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<suhanc> re
<FourthDr> could you make one out of acrylic?
<FourthDr> simple snap together?
<FourthDr> or t slot with nuts and bolts?
<FourthDr> what's up with thingverse requiring login to download designs now???
<FourthDr> that sucks!
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<JIV> how much memory should be available if using headless?
<JIV> [ 0.000000] Memory: 846812k/846812k available, 136228k reserved, 270336K highmem
<JIV> is there some alocated for graphics?
<rm> yes
<rm> # free -m
<rm> total used free shared buffers cached
<rm> Mem: 1008
<JIV> how can i disable it
<JIV> i dont use vga
<rm> do you have A10 or A20
<JIV> a20
<rm> compile a kernel then
<JIV> uh
<rm> with graphics disabled
<JIV> cant be done in script.fex?
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<thesheff17> I'm trying to install cubian on my cubieboard2 nand flash using the install.sh....right after it starts copying the files I start to get this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9wfuG9zEBc Anyone know what I should do?
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<_enrico_> hi
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<canol> hello, is there anyone from cubieforums who can help me register? I try to register to the forums but it does not send me activation code. I checked spam folder and tried several email accounts.
<n01> canol: there is cubieboard ml and linux sunxi ml
<canol> n01: I would prefer forums. I will post to the mailing list though if I have to.
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