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<maikmerten> turns out I don't have a firm grasp of Verilog yet. A seemingly trivial testbench of mine gives very unexpected simulation results (simulation done in iverilog), although the synthesis result works just fine on a FPGA.
<tpb> Title: Pasteboard Uploaded Image (at
<maikmerten> (okay, the testbench "misbehaving" is obviously not in itself contradicting that the module under test exhibits the proper behaviour)
* ZipCPU|Laptop takes a look
<maikmerten> :-)
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I've never used that part of the Verilog language, sorry.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I have a rule which is to use only clocks within @(*edge) blocks (sometimes asynchronous resets too). This violates my rule. :)
<maikmerten> thanks for having a look :)
<tpb> Title: spu32/bus_wb8_tb.v at master · maikmerten/spu32 · GitHub (at
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Ever tried formal verification?
<maikmerten> this is putting some predetermined input into the bus unit of my CPU design, waits until the bus unit finished operation (busy-signal goes low) and checks, if the proper values were read
* ZipCPU|Laptop is working on formally verifying an FFT right now
<maikmerten> no, sadly no formal verification :-(
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Why not?
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I formally verify all of my bus components.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> The tools are free, and you find more bugs than with traditional test benches.
<maikmerten> I guess a misguided lazyness on my part has for now prevented me looking into how to specify the constraints that formal verification check for
<ZipCPU|Laptop> That part is already done and posted. You are using a wishbone interface, right?
<maikmerten> yes, I'm using a silly perversion of Wishbone
<maikmerten> (8 bit data bus, but 32 bit address... c'mon...)
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Here's an article that discusses how to describe wishbone using formal properties:
<tpb> Title: Building Formal Assumptions to Describe Wishbone Behaviour (at
<ZipCPU|Laptop> You can find other formal related articles at:
<tpb> Title: The ZipCPU by Gisselquist Technology (at
<maikmerten> ZipCPU|Laptop, hey, cool, I've seen your site before. It actually triggered my move from Wishbone classic to pipelined operation
<ZipCPU|Laptop> ;)
<maikmerten> I may be misunderstanding that article, though: It seems you're checking that the bus cycle itself is progressing as specified (e.g., that the bus components behave properly and that the bus, e.g., doesn't get stuck) - which is of course all that the Wishbone specification can specify
<maikmerten> my testbench basically aims at gaining some confidence that the bus unit actually returns correct data
<ZipCPU|Laptop> What is the unit under test?
<maikmerten> of course, formal methods should be helpful here as well
<awygle> well, it works fine in the fpga because this code isn't synthesizable lol
<maikmerten> a bus unit, which on the "CPU side" is connected to the testbench (where I apply stimuli) - while on the "bus side" a 1KB RAM simulation with predetermined content is present
<srk> ZipCPU|Laptop: that's pretty cool!
<awygle> so whatever issue you have is a simulation issue
<maikmerten> awygle, indeed
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I ask because ... 1) I have several examples of formal properties and wishbone slave components, and 2) the value returned may be constrained by properties appropriate to the component
<maikmerten> awygle, the waveform of the module under test in simulation actually matches what I want - it's just that the testbench checks the module's output at the "wrong time"
<ZipCPU|Laptop> For example, three specific properties will constrain the proper functioning of any cache.
<awygle> maikmerten: i think it's because you can't delay like this in initial blocks, you have to do it in an always block. i could be wrong though.
<maikmerten> and I just can't figure out why the check in the testbench doesn't wait for the busy signal to go low before doing the check
<awygle> what are you using for simulation?
<maikmerten> (okay, that last sentence was completely broken)
<maikmerten> iverilog
<awygle> yeah, i think you want this to be a continuous check, so it probably wants to be always@(posedge clk)
<awygle> or similar
<awygle> but this is a pretty infrequently used corner of the language (at least by people around here). maybe try ##fpga?
<maikmerten> thanks for your input!
<maikmerten> I guess that the non-synthesizable part of Verilog indeed is out-of-scope for this particular corner of freenode ;-)
<awygle> formal is always fun though! and ZipCPU|Laptop swears it's useful :p
<ZipCPU|Laptop> LP
<ZipCPU|Laptop> :P
<maikmerten> oh, I'm pretty sure formal is very useful in a lot of cases!
<maikmerten> Clifford likes formal verification as well, explaining the SAT-solver in yosys ;-)
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Especially bus interactions ...
* ZipCPU|Laptop uses Yosys for all of his formal verification work
<awygle> yes of course, i'm just giving ZipCPU a hard time
* awygle hopes to get back to his formal work... someday
<maikmerten> yeah - bus interactions should be a wonderful target - because there usually are very neat specifications to check against ;-)
* awygle passes around a hat labeled "pay me to do formal work"
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Defn: formal shame, verb, to apply formal methods to someone else's design and prove that the design they thought was working still had many bugs within it. ;D
<maikmerten> don't tell Intel or AMD ;-)
<awygle> i'm currently looking at C code that locks a mutex, then immediately unlocks it, _then_ modifies a shared resource. lots of horrible things "work" :p
<maikmerten> yummy.
* ZipCPU|Laptop will pray for awygle
<awygle> it's cool, my solution to this is permitted to be "rm -f"
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Looks like I'll be able to formally verify a second stage of an FFT ... I already managed to prove the penultimate stage, this would be the last stage. (Neither require hardware accelerated multiplies)
<awygle> nice!
<awygle> somehow i feel like i could go backwards in the log and find you expressing doubt about the possibility of such a thing somewhere
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I have doubt about the possibility of proving the general butterfly, and I have doubt about proving the entire thing together, but at this point ... this works so far.
<awygle> have you done any experimenting with the more "advanced" (for lack of a better term) formal algorithms? beyond k-induction i mean
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I've done a bunch of stuff with cover, although not with the liveness methods.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I've also used the concurrent assertions available in the commercial yosys version.
<awygle> those are all very cool
<awygle> but what i meant was things like "abc pdr"
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I have used abc pdr.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> The first proof of the entire ZipCPU was using abc pdr.
<awygle> also the "aiger" solvers (avy and suprove, maybe others?)
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Yes, I've tried several of those as well.
<awygle> i find these particularly interesting as they seem to be more powerful, or at least differently powerful, than straightforward k-induction
<ZipCPU|Laptop> My favorites are yices and boolector still. While I like abc pdr, if my design would fail then it never returns. On the other hand, if the design would succeed ... often abc pdr returns faster than other solvers.
<awygle> c.f. your induction article
<awygle> and, being a lazy sort, i am interested in anything that involves less fiddling around :p
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Well ... you could be like Clifford and avoid induction entirely.
<awygle> oh? what approach does clifford take?
<ZipCPU|Laptop> He uses bmc almost exclusively. He and I seem to be quite different from that standpoint.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> For me, it isn't a proof unless k-induction passes.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Although, mathematically, it is possible to prove a design with only BMC
<awygle> hm. how? wouldn't you have to get into a provably repeating state?
<aiju> 17:25 < maikmerten> I guess that the non-synthesizable part of Verilog indeed is out-of-scope for this particular corner of freenode ;-)
<awygle> or i guess exhaust the state space
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Heheh ... Just tried "abc pdr" on the module I'm working on and it instantly passed. I'll still need to do more to get yices or boolector to pass.
<aiju> i know this!
<maikmerten> oh :)
<ZipCPU|Laptop> awygle: All designs get into repeating states. At issue is how many states it takes to get there.
<awygle> ZipCPU|Laptop: sure, but you have to prove that
<aiju> maikmerten: it's a race condition
<maikmerten> ewww
<maikmerten> I hate those!
<ZipCPU|Laptop> awygle: Not at all. Someone else did.
<aiju> maikmerten: '=' in clocked logic is bad news
<awygle> ZipCPU|Laptop: you don't have to prove that all designs repeat, you have to prove that you've reached a repeating state of your particular design
<awygle> also isn't this equivalent to solving the halting problem? lol
<aiju> maikmerten: each initial/always block is a process; @(posedge clk) just means "wait until the clock rises"
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Ahh, no the paper had a different approach for that. They had a means of determining the maximum depth for any given problem. Apply BMC to that depth, and then you are guaranteed to be done.
<aiju> maikmerten: '=' is an assgnment that updates the value immediately
<aiju> so ti depends which two procsses run first :)
<aiju> *which of the processes runs
<awygle> ah. interesting.
<aiju> oversimplifying a bit, <= assignments are delayed until the current timestep is over
<awygle> i can see how that would be a nice simple brute-force way to do it
<aiju> 17:47 < awygle> also isn't this equivalent to solving the halting problem? lol
<awygle> $1 = yosys -how_deep_is_my_state_graph; bmc $1
<aiju> only for things that are turing complete :)
<aiju> verilog designs have a finite state space
<awygle> i suppose that's true. they're not rewriteable.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Especially for riscv-formal, where Clifford has been verifying multiple CPU's. He doesn't have the ability to dive into each individually and create enough properties to ensure they each pass induction.
<awygle> until/unless we get a self-partially-reconfiguring FPGA :p
<srk> ZipCPU|Laptop: what's your workflow like?
<ZipCPU|Laptop> srk: How do you mean?
<srk> I would like to learn more about formal verif. but the learning curve is steeeep
<ZipCPU|Laptop> It's not that bad, but go on.
* ZipCPU|Laptop does teach a course on the topic.
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<srk> ZipCPU|Laptop: well, when you work on a block what tools do you use for verification?
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Ok, sure ... I'm working on a block of an FFT right now. I'm editing my design in GVIM, saving it, running SymbiYosys, and then examining the trace in gtkwave.
<aiju> i bought a book on formal verification and it taught you how to use secret intel tools that you will never be able to get your hands on
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Understand ... I came to formal after doing a lot of test bench work. When I found a bug in my first "working" design, I went around to see if I had bugs in others. Invariably, the answer was always "yes" I had bugs in them that I hadn't found.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Designing with formal methods is, IMHO, much easier than the alternative test bench method--you can go faster and be more sure of yourself along the way.
<srk> I'm half-way thru, using ivory/tower and haskell to generate "better" C code for stm32s
<maikmerten> aiju, I'm still at a loss of what happens there, though. To me it still appears that the check should take place after a negative edge of busy
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Ok, the 2-point stage of the FFT now passes formal ... ;)
<ZipCPU|Laptop> (The 4-point stage and the bit reverse already pass)
<aiju> maikmerten: are you sure it's not running at time 0?
<aiju> maikmerten: you could try adding a $display("%T"); to print the current time before the dataout check
<maikmerten> oooooooooooh
<maikmerten> that sounds plausible
<aiju> maikmerten: x->0 is a negedge
<aiju> maikmerten: @(negedge clk) will trigger on initial clk = 1'b0;
<aiju> depending on the scheduling
<awygle> oo that's a good point, yeah
<srk> ZipCPU|Laptop: thanks, this is pretty cool as well
<tpb> Title: ZipCPU toolchain and initial test (at
<ZipCPU|Laptop> srk: Hopefully I'll have the formally verified build up and ready soon. I'm pretty close, although I just now got distracted by this FFT.
<srk> are the course materials available possibly? :D
<ZipCPU|Laptop> Every now and then I'll tweet a slide.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> You might want to browse through the posts. There's a lot of commonality between those and the courseware.
<srk> thanks for these
<ZipCPU|Laptop> My expectation is that the courseware will eventually be released publicly. Feedback from the students said that they wouldn't have understood the course from the slides alone though.
<ZipCPU|Laptop> (I was hands on, over the shoulders of the students, quite often during the exercises--just to make sure they succeeded.)
<srk> I'm out of uni for some years now so I'm ok with learning stuff by myself :)
<srk> doable when you have good foundations and extremely rewarding as you learn stuff which you actually need / want
<ZipCPU|Laptop> I've been out for ... 15 yrs now? Welcome to where learning is actually fun, and where you can learn what you want to learn.
<srk> :D
<srk> this!
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<shapr> anyone jumped on board with the NeTV2 for yosys purposes?
<shapr> bunnie huang product using a risc-v softcore:
<tpb> Title: NeTV2 | Crowd Supply (at
<shapr> not sure if bunnie is using yosys to build the softcore for that Xilinx chip
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