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<AALCVq> What stable distro do you recommend for CB2? I used cubiez but don't know where to download last version since cubieforums died.
<AALCVq> Tried to use cubiuntu but i could not change display output to VGA on it
<shineworld> cubieforum is died ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: hi
<shineworld> Hi JohnDoe_71Rus
<AALCVq> JohnDoe_71Rus: Thanks, didn't know that forum was already working
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Alive and kicking
<AALCVq> Yesterday it did not work
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: check email please
<shineworld> JohnDoe_71Rus, what sh do you use ? About your problem with my script
<shineworld> I use default /bin/dash from debian (ubuntu)
<shineworld> I guess is only an issue in how I send arguments to sfdisk tool
<JohnDoe_71Rus> am... ubuntu server 12.04 standart install
<shineworld> a question of missing ''
<shineworld> becase in my system works fine
<shineworld> qem@qem:~$ which sh
<shineworld> /bin/sh
<shineworld> qem@qem:~$ ls -all /bin/sh
<shineworld> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 18 2012 /bin/sh -> dash
<JohnDoe_71Rus> how i can check
<JohnDoe_71Rus> this /bin/sh
<JohnDoe_71Rus> ls -all /bin/sh
<JohnDoe_71Rus> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 march 29 2012 /bin/sh -> dash
<shineworld> same....
<shineworld> the "to check" line is: echo "$PART_DESCRIPTOR" | sfdisk -f -D -H $PART_HEADS -S $PART_SECTORS -C $PART_CYLINDERS $PART_DEV
<JohnDoe_71Rus> i think this sd card size
<shineworld> you can reduce dimension of UDISK in cubiecard.sh :
<shineworld> PART_12_SIZE=0x400000
<shineworld> to
<shineworld> PART_12_SIZE=0x200000
<shineworld> I'm using only 8/16GB sd's
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<shineworld> You can change any partitions size (I'm using default sizes used for 4GB nand) modifying cubiecard.sh
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<shineworld> I'm hoping you are using latest at : https://github.com/shineworld/cubietools-cb2
<shineworld> s/at/from/g
<infobot> shineworld meant: I'm hoping you are using lfromest from : https://github.com/shineworld/cubietools-cb2
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: change to PART_12_SIZE=0x200000 now warning size 550 instead 1000
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<shineworld> so you have a disk size issue... reduce USDISK to 0x100000
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Warning: given size (550) exceeds max allowable size (92)
<shineworld> Actually UDISK (is the /sdcard partition) could be very little if you want
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Warning: given size (275) exceeds max allowable size (92)
<shineworld> also databk could be reduced from 0x80000 to 0x10000
<shineworld> is PART_11_SIZE=0x80000
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: You can modify the script to work with nand images? How to disassemble the firmware is written here http://linux-sunxi.org/Boot_Android_from_SdCard
<shineworld> cubiecard.sh and related partition script are yet RAW.... but they accomplish fully my needs
<JohnDoe_71Rus> it work
<shineworld> could be .... I've already tried awtools to get back android partitions form img
<shineworld> however at moment I work only starting from sources....
<shineworld> I guess cubietools is very close to what phoneix does
<shineworld> but you can change the logic
<shineworld> I've already tried to convert it to bin with a tool and work fine but that goes out of target of scripts: to be modifiable ...
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<AALCVq> Lol, i found where was problem with cubiuntu
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<AALCVq> Display settings was overriden in uEnv
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: today will try sd boot
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: You never met SDK 4.4
<shineworld> it's work fine :)
<shineworld> there is a sdk 4.4 ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> i find it
<shineworld> COOOL
<shineworld> have you a link ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> not. I'm searching :(
<shineworld> I'm yet with 1.05 sources (disappears from cubieboard directories)
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Were mentioning about SDK for A31. But working links not yet.
<shineworld> I've tried 1.06 but are buggies
<shineworld> There are new sources on dl.cubieboard.org but I don't know what version are
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<shineworld> cubieboard guys aren't "pragmatic" on archive/manage the things
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: yep
<JohnDoe_71Rus> And they pack ready images in a source file
<shineworld> what I don't understand is :
<shineworld> - why they don't use GIT
<shineworld> - if they don't use git why they don't label various sources release with same name of released images
<shineworld> - if they don't release sources of related images why don't label sources with a sequential order
<shineworld> is almost impossible to understand what a source package contains and order of publication
<shineworld> HTTP access to ftp missing of dates
<shineworld> there's no a public (read/only) access to ftp sources so you can get at least a ordinal of file date
<shineworld> etc...
<shineworld> the repo (with inner git for each repository) is the only real solution because you can create branch and add tags to fastly recovery an IMG code sources
<JohnDoe_71Rus> totally agree
<shineworld> unfortunately android OS is very badly supported than linux counterpart....
<shineworld> where efforts are mainly in kernel
<shineworld> seem the latest
<JohnDoe_71Rus> If they posted the source code, we are able to add them in git? Or possible licensing problems
<shineworld> my only problem to post so much data is my poor ADSL service
<shineworld> at 35Kbps I will take some months
<shineworld> I don't think there is some licensing issue
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<shineworld> for me is only a git push timing problem
* qlex1 says hi
<qlex1> im about to return to fiddling with cubieboard 2 (a20 dual) with android
<qlex1> could any1 tell me if its easy to modify android so that splashscreen includes a different than standard graphics ?
<qlex1> i.e. my logo ?
<sbx320> might be best to push it to git via a remote server instead of a home connection with bad upload rates
<JohnDoe_71Rus> qlex1: the monkeey?
<qlex1> ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> qlex1: splash with monkey
<qlex1> yes
<shineworld> the monkey splash (just after boot) is matter of u-boot (special edition from allwinner)
<shineworld> in android sources there is an old (very old) u-boot version
<qlex1> got a different board (apc via)
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<shineworld> which, in spl, load a bitmap from (somewhere) then initializes the display and show it
<qlex1> managed to replace the uboot logo by "extracting" the image and then packing it again
<qlex1> boots up nicely with my logo
<qlex1> and then autostarts my app
<shineworld> I would like to have boot logo feature in uboot running with SD.....
<shineworld> So I can remove the bootanimation (which is very time consumptive) and have an immediate feedback to display
<shineworld> I will try to port allwinner code in latest u-boot
<shineworld> yes to reduce boot animation in android is necessary to:
<shineworld> - add boot feature in early boot stage (uboot)
<shineworld> - remove bootanimation feature
<shineworld> - reduce preloaded classes on zygote
<shineworld> - modify init.rc to reduce amount of useless services, partitions things...
<shineworld> - reduce installed packages (so PackageManager is more light at boot)
<shineworld> - better if sign the main application (in my case the only) with LAUNCHER mode so there's no any luncher activity than my app
<shineworld> with SD class 10 and some tips the boot is reduced to only 12 seconds
<shineworld> which are yet a lot .....
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<shineworld> s/add boot feature in early boot stage (uboot)/add boot image in early boot stage (uboot)/g
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<qlex1> in simple words, easy or complicated to replace the splash ?
<qlex1> without the need to compile android ?
<qlex1> i also dont need to launcher, just "desktop"
<shineworld> cb1 or cb2 ?
<shineworld> here I've only cb1 openbox sources and seem:
<shineworld> in /dev/block/nanda/ there is a directory (when mounted)
<shineworld> linux/linux.bmp
<shineworld> should be the boot image loaded just when board move from boot0 to boot1
<shineworld> and then run uboot.bin
<shineworld> I don't have any cb to try here
<shineworld> - boot android
<shineworld> - adb shell
<shineworld> mkdir /tmp
<shineworld> - mkdir /tmp
<shineworld> - mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /tmp
<shineworld> - cd /tmp
<qlex1> cb2
<shineworld> check if in /tmp there is a linux/linux.bmp
<shineworld> get and watch linux.bmp in pc with
<shineworld> - adb pull /tmp/linux/linux.bmp
<shineworld> if is your "monkey" you can just push your new image : adb push /tmp/linux/linux.bmp
<qlex1> cool, i will try when i have the board handy
<shineworld> adb shell umount /tmp
<shineworld> then reboot the board
<qlex1> thank you very much shineworld
<qlex1> will try it out probably tomorrow and let you know
<shineworld> I'm looking cb1 openbox sources but I guess are very close in boot to cb2 (in cb2 sources the u-boot is available in sources rathern than bin like in cb1)
<shineworld> in office I've few things
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<mainline> can somebody tell me if mainline 3.15 kernel has necessary usb support for cubieboard? i saw that in sunxi tree there are some specific drivers for sunxi usb
<mainline> shold it work with ehci platform driver?
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<Dave77> is there desktop 2D acceleration for linux on the A80 cubie?
<rooted-arm> i guess
<n3glv> a80?
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<rneese> n3glv_McWifi get off the wifi
<n3glv_McWifi> lol
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<n3glv_McWifi> rneese: my loop is closer to finished
<n3glv_McWifi> it will be 1m+3cm across
<n3glv_McWifi> 3/4" copper
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<rneese> ok
<rneese> cool
<n3glv_McWifi> I went down from 5' diamater
<rneese> I am working on the theme for our pbx gui
<n3glv_McWifi> I can't seem to get hardware accel working
<n3glv_McWifi> on the truck
<rneese> hmm
<rneese> dotn have 1 to test
<rneese> and I dont use the video on my unit
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<rneese> I need to get a loop maked
<rneese> made
<rneese> but I have to finish this other project first
<n3glv_McWifi> going to miss fd
<n3glv_McWifi> wonder if any club sets up by the arch
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<shineworld> I moved my panel from a capacitive panel (spi) to a more simple resistive panel. I was amazed by error (noise) in readed data...
<shineworld> Have you got same experience with rtp ?
<shineworld> CB1
<rneese> hmm I need to look at the lcd for the cubie
<n3glv_McWifi> I'm not sure the tech in my panel, might be resistive, not tried it yet
<n3glv_McWifi> it's on a payphone/kiosk thing
<shineworld> just check the running module or script bin if [cpt] or [rpt] is enabled
<shineworld> [rtp_para]
<shineworld> rtp_used = 1
<shineworld> for resistive
<rneese> is this a screen that plugs onto the board
<shineworld> [ctp_para]
<shineworld> ctp_used = 1
<shineworld> for capacitive
<rneese> or is it a usb addon
<shineworld> probably is capacitive
<n3glv_McWifi> the kiosk is usb
<shineworld> I will write an android program with diff.graph to get a measure
<n3glv_McWifi> and vga
<rneese> ok
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<n3glv_McWifi> I wanna play with the bill validator/stacker
<shineworld> I'm using CB1 with a close display size (a 12")
<shineworld> reading in source code the values admitted for rtp_screen_size are only 5 and 7".... I'm using 12" with a set of 7" .... I hope this isn't the reason
<shineworld> I don't know what is the use of this value... I'm looking....
<n3glv_McWifi> ooOOooo! Nexus 5 order placed!
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<rneese> ?
<rneese> why
<n3glv_McWifi> nice phone, 32GB storage
<mnemoc> n3glv_McWifi: but 2 weeks before google i/o?
<rneese> samsung nexus are know to overheat and fail
<rneese> be ware
<rneese> I have had 3 samsung phones all die
<rneese> the note3 I have tends to get hot with use
<mnemoc> my galaxy nexus still works decently
<mnemoc> (made by samsung)
<n3glv_McWifi> think the 5 is LG
<mnemoc> but google i/o is in 2 weeks
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<rneese> well back to workign on this cubiepbx unit
<rneese> I have to have the img ready by monday
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<shineworld> I've a N4... good phone but not excellent
<shineworld> is well built, none question at LG, only to design itself
<shineworld> major limit of N4/5 is sound of speaker
<shineworld> very loud
<shineworld> display is excellent on indoor
<mnemoc> and the please-break-me glass "case" ?
<shineworld> I haven't one scratch on my glasses
<shineworld> 2nd defeat is in missing sd slow
<shineworld> slot
<shineworld> but your 32Gb is enough (mine is only 16Gb aka 12Gb free for data)
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<mnemoc> why SD slot if there is the cloud. why replaceable battery if you change your phone before the battery dies anyway
<shineworld> there are pro an cons on "missing sd slot"
<mnemoc> what pro can it have?
<shineworld> because here "in Italy" wifi spot "free" are so rarely (due strong law against responsability of net owner)
<shineworld> 1 - internal nand is full ext(x) formatted so any "dismount" to share or access in sd which usually is a FAT
<mnemoc> device breaks and you loose all your files
<shineworld> you can full nand usable in same way for apk and data and your mp3 files
<shineworld> of course
<shineworld> 2nd ... internal nand is more performant than SD and you have only one chip to supply (battery questions)
<shineworld> usually who have external SD have few internal nand
<shineworld> so many people swap APK to SD (and this is against google ideas)
<shineworld> 2nd... to use a NAND ext() permit to use MTP without break any running thing
<mnemoc> look at chinese phones. dual sim, octa core, 32GB of internal storage, uSD slot, 1080p displays, and >3000mAh.... for under $300 shipping included
<shineworld> google is moving away from USB storage concept
<mnemoc> google wants you to store everything in their cloud
<shineworld> 3nd - any device must pay a lot to Microsoft to support fuc...ing FAT
<shineworld> could be
<mnemoc> the FAT patents only affect the dual 8.3/long-name support
<shineworld> 5$ is price asked from Microsoft (In late 2011)
<shineworld> I mean Fat and FAt32
<shineworld> *by
<mnemoc> removing 8.3 bullcrap, no FAT patents involved
<shineworld> however I suffer limitations of a system with only 12GB of data
<shineworld> seem incredible but after a while (months) data finish
<shineworld> I've only 4 music albums, some video, but Whatapp and other tool grown memory
<shineworld> just a game and "games" are end
<n3glv_McWifi> am on a BLU china dual simm bar phone right now
<n3glv_McWifi> $19
<shineworld> another issue on N4 is GPS which "eat" a lot of battery
<shineworld> I've take a N4 just because I'm an android developer which would try its toys with a starndard phone
<shineworld> so I've also n7 2012, latest n7....
<shineworld> $19 for what ?
<mnemoc> a feature phone
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<shineworld> another issue with N4 is the Android Open Accessory, or better the USB bus
<shineworld> you can't use a N4 with a FDTI311D/312D....
<shineworld> usb bus continue to reset
<n3glv_McWifi> got the 32GB nexus because it lacks SD
<shineworld> uhm median filter TP_CTRLx is fixed to 5/3.....
<shineworld> perhaps increasing number of samples I can reduce noise in reads....
<shineworld> mnemoc, there is a bin tool to write a10 registers or is impossible to do at user level ?
<shineworld> I know the memoryinfo can "read" registers
<mnemoc> shineworld: devmem2
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<n3glv_McWifi> think i'm headed home
n3glv_McWifi is now known as n3glv
<shineworld> but is for linux ?
<shineworld> I'm working on android
<shineworld> found
<shineworld> thanks
<shineworld> don't support long....
<shineworld> root@android:/tmp # ./devmem
<shineworld> Usage:./devmem { address } [ type [ data ] ]
<shineworld> type : access operation type : [b]yte, [h]alfword, [w]ord
<shineworld> address : memory address to act upon
<shineworld> data : data to be written
<shineworld> ....
<shineworld> root@android:/tmp # ./devmem 0xF1C2500c w 0x00000009
<shineworld> Memory mapped at address 0x40147000.
<shineworld> Value at address 0xF1C2500C (0x4014700c): 0x0
<shineworld> /dev/mem opened.
<shineworld> Written 0x9; readback 0x0
<shineworld> mnemoc, have you already used devmem2 ?
<shineworld> w stay for long ... (:)
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<shineworld> there is also a devmem in busybox
<shineworld> different code...
<shineworld> but seems none write in register
<shineworld> ok thanks now works ....
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<shineworld> without median filter "is a disaster"
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<mhoney> quiet in here today
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<n3glv> yeah
<mhoney> hows your pbx coming along?
<n3glv> not mine
<n3glv> rneese
<mhoney> oh yah, you guys are just rl friends... my bad
<n3glv> my pbx is vps
<n3glv> both voip geeks
<mhoney> do you use it for a business or just things like conferencing with friends?
<n3glv> I have clients, and my personal system is mostly conference
<mhoney> I work with a guy that writes code for call answering centers using asterix.
<mhoney> suppose it's more legal than hacking pbx systems like we did in the old days ;)
<n3glv> lol
<n3glv> very easy gui for asterisk, freepbx
<mhoney> I wonder how many simultaneous calls the ct could process
<n3glv> a pi can do 4 or 5
<n3glv> 3 very reliably
<n3glv> that is with freepbx gui on top
<mhoney> are there encrypted clients and hosts these days or is everything still clear channel?
<n3glv> two types of encryption
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<mhoney> I hate picking themes for a website... too many choices
<n3glv> I would guess a truck would do a dozen calls
<n3glv> or more
<n3glv> asterisk is SMP/Multi-threaded
<mhoney> cant wait for the a80 to come out
<mhoney> although at that point, why not just buy a cheap x86 fanless atom
<zombu2> n3glv just got my cubietruck
<mhoney> gratz zombu2
<mhoney> what plans do you have for it?
<zombu2> well first things first
<zombu2> getting rid of that android thing
<n3glv> hi zombu2
<n3glv> easy enough
<n3glv> want url for working sd?
<zombu2> sure
<n3glv> debian7
<mhoney> lol, dont worry... about 20 reboots and it will be corrupted
<zombu2> how about hdd install
<n3glv> it has scripts for hdd or nand vga or hdmi
<zombu2> ah cool
<mhoney> I went down to bestbuy and got a 2tb 2.5" drive first thing ;)
<zombu2> well i grabbed a 80 gig out of an old casino machine
<zombu2> was free
<mhoney> free is always good
<zombu2> yeah and i got a gazillion of em haha
<mhoney> that's what we need.... a ct case with a hotswap 2.5" bay
<n3glv> should be possible
<n3glv> ;-)
<zombu2> i got that sunsomething case
<zombu2> sunfounder
<n3glv> ah, black case?
<zombu2> no they send the damn blue one
<mhoney> is that the ewells case thats gold?
<n3glv> I'd saw a hole right over the A20
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<n3glv> and put a fan
<mhoney> got a link?
<n3glv> I beat on it pretty hard and I think 34 or 36C was as hot as it got
<zombu2> i gotta make a hole for a lil fan
<zombu2> that case is not very good
<mhoney> ahhh... yah thats the ewlls case but in blue
<zombu2> me no likey
<n3glv> I see
<mhoney> fan? You shouldnt need a fan even moderately overclocked
<n3glv> does it have all 3 buttons?
<zombu2> the design is crap the cpu points to the top
<zombu2> yes
<n3glv> mhoney: you don't know zombu2
<zombu2> it got power reset and something else
<n3glv> he has a SMD rework station
<mhoney> fun ;)
<n3glv> is ein deutchlander overclocker
<n3glv> ricer even
<n3glv> ;-p
<zombu2> lol
<n3glv> oh, btw, know him IRL too
<n3glv> he is the guy on the ground for my largest voip client
<mhoney> get yourself a nice peltier cooler and an evaporator ;)
<mhoney> no need for a noisy fan
<zombu2> i got a PI clocked at 1440 566 630
<n3glv> he has a fan cooled pi
<mhoney> Lol.. thats too cool.. blog that?
<zombu2> 666 not 566
<mhoney> how may volts it take to get stable at 1440?
<zombu2> 5.29
<mhoney> wow, thats all?
<zombu2> yup if you got a clean psu
<mhoney> I thought it took 6 volts just to get to 900
<zombu2> hell no
<zombu2> clean power is the trick
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<zombu2> i made my own psu
<mhoney> you using a variable bench supply?
<zombu2> no
<zombu2> 5V-48V input 5.29V output max 10A
<mhoney> damn... what rectifiers you using?
<zombu2> got em off ebay
<zombu2> added a couple caps to clean it up and bam
<mhoney> You should blog that... there are a million guys interested in how to make clean psu's
<zombu2> total cost is 20$ as i remember
<zombu2> heh i m not blogger
<zombu2> also if you run that pi that high it needs a windtunnel and some big ass heatsinks on everything
<mhoney> me either, but im going to start because I need somewhere to write down all the shit Im learning.. old brain doesnt retain long
<zombu2> heh
<zombu2> yeah me and n3glv work together on some thing
<mhoney> you ever tried that waterproof spray? You can coat it and run the pi dipped in a water tank
<zombu2> why not in motor oil
<zombu2> way cooler
<zombu2> i had a pc like that years ago
<n3glv> pc supply shold work fine
<zombu2> yup
<n3glv> should...
<zombu2> oil is non conductive
<n3glv> just put a female USB on it, or cut the wire
<mhoney> so what do you do with them after you overclock them?
<zombu2> i use em
<zombu2> the pi is on 24/7
<zombu2> since about a year
<n3glv> he did have one monitoring broadcasts from airplanes
<n3glv> on his roof
<n3glv> at 1090mhz
<mhoney> sweet
<zombu2> heh lol 1 sec
<n3glv> look at a project called dump1090
<mhoney> friend and I make all aluminum enclosures for small computers - http://gallery.remotecpu.com/index.php/Zoom-Floppy-Case/2014-03-23-17-37-11
<n3glv> nice
<mhoney> looking at doing one for the radxa or cubox
<mhoney> would make a perfect heatsink ;)
<n3glv> a truck one would rock
<mhoney> holy shit, is that realtime?
<zombu2> yup
<mhoney> dude, thats awesome
<n3glv> mhoney: $20 tv dongle
<zombu2> 14
<n3glv> and _any usb pc_
<mhoney> ok, I want one... where do I find out more?
<n3glv> I upload mine to www.flightradar24.com
<n3glv> search dump1090 and rpi
<zombu2> the company flightradar24.com send me a free reciever and antenna
<n3glv> the pi one has nicest interface
<zombu2> bout 1400$ worth of stuff
<n3glv> zombu2: did you open that? it's a BBB?
<zombu2> ?
<mhoney> beagleboneblack?
<zombu2> oh i dunno i haven t looked yet
<zombu2> i figured before i rip it apart i give em some data haha
<n3glv> yes mhoney I think the one they sent him is bbb based
<mhoney> that is my second favorite mini pc so far... the rev c is perfect... a little expensive though
<n3glv> zombu2: can you test my tracker?
<zombu2> sure
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<zombu2> nada
<n3glv> hmmm
<n3glv> stupid router
<mhoney> thats what we need.. a multi ethernet arm board... I saw one the other day but it was like 300 bucks... at that price x86 is the way to go
<n3glv> going to put it in dmz
<n3glv> zombu2: retry with 8080?
<zombu2> nope
<n3glv> pm
<n3glv> also my pizza bread just went ding brb
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