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<ttmrichter> dongs: Why would you be in #cubieboard if you hate them so much. Oh, right. '80s retro-troll. Sorry.
<dongs> ttmrichter: go back to blogging about ruby and drinking chinese alchohol. you aren't funny.
<ttmrichter> I'm not trying to be. I'm just poking a troll with a stick.
<dongs> you aren't achieving what you intend to achieve with that.
<dongs> so you might as well stop wasting time.
<ttmrichter> You have no idea what I'm trying to achieve with that.
<ttmrichter> And a person who hates Cubieboards hanging around trolling in #cubieboard isn't really in a position to point fingers at wasted time.
<ttmrichter> Here's a thought: I'll stop pointing out your status as a painfully obvious '80s-style troll when you stop being a painfully obvious '80s-style troll.
<ttmrichter> Oh, and I'm very sorry that Linux and Cubieboard ganged up and raped your mother. It was bad of them.
<dongs> sorry, you're wrong
<dongs> the only thing lunix raped are the users who continue using it in 2013
<dongs> like its 1993
<ttmrichter> See, you're so incompetent as a troll you can't even see that your line of trolling isn't working. Seriously, the art of trolling has advanced since the '80s. You may want to study up a bit.
<ttmrichter> I think the currently fashionable technique is "concern trolling". If you brush up on that you might get the responses you're looking for instead of sad head-shaking.
<dongs> yea whatever.
<GargantuaSauce> you say it isn't working yet you're doing that
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<GargantuaSauce> i use linux exclusively but i know there are two ways to respond to those claims...argue about bullshit for hours or just laugh and move on
<GargantuaSauce> as a result we get along despite being viable subjects for each others' derision
<ttmrichter> See? What kind of troll are you? Your tactic isn't working so you give up. That's not how to troll! If you want to be a troll in these post-Usenet days you have to have tenacity and flexibility. Attacking Linux is obviously not working. Attacking the Cubieboard itself just makes you look like a sad clown. Try casual racism. Or you can always see if you can't work some of the classics in like Vim vs. Emacs. Or you can try the "yo mamma" line o
<ttmrichter> f attack.
<ttmrichter> The key is to VARY your line of attack to stop sounding so monotonous.
<ttmrichter> Really, you show some promise as a troll, but your capacity is being wasted by lack of training and finesse.
<ttmrichter> You need to buck up and study up.
<GargantuaSauce> lol
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<ttmrichter> There's an introductory level text for you.
<ttmrichter> If you think you're past that level, here's a more intermediate text: http://www.urban75.com/Mag/troll.html
<ttmrichter> Section 5 of the second one is best.
<dongs> boring
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<ttmrichter> See, you're just giving up too easily. You'll never make it as a troll, I'm afraid. You lack the subtlety and the tenacity that marks a successful troll instead of someone who's just making an ass of himself.
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<GargantuaSauce> my favourite part of sunxi is the engrish in the kernel logs
<GargantuaSauce> [ 775.637999] The port change to OHCI now!
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<dongs> set up the port bomb
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<ttmrichter> Ah, you read the bit about Internet memes in the trolling guides. Very gratifying to see a student taking in lesson materials.
<dongs> here's a tip: why don't you just shut the fuck up?
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<jelly-home> dongs: try to be polite, please
<dongs> jelly-home: yeah, but you gotta do somethin about ttmrichter . he's been spouting troll propaganda here in teh last 24 hours
<dongs> and keeps implying i'm a troll or something.
<jelly-home> dongs: you've been trolling for months. I'm going to give him at least some leevage.
<dongs> if by "trolling" you mean "presenting cold, hard facts" and "educating the public", then yes.
<jelly-home> cold, hard facts sprinkled with intentionally derogatory language hardly count
<ttmrichter> I've been educating you in the fine art of trolling.
<jelly-home> Apr 15 09:56:06 <dongs> lunix: recompile kernel for half an hour, change distros 10 times, format your windows hdd by mistake, kill self.
<ttmrichter> I hate to see people wasting their talents.
<ttmrichter> Incidentally, the move to concern-trolling is a bit late.
<dongs> jelly-home: how is that not true?
<jelly-home> dongs: have a week off. Come back using proper English language, avoid direct insults and not jumping on the first possible keyword.
dongs was kicked from #cubieboard by jelly-home [lol, dongs]
<jelly-home> leeway*, sorry
* ttmrichter was going to correct that, but decided that would make him the troll instead. :D
<GargantuaSauce> yeah he's full of shit
<GargantuaSauce> only half an hour recompiling kernels??
<GargantuaSauce> jeez
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* jelly-home may accidentally forget to lift that ban
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<ttmrichter> With the troll out of the way, is there any documentation as to what the two buttons on my Cubieboard do? (I inherited the board from someone else without documentation or software.)
<ttmrichter> The document at http://ubuntuone.com/0zdRGF22MH4kCv5UdA6RmE only mentions one of the buttons and labels it in Chinese. :(
<GargantuaSauce> that's the one beside the hdmi/usb ports
<GargantuaSauce> other one is just power
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<ttmrichter> Argh! I found the schematics and a better doc for the board layout ... but the second button is called the "Fel key".
<ttmrichter> I have no idea what a Fel key is supposed to be. :(
<GargantuaSauce> maybe you should look at my link
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<freq> i made a booboo
<freq> Trying OSS...
<freq> FATAL_ERROR: No valid sound driver!
<freq> i don't know where to get the right sound driver
<freq> ALSA lib pcm_ioplug.c:920:(snd_pcm_ioplug_create) ioplug: Plugin version mismatch
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<Freyr> what language do cubieboards use?
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<lunra> ...machine code?
<Freyr> thats on the low level code of course, right?
<lunra> Forgive me if I misunderstood what you mean, but computers don't execute programming languages at all
<Freyr> whats the highest level language they can run?
<lunra> They only care about machine code. Programs called compilers turn programming language code into machine code. Interpreters are similar, basically gluing together prewritten machine code
<lunra> They can run pretty much anything.
<Freyr> what OS does it run?
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<lunra> Anything with a Linux kernel that works on armv7, or if you've got a LOT of time and skill, you can make your own OS or port any other
<lunra> Freyr, what do you have in mind?
<Freyr> understanding how it works :)
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<lunra> I see. How deep do you want to get into it? Learning a programming language is a fairly good way of learning.
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<harijsme> has anyone tried arch on CB2?
<harijsme> does it provide gpio support>
<harijsme> ?
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<ttmrichter> harijsme: I was under the impression that the CB1 and CB2 are exactly the same hardware except for the A20 in place of the A10.
<ttmrichter> And that the A20 is pin-compatible.
<shineworld> You are right
<shineworld> same hardware
<shineworld> except for CPU
<harijsme> can i put this http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/allwinner/cubieboard-2 into CB2 NAND ?
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<mnemoc> :)
<FR^2> (:
<mnemoc> he got dah power
<Bushmills> "jelly-home may accidentally forget to lift that ban" - i'm not going to remind you
<mnemoc> *g*
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: hi
<jelly-home> Bushmills: looking at logs, the user in question used to be ontopic some 6+ months ago
<shineworld> hi JohnDoe_71Rus
<shineworld> are you form 1971 ?
<Bushmills> i don't mind his presence - i had him on ignore anyway, what annoys more are the people seemingly holding monologues when feeding him, and forgetting to lift the ban may solve that :)
<n01> banned? gosh, thank god
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: no, this is 71 region. Numbers at automobile numbers
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6WfmKs_ifixPcL403OVZkCsebOhEjvK5BPQJvOR5NkkCtisQ-
<shineworld> ah ok :)
<shineworld> however I'm from 1970, so you understand the question :)
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<harijsme> can i put arch in CB2 NAND or booting from sd is only option?
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<harijsme> what difference does it make if soldering iron has 230V or 24V ?
<Bushmills> one plugs into mains, the other doesn't
<Bushmills> 24 V types, as part of a soldering station, tend to offer better temperature control
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> There used to be soldering to 36v. These safety rules
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<harijsme> whitch soldering iron to choose 25W and 420C or 18W 390C?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> harijsme: defends of type of work
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<old-papa-work> Anyone know if cubie A10 has support for android 4.2.x
<aalm> i'd say the question is, does android 4.2.x have support for cubie A10
<old-papa-work> Ahh, reverse logic.. :)
<old-papa-work> Ones Compliment? or is it 2?
<aalm> no, cubie is hardware, you don't add support for software into hardware.
<old-papa-work> ok, Gotcha.
<old-papa-work> Still collecting thoughts.. Got to work a bit early..
<aalm> ya, sry about distrupting, i don't know anything about android :)
<old-papa-work> Ok, no problem..
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<Bushmills> complement, actually :)
<old-papa-work> Ya don't want to do any subtractiion..
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<Bushmills> how would you know what i want or don't want to do?
<old-papa-work> I wonder.. So I need to hack it,, Then figure which is right.. I hope you put something that I can read.. like "Leave NOW!"
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<Baronawesome> there's a way to make the cubie boot from USB instead of microsd?
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<GargantuaSauce> seems kinda unwieldy though
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<alabaster> Hello, anyone is experienced in cross compilation for CB2 on gentoo?
<alabaster> I'm using crossdev with armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi
<alabaster> but while building newest uboot I'm getting this
<alabaster> error: request for member ‘sname’ in something not a structure or union
<alabaster> error: ‘IH_TYPE_AISIMAGE’ undeclared
<alabaster> I'm usiing gcc-4.6.3
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<deasy> alabaster, pm
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<old-papa-work> !ls vga-lvds-tv
<old-papa-work> !explpm vga-lvds-tv
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