<buZz> anyway, get a hometrainer or similar
<buZz> stationary bike
<buZz> and mod it with a hub dynamo :)
<popolon> in france power is dirty
<popolon> mostly nuclear
<popolon> I don't like it so much
<popolon> because of wars (last mali war) due to that
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<popolon> and effects like Fukushima or Tchernobyl or Long Island
<popolon> or..........
<popolon> I like Mali, I have two in my cubie
<popolon> and some other in my phone
<popolon> well, a little bit late
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<popolon> and for the price, what I don't pay on electricty bill, I pay on national tax...
<popolon> but still not the biggest problem
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<popolon> death in Niger / Mali / Tchad due to uranium mines at open sky for french nuclear powerplant, is probably the worst
<popolon> well, the live still suck
<popolon> s
<popolon> so good night :)
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<freq> can these be powered by the usb port
<freq> i know the mini usb port is sound but how abouyt the others
<TheViking> Freq: I know very little about the board, but I believe it can only be powered via the barrel-jack or mini-usb.
<freq> sigh
<TheViking> Freq: Why are you wanting to power it via the usb ports?
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<TheViking> Has anyone had success booting current linux mainline/sunxi-dev on the cubieboard a10?
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<buZz> TheViking: i did run latest kernel .. earlier
<buZz> i should update :)
<TheViking> Damnit....
<buZz> not the mainline linux one
<buZz> the sunxi one
<buZz> 3,4,something
<TheViking> I believe my u-boot is compiled incorrectly/with a bad gcc version
<buZz> what makes you think that?
<TheViking> No kernel init messages on boot after u-boot's "Starting kernel..." message. U-boot gets an undefined instruction error then resets/reboots.
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<buZz> does the kernel have a console=/dev/ttyS0 ? or something
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<buZz> to point it towards serial
<buZz> oh undefined instruction
<TheViking> The uImage is assigned the load address that I use for u-boot.
<TheViking> I should try the zImage :-P
<buZz> did you follow something like http://linux-sunxi.org/FirstSteps#Building_the_kernel ?
<buZz> no you need the uImage
<buZz> i would just not give up :) this is a steap learning curve but valuable knowledge
<buZz> i have to go to sleep now ;)
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<TheViking> Yes, I have the uImage. I also have the device tree blob.
<TheViking> "Linux/arm 3.3.0"
<buZz> hehe
<buZz> yeah A20 used to not support 3.4 when i got it
<buZz> as i said, i really should upgrade :D
<TheViking> I'm using "Linux/arm 3.11.0-rc4"
<buZz> oh my
<buZz> you really want to run mainline?
<TheViking> I need to stop using mainline kernels
<buZz> i think mainline only supports serial , no hdmi , no ethernet , _maybe_ usb
<buZz> no sata
<TheViking> I added ethernet support. Usb is *supposed* to be there.
<dongs> and with lunix toreballs SSD "dead" (more like killed by NSA) new lunix isn't ever coming out again.
<buZz> i hope that when a10/a20 hits mainline they still make them :D
<TheViking> I heard about that. Does that man not keep backups?
<dongs> that was right after he threatened to murder ARM soc designers
<dongs> serves him right.
<buZz> haha, his SSD was running on ARM cores
<buZz> WABAM backdoored
<dongs> lolol
<buZz> did you see this talk dongs ?
<dongs> which
<madmaxx> YouTube Title: [OHM2013] Hard disks: More than just block devices Views: 194 Length: 1:00:23 User: MathijsSch
<buZz> where a guy booted a linux kernel on a harddrive's controller
<dongs> jesus, 1 hour long
<TheViking> Zope
<dongs> i dont have time for that kinda shit
<buZz> ;)
<buZz> its a fun talk though
<buZz> anyway, -> zz
<TheViking> I guess I could try packaging the kernel zImage as a legacy uImage.
<TheViking> I've done it before but... I have a current u-boot version. I shouldn't have to do things like that.
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<clements_> where can i find the latest hwpacks?
<TheViking> "You can also create a new hwpack by using sunxi-bsp tools."
<clements_> ahh thanks..
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: hi
<shineworld> Hi
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: yesterday received a usb-ttl cable
<shineworld> that's a great new
<shineworld> at now you can track any boot phase
<JohnDoe_71Rus> yes
<shineworld> was you able to create your partitions.txt ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> no. wait your email
<shineworld> Ah... I've pushed instructions in a private message....
<shineworld> the rule is always to move start / size aligned to Headers * Tracks to obtain right sectors numbers
<shineworld> so you have 64 Head * 123 tracks your granularity is 7626
<shineworld> which in bytes is 7627 * 512 = 3904512
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: i know. i dont know what size in sectors/bytes need for partitions
<shineworld> he he he now you have got the TTL ... check at boot of NAND android and you will see that will be reported the NAND size for each partition :)
<JohnDoe_71Rus> this in the bytes?
<shineworld> otherwise look at: https://github.com/shineworld/cubietools cubiecard.sh and you will read the same info in a comment
<shineworld> I guess they are bytes
<shineworld> but I've twiced them
<shineworld> a sec (boss is near) and I will help you to prepare partittions.txt
<JohnDoe_71Rus> cache : 238000 a0000 don't think what a0000 is human-readable size
<JohnDoe_71Rus> why not a=10 like others
<shineworld> ... checking
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<Cylta> will the Debian Wheezy Raspbian work with cubieboard?
<shineworld> hexadecimal values ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> perhaps
<shineworld> :)
<JohnDoe_71Rus> why 100000 not hexadecimal
<Cylta> JohnDoe_71Rus: it is
<shineworld> all data are hex
<Cylta> JohnDoe_71Rus: but if it's not in this form: h1000000 many will think, that it's a d1000000, because of tradition. all numbers that are not marked, considered as decimal.
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Cylta: this one table output. usually do not mix dimension
<shineworld> no matter I will use only sensed values from my experience...
<shineworld> Jonh what is your SD name and model ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> silicon power 4Gb class10
<JohnDoe_71Rus> http://pastebin.com/pMp04RiS looks like true?
<shineworld> yes
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Now divide size at 512, get the size in sectors?
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<shineworld> you have to keep all always rounded to 7627 sectors ;)
<shineworld> 7626
<shineworld> which is a cylinder
<shineworld> because is better to keep any start / size rounded to cylinder
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<jelly-home> Cylta: sure, but there's no need to use raspbian, normal debian wheezy armhf works
<Cylta> jelly-home: I don't know how to make it works(i tried to burn it to microSD simply). I need some kind of bootloader there, right?
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<Cylta> I mean cubian booted by itself, but armhf does not, with the same installation process... i think I need a bootloader there, that I did not installed and cubian author did...
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<dongs> lunix, on desktop.
<dongs> anyone tried that?
<Cylta> dongs: i'm trying it
<Cylta> dongs: cubie works, but with many problems.
<Cylta> dongs: debian wheezy armhf need something to boot
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<dongs> so are you saying, lunix is still as far from being on desktop as it was in say 1996?
<Cylta> dongs linux on desctop on cubieboard just for me is in several days from being fine. other people did it faster.
<Cylta> on just desctop, with proper hardware, there are no problems.
<Cylta> *desktop
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<bipbiponlinux> hi all
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<bipbiponlinux> I'm looking after some information about the new cubieboard 2
<bipbiponlinux> is it compatible with a SATA multiplier ?
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<dongs> https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qx5_uIX7-74 single most useful application of hypeberry pi
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<ismail> is there a livesuit image for Linaro 13.08 (for A10)?
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<bipbiponlinux> but don't know if it works with cubieboard2
<Cylta> it's hardware anywayy, i think
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<f1r3> bipbiponlinux i remember mnemoc told us only one sata multiplier chipset is confirmed to work with cb
<f1r3> i would ask him before buying
<bipbiponlinux> f1r3: thanks for the information
<bipbiponlinux> f1r3: do you know if there is an option to build in the kernel for that ?
<f1r3> no
<f1r3> i think this is not a kernel thing
<f1r3> this belongs to the sata chipset
<bipbiponlinux> I searched on internet but I didn't find relevant information
<bipbiponlinux> ok thanks
<f1r3> allwinner integrated a sata chipset into their SOC
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<f1r3> !explpm sata-multiplier
<f1r3> bipbiponlinux: did you read the FAQ about Sata Multipliers ?
<bipbiponlinux> yes but it is for cubie 1
<bipbiponlinux> is it the same for cubie 2
<bipbiponlinux> ?
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<prp-e> Hi, I've connected my board to modem using cable, and I could control it using ssh or vnc. but now I can't ping it. what's the problem?!
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<harijsme> hi
<harijsme> i have code for using 1602 lcd with serial wiring
<harijsme> i would love to rewrite it to use with 1602 i2c
<harijsme> what do i need to change
<harijsme> can someone tell me how serial differs from i2c comunicating with lcd
<harijsme> thanks
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