
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<Montjoie> ouch my eyes are hurt, I have see the AXP209 driver
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<ttmrichter> Back to troll are we?
<ttmrichter> Please, do continue with your retrotrolling. It's so cute.
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<harijsme> whats the best os for CB2?
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<harijsme> yes
<Bushmills> "best" is such an ambiguous word
<Bushmills> i'd say, the one with the nicest colour wrapping
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<FR^2> indeed :)
<harijsme> im having problems getting something displayed on screen
<FR^2> But it has to be green.
<harijsme> so displkay support would be nice
<harijsme> tb display
<FR^2> I haven't had much time for the last two months, but when I last checked, the pre-installed android as well as some image I downloaded and put on a sdcard worked like a charm. And even with display!
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<utente> shineworld, gaudemus, mi va il driver video ottimizzato per neon :D
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<n01> s/shineworld, gaudemus, mi va il driver video ottimizzato per neon :D/shineword, it fuc***ing works/
<shineworld> :)
<shineworld> I'm on CB2 at moment so .... nothing neon
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<hedgi> !ls
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<Montjoie> For answering my last question, yes we could have some temperature of AXP209, but just need to write the code over the axp209 driver sh..
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<suhanc> re
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<GargantuaSauce> if I screw up a clock setting in FEX will it fall back to defaults or just lock up at boot until I fix it?
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<groz> I would expect the latter
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<GargantuaSauce> yeah figured as much, was just looking for an excuse to dick with it really
<GargantuaSauce> i'll put that off until it turns out a mere 1ghz just isn't suiting my needs
<dongs> why would you have a cubiebored
<GargantuaSauce> because i wanted a soc board that isnt rpi?
<GargantuaSauce> also because i didnt do enough research and thought cedarx would give me hardware x264 encoding ;_;
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<GargantuaSauce> (not that i've found an alternative that would)
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