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<kamathln> Hi cubers! .. Am very new to this mini-pc world ..
<kamathln> I was looking for a board which has a VGA port .. so that I can make the cheapest yet functional pc ..
<kamathln> I saw that cubieboard itself does not have the board
<kamathln> but ther is this "breadboard" which gives VGA port ..
<kamathln> exactly how to use it ?
<kamathln> if we connect it, will it start working out of the box?
<kamathln> is there any other way to get VGA from cubieboard?
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<rm> kamathln, just get Mele A1000G
<rm> rather than mess with a bunch of bare boards
<rm> same hardware as the CB
<rm> but in a nice case and with remote included
<kamathln> rm: How does Mele a1000G compare in running Ubuntu
<kamathln> ?
<rm> <rm> same hardware as the CB
<rm> well the 1st model CB anyway
<rm> a single-core A10
<kamathln> I was personally thinking of CB2
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<kamathln> I *need* the dual core performance
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<kamathln> but the site says quad-core :D
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<kamathln> rm: thanks .. I will prolly go for something like mele a1000G ..
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<pitillo> hello, how can I know which is my cubieboard batch from?
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<mateo_> help!
<mateo_> my CB is not booting anymore
<mateo_> I didn't install anything on it
<pitillo> do you have serial access to it mateo_?
<mateo_> I can connect an USB
<mateo_> yes
<pitillo> may be that access can give you a clue about what's happening
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<mateo_> I just received it yesterday :(
<pitillo> lot of fun then :)
<mateo_> you just need a USB to USB cable to flash it
<mateo_> right?
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<pitillo> here I'm new too mateo_... I don't know why do you want to flash it...
<mateo_> I want to flash the nand
<mateo_> to put it to work again!!
<mateo_> :)
<pitillo> mateo_: can't you boot from sd and do the flash in that way?
<mateo_> maybe
<mateo_> I would need an sd image
<mateo_> the sd image is extremely slow to download
<mateo_> xD
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<Administrador> hi all
<Administrador> hope you are not all bots xD
<Administrador> question: cubie and cubie2 have 1 sata port supporting just one HD (maz size unknown). What if I have a HW RAID enclosure with sata connection using all the disks in just one RAID set. RAID 0, for example. Would the cubie be able to has access to this? Thanks
<jelly-home> Administrador: if the hw raid enclosure can present a single SATA device to the host, it ought to work
<Administrador> yep, that's what I think, but... I don't know. Maybe someone with superhigh skills and/or knowledge if the subject could shed some light here ;)
<Administrador> sorry about the typos
<bfree> Administrador: answers that question and tells you that the max size is not unknown
<Administrador> "To connect more disks, you would need a SATA cabinet that does RAID by itself. So the multiplier needs to emulate a single drive"
<Administrador> I think that answers my question completely :)
<Administrador> but on the other hand 48bit LBA addressing doesn't guarantee anything
<Administrador> theoretical 128 Petabytes, yeah
<Administrador> seen this b4. Then bigger than 1.5TB didn't work
<Administrador> are there any reports on 4TB hard drives tested on the cubies?
<Administrador> bfree: btw, thanks a lot :)
<bfree> not seen anyone say it failed which is more likely then seeing someone saying it worked ... I know someone was using a good external enclosure with multiple disks but can't remember how large the combined disk the cubie saw was :-/
<Administrador> I plan on a 5 bay RAID enclosure, 20TB
<joph> ?
<Administrador> 20TB MAX
<joph> what kind of disks do you have?
<joph> *use
<Administrador> none yet. hehehe but 4TB disks is the plan
<joph> and how do you want to get 20TB in a useful way with 5x4TB disks?
<Administrador> no no no no
<Administrador> I said MAX
<joph> i know
<Administrador> RAID 0 would do
<joph> but know one would use raid 0 on 5 disks
<joph> *no
<Administrador> risky as hell
<joph> yeah
<Administrador> exactly
<Administrador> but enclosure has raid 0,1, 5
<Administrador> and combos
<Administrador> 10, etc
<Administrador> I have some requests from friends... I won't go raid 0 but.... you know people ;)
<joph> and why do you want to use a cubieboard for this?
<joph> i would prefer a device which offers more performance like an embedded system from amd or with a intel cpu
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<_administrador_> got kicked out of the server xDD
<_administrador_> I was saying the cabinet has raid 0,1,5 and combos, raid 10, etc
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<_administrador_> I'm building a few units. One for me and some more for friends
<_administrador_> I won't go raid 0, but I can tell from them hehehe
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<joph> i see, why don't just get a NAS like the hp n54l?
<joph> would solve the issue with the special hw raid controller
<_administrador_> price. versatility
<joph> i saw them already at 130€
<_administrador_> the joy of DIY
<_administrador_> i'm sure. Are they powered by a cubie/cubie2 ? :)
<_administrador_> media server, NAS, print server, torrent client, media player, etc, etc, etc, etc
<_administrador_> And for around 100€ set aside the disks
<_administrador_> probably less
<joph> _administrador_, they offer gbit lan which is very important for a NAS
<jelly-home> _administrador_: you do realize cubie has a mere 100Mbps ethernet and your NAS will not be too fast
<_administrador_> yep
<bfree> about 1TB/day @100mbit/s
<_administrador_> NAS is probably the less important part, even if it sounds stupid
<_administrador_> but anyway 1TB/day @100mbit/s heheh
<jelly-home> yeah, it's horribly slow
<_administrador_> don't know what throughput can the cubie push
<joph> less than 12,5MB/s ;)
<_administrador_> but say 8MB/s
<joph> 8MB/s are crap
<_administrador_> better yet heheh
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<_administrador_> nevermind. As I said NAS is not going to be the main use
<joph> and what else?
<_administrador_> the system will me mostly autonomous
<_administrador_> transfer will be slow? Well... too bad :)
<_administrador_> anyway, thanks for your help guys. Cya around
<bfree> a mini-itx with e.g. celeron 847 or AMD E-350 ... or even a socketed celeron. tbh I'd say something like: Asus E35M1-I Deluxe would be the winner (and considering how much the raid enclosure will cost probably no more expensive even for all it's bell's and whistles)
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<_administrador_> power consumption.
<_administrador_> :)
<_administrador_> bye
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<deasy> i have just install archlinux arm with the tutorial and i got only 314MB of total ram :(
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<mateobur> Hello
<mateobur> anyone here apart from bots? :D
<FergusL> yes !
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