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<rjo> sb0: having a dns (or hosts) entry that resolves to the ip addresses that you want to listen on should be enough.
<rjo> sb0: or you can pass the sockets explicitly.
<rjo> ah. just one socket. but the first solution should be ok.
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<mithro> anyone know what time _florent_ is generally around?
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<sb0> this looks like an asyncio bug...
* sb0 keeps hitting annoying python issues these days
<ysionneau> sb0: this does not raise any exception in python 3.5 (head of "master")
<ysionneau> but it does with 3.4.2 indeed
<ysionneau> so maybe it's fixed on "master"
<sb0> ah, interesting
<sb0> how did you install 3.5? compiled it yourself?
<ysionneau> yes
<sb0> grmbl
<ysionneau> from this repo :
<ysionneau> quicker to compile than llvm :)
<whitequark> hah
<sb0> yeah but if we have to recompile a whole linux system to use artiq, it becomes a pita to install
<ysionneau> yes :/
<ysionneau> we could find the fix and ask for a backport on 3.4 branch
<ysionneau> hummm
<ysionneau> and then ask distros to package the fix
<ysionneau> if debian agrees then I think it gets pulled in Ubuntu as well as a consequence
<sb0> better wait for them to package 3.5 than deal with that bureaucracy
<sb0> maybe i can find a workaround using Process.communicate ...
Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO
<ysionneau> sb0: you also had to sign the Python contributor document using Adobe Signing stuff ? =)
<sb0> yes
<ysionneau> so sad an open source project like python ends up doing such bureaucratie, and ends up using this kind of crapware :/
<ysionneau> but I guess they didn't have the choice
<ysionneau> NetBSD also makes you send some paperwork if you want to contribute
<ysionneau> and GNU projects as well :o
<sb0> Process.communicate() also has the bug
<ysionneau> :/
<sb0> rhaaa
<sb0> well, a hack based on works.
<ysionneau> (Python 3.5 can be installed using pyenv this way: $ pyenv install 3.5.0a2)
<ysionneau> ok
<sb0> ysionneau, in your python test, what if the machine is not online?
<ysionneau> then the test should get skipped
<sb0> or the sysadmin of decides to stop running whatever process is on port 80
<ysionneau> ah, since it's datagram there is no need for the IP to be alive
<ysionneau> or any port being opened
<sb0> ah, ok
<ysionneau> it's not TCP connection based
<ysionneau> but I agree it's a bit hackish
<ysionneau> but I didn't find any graceful way of obtaining the IP address of the local machine
<ysionneau> I guess I should've put a comment in there...
<ysionneau> oh, pyenv can even install miniconda or anaconda : pyenv install miniconda3-3.8.3
<ysionneau> nice
<ysionneau> but does not seem to have GPIO
<sb0> there are some cheaper s6 board, without the annoying hardened cores
<sb0> "Typical applications include ... intelligent video surveillance". yes. lovely application for zynq fans.
<ysionneau> ahah
<ysionneau> it's not surveillance, it's video-protection, they don't have the wording yet...
<GitHub180> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub180> artiq/master 5ca4821 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: ctlmgr: use workaround for asyncio.wait_for(process.wait()... Python bug
<GitHub180> artiq/master d5795fd Sebastien Bourdeauducq: master: watchdog support...
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#48 (master - 5ca4821 : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build passed.
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<ysionneau> seems like Influxdb over UDP does not support timestamps in us or ms, but only in seconds
<ysionneau> let's try the tcp/http protocole via aiohttp
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<GNUtoo-irssi> Hi,
<GNUtoo-irssi> I was wondering if it was possible to use a Spartran6 (used by many free software friendly boards, such as the milkymist, the novena, etc) with free software tools
<ysionneau> you can use some free software tools, but you won't be able to "compile" verilog (or vhdl) down to bitstream (.bit/.bin file) with only free software tools
<ysionneau> so far, I've only seen one open source tool generate working bitstream for Spartan 6, it's worlfgang spraul tool, and it "just" generates blinking led
<ysionneau> wolfgang*
<GNUtoo-irssi> ah ok, I though there was some attempt to reverse the bitstream format on mlab github page
<GNUtoo-irssi> ysionneau: I know that, that's old...
<GNUtoo-irssi> I was wondering about the presentation of Sebastien,
<GNUtoo-irssi> it pointed to some git repositories on github
<GNUtoo-irssi> it was about fixing such problem
<GNUtoo-irssi> so I only saw the PDF, but it explained the complilation chain with the command line tools and the fact that the process is quite separated
<GNUtoo-irssi> and that each piece can be implemented separately
<ysionneau> (the tool I'm talking about : )
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes, he left a note on it
<ysionneau> 18:32 < GNUtoo-irssi> ah ok, I though there was some attempt to reverse the bitstream format on mlab github page < this effort is the link I just gave
<GNUtoo-irssi> telling that he has stopped due to time contraingt
<GNUtoo-irssi> ahh ok
<GNUtoo-irssi> let me find what I was talking about
<GNUtoo-irssi> because the git address was not this one
<ysionneau> maybe you are talking about yosys? which does not generate bitstreams afaik
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes, I'm probably talking about uncomplete tools
<ysionneau> ah yes, Sebastien (sb0 here) also started a reverse engineering effort
<ysionneau> but AFAIK worlfgang went further in his RE work
<ysionneau> wolfgang*
<GNUtoo-irssi> ok
<GNUtoo-irssi> So if I understand well, Wolfgang succedded to blink a led, while Sebastien's research did not produce concrete hardware related results but improved a lot the understanding of the bitstream format?
<ysionneau> yes that's about it
<ysionneau> Sebastien pointed wolfgang to information about the fpga internal architecture, which is in fact disclosed by the ISE tool
<GNUtoo-irssi> If implemented in software, what exactly does Sebastien findings bring?
<GNUtoo-irssi> Would that make FPGA usable with free software?
<ysionneau> and then wolfgang implemented his stuff based on that and maybe some other papers
<ysionneau> I'm not sure what brings exactly, sorry
<GNUtoo-irssi> ok
<GNUtoo-irssi> well, or what Sebastien did in general in
<ysionneau> oh
<ysionneau> he did tons of things
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes, but with reguard to fixing the tools issue only
<ysionneau> but I'm only talking about Spartan6 Reverse Engineering here
<GNUtoo-irssi> like the freedom issue
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes
<GNUtoo-irssi> ok
<ysionneau> well, he wrote Migen, which is a tool allowing to write HDL using Python language
<GNUtoo-irssi> The bottom line is that I find FPGA really fascinating, but the tool freedom issue is a no-go for me.
<ysionneau> which is very nice/cool/handy/efficient
<ysionneau> basically Migen is a Python library which can spit verilog out
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes, I heard about it.
<whitequark> GNUtoo-irssi: have you seen yosys?
<GNUtoo-irssi> no
<ysionneau> then Migen can call for you the proprietary tools (ISE/Vivado/Quartus) on this verilog to spit the bitstream out
<whitequark> it's 75% of a free toolchain. all the way down before PAR
<GNUtoo-irssi> whitequark: do you have an URL?
<whitequark> and PAR is what fpgatools tries to replace (but unlikely would)
<GNUtoo-irssi> thanks a lot
<whitequark> as a bonus, you don't have to deal with the joke ISE people call "verilog compiler"
<ysionneau> basically yosys synthetises, and I think it maps to FPGA resources, then you still need to implement a placer and a router, and then convert the design information into bitstream format
<GNUtoo-irssi> thanks a lot
<ysionneau> you can feed the output of yosys to proprietary tools also
<whitequark> yeah, that's how you can use yosys for synthesis now. pretty much the only way
<whitequark> ironically you can do ASICs with only FOSS tools
<ysionneau> hehe
<GNUtoo-irssi> lol
<GNUtoo-irssi> Very ironic indeed
<GNUtoo-irssi> What about CPLD and similar?
<ysionneau> GNUtoo-irssi: you can do simulation though, without any proprietary tools
<ysionneau> using icarus verilog, + gtkwave for visualization
<ysionneau> (and Migen does interface with iverilog)
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes, but I'm mostly interested in the practical stuff
<whitequark> given enough money, ASICs are practical
<ysionneau> given enough money, you can write a free software FPGA toolchain :)
<whitequark> (well, a simulation is pretty much mandatory before using one anyway, and even for FPGAs)
<whitequark> ysionneau: that's debatable
<ysionneau> ah ?
<whitequark> plenty of examples where more money meant worse software
<ysionneau> well ok, same for anything
<whitequark> for example, as i've mentioned above, the joke that ISE people call their verilog compiler
<GNUtoo-irssi> Enough money probably means millions/Billions of Euros/Dollars
<ysionneau> just stating that if you have money to invest, you can have some developers work on FPGA toolchain
<whitequark> meh, no
<whitequark> you need maybe four experienced engineers and a year
<GNUtoo-irssi> ah ok
<whitequark> wolfspraul worked on that for under a year, and it's sort of usable
<GNUtoo-irssi> That's probably kickstartable then
<whitequark> possibly
<ysionneau> yes, but you would be talking to a very few experts then
<ysionneau> crowd funding works well when you talk to a very large audience
<ysionneau> but, I don't want to discourage you :)
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes, indeed, here it's for the people wanting to directly use fpga
<GNUtoo-irssi> I won't kickstart that myself, but I was thinking about insisting even more to get the "FPGA toolchain" inside the FSF high priority projects
<ysionneau> good luck, FSF does not seem that much interested in hw stuff
<GNUtoo-irssi> Personally I would find it very attracting to be able to benefit from such thing
<ysionneau> maybe FSFe
<GNUtoo-irssi> Well, for them it's "software", and it's important
<GNUtoo-irssi> The novena has an FPGA.
<GNUtoo-irssi> And they would not be able to recommend it because of the FPGA
<whitequark> has anything at all ever emerged out of FSF's high priority project list?
<GNUtoo-irssi> well, few things indeed
<GNUtoo-irssi> sometimes the projects got a boost thanks to that
<whitequark> what even happened to libredwg?
<GNUtoo-irssi> And my point of view is just that it gave a boost to such projects
<GNUtoo-irssi> that's all
<GNUtoo-irssi> it doesn't magically make things happen
<whitequark> I don't see a point in even bothering about that
<GNUtoo-irssi> Because that is all I could do
<GNUtoo-irssi> While I find FPGA so exiting, I've not the required knowledge to even write a program in VHDL, but verilog seem very close to sequencial programming
<kristianpaul> the FPGA is just hardware, they cant just blame it for been as it is
<ysionneau> What is Novena doing with the FPGA?
<kristianpaul> Glue logic if remenber well
<larsc> verilog and vhdl a basically the same
<GNUtoo-irssi> Well, for now few things: SDR, analyzing protocols, osciloscope/logic analyzer
<kristianpaul> and some digital analizer stuff as well
<GNUtoo-irssi> But the potential is just enormous
<ysionneau> not bad
<ysionneau> but I think there are tons of boards you can find with FPGA+cpu, you can even find boards with FPGA containing a CPU (Zynq)
<GNUtoo-irssi> Like you need another 1000 NIC => make flash
<ysionneau> what does those products give you? Freedom? I don't think so
<kristianpaul> FSF as always ignore the bootrom present on many computers
<GNUtoo-irssi> The other use I see is for coreboot bringup: You then make hardware that doesn't require RAM to be inited
<ysionneau> not more than any laptop runing Linux/BSD
<ysionneau> apart maybe from the schematic of the board ...
<GNUtoo-irssi> well, the core idea is that hardware is not modifiable while software is
<GNUtoo-irssi> (that's their point of view)
<GNUtoo-irssi> so as soon as the hardware can be modified not by making a new one
<GNUtoo-irssi> then they treat it as software
<GNUtoo-irssi> so they threat the FPGA bitstream like software
<ysionneau> well, if you had open source fpga toolchain, or cheap ASIC process, or open source FPGA (+toolchain) that could be interesting to have a computer like this
<kristianpaul> They are just keep narrowing this just to software
<GNUtoo-irssi> and a bootrom burned in a SOC as hardware
<GNUtoo-irssi> Well, they had to draw a line somewhere
<GNUtoo-irssi> So I am very aware that this line is far from beeing perfect
<GNUtoo-irssi> I've a good example to prove that
<ysionneau> I would rather have a laptop running Linux on FPGA with multi-core OpenRISC, on some "open source" FPGA board
<ysionneau> than buying a Novena I think
<ysionneau> Novena does not bring me open source liberties
<GNUtoo-irssi> It potentially bring 100% free software but has the FPGA issue.
<ysionneau> well, it runs on a CPU that I don't know
<ysionneau> you don't know what's inside
<GNUtoo-irssi> Some coreboot laptops also brings 100% free software but has the embedded controller issue.
<whitequark> not 100%
<whitequark> still has proprietary video blob
<GNUtoo-irssi> so that's about it, it doesn't go furthurer
<GNUtoo-irssi> yes, that's why I said potentially
<GNUtoo-irssi> there is still some work to be done
<GitHub196> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 4 new commits to master:
<GitHub196> artiq/master e037b93 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test: add worker unittest
<GitHub196> artiq/master 43a05c7 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: worker: split write_results action
<GitHub196> artiq/master 4ba54ac Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test: do not close/recreate the asyncio event loop (WA for asyncio bugs when multiple tests are run)
<GNUtoo-irssi> Porting a 100% free general purpose distro to it is one,
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<GNUtoo-irssi> then remains making some hardware work well, like the VPU, the 3d accelerator and so on
<GNUtoo-irssi> I'm unsure about the exact status of theses
<GNUtoo-irssi> So on the freedom point of view, it's worse than a libreboot computer right now
<GNUtoo-irssi> But the hardware still is attractive: ARM CPU, battery controller for any RC battery you wish, hackable
<ysionneau> sb0: is it normal that when I run the Flopping F simulation, I get nothing in the Scheduler window? nothing in Queue or Timed Schedule ?
<ysionneau> but I can see the RID completed successfully in console
<sb0> ysionneau, no. but it works for me, and worked as well on the oxford computer.
<ysionneau> ok
<sb0> ysionneau, do you have the problem as well with the command line client, or is it only in the GUI?
<sb0> ysionneau, I guess you can fire-and-forget asyncio tasks that do one influxdb request. just make sure they don't stay in memory forever...
<ysionneau> yep with aiohttp for instance I can put a timeout on the request
<sb0> that will make the task terminate, but what I was saying is it might linger in memory after termination for some reason (and asyncio has tons of quirks, if not bugs). so have a look at that...
<ysionneau> ok
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<sb0> GNUtoo-irssi, verilog = vhdl with a different syntax.
<sb0> and a more lax type system
<ysionneau> sb0: if I submit the experiment using artiq_client and visualize queue with artiq_client show queue, then yes I can see the experiment in the queue
<ysionneau> hummm
<ysionneau> but then the queue goes empty and stays that way, even if I submit more experiments
<ysionneau> so there is something wrong on my side :o
<ysionneau> ah no sorry it seems to work, but I need to interrupt/relaunch the artiq_client show queue to update it
<sb0> that shouldn't happen
<sb0> artiq_client is supposed to update stuff in real time
<sb0> well, debug it then :)
<ysionneau> yep let's see what's wrong :)
<sb0> you can probably wireshark the sync_struct connection and see if the master sends the updates correctly
<ysionneau> ok, that was some local changes that I forgot to stash...
<sb0> also, we need a unit test for sync_struct.
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<GitHub12> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub12> artiq/master d38014b Sebastien Bourdeauducq: soc/runtime: import DDS/TTL tester (functions not accessible yet)
<ysionneau> hum weird, if I say to influxdb I want to use time_precision="u" (microseconds) and I send time=1426108604298315 (seen in wireshark) then the web frontend of influxdb only shows me a time of 1426108604298 (so skipping last 3 digits)
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#50 (master - d38014b : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build passed.
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<rjo> ysionneau: we are unlikely to need sub-second precision for the timestamps now. if the rate is higher than a second, you are generating probably generating too much data. and that (influxdb) interface will change anyway afaict.
<rjo> sb0: what is your usecase for binding to an explicit list of ip addresses?
<ysionneau> rjo: ok :)
<rjo> are you targeting influxdb 0.8 or 0.9rcX?
<sb0> rjo, listening to localhost (for responding to pings and termination requests from the controller manager) plus another interface
<ysionneau> here I have 0.8.8 influxdb running
<sb0> rjo, since there is close to zero protocol security, I don't really like binding on any interface
<rjo> firewalls are mandatory already.
<rjo> here at least.
<rjo> and a firewall is how i would enforce access restriction to first order.
<rjo> ysionneau: ack. there quite a few changes in 0.9 but i don't think the client api side will be extremely different. you might want to have a quick look at 0.9 anyway to check that they are not diverging too much.
<sb0> rjo, yes, it's not critical. but since the "python modified on my machine -> python installed by distribution" path likely takes forever, better submit that early.
<ysionneau> rjo: anyway I'm using tcp rest api so it should not have changed
<ysionneau> (with aiohttp)
<ysionneau> sb0: I guess you thought about this, but once you've got influxdb set up, you can have very nice visualization with
<ysionneau> you can build a dashboard showing query results, where you can zoom in/out
<sb0> yes, I think that was the main point of using influxdb *g*
<ysionneau> hehe
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<rjo> ysionneau: you might not be aware. i have been using influxdb and grafana for almost a year now to do these things for all kinds of data from the lab and my ion traps.
<ysionneau> ok I didn't know, but it seems pretty appealing indeed!
<ysionneau> gn8!