i can't even figure out what this is called
got a simple way of explaining it? :P
rqou: yay rotations
yay i suck at rotations :P
everyone does
which is weird, because i seem to understand the more abstract parts of linear algebra just fine
soylentyellow has joined ##openfpga
rqou: I just got back home, so I'm not going to look at that immediately; maybe ask bofh in #kspacademia (espernet) in the meantime, he can probably give a clearer answer than I can anyway
[yosys] azonenberg created counter-extraction-fixes (+6 new commits): https://git.io/v5HPK
yosys/counter-extraction-fixes c4a70a8 Andrew Zonenberg: Fixed typo in comment. Fixed bug where extract_counter would create up counters when it meant to create down counters.
yosys/counter-extraction-fixes a84172b Andrew Zonenberg: Initial support for extraction of counters with clock enable
yosys/counter-extraction-fixes 0484ad6 Andrew Zonenberg: Added support for inferring counters with active-low reset
alright, i'll try that
why does everybody seem to have a different idea how to do rotations?
I've never seen that matrix before. In fact, I don't remember the last time I had to raise "e" to a matrix power
matrix exponentials are fun!
I would call substituing a matrix in for a Taylor series "fun"...
Additionally, the linked page says 4x4... that looks like 2x2
[yosys] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5HX2
yosys/master e558f00 Andrew Zonenberg: Minor changes to opt_demorgan requested during code review
[yosys] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to opt_demorgan: https://git.io/v5HXw
yosys/opt_demorgan 66e8986 Andrew Zonenberg: Minor changes to opt_demorgan requested during code review
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[yosys] azonenberg deleted opt_demorgan at 66e8986: https://git.io/v5Hpc
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rqou: is there a reason you changed -Os to -O0 in the makefile?
Or was that unintentional
oops, didn't mean to commit that
Can you fix that?
* azonenberg
is just doing a periodic review of diffs between his fork and master
May want to rebase again at some point, but prob not until after the con (i dont need that hassle right now)
[yosys] azonenberg created reduce-fixes (+1 new commit): https://git.io/v5HhC
yosys/reduce-fixes ab1bf8d Robert Ou: extract_reduce: Fix segfault on "undriven" inputs...
azonenberg: looking for the NSA backdoors? ;)
Actually, mostly looking to see what work i should make pull requests for
Previously i'd work on one feature at a time and submit a PR for my whole repo as needed
but now i'm doing more active development on multiple features at once
all in master since i use them all at once in my research
then as various subsystems reach some level of stability, I create an ex-post-facto feature branch, cherry-pick the relevant commits, and send that upstream for merging
[slightly OT] hmm, this sandsifter talk is nice
[yosys] azonenberg created extract_bus (+2 new commits): https://git.io/v5Hhb
yosys/extract_bus 0171c18 Andrew Zonenberg: Cleaned up some dead code
yosys/extract_bus 74d4435 Andrew Zonenberg: Initial version of extract_bus pass
[yosys] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to extract_bus: https://git.io/v5Hje