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<l_r> hello
<l_r> quicke question
<l_r> does the cubieboard support h264 encoding and decoding via gpu?
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<leehambley> hi all
<leehambley> I'm just looking at my CubieBoard for the first time, wondering where one finds the .fex file? I'm reading and but there's no clue where the actual file on disk might be
<n3glv_McWeefie> fex2bin bin2fex
<leehambley> ah, so I dump it out from bin2fex to stdout, or a file, or whatever
<leehambley> and then push it back through the other tool to "apply" it, then reboot
<n3glv_McWeefie> ya that's how I understand it
<leehambley> great, thanks for the hint n3glv_McWeefie
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<avi_m> Hi, I have Cubieboard2 and when the cpu is highly loaded it suddenly shut down, Any idea to what it can be related ?
<n3glv_McWeefie> heat?
<n3glv_McWeefie> did you install the heat sink?
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<ssvb> avi_m: a poor power brick or your power cable
<n3glv_McWeefie> bet it's heart
<n3glv_McWeefie> HEAT.. sorry
<ssvb> that's unlikely, unless you overclock the cpu
<n3glv_McWeefie> or, he didn't install the heat sink?
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<ssvb> as I said, it's very unlikely
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<zombu2> i d say it needs more power
<n3glv> and I'd say he's long gone
<zombu2> meh
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<zombu2> my truck is on since a week now 24/7 no issues
<n3glv> going to go ride around park
<zombu2> k
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<n3glv> u get acceleration going on truck?
<zombu2> no its been stubborn
<zombu2> i got it running on the radxa so ima try to modify my aproach and use the radxa source
<n3glv> ya
<zombu2> ima make a sprinkler system out of my PI it s not good for anything else
<l_r> does the cubieboard support h264 encoding and decoding via gpu?
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<Deskwizard> anyone has any idea where I can set the default time format to 24h and the date format in android? i tried props, didnt work, tried google, to no avail...
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<Deskwizard> for the date format I could probably hack it so that the locale default is at the bottom and mine is at the top, but it seems like a shitty solution...
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