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<tekkharibo> Hi
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<perre> Good morning! Is it possible to rotate the screen (hdmi) with cubieboard using an accelerated X?
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<verysoftoiletppr> what is faster on the cubieboard?
<verysoftoiletppr> the NAND or a fast MMC?
<mnemoc> fast sd card
<FR^2> a fast sata drive :D
<mnemoc> a good uSD card cost almost the same as manufacturing a cubieboard.... what do you expect about the quality of the nand chip...
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<Defiant> Hi, where I can I get a dd-able preinstalled image?
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<HollyRain> what spped has the network interface?
<HollyRain> s/spped/speed
<tekkharibo> 10/100
<tekkharibo> The gigabyte ethernet is implemented on cubietrunk
* tekkharibo is gonna on subway reco on 30mi
<atsampson> cubietrunk would be a good name for a router/Asterisk board...
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<HollyRain> when is going to be released the new cubietrunk?
<HollyRain> it would be awesome that exist kits to add a SATA HD or a LCD screen
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<tekkharibo> atsampson: it's the default usage or you want use for this?
<tekkharibo> Router/asterix
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<verysoftoiletppr> [15:47:38] <mnemoc> fast sd card
<verysoftoiletppr> [15:48:11] <FR^2> a fast sata drive :D
<verysoftoiletppr> [15:48:31] <mnemoc> a good uSD card cost almost the same as manufacturing a cubieboard.... what do you expect about the quality of the nand chip...
<verysoftoiletppr> so.. should the swap be in the sata drive where things are being written, or should it be in the ssd card
<verysoftoiletppr> sd card
<verysoftoiletppr> should the SO be in the SATA drive? or in the SD card? or in the nand?
<verysoftoiletppr> s/SO/OS
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<tekkharibo> I think it's depends of class of your SD card and sata chipset
<jelly-home> verysoftoiletppr: I'd definitely put swap on a metal-platter based sata drive, sd cards are not meant for that kind of abuse
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<jelly-home> I don't think the brand is relevant. None can withstand lots of small writes to same places
<jelly-home> (talking about SDs)
<verysoftoiletppr> Tekkharibo ^
<verysoftoiletppr> jelly-home so.. even thought I will be downloing files to one partition of the disk
<verysoftoiletppr> the best choice is to have both the OS and the swap in the same disk?
<jelly-home> verysoftoiletppr: I put /tmp, /var and /home and swap on the hdd, for the time being
<tekkharibo> verysoftoiletppr:??
<verysoftoiletppr> can I see your fstab?
<jelly-home> the OS still boots from the SD card because I'm lazy to set it up properly
<verysoftoiletppr> Tekkharibo you said it depended on the SD card
<jelly-home> verysoftoiletppr: it's just a normal fstab
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<verysoftoiletppr> jelly-home I know but I am not very experienced
<jelly-home> (that's a lie, the entry for / is missing because the initrd used is weird that way)
<verysoftoiletppr> I would help me a lot to see it
<jelly-home> verysoftoiletppr: I doubt that, but here:
<verysoftoiletppr> jelly-home I don't understand how you did to mount those directories in the hdd
<verysoftoiletppr> there is no reference in that file to the hdd
<jelly-home> linaro/ubuntu looks for labels or uuids referenced in fstab if you use them, and all the filesystems are labeled accordingly
<jelly-home> it's functionally equivalent to write
<jelly-home> UUID=2eabe1bd-a9b0-48e3-a1c2-31da63a0000d /var auto defaults 1 1
<jelly-home> or
<jelly-home> LABEL=labelforvar /var auto defaults 1 1
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<verysoftoiletppr> how many partitions do you have?
<jelly-home> one for each filesystem and swap
<verysoftoiletppr> that is?
<verysoftoiletppr> one for earch mount?
<jelly-home> one for each mounted filesystem and one more for swap, yes
<verysoftoiletppr> are home var and tmp in the same partition?
<jelly-home> no.
<jelly-home> verysoftoiletppr: what's your native language?
<verysoftoiletppr> I was just confirming
<verysoftoiletppr> why do you place var and tmp in different partitions? how big are they?
<jelly-home> because I like it that way ;-)
<verysoftoiletppr> jelly-home why do you like it?
<jelly-home> they hold different kinds of data with different expiration policy
<jelly-home> /tmp can be wiped at every boot, /var holds data that apps and services actually use
<jelly-home> this isn't cubie specific, just unix/linux basics
<jelly-home> verysoftoiletppr: see eg.
<verysoftoiletppr> jelly-home what about /usr/src
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<jelly-home> what about it?
<jelly-home> it's a place where sources canonically go to
<jelly-home> didn't want that to stay on the slow sd, either
<jelly-home> building things like linux kernel can make lots of IO operations
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<xHire> I would suggest putting /tmp and /var/tmp to RAM (via tmpfs) to save card's cycles. And it's also faster. Then it's a good idea to do R/W-intensive operations there instead of in home
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<jelly-home> there's already too little ram on a cubie
<jelly-home> and verysoftoiletppr already said he had a hdd
<verysoftoiletppr> yes.. RAM is very little
<xHire> 1 GB is very little? hm, my home server has 384 MB :c)
<verysoftoiletppr> that is even more little
<xHire> btw currently my cubie uses only 30 MB RAM so I can affort to have these things in tmpfs'
<verysoftoiletppr> xHire where do you configure those things?
<xHire> verysoftoiletppr: in fstab, e.g.: tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
<verysoftoiletppr> xHire I have more things mounted then those which are in fstab
<xHire> that's possible – if you have "smart" OS it often automounts many things
<verysoftoiletppr> xHire:
<xHire> verysoftoiletppr: I guess that those things are mounted in initrd before the boot process is switched to standard init. therefore it's not necessary to have all entries in fstab
<jelly-home> xHire: yes, I'm going by Debian's requirements for a buildd machine, to, y'know, build things
<jelly-home> (2GB minimum, which cubierock will satisfy)
<verysoftoiletppr> cubierock?
<verysoftoiletppr> xHire how do I disable the tmpfs?
<verysoftoiletppr> can I?
<verysoftoiletppr> without breaking things?
<xHire> verysoftoiletppr: you mean to switch from /tmp on tmps to /tmp on disk/card?
<verysoftoiletppr> xHire yes
* jelly-home may have forgotten the name for the A20 2GB board
<verysoftoiletppr> and /run
<verysoftoiletppr> jelly-home there is a A20 2GB?
<verysoftoiletppr> interesting
<verysoftoiletppr> I wish there was a board with Gigabit ethernet
<jelly-home> oh, cubietrunk
<jelly-home> cubietruck dammit
<xHire> verysoftoiletppr: to be safe, edit fstab (remove the line completely) and reboot
<verysoftoiletppr> xHire did that
<xHire> for the rest you would need to hack your initramdisk
<verysoftoiletppr> xHire there is still tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=83276k,mode=755)
<verysoftoiletppr> tmpfs on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k)
<verysoftoiletppr> and
<verysoftoiletppr> tmpfs on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=166540k)
<xHire> jelly-home: well, I've built whole gentoo system on the 384MB system
<xHire> verysoftoiletppr: shm is always in memory
<xHire> and those first two are specified in initrd
<jelly-home> xHire: I don't know what it comprises of, or how many years ago that was
<xHire> well, kernel, gcc, glibc, apache and so on (but not X or Office -- it's a server ;c))
<xHire> I upgrade it from time to time
<xHire> it compiles very long (800MHz VIA C2), but compiles without problems
<jelly-home> I don't have that kind of patience
<jelly-home> (and since it's an x86, you could offload the build to a more capable machine)
<xHire> I don't care that much. :c) I just start it and let it run over night. And occasionally it finishes :c)
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<alexd> Hi Davis
<alexd> sorry type David
<alexd> are you there?
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<robert5> !ls
<robert5> !expl expand-rootfs
<CubieFAQ> expand-rootfs: You can expand the rootfs with resize2fs.
<robert5> !expl ir-interface
<CubieFAQ> ir-interface: Please refer to the A10 User Manual section 19 IR Interface, the driver is already in the kernel, an input device that can work with normal IR remote. IR test is one of the tests of the Cubieboard before shipping. (
<robert5> !expl software
<CubieFAQ> software: There is a screen of an application that is run during production to verify the board. Cubieboard is meant to customize and replace the default OS with whatever you need for your use the board. The new shipped Cubieboards (Indiegogo and latter) have ready to use Android ICS installed in the NAND memory.
<robert5> How do I run the cubiebox android or any other image on my desktop machine? I.E. I want to use qemu / kvm to run the "Android TV Box Allwinner release2.2 image (with xbmc)" qemu-system-arm SOMETHING cubiebox_tvbox_rel2.img
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<robert5> How do I run the cubiebox android or any other image on my desktop machine? I.E. I want to use qemu / kvm to run the "Android TV Box Allwinner release2.2 image (with xbmc)" qemu-system-arm SOMETHING cubiebox_tvbox_rel2.img
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