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<syeekick> can you install metasploit on the cubie truck?
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<Deskwizard> Well my first compile run, I'll say it that way lol
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<snors_> ouch
<snors_> so I guess I’m out of luck.. the CedarX is not yet compatible with any browser
<snors_> so a h264 mp4 file won’t play smooth through a broswer :(
<snors_> unless I convert it to a FLV
<snors_> but for a production enviorment...
<snors_> are there any projects to make for example Chromium work with HW acceleration(CedarX)
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<Deskwizard> stupid question but ... how do I run the kernel menuconfig on the lichee kernel sources .. ?
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<Deskwizard> I changed some settings by hand, but for the wireless drivers I worry that some options wont appear without enabling one first... you get the idea ..
<Deskwizard> *poke buZz*
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<dob1> Hi, I would like to buy cubietruck with ewell case, but what is the purpose of the lithium battery?
<dob1> It is needed for the hdd ?
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<FR^2> dob1: No, it's for the clock so that the time is kept even if you shutdown the thing.
<dob1> FR^2, so it's optional, i can sync the time with ntp at boot I think
<FR^2> yes
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<Bushmills> i'm sure the adafruit sales department can give you a more reliable answer
<n3glv_McWifi> meh, more interested in frist hand users
<n3glv_McWifi> vs salesman
<n3glv_McWifi> brb
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<rm> this has no right to be more expensive than a tablet with the exact same display
<n3glv_McWifi> yeah
<n3glv_McWifi> a lvds 7" display might actually work better right? (for a truck?)
<buZz> 'a monitor'
<buZz> yes i am using a monitor right now
<buZz> it can take some messing with script.bin but you should be able to use any hdmi screen
<n3glv_McWifi> I guess a lcd from a laptop that is lvds and the backlight inverter?
<buZz> lvds doesnt work 'better'
<n3glv_McWifi> ah
<n3glv_McWifi> easier to find cheap I think
<buZz> doubt it
<buZz> look for motorola lapdock
<buZz> should be ~50 euros
<n3glv_McWifi> what's that in USD?
<n3glv_McWifi> 80?
<buZz> i dont know
<n3glv_McWifi> was not that far off, and probablly $80 with shipping
<n3glv_McWifi> thanks for the tip buZz, will look. that is the right device? (the jpg I linked)
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<buZz> yes
<buZz> the motorola lapdock
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<n3glv_McWifi> just bought one 'for parts'
<n3glv_McWifi> missing kbd
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<n3glv> $25.50 shipped
<n3glv> ;-)
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<n3glv_McWifi> ebay item 251528842563
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<n3glv_McWifi> AndrewMM: WHY WOULD YOU SPAM ME IN PM?
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<n3glv_McWifi> YAY my truck is in NY (I'm in Pa) should be here soon!!
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<mhoney> can anyone point me to a fix for why hdmi shuts off after a while and wont turn back on even after a key is hit or mouse is moved?
<n3glv_McWifi> screen saver?
<n3glv_McWifi> or power manager?
<mhoney> no screensaver installed... minimum xfce4 install
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<mhoney> ive seen a few mentions of it with google, but no resolution
<n3glv_McWifi> apmd ?
<mhoney> ill check
<mhoney> apmd not installed
<mhoney> btw, this is the ct1.9_debian_hdmi distro
<n3glv_McWifi> I don't have my cubie yet
<n3glv_McWifi> but chased things like this around in linux for a while
<n3glv_McWifi> and I _do_ run xfce on xubuntu
<mhoney> oh good tip... I will give that a try. ty
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<mhoney> ty rm, that seems to have done the trick
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<mhoney> blows me away to have such a small pc with 2tb hd all in one ;)
<Midnightmyth> what distro do you use?
<mhoney> ct1.9
<mhoney> debian
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<Midnightmyth> just a general question, what distro would be best for at cubiebard 2 for tv xbmc use?
<mhoney> qbee-x ?
<mhoney> bbiab
<joph> probably a media player? :P
<joph> i would prefer something like xbmc
<joph> there was an image
<buZz> keep in mind the XBMC devs -still- dont like to support allwinner chips
<rooted-arm> some hdmi converters need extra power.
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<rooted-arm> if this is your problem.
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<joph> propably it's also the mali400 issue ;)
<Midnightmyth> joph: what issue with mali400?
<Midnightmyth> Is the binary driver decent to use?
<joph> now seems the situation a little bit better
<joph> >1year ago it was horrible
<ssvb> joph: what kind of situation?
<joph> the use of proprietary kernel modules and stuff like that
<ssvb> mali kernel modules have been always open source right from the start
<joph> even those for video acceleration?
<joph> i don't think so
<ssvb> first, mali does not do video decoding acceleration
<ssvb> second, the kernel modules for cedarx vpu are also open source
<joph> i can't find it anymore, there was a wiki entry about "this issue"
<joph> seems like this entry has been deleted
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<Midnightmyth> what issue?
<joph> i don't remember the detail, >1 year ago i read about this
<joph> so it was once a proprietary library?
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<Midnightmyth> are there any current issues with video playback?
<joph> i was talking about the past
<joph> on the page you see the progress, probably now it's much butter
<joph> *better
<Midnightmyth> I dont own a cubie, but want one for media stuff controlled from the tv
<ssvb> joph: there is a userland proprietary library for cedarx, and now there is also a reverse engineered blob-free open source implementation
<ssvb> Midnightmyth: what kind of media stuff? XBMC?
<Midnightmyth> xbmc if posible ssv
<Midnightmyth> ssvb:
<Midnightmyth> I can see distros for raspberry pi seems fine. Like OpenELEC
<Midnightmyth> but RPi is just slow and no point in buying one
<Deskwizard> openelec on rpi is indeed quite fine
<ssvb> Midnightmyth: as buZz have mentioned, the situation specifically with the XBMC application is complicated
<Midnightmyth> well the reason why I ask is because I want to know.
<ssvb> Midnightmyth: the XBMC developers got pissed off, and stopped caring about Allwinner hardware -
<ssvb> Midnightmyth: don't expect nice and problem free experience with XBMC
<Midnightmyth> Sounds bad..
<Midnightmyth> So basicly allwinner doesnt care at all about the consumer
<joph> that's why you probably should get another board
<Midnightmyth> any recommendations?
<joph> raspberry pi, the new odroid, beaglebone,...
<joph> probably you should look at the xbmc page for supported boards
<joph> on the other hand: if you just want to playback media: get a good mediaplayer
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<ssvb> beaglebone has nothing for video decoding acceleration
<buZz> there have been new efforts towards xbmc on allwinner
<buZz> but they are all 100% community efforts
<buZz> which isnt that bad imho
<ssvb> Midnightmyth: Allwinner cares about Android, everyone else is one their own
<buZz> but .. if all you want to get out of a board is running xbmc, it probably helps to get one thats totally supported ;)
<buZz> yeah , allwinner is the #2 most produced arm chip afaik?
<ssvb> buZz: what kind of new XBMC efforts? do you have a link?
<buZz> but that market is 99.99999% android devices
<buZz> hmm lemme see, i am on 2.5G now /
<buZz> :/
<joph> probably on of these small AMD systems could be a good solution
<buZz> om
<buZz> 1mom*
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<Midnightmyth> The new kabini seems nice, but the cubieboard 2 is just soo cheap and seems like all i needed.
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<joph> these amd boards cost 50€ + ram
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<joph> actually nothing
<buZz> just on ssvb
<buZz> there are 3rd party githubs linked with xbmc forks that implement cedarx
<buZz> joph: 50 eu new amd board incl cpu?
<buZz> thats cheap stuff
<joph> Biostar A68I-450 Deluxe but active fan + old cpu
<ssvb> buZz: but they are exactly the original abandoned efforts, no?
<joph> ASRock QC5000-ITX/WiFi this one offers for 86€ an A4-5000
<buZz> no they have done work on it since
<buZz> but afaik havent moved to the opensource stuff yet
<buZz> joph: so, quad bulldozer?
<joph> i think so, but it sounds to cheap ;)
<joph> the board of a intel nuc costs just 85€ too
<buZz> Biostar A68I-450 Deluxe <- is excl cpu
<buZz> oh
<buZz> perhaps not? but its socketed anyway? hmm
<joph> CPU AMD Fusion APU 450D Dual-Core Processo
<buZz> yeah
<buZz> scroll up
<joph> they have a socket for a SoC? lol :D
<buZz> Socket BGA FT1
<joph> Socket BGA FT1 :DF
<joph> strange
<joph> never seen a socket for a SoC :D
<buZz> not totally weird
<joph> the io ports look minimalistic
<buZz> i need a many core system ~soon
<buZz> really hope hipboi_ will publish some A80 announcement soon
<Deskwizard> id be happy with the one I have fucking working
<buZz> :)
<mnemoc> buZz: benn is cubietech, hipboi is radxa
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<mnemoc> cubietech is in zhuhai, radxa in shenzhen
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<buZz> oh sorry
<buZz> hipboi used to work for cubietech, didnt he?
<buZz> ha, excellent to see software coming :)
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<mnemoc> buZz: hipboi is tom cubie, founder of cubietech :p
<mnemoc> but he moved to shenzhen and founded radxa
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<buZz> alright :) tnx
<mnemoc> and benn is now in charge of cubietech
<buZz> > can be expected that Cubieboard 8 will be available for the end sales in mid- June
<buZz> so i guess i should just stop looking for 2 weeks ;)
<mnemoc> depends on allwinner
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<mnemoc> they still don't give any detail to device manufacturers. oth cubietech did the optimus board for aw. so they are by definition ahead of everyone else regarding independent boards
<mnemoc> even something as simple as "does it support sata" or "are all usbc usb3.0 capable or only the OTG?" can't be answered :\
<buZz> yeah its a drag
<buZz> maybe we can just start allwinner europe and do their techsupport
<buZz> :P
<buZz> pull a reverse india on china
<Midnightmyth> So actually freescale is an better alternative in terms of everything related to allwinner
<mnemoc> except that the imx6 is crap, the imx7 product line was killed, and the imx8 is a corporate masturbation
<buZz> does freescale have accelerated video decoding?
<mnemoc> and vivante code is even worse than allwinner's
<mnemoc> buZz: yes
<mnemoc> but cedarx kicks it ass
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<Midnightmyth> Meh seems like no arm boards are worth buying...
<buZz> heh ok
<buZz> Midnightmyth: they are developmentboards
<buZz> not consumer products
<Midnightmyth> Still what is the point of developing.. if you cant get access to the info you need
<buZz> availability
<mnemoc> Midnightmyth: the cubietruck is great, and also the olinuxinos
<Midnightmyth> mnemoc: I just wish allwinner was more cooporative in regards to making it easier to actually use thier products
<ssvb> Midnightmyth: the point is that you can get a lot of fun hacking the things like XBMC code, basically all these devices are nothing else but toys for geeks :)
<mnemoc> but we don't drive their sales :p
<Midnightmyth> I know and I want to use one as a toy as well. .. just dont want to run into hardware problems so I cant get started
<mnemoc> allwinner' sales I mean
<mnemoc> Midnightmyth: you won't run on any serious problem picking the CT
<mnemoc> and you can decode 1080p fluently with 100% free software
<mnemoc> no other arm platform can offer that
<mnemoc> and if you want OSHW, you have olimex's
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<hypno> mnemoc: what do you mean by imx8 is corporate masturbation?
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<mnemoc> putting all the many in ARMv8 on a company who doesn't have any customer needing 64b, and that almost went bankrupt because they weren't capable of lauching their cortex-a9 until it was already old
<mnemoc> s/many/money/
<infobot> mnemoc meant: putting all the money in ARMv8 on a company who doesn't have any customer needing 64b, and that almost went bankrupt because they weren't capable of lauching their cortex-a9 until it was already old
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<hypno> aha. interesting.
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<mnemoc> but I did preorder a nitogen6 max :) ... to see the impact of 4GB of dram
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<mnemoc> i thought it was not possible to have >3GB on cortex-a9
<papito00> hi, i am trying to compile something with gpio.h included but i receive an error
<papito00> acutally i look in my cb2 gpio.h and it does not existe
<hypno> through PAE?
<papito00> any one could help?
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<hypno> i looked at the nitrogen6 "middle board" but felt it was a bit too pricy
<hypno> still, many fun connectors
<papito00> anyone around?
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