how far are things from mali working on jellybean?
furan: mali works
what doesn't?
hipboi: you typoed android on the rar name :) minor nitpick :P
on the folder inside the rar rather
whats this
lundman: latest mali props :)
for android
so does this help us run jellybean?
I am JB obsessed
havent even turned on a10 in 3 weeks, anything new to try
furan: JB ran already with the old stuff
lundman: didn't you use it as a NAS?
oh jeez, then I need to build a rom for it
turl sorry to bug you but did you start a repo?
I am about to solder a nand socket to an mk802 and upgrade the nand to different types to see if I have the way the nand table works worked out
furan: yeah, just didn't make a local manifest for it yet though
but it's all on the github org
ZaEarl has joined #arm-netbook
what do you mean by local manifest?
(I'm still working out android stuff)
nm googled
furan, interesting
do you have an external nand programmer also?
no, but i've gotten livesuit to the point of being able to flash it (have to modify the nand table in the files in the image that livesuit loads into memory to do the flash)
last time I tried this I just didn't have the values worked out, since they didn't match the datasheets
also I'm worried that since brom reads the first page it might have hardcoded nand support, in which case with new nand you might have to always boot from a u-boot sdcard that jumps to nand
what do you mean by "hard-coded" support ?
well, brom executes code that reads the first page of nand and then executes code on the nand
so that code in brom may have fixed support for nand, since nand can have different read commands (it generally doesn't, but it can)
e.g. the brom code may have its own table that it references to understand how to read the first page depending on nand id
there are some universal read commands though
that's possible yeah
are there? for some reason the nand driver keeps a table of 'architectures' with nand read/write/etc commands for each arch
I'm learning about talking to nand at the same time
i think to remember there are basic read commands that every nand support
that would be good
but then, there is ECC correction, and that is a different story
and also flashes can have different planes, can be SLC or MLC, blah blah blah
but i think reading the first block should not be too difficult in an universal way
how big is the read? I suppose if it is smaller than the smallest page size it might work
ECC depends on the chip controller, so A10 will expect to find its own ECC scheme on the nand flash
i don't know
a10 nand driver keeps an 'ecc' field for each supported nand chip, I'm still confused about that one. might be num bits
i programmed a flash controller 5 years ago on a DSP chip, it was SLC NAND, 64 pages of 2048+64 bytes per page
what is the +64, to account for bad blocks?
I noticed the page size+number in a lot of dataasheets
usually that number grew with the page size
those are used to store ECC values and other info that might be useful for your filesystem
I see
like logical to physical block translation
some nand datasheet call this "spare", but on linux it's called oob data i think
so when you read/write a page thru the NAND flash controller of A10, it should be able to calculate/apply ECC automatically
which is great, because doing ECC in software is quite costly
hipboi: the kernel land changed quite a bit :P
not that much
is there an mk802 android depot, or some way for me to just pull the device config for mk802?
you imagine, you have 2048 bytes, with a few extra bytes, you are able to locate and correct up to 8 (let's say) bits in those 2kb :) pretty cool
hipboi: the diff is quite big, they refactored quite a bit of things
oh, yes
btw, the rar is provided by my workmate
hipboi: is he the one that sells devices with you?
hipboi: mali did proper kernel makefiles/kbuild/kconfig this time apparently :)