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<popolon> deasy : I don't have HDMI OUTPUT :))
<popolon> and forwarding X11 don't give access to wacom on the forwarded host
<popolon> need an xvnc ?
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<popolon> bye
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<freq> thanks to all who mentioned cubian. i've been running it now since then. very nice distro. i did disable the repo though and added debian-multimedia
<freq> i'm now compiling truecrypt on my A20 and can't wait to see it work
<freq> well the outcome is fatal error
<freq> i know what i skipped
<freq> dilema
<freq> dilemma* not sure where to put the security token
<freq> found the issue. needed PKCS #11
<freq> trying again...
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<cnf> hi
<cnf> does anyone know of any real low profile cases for a cubieboard?
<groz> how low is low ?
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<groz> mine came in a case just high enough to clear the 2 usb connectors in the stack
<groz> so, about as low profile as the board fits
<cnf> low enough it can live in my bag all the time
<cnf> i'm even considering getting low profile usb and ethernet headers to replace the existing ones
<cnf> i am basically looking for a low power linux computer with usb ports to have with me all the time
<groz> just hunting for a link that shows the case mine is in
<cnf> thanks
<groz> it's small enough to drop in a bag
<groz> not quite small enough for shirt pocket
<cnf> well, yeah, it has to live in my bag
<cnf> together with the ipad
<groz> mine would go in there, along with Ipad
<groz> and leave enough room for lunch, and a change of clothes
<cnf> ha, it is a very small bag :P
<cnf> won't fit my MBA, for example
<groz> I travel light, don't eat lunch
<cnf> :P
<groz> here is a pic of the case mine is in
<cnf> do you know the height of it?
<groz> hmmm, I can find a tape, hang on
<groz> it's about 2.8cm
<cnf> hmm
<groz> same ebay seller probably will sell you just the case
<groz> but short of changing connectors, it won't go in a smaller case
<groz> inside height just fits the usb connector stack
<cnf> uhu
<groz> with almost no extra space
<cnf> i'm considering changing connectors :P
<groz> it's got a sliding bit that exposes the header thru that hole when it's on
<cnf> right
<groz> guess that's for snaking out sata cables
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<groz> the bottom is molded to expose the two headers in a recessed bit
<groz> it can still snap onto a daughter board with the headers, when it's in this case
<cnf> the headers are just GPIO, right?
<groz> there is gpio there, and vga, and tft
<cnf> ah, there is VGA on it as well?
<groz> and depending on config stuff, you should be able to get i2c spi etc on there too
<cnf> hmm, that is interesting
* groz been learning a lot the last 24 hours
<groz> lol
<cnf> the basic idea is to extend my iPad when in the datacenter etc
<cnf> so i can do remote serial, or remote eth capture etc
<groz> turns out, it won't boot my home brew kernel, without the correct 'script.bin' file loaded by uboot
<groz> and from what I've read, that file configures the I/o
<groz> and it's very configurable
<cnf> uhu
<groz> we need 8 serial ports for our application, thought we were put more on a daughter board
<groz> but I think, I can actually re-configure this, to give me a bunch of serial lines, on the header
<cnf> ha, nice
<groz> gotta love modern fpga stuff
<cnf> :P
<groz> ofc it's pin compatible, when pins can be re-defined
<cnf> uhu
<cnf> i was looking at the r-pi first, but i'm thinking something with an all winner A10 would suit me better
<groz> well, for what you are saying, just basic linux to extend pad
<groz> put cubian on this, all done
<cnf> yeah
<groz> except, to talk to it with pad, need to add wifi
<cnf> sure
<cnf> it has usb
<cnf> groz: unless you are going to tell me the headers also carry wifi :P
<groz> no
<groz> I will achieve that, with a dongle in the usb plug
<cnf> uhu
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<popolon> Est-ce que quelqu'un à une idée de la source d'erreur de ce message ? :
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<popolon> that was by apt-get removing on sdcard
<popolon> I have a read error on a file
<popolon> will reboot and do a reinstall
<popolon> in the hope it place it at other place
<popolon> the apt never end
<popolon> ok
<popolon> linked to power :/
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<popolon> the USB otg wire isn't well inserted with the "crystal" box (don't know it's name
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<deasy> popolon, that's a bad box it seems :(
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<deasy> popolon, with the last gcc?
<deasy> mypaint is in python ok :)
<popolon> python is compiled, generally using gcc
<popolon> mpaint is not 100% python
<popolon> it has c lib (for fast drawing)
<popolon> and python part, for general purpose things, filesystem access and interface
<popolon> by chance the today main maintener has a raspberry pi, and when I said to him that I was able to run it on arm, he said it would like to make some try on his rasbpi :)