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<freq> hi
<Phibs> my two cubie army is alive!
<freq> mine too Phibs
<freq> one problem though
<freq> i am stuck on android on the A20
<Phibs> why?
<Phibs> cubian installed fine for me
<Phibs> but i'm not doing any video
<freq> well, i'd like to find out how to properly do that
<freq> cubian is basically debian right?
<Phibs> just dd/image write the proper image to an msdxc card
<Phibs> pplop in cubie, profit
<Phibs> yes
<freq> okay, i need the image you used if you can please
<freq> oh, does the sd card need a format?
<Phibs> no
<Phibs> I used win32diskimager
<Phibs> 7zip decrompress that file
<Phibs> rename to .raw
<Phibs> write to sd
<Phibs> done/done
<freq> is the windisk thing for windows?
<Phibs> yes
<Phibs> you can use dd in linux
<freq> ah i dont have windows
<Phibs> or mac
<freq> ok
<freq> so i guess i need a clean sd card and dd is all
<freq> i will give it another go
* freq turns on his atom and switched input on the monitor
<Phibs> nod
<Phibs> its easy
<Phibs> Linux dns2.int.bsd-unix.net 3.4.43+ #11 SMP PREEMPT Thu Sep 5 00:04:37 CST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
<Phibs> Linux dns1.int.bsd-unix.net 3.4.43+ #11 SMP PREEMPT Thu Sep 5 00:04:37 CST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
<Phibs> ;0
<Phibs> 4rmy
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<aalm> Linux xxx.bsd-unix.net ... heh
<Phibs> ;)
<Phibs> been using that domain for 14+ years, its a friends
<Phibs> sorry, 13 years :)
<aalm> :)
<Phibs> these cubies are perfect for dns/ntp/dhcp
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<dongs> "Customizing a linux distrobution requires plenty of trivial things."
<dongs> yeah changing wallpapers is mega hard
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<freq> Phibs: you around?
<freq> oh, thanks ChanServ you slut
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<freq> One quick question. Does cubian support sound and video and is it as fast as android?
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<freq> because i am streaming pandora and watching youtube at the same time
<freq> Legitsu: sure
<Legitsu> thats is probly the worst heatsink and paste I have ever seen
<freq> lol yeah
<Legitsu> iv pulled better heatsinks off pentium 3s
<Legitsu> >_>
<freq> i put two on my pi but they are copper and have crowns
<freq> or extraction posts
<Legitsu> agree I was gonna order a few packs
<Legitsu> just to see
<Legitsu> but then I saw it said thermal plaster ..
<freq> my A20 isnt that warm
<freq> i mean it's working kind of hard but i doubt it is having heat issues as it is
<Legitsu> if you are gonna provide heatsinks at least provide something that accually does some good
<Legitsu> ._>
<Legitsu> pff fooy
<Legitsu> the A20 is rated to 85c
<freq> yeah. the ones i saw on there were just aluminum slabs
<freq> Legitsu: i would imagine it shuts off
<Legitsu> the pi is the same way
<Legitsu> so are the rockchip quad cores
<freq> my pi runs fulltime as a router
<Legitsu> spec is 85C operational load
<Legitsu> with >100c being shutdown
<freq> oh that's good news that it certainly shuts off before damage
<Legitsu> thats what I like about ARM
<Legitsu> they clock to the moon and can take a beating
<freq> yeah arm is gonna really kick x86 out of the way
<Legitsu> that I doubt
<freq> since i rarely game this is perfect for my little world :p
<Legitsu> not without some exetensions it wont
* Legitsu has ordered 15 arm devices in the last 3 weeks
<Legitsu> cubie will be number 16
<freq> all i know is this A20 idles at 0,3 and 5 watts max
<freq> wow
<Legitsu> performance to match
<Legitsu> granted ARM is "good enough"
<freq> get any quad cores?
<Legitsu> yea bunch a RK3188
<Legitsu> uttter crap
<Legitsu> :(
<Legitsu> who wants a slightly abused MK908
<freq> not so fast?
<Legitsu> garbage kernel sources
<freq> :/
<dongs> > lunix
<dongs> > garbage
<dongs> i don't see how you expected anything else.
<freq> bahaha
<Legitsu> not sure if trolling
<freq> i blocked you on my server
<Legitsu> he does have a point
<Legitsu> if I could get windows 2000 running on my RK3188
<Legitsu> I would
<Legitsu> :P
<freq> lol
<Legitsu> I got a 333Mhz win2k laptop that has a uptime
<Legitsu> of like 4 years
<freq> well i'm not gonna start the linux vs. windows war but i use only linux
* Legitsu has 4 gpus in his main rig
<Legitsu> guss what os I use
<Legitsu> :P
<dongs> hopefully windows 8 pro
<Legitsu> sooo yea back to why I wandered in here
<dongs> or else you're just wasting electricity
<Legitsu> where is the best place to order a cubie if one lives in `merica
<freq> i dunno. i got it off of the site
<dongs> check the trash bin
<Legitsu> and doesn't wanna wait 2 weeks for it leave china
<Legitsu> wow
<Legitsu> somebody mad
<freq> Phibs: ordered his from roboto or something
<freq> said it was there in no time
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<Legitsu> I orderd my rk3188 sticks from geekbuying
<Legitsu> took 3 weeks before it even left china
<Legitsu> ./never/again
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<Legitsu> soo mr dong what os do you use
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<Phibs> I order from dfrobot.com
<Phibs> got here in 2 days cost $2 in shipping
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<Cmptr> so much fail here
<Cmptr> my sd card went read only
<Cmptr> weird.
<Cmptr> the mico adapter was the reason
<Cmptr> okay. happily found cubian website
<Cmptr> this is good news as all of the beginning efforts failed
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<Phibs> haha
<Phibs> Cmptr: :)
<Cmptr> :D
<Cmptr> the cubian site is a nice one. i dont spot a chinese symbol anywhere
<Cmptr> and there are tuts
<Cmptr> there is a line for installing to nand also
<Cmptr> im gonna keep android on there for emergencies and whatnot
<Cmptr> i might find myself in the wilderness with nothing but T1 internet, a sailboat and a knife...
<Phibs> yes
<Phibs> I dumped android
<Phibs> fuqdat
<Phibs> I mirrored it too in case theirs is too slow
<Cmptr> well i mirrored the wrong image before
<Phibs> haha
<Phibs> I posted on the google group about it
<Phibs> they actually said thanks (the cubie folk)
<Cmptr> that's the spirit
<Cmptr> :)
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<Phibs> wondering of the lubuntu sgtuff will be better than debian (cubian)
<Phibs> ie, more maintained
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<Cmptr> sadly probably
<Phibs> hehe
<Phibs> yeah but dunno if its worth it
<Phibs> cubian (wheezy) is working just fine for my uses
<Cmptr> well there goes dd doing its job
<Cmptr> next move is to see if it installs
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<Cmptr> snap! didnt set the bs
<Phibs> what command ?
<Cmptr> writing the cubian image to an sd card
<Phibs> oh
<Phibs> shoudln't matter just might be slower to write
<Cmptr> i can hear it writing
<Phibs> erm
<Phibs> what?
<Cmptr> dd is noisy sometimes
<Phibs> what?
<Phibs> pass the crack pipe
<Cmptr> especially urandom
<Phibs> oh
<Phibs> does it make a high pitched whine
<Cmptr> somewhat
<Phibs> haha
<Cmptr> not very loud
<Phibs> I've had boxes where the net did that
<Phibs> call it...crappy capacitors or something
<Cmptr> lol oh.
<Cmptr> good pointing that out
<Phibs> defn gonna hit one of those when they are avail
<Phibs> I wish cubie would do a newer ARM chip
<Cmptr> oh cool
<Cmptr> moment of truth
<Phibs> hmm
<Phibs> now I need to find a serial to TTL converter
<Phibs> as I have a serial concole server ( 32 port )
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<dongs> lol i.mx6 is garbage.
<dongs> well, any i.mx series is
<dongs> (*) 1000Mbps link is limited to 470Mbps actual bandwidth due to internal chip busses limitation LOL
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<freq> erm Phibs i didnt know cubian was serial ONLY :p
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<freq> i need something to help me learn about gpio use and controls
<freq> t
<freq> i have lubuntu downloading to check that out
<freq> and something weird happened with ssh when i had to add another switch since i have 2 seperate computer rooms
<freq> i can't get into my server and cubian also refuses to connect with the stock password
<Phibs> eh?
<Phibs> cubian uses 36000 for ssh
<Phibs> (I moved it back to 22)
<freq> yes -p
<freq> everything is correct according to the router
<freq> i dropped my firewall and tried it. same thing
<Phibs> well I ssh into both of mine :)
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<freq> the oiriginal password is cubie right?
<Phibs> yes
<Phibs> cubie/cubie
<freq> i'm wishing for berryboot to work
<freq> but my eyes hurt
<freq> ttyl
<Phibs> ;0
<freq> Phibs: as many times as you linked me to your page i didnt bookmark it. how about one more link please
<freq> mine is sciggle.com/deported
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<Phibs> hahaha
<freq> marked. thanks
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<Phibs> np
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<heras> !ls
<heras> I'm trying to build libhybris according to http://linux-sunxi.org/CedarX/libve but I'm getting " syntax error near unexpected token `WAYLAND_CLIENT,'". Full log here: http://codepad.org/uFYwMCsG
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<heras> How do I fix that?
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<anon9002> !ls
<anon9002> Anyone knows if this power supply will work with Cubieboard2 with a 2.5" HDD?
<Phibs> hmm
<Phibs> it doesn't say max amps
<anon9002> Do you have any recommendations for power supply?
<rm> it says 5V 2A right there
<anon9002> Would 2A be enough to power an HDD?
<Phibs> ah ok
<Phibs> that should work
<Phibs> depedns you'll have to look up the HD
<Phibs> specs
<anon9002> the HDD says it needs 0.55A
<Phibs> max?
<Phibs> what hdd model
<anon9002> I'm not sure
<anon9002> I have a WD Blue
<anon9002> WD500BPVT
<Phibs> assuming 2.5" ? :)
<anon9002> yep
<Phibs> 1s
<Phibs> yes
<Phibs> that'd do fine
<anon9002> thx
<Phibs> peak amps says 0.950 on this spec sheet
<freq> so, does anyone use the fedora image?
<Phibs> fuck
<Phibs> no
<Phibs> fedora sucks on a normal pc ;)
<atsampson> I've found it handy for testing (since it works across a whole load of A10 devices too)
<freq> i thought that too. when it was the seemingly only option for the A10 i installed it and it was nice with openbox
<Phibs> nod
<freq> that's really what i am using linux for at the moment anyway. testing/learning
<freq> although, crunchbang is my main
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<Phibs> I need to find a powered usb hub ;0
<Phibs> cause I Have to power 2-3 of these
<Phibs> into my UPS too
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<freq> Phibs: wow.
<freq> what do you use them for?
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<Phibs> dns/ntp
<freq> lan?
<Phibs> ya
<freq> :D
<freq> good throughput?
<Phibs> doesn't need it
<Phibs> but yeah
<Phibs> they push full 100Mbit
<Phibs> low latency
<freq> i had to use a usb nic for my pi as well as the onboard
<freq> i guess i didnt have to but i just went with it
<dongs> yeah because you need DNS in your fucking closet
<freq> dongs, i will tan your ass with a wooden spoon
<Phibs> yeah fuq that
<Phibs> the onboard on the pi IS a usb nic too
<freq> it's my router so everything goes through
<dongs> sucks to be you.
<dongs> why would anyone want to use any kinda lunix flavor as a router
<freq> it's pretty fast
<Phibs> lol
<Phibs> yeah why aren't you using android as a router bro
<dongs> i dont think 'fast" is the problem here.
<freq> i'm not a big android fan
<Phibs> or windows
<Phibs> its the best router
<dongs> I think you mean 'assdroid'
<freq> i wouldnt know. ipfire does me well though
<Phibs> I'm just trolling
<Phibs> dongs is a retawrd
<freq> lol
<Phibs> *retard
<Phibs> or a troll
<Phibs> or a tard troll
<dongs> or a professional windows 8 pro user.
<freq> i was kind of confused. does android even do that
<freq> :p
<freq> i have to block him on every irssi i use lol
<Phibs> lolol
<freq> he keeps popping up
<Phibs> yeah
<freq> 98% on fedora
<dongs> ignore is the opensores way of avoiding argument
<freq> not exactly wheezy but it will do great for testing
<dongs> that and making new distributions when you don't agree wiht one
<Phibs> freq: yeah assuming you want the latest features and such
<Phibs> dongs: really? Where is the closed source distribution for the cubieboard ?
<dongs> Phibs: there isnt one beacuse no commercial vendor gives a fuck
<Phibs> then why are you in here?
<dongs> (same applies to x86 as well
<freq> lol
<Phibs> so what is the best hardware platform and os?
<freq> debian/atom d2700 :p
<freq> CPU~Dual core Intel Atom CPU D2700 (-HT-MCP-) clocked at 2127.750 Mhz Kernel~3.2.0-4-686-pae i686 Up~17:16 Mem~477.4/4046.3MB HDD~103.9GB(8.2% used) Procs~176 Client~Irssi 0.8.15 inxi~1.8.4
<freq> :D
<freq> i don't game much so yeah perfect for me!
<Phibs> I have one of those too
<Phibs> but I like the cubie form factor
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<freq> brb
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<freq> Phibs: i really like the form factor also.
<freq> i also like the idle wattage ;)
<Phibs> yeah