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<deasy> yup someone know about why is discouraged to connect the VCC ?
<deasy> we need to improve the wiki
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<aep> uh oh. someone has a cubie baseboard?
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<aep> err i mean the one from io technologies i mean
<aep> its like ... missing an entire wire if i read the specs right
<alfplayer> !ls
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<alfplayer> !ls sata-harddrive
<alfplayer> !ls sata-max-limit
<alfplayer> !explpm sata-max-limit
<alfplayer> !explpm sata-harddrive
<lzg> how to use linux sdk????
<lzg> i can't use to produce *.img。
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<aep> harr, got the fricking panel working
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<deasy> so cubie is or not OS hardware :D
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<aep> '46baf1b21ec7521276aebc3186864e53')
<aep> '46baf1b21ec7521276aebc3186864e53')
<aep> oopsi
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<dongs> pirate
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<u1204> hello, I have CB1 with Lubuntu 12.04 on SD-card. When I "sudo apt-get update" in terminal, I get the following error: "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/http could not be found.” pw can I fix it?
<u1204> it should be "../https"
<u1204> sorry
<u1204> I checked the folder /usr/lib/apt/methods .. there is only "http", but no "https"
<u1204> !ls
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<u1204> !expl flash-linux-nand
<CubieFAQ> flash-linux-nand: The fastest way is to use the PIMP_MY_MELE utility from guillaume. For more detailed, roll-your-own instructions, see this thread in the forums. (
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<popolon> so without SD cart : boot on defaut kernel on sata drive preinstalled sys: flash nand from this system, reboot on the fresh os ?
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<aep> ew. the cubieboard nand is really slow
<aep> 4.2 MB/s
<aep> i guess you only use it to bootload into something on a sata disk
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<aep> can i supply a harddisk with 12V and 5V from different PSUs?
<aep> it wont spin up, so either the answer is no, or i did something else wrong
<bfree> did you build in the sata module (sw_ahci_platform)? or load it?
<aep> err, it doesnt spin up without software? *facepalm*
<aep> i only plugged in power
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<Cpt-Oblivious> !ls
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<mateobur> Hello
<mateobur> has anybody managed to play HD video on cubie2/lubuntu?
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<AutoStatic> Are there any issues with the line-in input on the Cubieboard2? It's not being picked up while it should. Now I'm only seeing the playback entries with amixer.
<Cpt-Oblivious> Is there a mailing list for Cubietruck / cubieboard3 for when it is available?
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<freq> AutoStatic: i saw your question in #cubian
<AutoStatic> Ah yeah
<freq> and yes i am using cubian on an A20
<AutoStatic> Just parted that room
<AutoStatic> Do you have any capture entries with amixer/alsamixer?
<freq> not sure
<freq> or yes actually, my webcam
<AutoStatic> So not any from the 'linein' jack?
<freq> no. i didnt hook anything to that
<AutoStatic> Is it necessary to connect anything to it?
<freq> I would think so
<AutoStatic> So the cubieboard does some kind of jack auto-sensing?
<freq> yes
<freq> when i disconnect devices they are removed from devices
<AutoStatic> Just connected my phone via a jack cable to the linein and nothing changed :(
<AutoStatic> And the code is there in the codec
<AutoStatic> Otherwise I'll try hacking the driver myself. I've already modified it because the default period and buffer settings were just plain weird.
<freq> That's an odd one
<freq> i never tried connecting a phone. seems like its built more for a speaker or mic
<AutoStatic> If I connect my headphones nothing shows up either :(
<freq> do you have sound?
<freq> and is pulseaudio installed?
<AutoStatic> I have sound
<AutoStatic> No PulseAudio
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<freq> i have pulse and things are working well
<AutoStatic> Also the line-in?
<freq> as in mic?
<freq> or usb
<freq> i don't have anything to test the usb but mic works
<AutoStatic> the 'linein' jack input on the Cubieboard
<freq> yes. stereo line in works
<AutoStatic> weird
<AutoStatic> Could you run 'amixer' in a console? Or are you not at your Cubieboard?
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<AutoStatic> When I run amixer I only get Master Playback Volume, MIC output volume, Fm output Volume and Line output Volume
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<freq> sure lemme look
<freq> master and capture
<AutoStatic> But not the capture ports which should be LINEIN APM Volume, Capture Volume, Mic2 gain Volume and Mic1 gain Volume (if I have to believe sound/soc/sunxi/sunxi-codec.c)
<AutoStatic> Thanks! Weird, I'm probably overseeing sth
<freq> sunxi-CODEC and sunxi-sndhdmi
<freq> and a choice to enter device name
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<AutoStatic> Hmmm, I don't seem to have HDMI either but that's probably because it's disconnected
<freq> yes that could be
<freq> i am using hdmi now
<freq> afk
<AutoStatic> Connected hdmi but it doesn't have any controls
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<AutoStatic> freq: which kernel are you using?
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<aep> an input pin doesnt automatically reset to 0 when there is no more connection after there was +3.3V. i guess i'm supposed to have a resistor from the pin to GND?
<aep> i hope this is how it works...
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