sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
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<sb0> hey tAd
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<UNbroken> does milkymist soc use RISC-V
<sb0> no, risc-v implementations are very slow and extremely bloated
<UNbroken> why is that? according to wackypedia : "A prototype of RISC-V Compressed has been tested.[14] Research with the prototype showed that the code was 15% smaller than an x86 PC, roughly equivalent to MIPS' compressed code, and 7% larger than ARM's Thumb-2 code."
<sb0> I'm talking about logic resource usage and maximum clock frequency
<sb0> not ISA/compiler performance
<UNbroken> so what is next for mlabs
<UNbroken> sb0, maybe low clock isnt much of a problem
<UNbroken> sb0, w/ ooo
<sb0> pft
<sb0> try synthesizing anything and running on actual fpga... you will understand the pain
<UNbroken> dooes mm use ooo?
<sb0> no. and the main risc-v implementation ("rocket") doesn't either, but it's still bloated+slow
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<UNbroken> sb0, if r5 had ooo would that make up for its low clock spee
<UNbroken> and i assume by bloatedness you mean gate count?
<sb0> this rocket thing is >10x lm32 wrt lut count (and that's without OOO). I don't think you can get a >10x speedup with OOO
<sb0> UNbroken, please syntesize any of those cores and then tell me about them.
<UNbroken> just saying we'll find out at the end of the year...
<UNbroken> "Our own open source Shakti processor based on RiscV is getting its TZ support
<UNbroken> but it will be at least end of the year before we can release it on fpga"
<UNbroken> sb0, does lm32 have SIMD
<UNbroken> sb0, looks like the raspberry pi foundation is also getting in on the riscv action
<UNbroken> sb0, XD
<sb0> lm32 will have simd, mmu and ooo but it will be at least end of the year before we can release it on fpga
<UNbroken> ok
<UNbroken> any details on the simd
<UNbroken> how many way/bits
<UNbroken> sb0, also whatabout the gplgpu soc?
<UNbroken> sb0, *core
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<sb0> visual reverse engineering, looks pretty cool:
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<GitHub38> [migen] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub38> migen/master 17f3590 Florent Kermarrec: platforms/kc705: add iMPACT programmer
<GitHub31> [misoc] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub31> misoc/master b313772 Florent Kermarrec: sdram: remove redundant with_l2 parameter (equivalent to l2_size != 0)
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<ysionneau> clifford reverse engineering work is now on hackaday
<ysionneau> sb0 , rjo at NIST is this *this* laser cooling technique which is used to cool down ions?
<sb0> yes
<ysionneau> ok
<GitHub149> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub149> migen/master 263fc47 Florent Kermarrec: platforms/kc705: fix .bin generation with ISE and Vivado
<GitHub149> migen/master 19a6157 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: platforms/lx9_microboard,usrp_b100: fix bitgen opts
<GitHub149> migen/master 21c5fb6 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: Merge branch 'master' of
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<rjo> ysionneau: there are other cooling techniques that we use but this is (a literally hand-waving explanation of) one of them.
<rjo> other laser cooling techniques even.
<ysionneau> ok :)
<ysionneau> because I must confesse that before watching this video, it was very counter intuitive to me how you could cool down something by shooting laser at it :p
<rjo> if you are running towards me and i throw lots of marbles at you, that will slow you down. that effect is roughly half of the story.