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<n3glv> cute
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<n3glv> hammond mfg in CaNaDa could do custom like that
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<syeekick> anyone about !
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<n3glv> syeekick: ?
<syeekick> i am not sure how to add the rtl8187 driver on my truck
<n3glv> oh yay
<n3glv> realtek
<n3glv> blech
<n3glv> that's the ethernet?
<syeekick> it works out of the box on every linux distro i've tried. its renowned for its compatibility
<syeekick> its a wireless nic
<n3glv> yeah
<n3glv> still waiting on my truck
<n3glv> grrrr
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<Newguy885> I have an issue with cubieboard not booting
<Newguy885> when i got it it worked fine than i installed debian-xbmc on micro sd it boots fine
<Newguy885> but when i remove micro sd to boot into android led2 just blinks green
<Newguy885> what does led2 blinking mean was android on internal flash corrupted?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> so you one time boot sd card linux and android broken?
<Newguy885> looks like it
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<Newguy885> thats what i was looking for
<Newguy885> so i should have upgraded android first before booting into linux on sd
<Newguy885> is that what went wrong?
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> restore android in nand. and modify linux sd.
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<Newguy885> i cant find the script.bin
<shineworld> in sd ?
<Newguy885> yes sir
<shineworld> just mount -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /<your path>
<Newguy885> its suposed to be in the root right?
<shineworld> yes
<shineworld> you have to be 'root' user
<Newguy885> thats to mount the nand?
<shineworld> ah to mount the nand is ame
<shineworld> same
<shineworld> mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /mymountpoint
<shineworld> nanda and mmcblk0p1 contains the script.bin (for android)
<shineworld> perhaps this is valid also for linux
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<Newguy885> What is the mount point I have to use?
<shineworld> create newone
<Newguy885> How?
<shineworld> # mkdir /tmp/mymountpoint
<Newguy885> thanks
<shineworld> #mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /tmp/mymountpoint
<shineworld> mkdir /tmp
<shineworld> mkdir /tmp/mymountpoint
<Newguy885> I got an error: /dev/block/nanda does not exist
<Newguy885> same for mmcblk0p1
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<Newguy885> Is the mmcbl0p1 in de /dev the same as in the /dev/block directory?
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<shineworld> I don't know where you are booting (nand or sd) ?
<shineworld> try to paste (in debian paste for eg) your /dev/block
<Newguy885> from sd
<shineworld> linux or android ?
<Newguy885> the nand(stock android) is corrupted partition table got damaged
<Newguy885> im in lubutu
<Newguy885> from sd card
<shineworld> ah ok
<shineworld> you have to move any reference on nand and disable nand on script
<shineworld> *remove
<Newguy885> i have to disable the nand driver thats why i got to mod script bin
<shineworld> try to paste #mount result
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<shineworld> in linux SD could be named sda sdb instead of mmcblk
<shineworld> just check how sd device is called
<shineworld> script.bin should be in first partition
<shineworld> #fdisk -l
<Newguy885> in /dev there is mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p2 and nand no nanda
<shineworld> ok so #mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/mymountpoint
<Newguy885> when i try to mount mmcblk0p1 it says vfat is not the right fs(filesystem) to use
<shineworld> so is ext
<shineworld> try #mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/mymountpoint
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<Newguy885> i get no error but nothingit gives no error but nothing gets mounted
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<Newguy885> the dir /tmp/mymountpoint remains empty
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<shineworld> Newguy885, this sound very strange
<shineworld> try #fdisk -l and copy result to paste.debian.com
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<Newguy885> yes thats what ive been trying
<Newguy885> but i get no disk part list
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<shineworld> you have to do on root or "sudo fdisk -l"
<shineworld> otherwise you get an empty list
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<Newguy885> i know
<Newguy885> it does nothing
<Newguy885> weird think is i dont need a password for sudo
<[o^o]> if you are root you don't need sudo
<[o^o]> can do sudo su to become root and not need to sudo all the time, but that can cause occaisonal permissions issues
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<Newguy885> i got it working
<Newguy885> mmcblkfdisk only list mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p2
<Newguy885> mounting mmcblk0p1 gives: wrong fs type and mounting mmcblk0p2 gives already mounted or busy
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<Newguy885> fdisk -l only lists mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p2 sorry
<Newguy885> mounting mmcblk0p1 gives: wrong fs type and mounting mmcblk0p2 gives: already mounted or busy
<Newguy885> but nothings mounted not in /tmp/mymountpoint nor in /mnt
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<Newguy885> frustrating lol
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<Newguy885> anyone can help me?
<FR^2> no.
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<Newguy885> how nice
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<jay21> hello
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<jay21> i m about to buy cubieboard
<jay21> what os do you suggest
<jay21> is lubuntu ok?
<FR^2> NewGuy885: It's my default answer to questions like "can anybody help me?", "is somebody there?" and such ;)
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<Newguy885> What happens of i flash a new image on the nand whilethe android partition table is damaged
<Newguy885> does it simplyy overwrite or does it permenantly brick?
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<Newguy885> i got dc
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<mhoney> it just wipes the nand
<Newguy885> there wont be remnants that cause issues later?
* rooted-arm feel's horny , just got the stock :P~ (http://www.kw.gs/cubiestock.jpg)
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<NamanG> how can i know about the sram available in cubieboard1? is it 32kB?
<mnemoc> NamanG: yes
<NamanG> mnemoc: oh great! thanks. what does (32K + 64K) mean?
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<mnemoc> I guess two banks, one of 32K and a second of 64K :p
<NamanG> extendable to 64K maybe, anyways this would do. cool :)
<mnemoc> as it's within the SoC I doubt it's "extendable"
<mnemoc> unless those are reserved for some IP which you can disable and abuse
<mnemoc> NamanG: better ask in #linux-sunxi
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<NamanG> i see. thanks for the tip
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