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<freq> no wifi on the board right?
<buZz> there will be wifi on the cubietruck
<buZz> soon to be released
<freq> my fears... lol
<freq> just boughtthis one
<freq> bluetooth combined?
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<Cylta> freq: afaink no
<Cylta> freq: but you can use dongles
<Cylta> freq: (they do not work for me, but may be you will find out..)
<freq> i just tried bluetooth dongle that i know works on debian
<freq> it saw my keyboard but closed out when i tried to pair
<freq> small bug maybe
<freq> so i use my wireless keyboard instead
<freq> ir i think
<Cylta> i'm using simple usb keyboard
<freq> as i was but i just have a like for no wires on the desk
<dongs> if you want wifi on a useless board, why not just buy a Wii?
<dongs> but at least with Wii you can play gamez.
<Cylta> dongs: because of gpio
<dongs> gpio.... ?
<Cylta> dongs: if you don't know what is it, you are not allowed to ask such questions :P
<dongs> I know what it is, i absolutely fail to see how it has any relevance at all.
<dongs> to lunix + etc
<buZz> freq: yes also bluetooth
<buZz> (on the cubietruck)
<Cylta> dongs: it's better than games =)
<freq> oh good, buZz
<freq> i suppose the stack might not be installed. i will try again
<popolon> Cylta, no need to have the whole planet locales :)
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<popolon> but if you read/write more than hundred languages...
<Cylta> popolon: i just thought about "what if I will have to copy some french\japan\chezch code, and I will not be able to..."
<Cylta> popolon: anyway, now I selected ~10 locales
<Cylta> i do not read many languages, but i prefer to see their symbols (to use translators, for example), than meaningless squares..
<popolon> it looks like dongs, like to make this kind of sentences :)
<popolon> Cylta, locale is not about that
<popolon> to avoid chars
<popolon> I mean square instead of chars, you need... fonts
<popolon> else a locale with utf-8 support is generally enough
<Cylta> popolon: so I will able to see proper japan symbols without japan locale?
<popolon> sure !
<popolon> I do it :)
<popolon> I like to see lot of writing I not understand
<popolon> :D
<Cylta> but what about some non-utf local japan locale :P
<popolon> instead of squares
<popolon> do you want to use your system in non utf8 ?
<Cylta> anyway, i understand you =) thanks =)
<popolon> or only see some files in non utf8 ?
<Cylta> no, i really like utf8
<Cylta> but i do use some other encodings, a lot.
<dongs> haha
<Cylta> about 2 more
<dongs> lunix doesnt support unicode
<popolon> in firefox for example, there is autodetection (by the html tag encoding ;) )
<Cylta> firefox autodetection works well, mainly. (~98%)
<popolon> dongs can't make positive sentence
<popolon> well, if there is wrong tags or not encoding tags, that's a little bit harder
<popolon> but you can choose in menu
<Cylta> that's what i'm doing usually =)
<popolon> understand :)
<popolon> is there still lot of japanese site that don't write encoding tag ?
* Cylta will go to make a kernel for cubieboard..
<dongs> popolon: yeah, just about all of them.
<dongs> then there's ones that still use shit-jis
<Cylta> i'm not talking about japanese =)
<popolon> I read more chinese than japanese one, I don't see anymore thos days
* deasy slaps popolon
<popolon> and few japanese sites I visite has good encoding :)
<popolon> <= will go to bed soon, tired
<deasy> YES DO IT
<Cylta> hetai? ^^
<Cylta> what else is interesting in japanese culture? =)
<buZz> napoleon bonapart
<deasy> space brothers <3
<buZz> go tell him
<popolon> Cylta, lot of things that come from chinese culture
<popolon> and some other things too
<popolon> :)
<popolon> well lot of other things probably ;)
<popolon> buZz, did napoleon goes to japan ?
<popolon> know than napoleon III send lot of soldiers and thieves in china
<popolon> but as the time of 'japonism' in france, was about napoleon III, he could have send them in japan too ???
<deasy> buZz is a troll
<deasy> :p
<popolon> I'm too trolls
<popolon> two
<popolon> At the Louvre palace, in the Napoleon III flats, there are lot of chinese objects
<popolon> (i leave not so far, and like to go to Louvre Museum to see paintings and drawings)
<popolon> cultural exchange between france and china was good 1 century before
<popolon> that was the time of the 'chinoiseries'
<popolon> but during Napoleon III nothing good
<popolon> time of conquests and destructions
<deasy> what about naboleon 1 ?
<deasy> hehehe
<deasy> popolon, sleep!
<popolon> Lot of destruction too, but only in Europe
<deasy> hmm not really only in Europe
<popolon> well
<popolon> a little bit in notrh africa and west asia ?
<popolon> oh !
<popolon> north america too
<deasy> Africa for sure, asia dunno america?
<popolon> it sold the louisiane to USA
<deasy> what O_O
<popolon> Louisiane was a french territory
<deasy> i know it
<popolon> napoleon sold it to usa
<popolon> for few dollars
<popolon> not too much
<deasy> the people from Louisiane must like it...
<popolon> they was already independant from the uk
<deasy> hahahahahaha
<popolon> haha :/
<popolon> mainly at the new orleans ;)
<deasy> some people have say they hate English
<deasy> and speak only French
<popolon> cajun and french yes, probably
<popolon> but hard to understand for us
<deasy> haha i need to listen it tomorrow
<popolon> yes !
<popolon> usa (at least mainland without alaska, hawai and new colonies
<popolon> was 1/3 uk, 1/3 fr 1/3 mexico
<popolon> and 3/3 native american territory
<popolon> but we are out of topic
<popolon> and I'm tired
<popolon> gooood nnight the trolls (and the others)
<deasy> ^^
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<deasy> buZz, hey radxa is also in test
<buZz> what is radxa? and also, what test?
<deasy> quad A9 nom nom nom
<deasy> buZz, a new board of mister cubie
<buZz> nice :)
<deasy> buZz, http://radxa.com/
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<julianduque> Hello! How to send an update to cubieboard website? I'm from a Hackerspace in Medellin, Colombia and we want to publish a dockathon/hacklab event for Cubieboard, we want to translate documentation to Spanish :)
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<deasy> julianduque, cubieboard documentation?
<deasy> register on linux-sunxi wiki and write it :)
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<deasy> bed zzz
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<popolon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NyOIvWiI0k <= excellent, charging phone with a hamster, should work on a battery for cubieboard :)
<madmaxxx> YouTube Title: Hamster phone charger. Charging your Nokia with a hamster. Views: 257,491 Length: 0:45 User: Nokia
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<harijsme> hi
<harijsme> i was wondering can i use code written for raspberry pi with my cubieboard?
<harijsme> or arduino code
<Hukka> Depends
<harijsme> for example code to use i2c lcd
<Hukka> No
<harijsme> what are the differences that makes it unusable?
<Hukka> You are aware that arduino is an embedded system with no OS, while cubie runs full linux?
<harijsme> yes
<harijsme> i was thinking more about raspberry pi code
<Hukka> Even then the hardware is different, so the gpio and other low level calls are different, unless using some kind of abstraction library that can handle both platforms
<harijsme> oh
<Hukka> It's no very clear what low level library it's actually using
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<Hukka> It might be that i2c-tools is enough
<Hukka> But also quite likely that you will have to modify the library somehow
<Hukka> If it's been written only for rpi, it likely has some hard coded things in it
<Hukka> Stuff like which pins actually have i2c and so on
<Hukka> But this is just guesswork, I haven't used cubie yet for any low level work
<Hukka> IIRC cubie/A10 has three i2c ports, but only one is available in the gpio pins, so I guess the kernel sees multiple devices, while only one is really working
<harijsme> what about if i use serial connection between arduino uno and cubieboard and lcd is connected to arduino, but cubieboard controlls whats beeing displayed on lcd? is that hard to achieve?
<Hukka> Not any harder
<Hukka> But do take care and don't fry your cubie
<harijsme> that python code has option to set i2c adress
<Hukka> I'm not talking about i2c address, that's a different concept
<Hukka> That's something you send over the bus, the destination, so to speak
<Hukka> But even before that you need to activate the right i2c on your device, and more likely than not it's different on cubie than on raspi
<harijsme> to bad there are no tutorials about this stuff for cubieboard :(
<Hukka> Cubie's a bit more hc
<Hukka> But there are pretty good instructions on the elinux wiki
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<harijsme> found this, but cant get the source code: http://www.cubieforums.com/index.php/topic,634.0.html
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<harijsme> if i look for info on cubieboard i2c lcd lib, can i search linux i2c lcd or smth like that?
<harijsme> searching specifcally for cubieboard tutorials gets me nowhere\
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<harijsme> looks promising for my understanding :D
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<arod> can I run a mainline non-sunxi 3.10 kernel on a cubieboard?
<Hukka> I don't think so
<Hukka> Ah, it was my cb2 that didn't work
<rellla> but you may not expect the functionality of a sunxi-kernel
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<harijsme> hi!
<harijsme> will this code work on CB2?
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<dongs> lunix i2c makes me cry
<harijsme> why?
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<ttmrichter> harijsme: The odds of code at that low a level working on two unrelated pieces of hardware is very, very low.
<arod> rellla, I had already read the status page on the wiki. Is there some more detailed info anywhere?
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<arod> I'm interested in running a headless server
<rellla> arod: i don't think so. if not on ml or irc-logs... isn't it detailed enough for you? what do you want to know?
<arod> rellla, I'd like to know more about what am I expected to lose switching to a mainline kernel
<arod> support is going to be worse but I just need ethernet and base functionality for a headless server
<rellla> arod: why don't you use linux-sunxi?
<rellla> emac driver is included in 3.11 :(
<arod> well, why not use a vanilla kernel if possible :)
<arod> I don't need graphics, GPIO and stuff
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<ttmrichter> Maybe you could do LFS for cubieboard. :)
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<popolon> Hukka: you could probably use mailnline 3.11 kernel, but manage few
<popolon> (on cuieboard2
<popolon> harijsme, don' t listen dongs, it only say crappy things, like everything is bad :D
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<clements> anyone else have problem with slow sata read speeds?
<dongs> define "slow"?
<dongs> what do you expect out of arm SoC with crap memory bandwidth/mhz?
<dongs> i'd say if youre getting anything > 10meg/sec you're doing good.
<clements> better than 650k/ps
<clements> getting 20mb/s via usb
<clements> its an external powered drive.. gets 90mb/s on my desktop.. im not expecting that but i would think it would be better than usb
<popolon> clements, please don't answers to dongs
<n01> clements: dongs is a troll
<popolon> he (it if taht's) a bot
<popolon> who could bannish him ?
<popolon> is there any admin here
<clements> alright..
<popolon> :)
<popolon> sorry
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<popolon> I myself still didn't tried
<clements> Timing buffered disk reads: 42 MB in 32.28 seconds = 1.30 MB/sec
<clements> im running out of ideas... maybe my board is bad?
<clements> idk
<popolon> which os do you use ?
<clements> ive tried cubian(present) arch and wheezy
<clements> all give same performance
<popolon> clements, perhaps you could ask on #linux-sunxi if no one can answer you here now ?
<rm> clements, do you see any errors in 'dmesg'?
<clements> tried latest hw pack.. idk
<clements> no
<clements> oh wait
<popolon> be sure to have enough power for cubie + HDD
<popolon> eventually an external power supply for hdd
<clements> external powered drive..
<popolon> ok
<rm> Timing buffered disk reads: 318 MB in 3.01 seconds = 105.81 MB/sec
<rm> here's what I have on Mele A2000 and SATA SSD
<clements> ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
<popolon> SATA, it uses usb :)
<rm> popolon, what uses USB?
<popolon> oh, no, he has 20mb/s on usb
<popolon> sorry
<popolon> didn't understand welle
<clements> yeah
<popolon> and 1Mbs/s on sata
<clements> not sure what this means 'Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA'
<rm> that one is ok
<rm> failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED <- not OK
<rm> I'd suggest that you post full details which kernel and which hwpack and which drive and what's connected how
<rm> either to cubieboard or linux-sunxi mailing list
<clements> alright.. thanks for the tips
<clements> it helps
<popolon> Have you smartctl tool ?
<clements> i do not
<popolon> well could not help a lot I suppose
<popolon> so follow rm advice
<clements> will do thanks again
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<rm> well, also maybe try a different SATA cable if you can
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<u1204> hello, I installed LiveSuit v3.05. It says: Mandatory upgrade firmware step: 1. Click the "Image" button to select the suitable image file. 2. Long press the power key at least 10 seconds to power off the device. 3. Press one key except the power key and do not release. 4. Connect the device to the PC computer. 5. Click power key for about 10 times. 6. Release all key pressed and device will be auto upgraded. 7. Do not detach the device durin
<u1204> g the upgrade process. 8. If device do not enter upgrade process,try repeating the steps 1 to 7. .. I don't understand, what am I supposed to do in step nr 3? What is that "one key"?
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<th__> the one key to rule them all
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<clements_> !ls
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<Cylta> !ls
<Cylta> !ls kernel
<Cylta> where can I take kernel for cubieboard?
<Cylta> !ls forum
<Cylta> !explpm forum
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<popolon> do you think, this could be PRISM relating thing to make shade to Cubie (board) ?
<popolon> :)
<ttmrichter> I'm not sure I understand your question. "make shade to Cubie"?
<popolon> using the name cubi for fake products
<popolon> and let pass a message about cubi= wrong thing
<ttmrichter> I don't think the Cubie Board has enough of a profile for that to be a thing.
<popolon> it's more and more popular ... to the techies.
<popolon> and I'm especially paranoid :)
<Cylta> cubie is too small to be interested to PRISM... they would start from RPi..
<popolon> RPi use US processor
<Cylta> they are acting massively. skype, outlook, and so.
<Cylta> what processor does use cubie?
<popolon> PRISM fight foreign industry, not US industry
* ttmrichter laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs.
<popolon> huhu
<Cylta> they can add some spy modules in US processors easier
<ttmrichter> Cylta: The Cubie uses the Allwinner A10 or A20 (depends on which board model).
<Cylta> and they like to spy a lot...
<Cylta> where allwiner10\20 are from?
<popolon> China :)
<popolon> Zhuhai
<Cylta> so, at least PRISM have no access to china.
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<popolon> that's one of the reason I like it
<popolon> Cylta, not so sure
<Cylta> only china's federal service can do it =) but i think they are better =)
<popolon> PRISM is everywhre ^^
<ttmrichter> RPi uses a Broadcom chip. Broadcom is a fabless company so the actual chips ... are probably not made in the USA.
<Cylta> USA has no power over China.
<popolon> in the economy power, there is a man that worked at Goldman sachs
<popolon> but, yes there are some US carriers around china
<popolon> meaning, not total agreement
<popolon> ;)
<Cylta> i'm sure china's army are not any weaker.
<ttmrichter> I am.
<Cylta> china sold all the dollars recently. (that's very bad for USA, economically)
<ttmrichter> China's army is huge in manpower, low in training and equipment.
<popolon> only one young carrier
<popolon> ttmrichter, false
<ttmrichter> popolon: True.
<popolon> they have great fighters airplane now
<popolon> and lot of weaponry
<popolon> mainly to defend themselves
<ttmrichter> China lacks all the logistics support to effectively project the few good pieces of equipment they have (which does include their recent fighter, yes).
<Cylta> and if USA will attack china, russia may help china.. anyway, USA will not do it.
<popolon> they managed to throw away most invading countries (US, japan, uk, france, Russia...), half century ago
<ttmrichter> The USA may be driven to it if China keeps kicking its ass economically.
<popolon> well, if china don't help usa, there is no more us economy
<ttmrichter> Uh... China threw off the Japanese because of US help. I know the state authorities really hate it when you say that, but it's nonetheless true.
<Cylta> USA dollar is worthless, everybody knows it. they just are not ready to accept it.
<Cylta> it's not a real "economical attack" from china. it's just logical step.
<buZz> i like how #cubieboard is changing to #theworldsucks
<popolon> ttmrichter, US + national party + communist party
<popolon> huhu
<Cylta> buZz: why not =)
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<ttmrichter> The Communist Party was one of the things that slowed down the Japanese being thrown out.
<popolon> buZz, but, the world really sucks, didn't you known ?
<ttmrichter> It's hard to fight an external enemy effectively when you're busy punching yourself in the face.
<buZz> vagely aware
<buZz> look what i made today! http://i.imgur.com/8DW1ZRl.jpg
<popolon> ttmrichter, but on the other side, nationalist party made lot of agreement with japan
<popolon> that one of the reason communist party get do much people behind in china
<ttmrichter> Yeah, after they got their asses handed to them (again because of self-face-punching) and before the influx of outside aid happened.
<popolon> s/do/so
<ttmrichter> The CCP got the people behind it because it talked a good talk about caring for the people while the Guomindang was busy screwing over those same people.
<popolon> not only
<buZz> dudes, stop worrying, all life is just a simulation running in a simulation in a simulation on a phone on some teenager in another universe
<buZz> simstoneage
<buZz> probably that universe is also a simulation
<popolon> , also because guomindang, didn't stop slavery, feodalism and warlords
<ttmrichter> buZz: That would explain why politicians are so childish.
<ttmrichter> popolon: That was my point. "Screwing over those same people."
<buZz> and why there are so strict limits to laws of physics
<ttmrichter> Stupid kid's probably using an iPhone.
<ttmrichter> Somewhere in the user agreement for his iPhone is the rules of physics for his phone.
<popolon> buZz, we are only slave of our genetics, that are slaves from molecules, that are slaves to atoms, that are slaves from subatomic particles
<popolon> ...
<buZz> all part of the simulation, yes
<ttmrichter> That are slaves to an Apple end user agreement from another universe.
<popolon> well guomindang was a good thing, until Chang Kaï-chek/Jiang Jieshi come
<popolon> and Zhuhai is a really nice city :)
<popolon> but probably due to Deng Xiaoping and millions of people work
TheViking has joined #cubieboard
<ttmrichter> It was a bad thing in that it fell apart into feuding factions in well under a generation.
<TheViking> Sure, why not?
<TheViking> !ls
<ttmrichter> I'm going to have to take a look at Zhuhai sometime.
<ttmrichter> How does it compare to Xiamen?
<popolon> mmh
<popolon> more green
<popolon> more modern
<ttmrichter> More modern I can believe, but more green? :-o
<popolon> xiamen city center has lot of colonial era buildings
<popolon> well
<popolon> lot of trees
<popolon> lot of bike roads
<popolon> you can rent public bike, like in european cities
<ttmrichter> I've been in Wuhan too long. I was really impressed by Xiamen. The sky was blue.
<ttmrichter> You can do that in Wuhan.
<popolon> yes
<popolon> a little different
<ttmrichter> You wouldn't WANT to do it. The roads are killer. :)
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<popolon> are you from wuhan ?
<ttmrichter> I live in Wuhan. I'm not from Wuhan.
<popolon> oh
<popolon> when I gone to wuhan (some years ago)
<popolon> bicycle was rent only to city people
<ttmrichter> You have to have an ID card, but anybody can get one if they can show residency.
<popolon> and you have to ask to someone for the bike
<ttmrichter> They've got machines for it now.
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<popolon> ok
<ttmrichter> You can get the bike any time of day or night.
<popolon> in zhuhai too
<popolon> in the other side (I live in paris)
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<ttmrichter> Wuhan remakes itself completely every five years or so it seems.
<popolon> and with automatic machine, there are often full or empty station
<popolon> ttmrichter, well, like most chinese cities :)
<popolon> zhuhai is about 20years old
<ttmrichter> They have a weird system of people going around in trucks redistributing bikes here. :)
<popolon> like Shenzhen
<ttmrichter> Wuhan has a subway now. And it's actually a good one.
<popolon> oh, like in paris then
<popolon> I seen the subway construction phase
<popolon> didn't tried it
<ttmrichter> Only one line so far (plus an elevated line) but three more in the works.
<popolon> and probably 5 in less than 5 years
<popolon> :)
<buZz> 01:38:31 < ttmrichter> They have a weird system of people going around in trucks redistributing bikes here. :)
<ttmrichter> Well they're going to have four by the end of this year if schedules hold.
<buZz> they do that here in .nl aswell
<buZz> we call them thieves ;)
<popolon> huhu
<ttmrichter> buZz: Nobody would steal these ones. They're ugly bikes painted lime green.
<TheViking> So, I'm not sure why but on my cubieboard uBoot is telling me that mmc is an "Invalid boot device". Is there anything I need to do to initialize the mmc/sdcard?
<popolon> and what about the free time ?
<ttmrichter> Anyway, I'm off to fail some students.
<popolon> in paris you have 30 or 45 minutes of free time
<buZz> ttmrichter: i'd love one, please send it
<buZz> ;)
<popolon> and you must leave the bike at a station for 3~5 minutes
<popolon> I seen in zhuhai, that's only about 1 and half hour free per day
<ttmrichter> Are you sure?
<buZz> yes!
<buZz> i love to ride on the backwheel on those models
<popolon> on the picture, that wass, what I seen
<buZz> well it clearly needs some mods
<popolon> oh no
<popolon> there are one string by bike now :)
<popolon> ;)
<popolon> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Xiamen_Carrefour_Zhongshanyuan.jpg <= near the Sun ZHongshan park in xiamen
<buZz> very nice but whats with all the helmets ;)
<TheViking> !explpm serial-port
<buZz> are you scared of falling?
<TheViking> ...
<buZz> fear leads to teh dark side!
<popolon> well about zhuhai, and around river pearl delta, therer is now more than 3000 Km bike lanes
<popolon> buZz, I never use hemlet in bike
<buZz> awesome
<popolon> I probably should
<popolon> especially in paris :)
<popolon> the same in france
<buZz> :) very good
<buZz> actually he is holding the handlebars
<popolon> on the xiamen picture girl with hamlet is on electric motorcycle
<buZz> ah
<popolon> there are lot of electric motorcycle in china since about 5 or 7 years
<popolon> far less human powered bicycles
<popolon> in paris the last years, lot of lanes was build
<popolon> so people start to use bike
<popolon> a little more
<popolon> first time I gone to amsterdam, I feel strange, to see so much lane
<popolon> and didn't think about the bikes, and ear the bell :)
<popolon> hear
<buZz> yeah its lovely ;)
<buZz> hehe
<buZz> always around central trainstation you see jumping tourists
<buZz> almost walking underneath a bike
<buZz> i bet they learn quickly :P
<popolon> now in paris i beat the bike bell on the lane because of people that don't think about bikes
<buZz> get a huge air-siren
<buZz> :P
<popolon> :)
<buZz> slowwoop.wav
<popolon> that's a little hard at the beginning to cross the road
<popolon> => bike lane => car => tramway => car => bike lane =>
<popolon> ^^
<popolon> in some paris area that's the same now
<popolon> but on larger avenues around the city
<popolon> not in center, little streets
<popolon> buZz, do you know, it it's exist something like a flat Kettenblattgarnitur to make electricity ?
<popolon> crankset
<buZz> eh
<buZz> there are hub dynamos?
<buZz> do you want that?
<buZz> the hub turns faster than your crank, so probably wiser to do it there
<popolon> not to bad idea
<popolon> yes but get more place in a little paris flat
<popolon> I would like to make : crankset=> battery => cubieboard
<popolon> :D
<popolon> well If I replace the place used by my actual PC computer by a cubie + crankset + hub dynamo
<buZz> man, why :D
<buZz> power is so cheap