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<soletti> theres any place which describe boot process for A20? brom -> boot0 -> .. -> uboot -> kernel ??
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<dongs> probably even chinese dont know.
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<dlan> soletti: probably another more stage after boot0 -> boot1(or u-boot SPL)
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<Hukka> What do you usually use to test cedar playback? I tried the Sintel trailer with vlc on patwood's cubiuntu, and got nothing
<Hukka> Then later when browsing the web, I lost the screen (it turned light gray)
<Hukka> This on cb2
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<buZz> afaik cedar just works on A10 for now
<buZz> soon on A20 aswell, but can take a while before its in noobfriendly distros like cubiuntu
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<popolon> 中秋节快乐
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<ttmrichter> populon: Thanks. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you too.
<popolon> :)
<popolon> thanks
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<popolon> Does someone know if this error : PHY_PageRead : too much ecc err,bank 0 block 77d,page 0
<popolon> could be related to nand or ram ?
<popolon> (or power)
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<arokux> letting you know...
<arokux> cubieboard.org drowns in spam
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<popolon> abouth the readahead problem
<arokux> popolon, yes, thanks, I've seen you replies, this is from 2010 though.
<popolon> error 5 could be related to a separate /var partition
<popolon> I don't think error code as changed since ?
<arokux> popolon, it is not separate, but it is nfs boot, maybe something is wrong with this.
<popolon> may be
<popolon> did you use the default uboot to use nfs ?
<popolon> I would like to netboot too
<arokux> popolon, yes, you can read wiki, i've written a very good recipe.
<popolon> cool
<popolon> this one ?
<arokux> popolon, yes. feel free to improve it.
<popolon> ok :)
<popolon> thanks
<arokux> popolon, np
<popolon> https://groups.google.com/forum/?_escaped_fragment_=msg/linux-sunxi/iHG01aEcVGg/Z2wxPrrwVeYJ#!msg/linux-sunxi/iHG01aEcVGg/Z2wxPrrwVeYJ
<popolon> found another one with same problem than me
<arokux> popolon, do you use mainline? and which version of the nano do you use?
<popolon> I had crash problem with the default android
<arokux> popolon, ok...
<popolon> then I tried to flash a lubuntu, during flashing phase, I noticed nand error
<popolon> but I think about power problem
<popolon> in some case crash more often, not really sur it really depend on power
<popolon> I have no µSD (I will try to buy one at noon
<popolon> so can't use my cubie for now, until I managed to boot on a stable system
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<arokux> popolon, what are you up to anyway?
<popolon> that's a linux 3.4.xX+
<popolon> cubieboard2
<arokux> popolon, i mean what are you intentions in the long run?
<popolon> http://cubieboard.org/download/#LiveSuit%20Images one from here
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<popolon> oh, to make at list a file/http server with the cubieboard
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<popolon> and after that probably a client with cubietruck
<popolon> at least
<arokux> popolon, so why do you bother with android crap? pick sunxi-3.4 and one of the rootfs out there.
<popolon> I flashed lubuntu
<popolon> but had nand error during writting
<popolon> so still not able to boot for more that few minutes before crash
<arokux> popolon, ok
<popolon> and was unable to flash again (linux livesuite is a little buggy)
<popolon> I will buy a
<popolon> µSD, hope this is not RAM problem
<popolon> or try netboot...
<popolon> about the power => I can be in uboot for hours without crash
<popolon> but in this pass, only few devices are powered
<popolon> if that's nand problem, at least write kernel and boot stuff is good enough I would boot on SATA ssd partition
<popolon> else I would use kernel on µSD
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<arokux> who from cubietech is here?
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<mnemoc> arokux: send benn an email
<arokux> mnemoc, how can you read all irc channels from a phone? :)
<mnemoc> andchat + znc
<mnemoc> but no backlog
<mnemoc> well.... 5 lines per channel
<arokux> mnemoc, what do you do at your job? :)
<mnemoc> maintain/fix chinese code :<
<arokux> mnemoc, some SoC like allwinner's?
<rm> mnemoc, backlog is configurable in ZNC
<rm> I use 1000 lines
<mnemoc> rm: with 20+ channels that means disconnection by flooding
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<arokux> I wonder if the absence of a session in irc is a feature or an absence of one........
<mnemoc> screen solves that
<mnemoc> or tmux
<popolon> arokux, I believe hipboi
<popolon> hipboi, 中秋节快乐!:)
<mnemoc> popolon: hipboi is more centered on radxa (and the rk3188 board) these days
<mnemoc> benn is in charge the allwinner-based stuff (CB and CT)
<arokux> mnemoc, yes a pile of software solves this. but what if irc were fixed to include sessions......... or this is intentional?
<mnemoc> arokux: simplicity?
<popolon> mnemoc, and today is holiday in china
<mnemoc> ow
<arokux> mnemoc, simplicity on their side but mess on ours :(
<mnemoc> tmux + irssi + znc is not a mess
<mnemoc> is proper combination of simple and specialized tools
<arokux> mnemoc, + 24/7 server...
<mnemoc> s/^/it /
<mnemoc> there are free shell hostings
<arokux> mnemoc, give me some names
<mnemoc> google for free shell irssi ;-)
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<arokux> mnemoc, why they are offered for free?!!
<mnemoc> because they are nice?
<arokux> mnemoc, nice ppl also want to eat
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<mnemoc> arokux: sure, but when you have already an income source, you can provide freebies to make the world a better place for those with less luck
<arokux> mnemoc, 100%.
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<mnemoc> arokux: gmane is a great example. the best mailing list archive, developed and freely provided by a nice fellow
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<arokux> mnemoc, yes, gmane is really amazing.
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<arokux> mnemoc, not even donation are accepted... "There's currently no donation needed."
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<rm> "free shells" mostly come with unacceptable amounts of b/s
<rm> like, "you have to be active on our forum, let the admin get to know you and be nice to him"
<rm> VPSes start from $12-15/year http://lowendbox.com/
<rm> I would recommend https://www.digitalocean.com/ - $5/month
<mnemoc> hetzner ones comes with 1TB of traffic and 20GB of storage for around 7E
<mnemoc> personally I prefer real "root" servers
<rm> or you could simply get a dedicated server for 8-13 EUR a month http://digicube.fr/rapidserveurs http://firstheberg.com/dedie_detail.php?id=5
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<arokux> mnemoc, around 7E = 7.9E = around 8E
<arokux> thanks for info rm
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<arokux> rm, why do they specify location of the VPS on lowendbox.com
<arokux> rm the cheapest offers on lowendbox prohibit irc :(
<popolon> cool, I've a µSD now :)
<mnemoc> second hand root servers auction
<arokux> mnemoc, everything > 2EUR/month is expensive :)
<arokux> mnemoc, root is too much for me.
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<arokux> why do some prohibit irc, it shouldn't cause a big load if at all...
<mnemoc> it is
<mnemoc> irc is a pretty dumb protocol
<mnemoc> the *client* filters out what is not interesting
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<arokux> mnemoc, if i'm connected to freenode i get messages from ALL the channels?!
<mnemoc> i assume freenode has improved the server to be smarter, but by specs you can get messages from ALL channels
<mnemoc> irc has a very notizable impact in my 3G traffic stats
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<aalm> mnemoc: you should read the rfc before making such claims.
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<n01> mnemoc: not true actually
<aalm> possibly first rfc from the 80's allowed such thing, but i've never been connected to such ircd in the past 15years i've been using irc, and yes, i've read the rfc a few times back in the day.
* n01 still remembers his first bot in C
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<aalm> me too :P
<mnemoc> eggdrop? :p
<aalm> that's tcl
<n01> nope ... home made :)
<aalm> self written
<mnemoc> uh, the current RFC (1459) is only from 1993.... wtf
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<mnemoc> I have irc logs older than that :p .... but never really tcpdump it or wrote an irc bot
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<mnemoc> but I do remember tools that let you see what other people was talking
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<arokux> guys, why www.lowendbox.com specify location of the VPS?
<arokux> cann't I rent a VPS in US if i'm in Germany?
<gzamboni> mnemoc i have a dedicated server at www.kimsufi.com , they removed the monthly traffic limit
<gzamboni> in their rules they prohibit IRC traffic, but i already used and i did not have any problem
<arokux> gzamboni, well, they will shut you down if they would know
<mnemoc> ow
<gzamboni> they sent me a msg once, i just changed the default ports. and after i did remove the irc
<gzamboni> does anyone knows if its possible and usable to use a setupbox with allwinner for instance and connnect it to a vpn to use netflix ??
<gzamboni> i want to show some brazilian portuguese netflix contents to my kids, i ve already tested on pc with a server i have in Brazil and it works nice, it take some seconds to buffer the video, but it works
<rm> <arokux> rm the cheapest offers on lowendbox prohibit irc :( <- not all
<rm> <arokux> guys, why www.lowendbox.com specify location of the VPS? <- because people care about location of their server
<rm> you want your VPS to be close to you or to your visitors
<rm> so that the ping is low and speeds are high
<arokux> rm, thanks
<rm> ("visitors", if you take the most common use which is web server)
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<n01> ok, noob-question time ... with WPS you have also a domain registered?
<n01> s/WPS/VPS/
<infobot> n01 meant: ok, noob-question time ... with VPS you have also a domain registered?
<n01> thank you infobot
<rm> domain is unrelated
<rm> you obtain it separately if you want
<n01> uh, ok
<mnemoc> some give you $randomhash.hostingdomain.com
<n01> I need hosting for a personal docuwiki
<arokux> rm, so your advise be to monitor lowendbox and wait for a cheap offer which does not prohibit irc?
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<rm> arokux, there are some right now
<arokux> rm, the prohibit irc
<rm> the page says: "IRC and VPN is allowed."
<arokux> rm, yes, sorry, bulk messages are not allowed through irc.
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<arokux> rm, different companies have very similar ordering pages...
<rm> yes, lots of companies use WHMCS
<rm> it's as popular for selling servers as WordPress is popular for blogs
<rm> if you're a beginner in this then I suggest starting first with providers which are top-rated by the community: http://lowendbox.com/tag/top-providers/
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<rm> not chasing the cheapest offer possible with unrealistic specs
<rm> well the RamNode which I mentioned above is also one of the winners there, so should be safe
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<arokux> rm, thanks a lot for taking care of me. i'm indeed a beginner. basically i need only an irc bouncer just now.
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<utente> hi. what the status of XBMC on cubieboard? still exist blu-ish issue?
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<utente> rellla, thanks. but workarounded only? still not solved?
<rellla> no clean solution. only a workaround.
<utente> i see raspberryt has xbmc worning,m im sorry cubie still not the same.
<rellla> too few developers
<utente> cos cubie is more powerfull tan raspberry
<utente> :(
<utente> hardware is goot, pity on enoigh man-power
<rellla> the amount of xbmc-a10-devs is about 0
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<utente> !!
<utente> so bad
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<buZz> xbmc officially stopped supporting any allwinner platform
<ssvb> what's so good about xbmc?
<ssvb> mplayer (or smplayer for anyone who wants gui) works just fine
<buZz> mplayer supports vdpau :)
<rellla> ssvb: just poc-work ;)
<rellla> i'm searching for a tv-streaming-client. i never watched a movie with xbmc or played music.
<utente> tomcubie start a new board based in RK3188
<ssvb> rellla: have you tried mplayer/smplayer? google suggests that it should be able to do this
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<ssvb> rellla: don't know if this is relevant, but you might give it a try - http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/MPlayer
<rellla> ssvb: i will try libvdpau and your sunxifb most likely tonight. then see what are the next steps. best way would be if one gets www.tvdr.de work on allwinner. there is a plugin that supports vdpau ...
<rellla> a native client of vdr on a20 would be my personal goal :)
<utente> mplayer does not go full screen. totem goes full screen ut loose sync between audio and video
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<ssvb> utente: how so? there is 'f' hotkey in mplayer, and also '-fs' command line option to toggle fullscreen
<buZz> mplayer -vo sdl <- this does work to go fullscreen
<buZz> -vo xv wont work, -vo x11 cant do fullscreen , -vo gl and -vo gl2 is sloooooooooooooooow
<ssvb> buZz: '-vo xv' does work
<utente> ssvb, mplayer dont scale to full screen the video
<buZz> ssvb: :O
<buZz> thats new .. or maybe i fucked up before
<ssvb> utente: you can add '-zoom' command option to enable software scaling if you want to, but generally you would prefer hardware scaling
<utente> ssvb, woh to get hardware scaling?
<buZz> utente: with which -vo did you try mplayer?
<ssvb> buZz: just upgrade to the latest version of https://github.com/ssvb/xf86-video-sunxifb
<buZz> heh will do
<utente> buZz, no -xx option i ise. i just start the GUI cinterface
<ssvb> accelerated XV has been added maybe ~2 months ago
<utente> btw, i dont recompile form source, just apt-get install
<ssvb> but VDPAU is even more interesting :)
<utente> maybe my version of mplayer is outdated
<ssvb> utente: it's not mplayer, but the xorg driver that you use
<ssvb> utente: you can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what exactly is in use on your system
<utente> ssvb, i use the official debian 7 for armhf,
<utente> i will to ,gimme time to turn on the cubie..
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<ssvb> utente: ok, then enjoy the slow videos with the official debian ;) the choice is up to you
<buZz> utente: ah gmplayer
<buZz> i never use tht
<buZz> that*
<ssvb> smplayer is quite a nice gui frontend for mplayer
<buZz> of course you can run https://github.com/ssvb/xf86-video-sunxifb on official debian aswell
<ssvb> buZz: yep
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<ssvb> buZz: I mean, if the people expect good performance with the stock debian packages, they need to know that this stuff generally lags several years behind
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<federico3> several years? Not in Sid.
<buZz> yeah just 1.3 years in sid
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<utente> buZz, how can run that driver on my cubie? it is enough a link to howtopage
<buZz> i guess there is something on linux-sunxi.org
<buZz> also, being able to _do_ development helps when you are trying to play with a development board ;)
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<utente> buZz, i did mi own kernek 3.4.43, recompilation of xbmc, compilantion or othetr stuffs. something - not all- i am able to do.
<buZz> very good :D
<utente> i asked xbmc cos friend ask me, and i wish to maper ot work as ot works on raspbpi. im upset cubie is not up-to-date as raspberry is
<buZz> there are 9087230918 raspi in the wild and maybe 93827 cubieboards
<buZz> +/- 783624 of course
<utente> yes.
<utente> i know. but im fan of cubie
<buZz> i'm a hater of broadcom
<buZz> i guess thats almost the same ;)
<utente> eheheh
<utente> i dislike Upton...
<utente> aparently nothing usefull on linux-sunxi.org, i must dig deeper in...
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<popolon> did someone tried the memtest (mtest) on default uboot ?
<popolon> this seems to be infinite loop ???
<popolon> or does it take several hours to do the test on 1 GB
<popolon> I've some crash with the message : <l>Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0a0001ec (and bdf812d4)
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<popolon> http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?6,9527,9584,quote=1
<popolon> found a similar problem on melee
<jelly-home> popolon: the lines before that one are important as well
<popolon> jelly-home do you think that's more software than hardware problem at least ?
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<popolon> well
<popolon> my backlog is a little wrong now
<popolon> and I started mtest, at least 1 hour ago
<popolon> I would like it terminate to be sure that's not a ram problem
<jelly-home> popolon: I can't say absolutely anything based on just that one line
<popolon> as I see, I was typing ls in /dev
<popolon> but in the lines there is a df, so not really sur about the crash point
<popolon> It seems I've problems with my nand at least
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<popolon> Pattern 000C23C2 Writing... �$..
<popolon> memtest crashed
<popolon> :/
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<popolon> oh no
<popolon> only the serial port display
<popolon> still continue :)
<popolon> a progress bar could be fine on this kind of tool
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<popolon> Is it dangerous to edit the boot.scr file by text editor, to change root fs ?
<popolon> it seems to have binary data at the beginning
<n01> popolon: boot.scr is the output of mkimage
<popolon> oh
<popolon> because I want to change some files using an A20 archive
<popolon> on a µSD card
<popolon> so neet the boot.scr too ?
<n01> but why do you want to change boot.scr
<n01> boot.scr concerns uboot
<popolon> I want to change kernel and seen this file beside
<popolon> I would like later to change it to boot on SATA
<popolon> mkimage is related to uboot so ?
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<n01> popolon: ok got it. change boot.cmd and compile it with mkimage to boot.scr
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<popolon> oh, thanks
<popolon> oh, this page redirect to most essantials subjects :)
<popolon> I have the v2011.09 on the nand :)
<popolon> this could explain my problems
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<popolon> at least the first one
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<popolon> U-Boot 2011.09-rc1 (Jul 31 2013 - 13:09:28) Allwinner Technology
<popolon> still have this uboot after flashage of lubuntu ???
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<popolon> ok, on my µSD : U-Boot SPL 2013.10-rc2-01229-g951e509 (Sep 06 2013 - 17:15:48)
<popolon> looks more stable with this kernel :)
<popolon> cross fingers
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<popolon> strange, I launched firefox with ssh X forwarding, works really fine (well a little bit slow, ok for a ssh X forward), and now I don't have answer of shell on serial console when I type
<popolon> oops
<popolon> I typed dd<enter> :D
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<popolon> (ps axf on ssh console save me)
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<alabasterc> Hi guys, do you know where can I find basic cubieboard2 config for sunxi-3.4 kernel?
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<popolon> alabasterc, I found a nice one on cubieforum
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<alabasterc> popolon: thanks
<popolon> I'm searching for it
<popolon> but I believe I've too much tabs
<popolon> on ff
<popolon> fun
<alabasterc> I was wondering if a20 drivers are still req. much work
<popolon> I tried to launch blender using ssh X forward from my cubieboard
<alabasterc> I'd really like to learn some arm device devel. using cb2
<popolon> it segfaulted, cubieboard searching a i965 driver (the driver of my pc igp)
<popolon> :)
<popolon> that's look weird for me
<popolon> don't know enough about this part of X protocol
<popolon> linked to OpenGL
<alabasterc> popolon: duh, can't find that cubieboard2_defconfig
<alabasterc> it's time to check in repo
<popolon> 2s
<popolon> there is a tarball
<popolon> with it
<popolon> froy, do you still have the link I give you for the kernel archive ?
<popolon> well, alabasterc I will put it on my http
<popolon> 2s
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<froy> umm..
<froy> hold on
<alabasterc> popolon: sure, thanks man :)
<froy> that one?
<popolon> froy, thanks a lot
<popolon> if work for me
<popolon> the one included in cubieboard.org crash a lot (in my case)
<popolon> on the linaro sdcard image
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<old-papa-work> Hey all, has anyone got the AUO B156XW02 to work on the baseboard/cubie?
<popolon> /dev/nand1 is vfat one
<popolon> looks, like I can access it without problems
<popolon> I could try to flash it with a good image then :)
<alabasterc> pm_types.h:15:29: error: redefinition of typedef ‘__u8’
<alabasterc> whoa
<alabasterc> :D
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<popolon> alabasterc, at compile time ?
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<popolon> on the README.txt I wrote the method I used to have a nice quantal working image on A20
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<popolon> added a .htm
<popolon> l
<popolon> to eadier download links :)
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<alabasterc> popolon: yup
<alabasterc> I need to rebuild kernel in order to enable tun/tap and camera support
<alabasterc> it's late already
<popolon> oh
<alabasterc> bye :)
<popolon> bye
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<deasy> froy, yup can you say what have you use for gentoo? kernel fedora 19 ?
<froy> I'm using it now for gentoo, yes.
<froy> it's quite stable and has just about every module you might want
<froy> but I don't like Fedora, so my root filesystem is gentoo. :)
<deasy> i think fedora people have good experience in kernel compilation
<froy> yeah, they do.
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<groz> !ls
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<popolon> froy, do you have wacom drivers in fedora ?
<popolon> I would be interested by module for waiting my compilation environnement
<froy> qb modules # find /lib/modules/3.4.43.sun7i | grep wacom
<groz> has anybody successfully got cubie up from a buildroot start ?
<froy> /lib/modules/3.4.43.sun7i/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-wacom.ko
<popolon> mypaint seems to work just fine on cubie2, so wacom tablet could be a +
<froy> /lib/modules/3.4.43.sun7i/kernel/drivers/input/touchscreen/wacom_w8001.ko
<froy> /lib/modules/3.4.43.sun7i/kernel/drivers/input/tablet/wacom.ko
<popolon> oh
<popolon> I have it too
<popolon> well, it didn't autoloaded...
<froy> groz, I didn't buildroot because I have my own root on a spinning disk
<groz> I want a lightweight install, ie, not all the extra crap of a full linux
<popolon> yes !
<popolon> works :D
<groz> working on the buildroot build now
<popolon> at least well detected
<groz> just curious if anybody else had done it
<deasy> cool
<deasy> draw in 5W XD
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<groz> still working on getting my first functional kernel setup going
<groz> then, I want to bring that kernel setup into openwrt
<groz> took a bit to figure out what was going wrong, turns out on wheezy, to get buildroot cross compilers running happy
<groz> need to jump thru all the multi-arch hoops first
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