<vinifr> but git takes all anyway :)
<bizoru> ok ok
<bizoru> its taking too long
<vinifr> to enable GPIO using make ARCH=arm menuconfig: Device Drivers --> [*] GPIO support --> <*> GPIO Support for sunxi platform
<bizoru> ok ok
<vinifr> then follow the instructions here: http://linux-sunxi.org/Linux
<vinifr> Building
<bizoru> ok
<bizoru> how I can install the new kernel to the cubie?
<vinifr> there is a lot of information here: http://linux-sunxi.org/Main_Page
<vinifr> basically you need to compile kernel, bootloader and generate a rootfs
<vinifr> do you bought cubie with uSD?
<bizoru> yes!
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<vinifr> If you already have all this just copy kernel to uSD
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<vinifr> FAT partition
<vinifr> should be two partitions: FAT and ext4/ext3
<bizoru> yes
<vinifr> FAT is for kernel,script.bin, etc. ext4 is for root file system
<vinifr> uImage is the kernel, replace wit new kernel
<bizoru> mmm ok ok
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<vinifr> you already started the cubieboard before? had something in it?
<bizoru> yes It was android
<vinifr> i mean, the linux start?
<bizoru> but then I flashed the cubie using livesuit
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<vinifr> using uSD, the linux boot?
<bizoru> no using the nand memory
<vinifr> usually the android is in nand and linux in uSD
<vinifr> do you intend to use linux or android?
<bizoru> I would like to use linux using the nand
<vinifr> This is slightly more complicated
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<bizoru> so its better to boot using the sdCard?
<vinifr> for now yes
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<bizoru> ok i see
<vinifr> Linux does not support nand very well, but there is working in progress
<vinifr> you have tried to start using the uSD?
<bizoru> no
<bizoru> but im going to follow that instructions
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<vinifr> you need to use UART to see something
<vinifr> you need to use UART in order to see something
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<vinifr> i likes 'ckermit'
<vinifr> kermit terminal emulator
<bizoru> ok
<bizoru> where I can get it?
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<vinifr> apt-get install ckermit
<vinifr> have you usb-uart cable?
<vinifr> bizoru, wow, your English is very advanced :)
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<bizoru> why do you say that?
<bizoru> its bad?
<bizoru> what can I do with it?
<vinifr> no
<bizoru> why advanced?
<bizoru> lol
<vinifr> your English is very good
<bizoru> I know my english sucks!
<bizoru> I speak spanish
<bizoru> lol
<bizoru> do you use gmail?
<vinifr> i speak portuguese
<bizoru> entonces creo que puedes enterner español cierto?
<vinifr> i am from brazil
<vinifr> a bit
<bizoru> so you could add me to gmail if you want
<bizoru> to chat over there
<bizoru> bizoru@gmail.com
<vinifr> steven?
<bizoru> yes
<vinifr> mine is viniciusfre@gmail.com
<vinifr> so, do you have usb-ttl cable?
<bizoru> no actually I dont have it
<bizoru> what can I do with it?
<vinifr> you need to use UART in order to see something
<vinifr> UART=usb-ttl cable
<bizoru> because I was tryin to turn on a led
<vinifr> you need to use the linux by terminal
<bizoru> yes I just got connected through ssh
<vinifr> pc->usb-ttl->board
<vinifr> could be ssh or via terminal with cable
<bizoru> ok I see
<bizoru> I was trying to turn a led on
<vinifr> but without being able to see anything is difficult
<vinifr> I prefer to use the terminal, for example, kermit
<vinifr> you do not know when the kernel starts, if fail
<bizoru> ok I got it
<vinifr> anything can happen
<bizoru> I got it yes you're right
<vinifr> i have to go, I'm going to play left4dead2 :)
<bizoru> cool!
<bizoru> Ok thanks!
<vinifr> good luck
<bizoru> I will write to you any time for some help
<vinifr> ok, no problem, bye
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<eagles0513875> hey guys anyone around?
<eagles0513875> i ahve a few questions
<Swat-> shoot
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<eagles0513875> hey guys how is everyone
<eagles0513875> hey Swat- you still here
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<osolus> if I bought a cubieboard back in november of '12 - is that almost certainly an A10?
<shineworld> just look at CHIP text
<shineworld> in CPU there is write A10 or A20 on top
<lerc> but should be A10.
<lerc> A20 cubies are very recent.
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<shineworld> yeah...
<shineworld> that is true
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<eagles0513875> lerc: shineworld i got an a20 cubie and i love it i am fighting with build root atm though
<eagles0513875> woudl cubie be willing to do custom boards for clients?
<shineworld> I wasn't able to build a20 android at moment, only kernel for linux
<eagles0513875> shineworld: im doing a bare system
<eagles0513875> shineworld: i thought a20's come with android by default so i read
<shineworld> I'm using CB1 for industrial HMI with android
<shineworld> I've two prototypes running A20 at moment yet
<eagles0513875> can these boards be used for commercial purposes i thought they were desiged for r&d purposes only
<shineworld> but using pre-loaded android OS on nand
<shineworld> CB1 seem enough strong to be used for not "safe" products like an HMI
<shineworld> I've tried it in climate chamber and passed "minimal" shock test
<shineworld> but nothing compared to our industrial pruducts
<eagles0513875> shineworld: what kinda products do you produce?
<shineworld> unfortunately that will be only a prototype project because we are moving to iMX6
<shineworld> PLC for industry with a target in motion control
<eagles0513875> interesting
<shineworld> usually we use Frescale and Renesas CHIPS
<eagles0513875> i wonder if the producers of cubie's would produce a custom cubie board for a client
<eagles0513875> like i like the a20 all its missing is a real time clock as im planning on using it for a point of sales system
<shineworld> nah... AllWinner documentations is so poor that I can trust to work in that way
<shineworld> can't
<eagles0513875> shineworld: ?
<shineworld> chip manuals, electrical specifications, signals, etc etc etc
<shineworld> so is good to use a pre-made board like cubieboard for test and prototypes
<shineworld> the programs are Android based so I can fastly switch to any other platform
<shineworld> I'm also using some wandboard imx6 based boards
<shineworld> the linux-sunxi community is better than imx6 at moment but the allwinner chip are so poor of informations and use old technology
<eagles0513875> ya shineworld im using the cubie2 for testing and development
<shineworld> me too... good chip but compared to others....
<eagles0513875> would love to take the cubie2 into production but it would need to have a real time clock
<shineworld> me too...
<shineworld> is my first "missing"
<shineworld> an HMI can't be always net connected
<shineworld> so I've to recover timer by PLC using a proprietary protocol
<shineworld> blah....
<shineworld> and I've got very great problems con Open Accessory Mode which doesn't work with any linux-sunxi kernel
<shineworld> so I've used a PIC chip to simulate ADB client vs cubieboard to have RS232 output (android doesn't support natively that)
<shineworld> I'm not so cutie to manage USB drivers and gadget
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<shineworld> however I will keep my 8 CB1 and 2 CB2 for personal use when prototype time is finished
<shineworld> surely leaving Android OS for linux ;)
<shineworld> what I love of CB1 is, size, price, semplicity of design (project)....
<shineworld> at IMO is a very breakthrough compared to rPI or others
<shineworld> and I missing power
<eagles0513875> shineworld: if you take a look at the site they clustered a number of them together using HADOOP
<shineworld> I'm porting CB1 to RTEMS (RTEMS doesn't a SMP yet) and something already works
<eagles0513875> has anyone in here used buildroot with their cubie?
<shineworld> yes, I'm following them :)
<shineworld> with A10 I'm able to do anything but with A20 the build (I mean android) isn't so clear
<eagles0513875> shineworld: what exactly are you wanting to accomplish
<shineworld> for job I need to have a "user friendly GUI interface, mostly based on android power, fastly porting to different devices, with capacitive touchscreen, big displays 10/21 inches, maxium 800x600 pixels to be read in industrial light conditions, connected to LAN, etc)
<shineworld> for personal I would like to run a Real Time OS like RTEMS to play with some movement algo for interpolations
<shineworld> and so on ;)
<shineworld> and you ?
<eagles0513875> shineworld: why not drop android and have it boot directly to the gui front end
<eagles0513875> im working on a low cost point of sales system but for me whats missing on the cubie is a real time clock hence y im asking if they can do custom boards
<shineworld> there are other A10 board makers which probably permit RTC battery (could be OLIMAX)
<eagles0513875> think is i like what cubie has in terms of the case design and features for their board in terms of the bread board etc
<shineworld> for me Android is a "must" because interface is very "friendly" and I don't need to reinvent the wheel
<eagles0513875> shineworld: is privecy a must
<eagles0513875> cuz google just admitted that gmail users have no privacy
<shineworld> a program made for cubie could round same in a phone or tablet
<shineworld> you can always use another email system than gmail
<shineworld> and use pgp
<eagles0513875> i have my own server for my business
<eagles0513875> pgp isnt supported in gmail
<shineworld> of course you can use another email program
<eagles0513875> the thing is with pgp wont the other people i send to have a pgp key
<eagles0513875> i have my own mail server so im going to switch to that
<shineworld> you can't attach your public PGC to every email sent ?
<shineworld> PGP
<shineworld> otherwise you have to write a proprietary program to communicate (BAD)
<eagles0513875> on gmail no
<shineworld> gmail privacy is minus than 0
<osolus> hey, I have an A10 board, it has a minimal arch linux installation and I want to know what to start reading on the subject of installing xorg or wayland or some xserver on it.
<eagles0513875> osolus: you probably could just compile it on ur a10
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<shineworld> so you build a proprietary gui for your POS systems (based on linxu)
<osolus> I am concerned that configuring it will prove impossible.
<eagles0513875> shineworld: open source POS system :D
<eagles0513875> osolus: that sounds more of an arch question i dunno im new to all this embedded system stuff
<eagles0513875> woot have my buildroot system being put on my microsd card
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<shineworld> I wrote my own buildroot for android and cb1 to put all on SD
<shineworld> SD works better than nand
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<eagles0513875> O_O
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<eagles0513875> what bout on the a20
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<shineworld> I've used the pre-build android os on NAND
<shineworld> just changed something in OS to meet my need and stored directly on NAND
<eagles0513875> nice
<shineworld> with SD I've got some problems on boot sometime
<eagles0513875> i would think the nand would be faster then the sd
<shineworld> Should be but boot time is faster on SD
<eagles0513875> not sure how old ur sd card is it could be on the way out i would check it for bad sectors etc
<eagles0513875> on what system ur a10 or a2
<shineworld> I'm using only Samsung 16GB class 10
<shineworld> and Kingstome 8GB class 10
<shineworld> Kingstone
<eagles0513875> odd im using samsung microsd 8gb
<shineworld> I must admit that is strange... nand should be more fast but .....
<shineworld> with NAND I boot in 28s and with SD I boot in 19s
<eagles0513875> shineworld: im wondering depending how long you have had the boards, could they naturally slow down from the wear and tare?
<shineworld> A10
<shineworld> I don't know that .... reading times should don't change in time
<eagles0513875> either that or you have the os tweaked on the SD card in such a way that it performs faster
<eagles0513875> something there which is better optimized
<shineworld> I've tried same OS in nand and SD
<shineworld> same tweeks
<shineworld> however boot is too long
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<eagles0513875> shineworld: something doesnt sound right there
<eagles0513875> anyway lunch time for me i sent the support team an email regarding custom board development
<shineworld> some japanese guys are working on boot question obtaining very cool results... I hope google stay looking them and buy technology:
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<eagles0513875> nice :)
<eagles0513875> anyway lunch time for me as i am famished
<shineworld> In past cubietom say "I can do changes at requirements for some amount of boards" or a similary sentence
<shineworld> 11:51 also here
<eagles0513875> ill be back a bit later
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<shineworld> cya
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<ki9a> good day. I was looking at the forums/website and found some conflicting info on hardware accelerated video/2d. Is that supported properly (my goal is to have linux + xbmc there)?
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<eagles0513875_> hey guys is there a website that has keyboard shortcuts for the cubie 2 for the default android install
<eagles0513875_> anyone alive
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<buZz> eagles0513875_: google 'android keyboard shortcuts'
<buZz> there is nothing cubieboard specific about it
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<hht> hello, when there will be xbmc for cubieboard 2?
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<buZz> hht: maybe never
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<lookbehindu> !ls
<lookbehindu> !ls faq
<lookbehindu> !explpm faq
<lookbehindu> anyone avaliable to try and help me with a booting issue?
<Swat-> Sup?
<lookbehindu> i just got a cubieboard 2.0
<lookbehindu> it keeps getting stuck at the android screen, with or without an sd card in it
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<buZz> lookbehindu: how long have you waited?
<buZz> it takes a while to boot
<Swat-> lookbehindu: try it w/o the sd-card and wait for a bit.
<ki9a> buZz: really? never? (xbmc)
<buZz> yes quite possible
<lookbehindu> i've let it run for about 10 minutes in both
<lookbehindu> both == with or without the sd card
<buZz> send allwinner email asking for detailed documentation for the cedarx interface
<buZz> then XBMC is at all possible
<Swat-> lookbehindu: no other messages?
<lookbehindu> it gets to the screen that says "android" and just stays there
<lookbehindu> I'm guessing the android loading screen is a gif (or some animation) because that'll keep happening
<lookbehindu> i've tried 3 different usb cables (one that came and 2 of mine)
<ki9a> buZz: ah k.
<ki9a> I'm trying to find a good base board for a mediaplayer with harddisk
<buZz> xbox classic is nice
<buZz> lookbehindu: connect uart cable and check the log
<lookbehindu> im a little new, which one is the uart cable?
<lookbehindu> i don't think i have that cable
<lookbehindu> so am i kind of stuck until i get one to debug with?
<Olaff> lookbehindu, or you could try to boot a sd linux image , like http://cubian.org/ for cubieboard2 , you have juste to dd
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<lookbehindu> olaff: what do you mean by "you juste to dd"?
<lookbehindu> i tried 2 different OSes via an SD card and neither booted, but i can try that one
<Olaff> lookbehindu, sorry my english is bad ;) , hum your desktop pc run linux or windows ?
<lookbehindu> olaff: no problem :) I'm running windows, but I can throw linux on one of my spare computers quick if needed
<Olaff> install tutorial for cubian is : https://github.com/cubieplayer/cubian/wiki/Install-Cubian
<lookbehindu> okay, that seems similar to how i was doing it for others, i'll give it a go once its done downloading
<Olaff> i'v a cubie2 too and cubian was the first image i boot succefully
<lookbehindu> well if that's the case, i won't feel bad that I failed on the others haha
<lookbehindu> i'm writing thank you letters to my bro(s) and sister for it, so hopefully the download will be done soon :)
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<ki9a> is there some place to bookmark like a blog to monitor the CedarX news then? I won't have to decide on what board to use till christmas.
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<lookbehindu> Olaff: i got the image burned, it's booting now (current at the android screen)
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<Olaff> with an sd card , i dont think you should see the android screen ;( , that smell bad
<lookbehindu> dam :(
<lookbehindu> any thoughts?
<Olaff> sorry i'm too noob for more , perhaps ask #linux-sunxi
<lookbehindu> no problem, thank you for trying to help though. hopefully i can figure out something :)
<Olaff> you could try to flash an updated android image using livesuit (on windows) http://cubiebook.org/index.php?title=Cubieboard2/Android_Prebuilt
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<Olaff> deasy, bonsoir , qu'est ce que t'en dis du probleme de lookbehindu ?
<lookbehindu> yeah i think flashing is the next choice
<lookbehindu> I didn't know you were French :)
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<deasy> Olaff, it's better to have a ttl cable
<deasy> if android boot, the sdcard is probably not well "prepared"
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<lookbehindu> deasy: i've tried preparing the card 2 different ways with multiple OSes now and no succes :(
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<deasy> no ttl cable?
<deasy> it's really better for know what happens...
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<lookbehindu> i need to order one
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<deasy> dunno the description is weird
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