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<mnemoc> any chinese speaker around? how do you tell (in chinese) "please use the toilet brush" ?
<rm> third world problems o.o
<rm> (okay, china is not the 3rd world)
<n01> lol
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<mnemoc> we have 7 native languages here, and want to make the message in all of them, to not blame anyone in particular
<mnemoc> but the chinese text is missing
<n01> I can help with italian ... swearing is included for free
<mnemoc> :D
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<Hukka> Perhaps I was on the other side of the split; what message?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: Hi. There is progress sd boot A20?
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<shineworld> Hi JonhnDoe... it boot and work fine for some sec (ADB connection comprised)
<shineworld> then I've got a MM kernel panic
<shineworld> that sound very strange becaus eall working (display, bootloader, adb with shell, ...)
<shineworld> I saw same MM kernel panic for other users with 3.3.0 and at now I'm in a nightmare
<shineworld> Could be my build system enter some problems (perhaps wrong compiler version) so my next step will be "extract" files from a working image from net
<shineworld> and try with them
<shineworld> I'm using original sources from SDK 1.03 from Olimex but u-boot and spl are from hno
<JohnDoe_71Rus> may be bad sd card? try another
<shineworld> I wrote many time the SD (so sector is surely changed) ...
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: why SDK 1.03 from Olimex? not from cubieboard?
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<z4k4ri4> !ls
<z4k4ri4> !ls flash-linux-nand
<z4k4ri4> !explpm flash-linux-nand
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: can you share script to build boot sd card?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> will try too
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<shineworld> JohnDoe sure, now I'm at office but this evening I will share the scripts
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<suhanc> re
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