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<dongs> DigiDaz_: sucks to be you
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<Phibs> whats it doing....
<Phibs> sits there if I try to boot with flash card inserted
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<Phibs> ah here goes cubian
<Phibs> Linux Cubian 3.4.43+ #11 SMP PREEMPT Thu Sep 5 00:04:37 CST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
<freq> Phibs: you're booted in?
<Phibs> I've got cubian booted yeah
<Phibs> now the questoin is how can I install it to the nand
<Phibs> bootberry was not the same success, itj ust hung
<Phibs> weird, network doesn't seem to want to work
<Phibs> ah
<Phibs> I know why
<freq> edit macs?
<Phibs> naw
<Phibs> so yeah I booted off SD via Cubian
<Phibs> it says there is a script to install to nand but... I do not see one ;0
<freq> is the nand reliable?
<Phibs> why wouldn't it be?
<freq> all i know is that the android installation is junk
<freq> things turn purple and freeze up
<freq> well good point.
<Phibs> ohreally?
<Phibs> lol
<Phibs> yeah i'm on serial
<Phibs> don't ever expect to put a 'head' on it
<freq> kind of gave me a bad impression of the nand quality
<Phibs> hope thats not it...
<Phibs> hope its just android sucking ;0
<freq> i had sound and video that reminded me of a damaged nintendo cartridge
<freq> nice dual cpu
<freq> i'm still waiting on mine in the mail
<freq> 1.893384] [NAND]nand driver, ok.
<freq> [ 1.903214] sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: controller can't do PMP, turning off CAP_PMP
<freq> nice
<freq> i read it all
<Phibs> hehe
<Phibs> yeah this is the A20
<Phibs> shit came from china for $2 DHL in 2 days
<Phibs> (to usa)
<Phibs> I mean not a huge deal, I can just run off the SD card
<Phibs> wonder if its faster than nand
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<dongs> doubtful.
<dongs> they're both slow as balls.
<Phibs> hoars
<Phibs> ah found the nand install script
<Phibs> sure isn't fast lol
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<freq> hi
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<freq> if your cubian download is slow try:http://bit.ly/1dAIbAK
<Phibs> mine was fine :)
<Phibs> which image is that
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<Phibs> mirroring stuff here too
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<Phibs> ubuntuone.com sure is slow as ball sacks
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<Phibs> mines still there too
<Phibs> 10Gbit
<freq> oh you have a link up?
<freq> well cool. no need for 2
<Phibs> damn ubuntuone.com stupid file names
<freq> does ubuntuone offer free hosting?
<Phibs> no idea
<Phibs> its slow as shit
<Phibs> 20KB/s
<Phibs> there I renamed the files proper
<freq> cool. i did not know you had something up.
<Phibs> I didn't until you said you had one ;0
<Phibs> but I run that mirror at work so figured might as well throw it up
<Phibs> it moves some bits: http://mirror.symnds.com/stats/
<freq> yeah i'm running from hostmonster on that site so it should be fast too
<Phibs> nod
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<freq> much faster than that sad origin link
<Phibs> haha yeah
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<Phibs> I've got mine up running ntp/dns for my house
<Phibs> pretty happy with cubian
<Phibs> it runs nice
<freq> very cool
<freq> thats the cubie2?
<Phibs> mine? yea
<freq> i cant waiiit for mine
<Phibs> hehe
<Phibs> I ordered two from dfrobot.com
<Phibs> came in 2 days, cost $2 shipping
<Phibs> (from china)
<freq> mine are coming from sweden ?.?
<freq> the cubie breacboard got here sort of quickly
<freq> bread*
<Phibs> nod
<Phibs> serial worked like a charm too
<Phibs> nic has good latency
<Phibs> the cubian resize fs tool is nice
<Phibs> rootfs 30G 495M 28G 2% /
<freq> slick
<Phibs> 32G class 10 msdxc - $20 on amazon
<freq> oh good price
<freq> it's about time for me to hit the hay after i get my site cleaned up a little
<freq> take care everyone o/
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<Phibs> man how do I get in touch with cubieplayer ;0
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<freq> Phibs: what kind of media does it play
<Phibs> er
<Phibs> who knows
<Phibs> i'm using it for serving unix apps not media ;0
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<paketecuento> !ls
<paketecuento> hi, any staff member online?
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<DigiDaz_> Morning Cubiers
<dongs> hello poor dude who has to deal with lunix for work.
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<DigiDaz_> So dongs, what do you run on yours then, Windows 8 :)
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<wooy> berryboot, cubian... I just installed plain old Debian.
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<dongs> < DigiDaz_> So dongs, what do you run on yours then, Windows 8 :)
<dongs> no, its hardware.
<dongs> rtos (not lunix) w/simple sip stack on fpga and voice gets converted to ISDN
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<DigiDaz_> dongs: where do I learn about this rtos?
<dongs> you dont.
<dongs> its not opensores.
<heras> Hi. I'm having trouble finding my SATA hdd on my Cubie 1GB. The hdd is power using the supplied SATA cable and the board is power with a 3A PSU.
<heras> But now I want to use Romans image and with that image there are no /dev/sd* nodes reported
<heras> dmesg says "WRN:L3795(drivers/usb/sun4i_usb/udc/sw_udc.c):ERR: platform_driver_register failed" but other than that I see nothing strange.
<heras> How should I debug this?
<wooy> heras: check the kernel mod: `modprobe sw_ahci_platform`
<heras> wooy: that doesn't produce an error, but lsmod only reports vfat and fat modules (before and after modprobe sw_ahci_platform)
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<soletti> where i can find more info about xbmc development status for a20? or theres none?
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<Phibs> ho ho ho
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