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<rjo> sb0: doc/manual, i would say so that it appears in html/pdf
<rjo> we can still link it from README.rst
<sb0> yes, doc/manual
<rjo> and do you mind if I include README.rst in the manual as well, as introduction?
<sb0> sounds good
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<GitHub45> [artiq] jordens pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub45> artiq/master 8340516 Robert Jordens: doc/manual: add faq (edited from artiq-log)
<GitHub45> artiq/master bba434e Robert Jordens: README/manual: refactor intro
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#67 (master - bba434e : Robert Jordens): The build passed.
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<GitHub81> [artiq] jordens pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub81> artiq/master 6a0bc19 Robert Jordens: pdq2/driver: document a few units
<GitHub81> artiq/master 0313980 Robert Jordens: [WIP] wavesynth/interpolate: wavesynth programming tools...
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#68 (master - 0313980 : Robert Jordens): The build passed.
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<ccube> hi, i am new to migen/misoc. i am using a papilio pro board. is there any examples how to drive the IO-pins (_connectors) from my own module?
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<ccube> sb0, thx
<ccube> what means the second parameter (between name and Pins())? Is there any documentation for this?
<sb0> it's just a number, e.g. button zero, one, etc.
<sb0> it lets you request "any" button later
<ccube> ah ok, nice.
<ccube> using pins either as output or as input is working fine so far.
<ccube> but i need to dynamically decide on runtime which pins are in and which pins are out.
<sb0> use TSTriple
<ccube> ok, I thought about something like that.
<ccube> will check that out!
<ccube> thanks
<ccube> bidirect pad net 'io<0>' has no legal driver
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<ccube> Are there any examples on how to use TSTriple?
<ysionneau> the spiflash controller
<ysionneau> since dq lines are input-output
<ysionneau> acathla: hi :)
<acathla> ysionneau, hi
<ccube> ysionneau, thanks. i already found that one.
<ccube> i always get the no legal driver message when compiling
<ysionneau> did you add the triple to the specials of the module? like this
<ysionneau> (L61)
<ccube> yeo
<ccube> yep
<ysionneau> could you paste your code on pastebin? as well as the entire synthesis log also?
<ysionneau> but you are not driving ts.oe
<ccube> yeah, i probably do not understand what i am doing here
<ccube> what is oe for?
<ysionneau> output enable
<ccube> :)
<ysionneau> it's to switch the tristate into output mode
<ccube> okay, this explains why its not working...
<ccube> i gonna try! thanx ysionneau
<ysionneau> looking at the generated verilog can also help
<ysionneau> but it seems you are trying to have at the same time part of the tristate bus in input and part of it in output mode
<ysionneau> I don't think this is supported
<ccube> ah
<ysionneau> the output enable is for the entire bus, not per-bit
<ccube> yeah i am just realizing this
<ccube> so when output is enabled, i cannot red?
<ccube> *read
<ysionneau> I think you cannot
<ysionneau> it must be translated into an IOBUF primitive I think, have a look
<ccube> yeah, i need a method to read and write from/to pins
<ysionneau> 12:04 < ysionneau> I think you cannot < or more precisely, maybe what you will read is your output value, but need to check
<ysionneau> but about the granularity issue, you can just instantiate flen(io) TSTriple, instead of one for the entire bus
<ysionneau> then you will get the "bit" granularity
<ccube> ok, so what i actually want to do is configuring all 48 io pins at runtime to particular functionality, some might be I, some I, some IO
<ccube> (some O)
<ccube> creating 48 TSTriple objects sounds not like the most elegant solution
<ysionneau> well, if you know that some pins are going to be input at the same time (or output), yes you can just do groups
<ccube> yeah, but i do not know which pins
<ccube> it might be that A:12 is an O pin, but also could be an I pin
<ccube> so which group should it be in? :)
<ysionneau> ah yes runtime
<ysionneau> sorry
<ysionneau> well, I don't see how you can achieve that without creating as many TSTriple as io pins then
<ysionneau> you can use arrays or list you know ...
<ccube> yeah
<ccube> gonna try that out
<ccube> and continue playing around :)
<ccube> thanks buddy!
<ysionneau> np!
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<ysionneau> sb0 : it seems sphinx does not handle the %(default) of the help string in the argparser :/
<ysionneau> it prints literaly "%(default)" in the documentation
<ysionneau> sphinx-argparse*
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<GitHub102> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub102> artiq/master a6316c8 Robert Jordens: faq: clarifications
<rjo> ysionneau: does it really help to have the cli tools' options represented in the manual? if you have a tool in front of you, would you not rather just do `tool -h` to get help instead of digging out the manual?
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#69 (master - a6316c8 : Robert Jordens): The build passed.
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