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<froese> hmm... can the pwm output directly drive a piezo-beeper?
<froese> (cubietruck)
<n3glv> should be able to
<n3glv> all you might need is a series resistor to regulate current to the piezo
<froese> n3glv: do you know the output voltage and max current of the pwm0 output?
<n3glv> either 3.3 or 5v would be my guess
<n3glv> not much amps
<froese> hmm... the a23 specs sheet specified port-b as 20mA drive strength - that's a lot...
<n3glv> huh?
<n3glv> 20ma@5v is like .001 watts
<n3glv> or .01
<n3glv> volts times amps = watts
<n3glv> an arudino uno will put out enough to sting you if there is enough dampness on skin
<n3glv> ie people have made sex toys from them
<froese> 20ma is typical for a microcontroller but a lot for a soc. btw 20ma@5v = .1 watt
<n3glv> ok
<n3glv> not going to make a ton of sound
<n3glv> could easily drive an op amp
<froese> enough for some little beeping.
<n3glv> oh yeah
<n3glv> could do it on gpio
<n3glv> depends on what kind of sounds you need, could use built in beeper module
<n3glv> vs bare element
<froese> but generating the 2-4khz via gpio costs cpu-cycles. via pwm it's free.
<n3glv> on/off to power a beeper ain't too costly
<froese> a piezo needs a frequency...
<froese> dc won't work.
<n3glv> piezo BEEPER modules are just-add-dc
<n3glv> no code to make pwm @ some rate etc reqired
<n3glv> beeping hardware vs software and a diaphram
<froese> i was thinking about these about 2cm diameter 1mm flat discs.
<n3glv> the beeper ones can be the size of your thumb nail
<n3glv> ie like an american nickle
<froese> should have some of those somewhere in the junk-boxes ;-)
<froese> do those modules require a specific voltage? i guess they have some kind of oscillator built in...
<n3glv> yes
<n3glv> 3-5v I would guess
<froese> hmm... most of those buzzers have coils!
<n3glv> no
<n3glv> it is not electro-mechanical
<n3glv> it's a piezo with an ocillator
<n3glv> fwiw, n3glv is a ham radio operator for 28 years and electronics geek before that
<n3glv> new to micro controllers
<n3glv> not new to transistors and soldering iron
<froese> me neither ;-)
<froese> (sadly only a wannebe ham - getting a license in .de is way too much hassle)
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<n3glv> ya, so I have heard
<n3glv> BIG hamfest there
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<n3glv> zombu2: is from Bavaria
<froese> he told me from dortmund (nrw), like me.
<froese> told me, he want to go to a field day yesterday...
<n3glv> ah
<n3glv> thought he said bavaria
<n3glv> have met him in real life
<n3glv> BIG fucker
<froese> may be - he just told me, he was living 22 years in dortmund. maybe he's born in bavaria.
<n3glv> I think at least 2m tall
<froese> hehe
<n3glv> six foot six inches
<n3glv> over 100kg
<n3glv> 125 maybe
<n3glv> 330lbs
<froese> you with your strange units ;-)
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<froese> have you played with magnetic loops antennas?
<n3glv> I have one I made, almost finished
<n3glv> 1m+3cm outside diamater
<n3glv> made of 3/4" pipe (23mm?)
<froese> "almost finished"? since 10 years? :-) or a new project?
<n3glv> the pickup loop is not right
<n3glv> see mag loop dir
* zombu2 slaps n3glv
<n3glv> zombu2: der kraut!
<zombu2> yeah dortmund
<zombu2> bavaria wtf
<froese> that looks more like a tuner...
* zombu2 slaps n3glv
<froese> wow, big-ass vaccum cap.
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<n3glv> froese: 10-1000pf 3kv@75amps
<n3glv> millitary rate
<zombu2> installing apache and sql and ftp on my pi
<n3glv> is more like 7-1000pf @ 5-10kv lower amps
<froese> well, stay far away from that thing if you power it up *g*
<n3glv> 100watts on 20m will be around 4kv
<n3glv> at over 80% efficiancy
<n3glv> maybe closer to 90%
<froese> depends on the resistance of the loop....
<n3glv> yes
<froese> i only saw those caps on loops of those 1kw-stations
<froese> i was more thinking about qrp ;-)
<n3glv> you can do that with a AM radio air variable @ 5w
<froese> yeah. maybe even two simple plates ...
<n3glv> or length of coax + plates
<froese> and a slider out of plexy-glas (right english term?) that changes the capacity
<n3glv> google 'pedestrian mobile 10-80 mag loop'
<n3glv> or is it 10-40
<n3glv> plexi glass
<n3glv> you can use two circuit boards
<n3glv> one with a grove in the copper down the middle
<n3glv> then the other, backing it up with a rubber band to hold it in place
<froese> from vk3ye? saw his videos.
<n3glv> and you slide the backing one to change the capacitance
<zombu2> fuck i just locked myself out of the rpi
<froese> hmm... sounds ok. of course, one wouldn't get 7-1000pf out of those kind of caps *g*
<n3glv> yes, think that was the vid
<n3glv> right, 7pf maybe, 1000pf? no way
<n3glv> and much lower voltage
<froese> zombu2: now the pi? any board left? ;-)
<zombu2> meh i followed some guide on how to add vsftp and permissions and that asshole forgot to remove the # from the pi user in /etc/passwd
<froese> n3glv: i guess at 5W any gap over 1mm should be fine...
<n3glv> around there
<n3glv> fiberglass might break down lower than air by quite a bit
<froese> oh, does it? didn't know.
<zombu2> well i guess i have to pull the damn sdcard and edit it
<n3glv> zombu2: does it use grub?
<n3glv> if it grub boots, you could chroot if (if you could break into grub loader)
<froese> grub on arm?
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<zombu2> nope
<froese> single-user boot and edit...
<froese> but i guess, you still have no usb-rs232 cable ;-)
<zombu2> well
<froese> zombu2: btw, how was your field-day.
<zombu2> boring
<froese> upps
<froese> you were so excited...
<n3glv> this is about 50-60mi from me
<zombu2> but i did show off my newest invention heh
<n3glv> have been inside that station
<zombu2> bluetooth serial programmer for baofeng and jtag
<n3glv> zombu2: u get jtag working?
<zombu2> fuck yeah
<froese> n3glv: 13 towers - fuck
<zombu2> windows is a nono for right now but in linux it works
<zombu2> was a pain in the ass to fix up the cubietruck bt stack
<zombu2> brb going to truck to edit my sd card
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<froese> so nice antennas and they still need 1.5kW ...
<zombu2> well that fixed it
<froese> zombu2: seems like you fixed your ct
<zombu2> no the rpi
<zombu2> and i m flashing my radxa atm
<froese> zombu2: but 2 days ago...
<zombu2> yeah it s still broke heh
<zombu2> well not completely
<zombu2> i just have no wifi
<froese> and video? is it faster now?
<zombu2> no
<zombu2> still sucks balls
<froese> hmm...
<froese> n3glv: did you see the video of dave jones where he's visiting the local tv-station?
<froese> n3glv: arm thick coax and even bigger wave-guides.
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<n3glv> I have seen 6 and 7/8" coax
<n3glv> nitrogen charged
<zombu2> heliax cable is cool
<froese> nitrogen charged?!?
<froese> ok - found it on google.
<froese> those in the tv-station were simply copper pipes and a conductor in the center with some spacers.
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<zombu2> meh these ppl all the gpio variables are ass backwards on is off and off is on
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<froese> open-collector outputs, maybe?
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<zombu2> heh i found a way to use google calender to make the sprinklers tick
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<zombu2> well i guess the truck is gonna be my new google calender sprinkler system
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<tester> hi
<n3glv_McWifi> hello tester
<tester> i tried lubuntu on sd card, but after removing sd card, preinstalled android don't boot. only "batterysymbol" is showing. reset and pwr on button, dont work. what could be the problem?
<tester> it is the cubietruck
<n3glv_McWifi> yeah, many of the distros corrupt the nand
<n3glv_McWifi> you can reflash the nand
<n3glv_McWifi> with android
<tester> why? the system is on sd, why do they play with nand? its totally crap :(
<tester> but ty. now i know, it should not be my fault
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<zombu2> hmmm
<zombu2> you got android and linux on the sd?
<zombu2> and with sd it boots fine?
<tester> no. only lubuntu. b ut i wanted to try test audio. no mixer device under lubuntu (no X as well) and i tried to switch back to android(which laggs a lot)
<tester> sd is fine
<zombu2> no x?
<zombu2> isn t the bootloader on the sd to boot either?
<tester> g2d_<forgottenm> module problem. but there are some results at google
<tester> inserted sd only, i thin it is on sd. my first day with this "toy"
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<tester> not that easy as raspberry, but better hardware, i hope :P
<zombu2> yeah no sd no android either i think
<tester> whats the best allround dist for cubie?
<zombu2> linaro
<tester> a'ka lubuntu
<zombu2> but the images need updating
<tester> thats what i have
<zombu2> yeah
<zombu2> i threw the stock gui out and used xfce4
<tester> FATAL: Module g2d_51 not found.
<zombu2> lil faster
<tester> no X ^^
<zombu2> something didn t go right
<tester> i think so too :P
<zombu2> you should flash linaro to nand then move rootfs to sd
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<tester> why? sounds "stupid". i have(i think) rootfs on sd.
<zombu2> well yours is obviously broken
<tester> lol. true. but i like the way pc=> sd. not pc=> cd=> nand=> sd
<tester> but il try a little bit later. most problem was the preinstalled android what is gone
<zombu2> well pc to nand then dd it to sd and have a nice backup
<zombu2> you can always copy it to sd from serial console
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<tester> found some tutorial. it reboots now.
<ssvb> tester: g2d_51 sounds like some fishy kernel, most likely 3.3
<tester> got X
<tester> reinstall lubuntu :apt-get install lxdm lubuntu-core && apt-get purge lightdm => and it works
<tester> easier than reinstall all
<tester> maybe i'll try cubieboard 2 as nas. it will be perfekt for single HD nas
<tester> lol. no login. i'll try further. ty for your help. gn8
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<zombu2> he screwed it up himself
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