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<Baronawesome> anyone online? I need some help
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<Rob_____> hi
<Rob_____> !ls
<old-papa> HI
<Rob_____> Can I get a cubieboard in a tablet?
<old-papa> The board itself in to a tablet?
<old-papa> Or a cubie as a tablet?
<old-papa> There was a Gooseberry, which was like a tablet board.. Nut I think it is deceased
<Rob_____> Or even a tablet that is running linux?
<old-papa> If you find an old HP TP, I know linux has been put on it..
<old-papa> Ok, night.. bed time
<Rob_____> hmm
<Rob_____> what about ubuntu touch
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<dyu> !ls
<dyu> !ls faq
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<lunra> Anyone know what UART is the one exposed on the header in the center of the board?
<lunra> Trying to read the datasheet but I'm not sure
<lunra> I need to know the number as referenced in the A10 User Manual, page 179
<JohnDoe_71Rus> lunra: you need rs232 to usb?
<lunra> No, I have it hooked up and I can get uboot, but I'm trying to run bare-metal code, so I need to know which UART to use
<lunra> there are 8
<JohnDoe_71Rus> I bought PL2303HX
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<lunra> console=ttyS0,115200 is in the uboot envvars so perhaps it is UART0
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<ttmrichter> lunra: According to the schematic, J3 is connected to UART0.
<lunra> Thanks :)
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<lunra> yay, got bare metal code putting a single character on the console
<lunra> dammit. The cubieboard doesn't have a reset button.
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<harijsme> how do i install cubian on sd card for DB2?
<harijsme> kind of tried following this
<harijsme> but got nowhere
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<lunra> bah. I have interrupts disabled, but shortly after my program runs (bare metal), it stops working... :|
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<ttmrichter> lunra: Time for debugging.
<ttmrichter> Can Cubieboards support JTAG?
<n01> lunra: watchdog?
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<f1r3> ttmrichter: yes
<ttmrichter> f1r3: Good to hear. Makes debugging SO much easier. :)
<f1r3> you need a microsd to jtag adapter, because jtag is on microsd pins
<ttmrichter> MicroSD?!
<ttmrichter> WTF?!
<jelly-home> crazy reuse of pins, yay \o/
<ttmrichter> That's just really odd.
<ttmrichter> It's just a pin break-out with some isolating caps, right?
<lunra> yeeeesssss, JTAG is difficult to get to
<lunra> n01, possibly; any idea if the watchdog is not disabled by "CPSID iaf", which should afaik disable all interrupts
<lunra> It seems to actually be a problem with my UART driver, just toying with it now to try and get it to work >_>. But the CPU seems to lock up when the serial is written when it shouldn't be, rather than just dropping data.
<mnemoc> the uSD breakout is *very* useful for tablet developers, getting uart and jtag from the uSD slot
<mnemoc> which is always there, regardless how minimalistic their pcb is
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<lunra> Oh? I've got a dead A13, perhaps I ought to get a breakout board merely to see if I can get that working.
<lunra> (it seems to go into FEL, but won't accept an image >_>)
<n01> lunra: watchdog is not always linked to interrupts, so yeah it could be the watchdog
<n01> even though it seems strange to me that uboot leaves it enabled
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<lunra> ...iiiinteresting. Got some kind of exception handler telling me about a data abort, all I changed was the bit I compare against in an IO register
<ganbold> mnemoc: never thought of getting uart via uSD breakout, is it true for most boards?
<lunra> program counter is in a weird spot too
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<lunra> woops. It's because I never loaded any code :|
<lunra> I jumped into uninitialised RAM XD
<mnemoc> ganbold: for all allwinner-based boards
<ganbold> cool
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<lunra> Okay, I think I need to take a step away from the computer for a while -_-
<lunra> Screw the docs, I think from now on I'll copy-paste the Linux drivers >_>
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<aalm> lunra, don't give up so easily :)
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<lunra> Haha, well, it isn't the first time I've tried OS development. But maybe this can be the first time I don't give up :)
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<aalm> lunra, i hear you, working on the driver for emac already :)
<aalm> the docs.. suck.
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<groz> ok, so, I've finally got cubie doing what I bought it for
<groz> debian installed, indi built and working. all-sky camera connected to it
<groz> and the final result
<dyu> groz: nice
<groz> I'm pretty pleased with it
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<dyu> groz: is there a behind-the-scenes? how you built-it ..etc
<groz> not yet, but, it's pretty strait forward
<dyu> might be good for a blog post
<groz> get debian on, then check indi out of svn
<groz> build it
<groz> plug in camera, start an indi server on the gadget
<groz> then on the computer in the house, connect via ekos (component of latest kstars)
<groz> set up 30 second exposures, let it run all night
<dyu> where can we buy that kind of camera?
<groz> in the morning, run them thru convert to scale it
<groz> and glue it together with mencoder
<groz> that's the one I use
<groz> part of a complete 'backyard observatory'
<groz> helps that we live in an area with dark skies
<groz> wouldn't be much use in a big city with a fully washed out sky
<dyu> cool
<aep> the gpios are fricking sensitive. when i turn on my washing machine, they become high oO
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<old-papa-work> I'm thinking the cubie will not do what I want.. I like to work with the GPIO's and with reports logged to the screen (LCD or HDMI)
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<aep> anyone knows what current the gpios can take?
<Vostok> groz: which allsky camera is that?
<Vostok> i'm also doing allsky camera control but i use a raspberry pi at the moment
<Vostok> but i've got the sbig allsky camera and have to bit bang the images manually from the serial port :P
<Vostok> ah, it's the oculus. thought so. too bad our association went for the sbig :(
<GargantuaSauce> aep: less than you're thinking about drawing when asking that question :V
<aep> GargantuaSauce: nope. i'm just trying to figure out which resistor to use between vcc and the gpio
<aep> for a button
<GargantuaSauce> eh, i'm sure 10k will do the trick
<GargantuaSauce> that way leakage when it's in input mode will be absolutely insignificant, and worst case scenario where it's accidentally set to drive low it'll only be sinking a third of an mA
<groz> Vostok, where are you located ?
<Vostok> Finland
<groz> sorry, was away from the computer for a few minutes
<groz> yah, I bought occulus the moment I saw it announced, it's my idea of the 'ideal' allsky
<groz> then, life got in the way, so we couldn't get it mounted for 6 months, we moved twice in that time
<Vostok> right now the raspberry pi is frozen and can't be accessed by ssh and it's 100 miles away
<groz> so, just got it mounted this last weekend, and last night was the first 'clear' night since we got it mounted
<Vostok> and it's the second time it's done that :P
<groz> that sucks
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<groz> there is a shot of my installation
<Vostok> the sbig allsky cam is a bit stupid, since the resolution is bad, the image quality of the sensor doesn't really save anything despite the marketing speak, the color sensor isn't antialiased so the stars twinkle in crazy colors and the images would really need dark proper dark calibration which is impossible with a continuously running allsky setup
<groz> cubie is now buried in the beams of the hot tub cover
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