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<allo_> help !
<allo_> ;)
<allo_> !ls
<allo_> it is not cool i try to start me cubie a20 and nothing happen
<shineworld> have you changed something ?
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<allo_> nope i got it this morning
<shineworld> none red led at poweron ?
<allo_> got power led on
<allo_> and that it no hdmi
<shineworld> ok, followed by green led ?
<allo_> sometime it blink for a millisec for the green
<allo_> but no steady green
<shineworld> by default, on nand, there is Android 4.2.2 with 3.3.0 kernel which don't support correctly EIDID info from HDMI monitor so could be you can't get any show
<shineworld> ah
<allo_> so should i try a kernel on sd ?
<shineworld> usually with default nand you get a red led to sign the poweron, a green led to sign the uboot loaded (or SPL I don't know) and a blinking blue led to show you the using IP
<shineworld> or could be you haven't the android on NAND SO is a good way to flash something on SD and try
<allo_> i did not connect network
<shineworld> isn't neccessary
<shineworld> get some sd images from linux-sunxi.org wiki and try with that
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<allo_> do you have the link for a20 and ubuntu ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: i found only linux sd image for A20
<shineworld> yes, I'm working to move android to uSD ... 90% is done
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: good news
<shineworld> you can try a Fedora or debian wheezy image
<JohnDoe_71Rus> i try use this manual linux-sunxi.org/Boot_Android_from_SdCard , but no success
<allo_> ok so that wheezy image should work fine
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<shineworld> Android boot, adb works, display works, all works but I've got a kernel panic during zygote class-preloading
<shineworld> I need to ask Turl some info about that...
<shineworld> this evening
<shineworld> I guess how-to to compile and push android 4.2.2 on SD will be on linux-sunxi wiki in few days
<JohnDoe_71Rus> good. and image to write sd
<shineworld> could be... I can't affort strong upload (limited band)
<shineworld> in my realty ADSL is very A
<Hukka> shineworld: You mean you can't upload it to a hosting service, or you can't host it yourself?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Hukka: his upload to slow
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<shineworld> I can upload but at 52Kbps to upload some GB is a infinite thread
<Hukka> ok
<Hukka> JohnDoe_71Rus: Yes, which would have caused either problem depending how slow... But I got the answer
<shineworld> I've a 7M download line which don't reach 80Kb/s in upload... all for only 32E/month .... Amazing
<Hukka> shineworld: I can do the compilation and upload, if needed
<shineworld> Perfect... stay tuned
<Hukka> Though I haven't compiled Android in a while, might need a friendly hand
<shineworld> Is very very simple
<Hukka> In princpile, but the last time I did that I was working in NVidia's build team and things very often broken ;)
<Hukka> And I kinda expect the same for cubie betas
<shineworld> the only hard thing is prepare the environment with all needed packages
<shineworld> Actually there is a SDK from olimax which run stright without problems
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Hukka: http://cubiebook.org/index.php?title=Cubieboard2/Building_your_own_Android_image work for me, but i had't space to full build android
<shineworld> but u-boot and spl need to be changed with different repository
<Hukka> JohnDoe_71Rus: How much does it need these days?
<shineworld> JonhDoe: that is the right link :)
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Hukka: cubieboard2_android_SDK_v1.03.tgz ~ 4Gb and ~ 40Gb free space to beild
<JohnDoe_71Rus> *build
<shineworld> yeah...
<Hukka> >_<
<shineworld> the entire process will require more than 40Gb on your Linux HD
<Hukka> Well, doable if help is needed
<Hukka> I can just throw in my gaming hdd into the linux side, it has a tb or two of unpartitioned space for things like this
<JohnDoe_71Rus> i can build kernel and want test wi-fi modules and bluetooth odule
<Hukka> I guess I should upgrade next year, my Sandforce is only 120gigs
<Hukka> shineworld: Anyway, ping me whenever you need help. I have vested interest in getting A20 into top shape :)
<Hukka> I just got mine last week, and I was confounded when no android software is able to connect to my file server
<allo_> a20, how do i know if i have DRAM freq 480MHz or at 432Mhz
<Hukka> And forums say that video decoding doesn't work on vanilla linux... so I'm stuck for now
<shineworld> in linux-sunxi there are very SMART and GREAT guys that are working to solve and get a open-source CEDARX lib :)
<Hukka> Yeah. I didn't research into it very well, and had the impression that cedar works on cubie
<shineworld> allo_ depends by image version...
<Hukka> Only found out this week that it's for A10/13 only :/
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: good find script to convert images http://cubiebook.org/index.php?title=Cubieboard2/Android_Prebuilt to sd card boot
<shineworld> for A20 or A10 ?
<shineworld> they have different partitions
<JohnDoe_71Rus> cubie2 is A20
<shineworld> the script I mean
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<utente> bad new, my laptop's' fan is near to die... what about a laptop fanbless based on cubieboard?
<dongs> if you dont wanna do anything useful wiht your laptop, sure
<JohnDoe_71Rus> If i connect to Cubie2 7-port usb hub to OTG, can i use OTG to flash image throw the hub?
<dongs> no
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> dongs: this for me&
<utente> dongs, actualy i sue CB as micro desktop and it run firefox, libreoffice, etc. it is not a powerfull monster, but it sutisfie the needs.
<dongs> JohnDoe_71Rus: correct
<dongs> utente: oic, ok, i guess you dont do anything on your computer
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<utente> dongs, surf web, does IRC, write documents... if for you is nothing, then well, i do nothing :)
<dongs> ya, might as well even use lunix.
<utente> lxde on debian
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<rm> yeah
<rm> it absolutely can run desktop
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<rm> especially if you avoid using the SD card or NAND
<rm> e.g. with everything on SATA HDD/SSD
<aalm> heh
<JohnDoe_71Rus> is it posible fix hdmi-dvi converter issue for android?
<aalm> i could run everything off ram if i wanted to, i guess.
<aalm> Memory: Real: 6596K/678M act/tot Free: 319M Cache: 639M Swap: 0K/2016M
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<aalm> under 10mb OS running usable, no X tho.
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<Hukka> utente: Check rhombus
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<utente> be more specific, Hukka
<Hukka> Their goal is tablet/laptop/sff pc with a replaceable core
<utente> thanks
<utente> nice
<utente> have they already a working prototype?
<Hukka> Well, in fact I don't quite see the point for that, but they *are* making portables with A10
<Hukka> They have the cores
<Hukka> I guess they have a proto, but it's not working yet
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<Hukka> They have been very, very slow though
<Hukka> Just because they have that "big design" of interchangable cores
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> what kind RTC module will be beter for cubieboard?
<utente> Hukka, i see. my hope is to have as soon as possible a "laptop alternative to x86" because i am sick of fan, a fanless laptop is so big wellcome.
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<Hukka> utente: Is android a problem?
<Hukka> An immediate solution would be ASus' transformers
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<RA3OR> shineworld ?
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<ljere> Hello, I have a cubieboard2 on which I installed a debian7.1 ARMHF A20
<ljere> is it possible to install the nand
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<Hukka> I tried dl:ing cubieez, mut mega seesm to be a crappy service
<Hukka> It wants to download the whole file into html5 offline storage, and not to the directory I specify
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<rm> it has to decrypt the file I think
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<rm> then it will save to your directory
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<arokux1> !ls
<utente> "Hukka, utente: Is android a problem?" <--- android is a golden jail as apple is. imo. i prefere linux.
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<utente> hello, i wrote twice to support@cubieboard.org, but i get mail error both time.
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<dongs> utente: what kinda support do you expect
<dongs> they probably know even less than people on irc.
<utente> dongs, i dont understand
<utente> ah now i get what you mean
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<popolon> I just tried my cubie2, the default android doesn't seems stable at all, it crash a lot, I tried to blug the power usb cable on samsung a phone charger (2.5A), and on an usb port of my pc (crash less often)
<popolon> do you think this could be related to the power ?
<Hukka> I haven't been able to crash the c2 default android
<popolon> there is wrote on the box 5V/2A
<Hukka> I've installed a few apps, and browsed the web
<popolon> mmhhh
<popolon> could it be hardware problem ?
<Hukka> I'm using Nokia 750mA charger, as well
<popolon> first time I pluged the mouse I see a little flash at the base of the port on the PCB
<shineworld> often declared Amphere are actual
<popolon> but it seems to work well
<shineworld> aren't
<popolon> ok, I also seen somewhere that 2,5A (or 3,5 ?) is needed to power cubieboard+sata HDD
<popolon> I'm not very good in electronics ^^
<Hukka> Well, a 3,5" hdd can take up to 10W when seeking
<popolon> Hukka, thanks for your answer, I will try with an 1A usb plug then
<Hukka> So yeah, that's 2A at 5V just for the hdd
<shineworld> I'm using my Nexus 7 usb charger and all works fine
<shineworld> Same with Nexus 4 charger
<shineworld> With PC usb port I've got a lot of problems
<popolon> shineworld, what is the A of your chargers ?
<shineworld> 1.2A for Nexus 4
<shineworld> 2A for Nexus 7
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<popolon> ok
<shineworld> but I prefer an Industrial supplier
<popolon> for now I try without hdd, and without card, only eth/key/mouse/hdmi (+ dvi converter) was plugged
<popolon> with my hdmi=>dvi converter, I've no signal one one screen, and strange colors on other
<popolon> this converter works well with my internet provider tv box
<popolon> but I don't really care this for now, that's just for information.
<popolon> don't know if this converter could be responsable of my trouble with default android ???
<shineworld> ah I mean without HDD :)
<shineworld> just the board
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<popolon> ok
<popolon> thanks
<popolon> I want to put a linux server with gcc/sshd at first time, which distro do you think is a good start ?
<dongs> doesnt fucking matter.
<dongs> they're all same shit
<dongs> just different wallpapers.
<dongs> and files in different places
<dongs> just to piss you off.
<popolon> :)
<popolon> I mean that works on a20
<popolon> for a pure text server + sshd don't care the wallpaper ;)
<Hukka> I think gentoo has the best gcc
<popolon> v3.8 ?
<shineworld> try cubian server
<popolon> (for autovectorisation for neon)
<popolon> I mean gcc 4.8 (not 3.8)
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<bigx> hello, in the package i recieved a year ago, there was a usb cable that look like this http://www.adafruit.com/products/70
<bigx> are they the same?
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<dongs> that price, holy shit
<shineworld> expensive chip... TAKE CARE : don't connect VCC at CB
<shineworld> *to
<shineworld> I've got mine with CB2, it use a prolific chip and works very fine with linux... thanks to cubieboard team
<shineworld> There was also a JTAG adapter but I wasn't able to find a good How-To to use it and know what JTAG board is enabled
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<popolon> oh, i pluged the serial port
<popolon> without red wire, didn't have texte
<popolon> with red, readable text, at least at boot
<popolon> and blue light on
<popolon> else if I boot with default android, no blue light
<popolon> only red and green
<popolon> after boot sequence
<popolon> lot of ????? on the console
<popolon> and blue light go off
<shineworld> sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 ?
<popolon> I use gtkterm
<popolon> but the same speed yes
<shineworld> blue led blink to show assigned IP with a morse code
<popolon> and I tried screen first had lot of ????
<popolon> ah ok
<shineworld> if you aren't connected to LAN I don't know if it is showed
<popolon> yes
<popolon> I disconnected lan wire
<popolon> and it blink
<popolon> it didn't blinked when the lan wire was connected for me
<shineworld> is just a morse code but you can get your IP in router
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<popolon> already has it yes
<shineworld> adb works ?
<popolon> us my router dhcp, get (strange) mac adress
<shineworld> adb shell for example
<popolon> didn't tryed adb on this device
<popolon> but it crash quickly
<shineworld> you can define your MAC in somewhere
<popolon> ok
<popolon> no problem, but looks funny
<shineworld> in cb1 was possible in BIN (FEX) file
<popolon> no vender id
<shineworld> use same id than google
<popolon> vendor
<shineworld> 18xx something
<shineworld> ah I mean id of googe devbice
<shineworld> cofee break
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<popolon> don't like to connect google system on my network, already have 2 android devices, I try to minimize their IP network usage, due to strange behavior with map, voice and some other too informative spy softwares
<popolon> I will flash a linux as quick as possible ^^
<popolon> reached sunxi# prompt :)
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<kenny> Does the black&white case fit the cubieboard2?
<popolon> kenny, cubieboard2= cubieboard1
<popolon> only SoC change
<kenny> perfect, ty
<popolon> :)
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<kenny> the HDD page suggests the some powerbricks. The max is 2A, but the info suggests the drives peak at 2.8A. Will they actually work to power both an SATA and the board? (The HD lists +5V 0.72A, +12V 0.52A)
<kenny> Also would it be better/worse to use two different power adapters? I'm thinking it may supply more contant power to the board, but what if there's a voltage difference between grounds)
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<wooy> kenny: yea, i wrote the page...
<wooy> the peak draw is usually for the spin up, when you power on hdd or it wakes up
<wooy> also power brick should be able to cover the peak, but its not recommended to run powerbrick at the peak draw for longer time
<wooy> overheating etc
<wooy> a) +12V 0.52A is too low for 3.5 hdd (?)
<wooy> b) one power brick will do the trick
<wooy> c) get powerbrick with both 5V and 12V
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<kenny> wooy: ty. I check the datasheet and it looks like it pulls 2A on startup. Glad to know that's fine.
<kenny> I wonder if someone made a sata+barrel adapter, maybe with an enclosure, how many they'd sell. Probably not enough.
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<wooy> kenny: yeah thats what i did, sata for 3.5 hdd and barrel for cb
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<wooy> or sata-to-usb cable would be handy http://www.coolerguys.com/840556096177.html
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<popolon> Is the layout of the cubieboard freely available ? I seen a dwg file on the download page, but I can't open it
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<popolon> (dwg readers still miss on linux, libre CAD should be able to open some in few times
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<mnemoc> popolon: the cubieboard is not oshw
<popolon> mnemoc, is there information about license or hw somewhere ?
<popolon> some link could help to be kept in this page.
<mnemoc> dl.cubieboard.org has all the available info about the hw
<popolon> Is there the full layout ? I can't read the DWG, so I can't verify that the files contain the full layout (as this is subject of the deletion on wikipedia en:
<popolon> lh, there is a dxf !
<popolon> s/lh/oh!/
<infobot> popolon meant: oh!, there is a dxf !
<popolon> the dxf contain (as far I can see in libreCAD) only some elements, not the full layout
<mnemoc> 22:25:42 < mnemoc> popolon: the cubieboard is not oshw
<mnemoc> dxf/dwg are there only for the purpose of designing extension boards
<popolon> OLinuXino give those informations, so it's kept here
<popolon> On wp, you needs <ref> sometimes to keep information
<mnemoc> olinuxinos ARE oshw, cubieboard isn't
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<popolon> oh, sorry, I didn't read well
<popolon> :)
<popolon> I should change all articles I add to wp then
<mnemoc> :)
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<Cmptr> so glad there is a room :)
<Cmptr> Let me start by mentioning that I run my cubie as a lan server
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<Cmptr> I am waiting on a cubie2 to attach to my cubie breadboard
<Cmptr> i also have a raspberry pi router and will be setting up a raspi network cam
<Cmptr> i love arm tech and low-consumption boards
<Cmptr> once the cubie2 is here i will be setting it up as a dns server
<Cmptr> although i can easily do that with the raspi router
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<Cmptr> hello
<kenny> Hey Cmptr, cool projects. What type of routing are you using your Pi for, just wifi-gateway stuff, or are you using vlan tagging?
<kenny> I might pick up one of these as a router. It has 2 1gbE ports: http://utilite-computer.com/web/home
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<Cmptr> kenny: im using ipfire
<Cmptr> ipfire and running wired
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