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<mhoney> ct me
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<zombu2> did you get mint running
<mhoney> I didnt try... went shopping instead ;(
<zombu2> ah fuck
<zombu2> lol
<zombu2> i got my radxa rock today
<zombu2> what a pleasant board
<zombu2> the case was a pain in my ass but the board is great
<zombu2> updated linaro to 14.04 already and installed mali400 x drivers
<mhoney> im jealous... I want one of those
<n3glv> I beat my head against truck trying to get x to work last night
<n3glv> guess I'll try your link tonight mhoney
<mhoney> are you using hdmi or vga?
<n3glv> the img insists on hdmi
<mhoney> I switched to vga to get non standard reolutions
<n3glv> and I'm fairly sure it's the super-resolution that is the issue
<n3glv> think you could pastebin your xorg conf?
<mhoney> sure sec
<n3glv> booting it now
<n3glv> umm
<n3glv> path is not the same
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<n3glv> may be running openbox?
<n3glv> now what
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<zombu2> yeah the radxa is nice
<zombu2> quirky but usable
<zombu2> against the cubietruck it s a breeze
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<n3glv> this projects (yes plural) is a cluster fuck
<zombu2> yeah
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<n3glv> the one that works, does not do hw acceleration the one that IS hw accelerated has a clusterfuck of an x config
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<zombu2> heh the radxa is a bitch to get mali to do anything
<zombu2> if the hw one a nand image?
<zombu2> is*
<n3glv> sd
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<mhoney> morning
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<discopig> Does anyone have any idea about this? http://www.cubieforums.com/index.php?topic=2668.msg17482#msg17482
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<n3glv_McWifi> hello discopig
<discopig> hi
<n3glv_McWifi> what is that chip? bluetooth?
<n3glv_McWifi> the wifi is bcmdhd
<discopig> bcmdhd is broken in 3.4.86+
<discopig> you have to use ap6210 instead
<discopig> but i cant get it to work
<n3glv_McWifi> really?
<discopig> yeah
<n3glv_McWifi> I'm running cubieez
<n3glv_McWifi> and it's working, but don't know which kernel
<discopig> it might be 3.4.79
<n3glv_McWifi> yes, sounds correct
<discopig> most distribs ship with that since it's the latest stasble kernel
<n3glv_McWifi> can't get hw acceleration right
<discopig> but .79 makes my CT hang and freeze constantly, so i cant use that
<n3glv_McWifi> mine is very very stable
<n3glv_McWifi> just no mali etc
<n3glv_McWifi> running x on it etc
<discopig> yeah
<discopig> do you get any error when trying to get mali working?
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<n3glv_McWifi> no
<n3glv_McWifi> just no idication that it's on
<n3glv_McWifi> and no change in performance
<n3glv_McWifi> I'm not advanced at all
<n3glv_McWifi> beginner level
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