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<shineworld> cubieboard guys !!! where to get latest Android 4.2_v1.08 sources ?
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<Grefor> can someone help me set keyboard layout right?
<popolon> Grefor, on X11 or console (linux) or Android ?
<Grefor> console linux i think
<Grefor> im on cubieez
<Grefor> dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-con
<Grefor> not fixing it
<Grefor> when pressing? i get - when pressing - i get ' its driving me nuts
<Grefor> no one
<popolon> in console
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<popolon> loadkey fr for french, es for spanish,,,
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<mnemoc> loadkeys
<Grefor> $ sudo loadkey en?
<popolon> yes +s :)
<popolon> sudo loadkeys en, but don't believe sudo it's needed
<popolon> Grefor, what returns "locale"
<popolon> at LANG line
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<Grefor> i dont know im still learning linux
<Grefor> lo
<Grefor> locale -a says c utf8 eng utf8 es utf8
<mnemoc> `locale -a` shows the options you have for LANG=
<Grefor> ok
<Grefor> than how should i check?
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<jelly> Grefor: "loadkeys us" ought to set US English layout for the console
<jelly> (run as root)
<Grefor> it works but keys are still not right
<Grefor> really odd its a logitech g11 do they have a special layout?
<mnemoc> you can create your own custom keymaps
<mnemoc> see dumpkeys
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<buZz> 16:25:00 < Grefor> it works but keys are still not right
<buZz> which keys?
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<Grefor> i have that qwerty layout
<Grefor> if i press ? i get a - and when i press a - i get a '
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<Grefor> i have tried en es nl
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<shineworld> cubieboard guys !!! where to get latest Android 4.2_v1.08 sources ?
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<Grefor> does 4.2_v1.08 support script.bin?
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<tuxmax> someone have test cubuntu on cubietruck?
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<shineworld> I don't know... I'm using latest sources from and I guess are the 1.05 (but I'm not sure)
<Nefarious___> Regarding read/write speeds for the onboard SATA, is there a limit?
<shineworld> Grefor, have you installed the 1.08 ?
<Grefor> no not yet flashing nand is no fun:p
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<shineworld> I'm running Linux version 3.4.39 (shine@shine) (gcc version 4.6.3 20120201 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-2012.02-20120222 - Linaro GCC 2012.02) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 15 12:41:20 CEST 2014 in SD
<shineworld> but I don't know what version is
<shineworld> about tablet say "Firmware version" v2.0rc4
<shineworld> kernel version 3.4.39
<shineworld> built from sources: file:///home/shine/android/archive/cubieboard/v2/
<shineworld> ls
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<shineworld> .... I'm flashing v1.08....
<Grefor> good luck
<Grefor> i go sleep
<Grefor> have good day
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<shineworld> Grefor seem Cubieboard2_SDK have same build.prop of V1_08
<shineworld> if so .... V1_08 support script.bin because Cubieboard2_SDK does
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<n3glv> so far cubietruck support has been CLEAR AS MUD
<shineworld> Linux version 3.4.39+ (parker@cubietech) (gcc version 4.6.3 20120201 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-2012.02-20120222 - Linaro GCC 2012.02) ) #49 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 6 19:15:19 CST 2014
<shineworld> so isn't the same
<shineworld> 3.4.39 vs 3.4.39+
<n3glv> shineworld:
<n3glv> you on cb2 or ct?
<shineworld> CB2
<n3glv> k
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<n3glv> they are similar I guess
<n3glv> but ct has vga and more ram
<n3glv> and sata
<shineworld> yes, just a little different defconfig perhpahs
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<n3glv> the sd that I got to boot, I see the login and then BLACK, I am pretty sure because it's trying to jack resolution up to max (way beyond my monitors capability)
<n3glv> extremely frustrated
<n3glv> ie "waste of money" level
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<shineworld> my system works perfectly with LCD (lvds 1024x762)
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<shineworld> with old sources is very simple to fix your bug
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<shineworld> just to comment a code line in
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<shineworld> a sec for a diff
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<mhoney_home> evening all
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<shineworld> SurfaceFlinger, when boot finish, reset display reading a file content in /data/displaymode
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<n3glv> shineworld: ?
<n3glv> that for me?
<shineworld> so, to not modify too much things, is only necessary to avoid this file creation
<shineworld> yes
<n3glv> ok, will look at it when I get home / back to ct console
<shineworld> n3glv, bootanimation then black I guess you are using a LCD and not HDMI display
<shineworld> you haven't specified
<n3glv> both displays are on
<n3glv> jacked in
<n3glv> I get up to the login to X
<n3glv> and then poof
<n3glv> soon as I supply pw and hit enter
<shineworld> ah.... I'm speaking about android... sorry
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<shineworld> I've made a mistake, because I was speaking about my need to have latest android sources (which fix some interesting issues) but I'm not able to find ...
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<shineworld> I can't work with pre-build nand images because I'm using SD and overall I need to add my customs
<shineworld> changes
<shineworld> s/customs/custom/g
<n3glv> I want to do nand+sata
<n3glv> but if I can't get X + mali acceleration this thing is JUNK
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<shineworld> sorry n3glv, I've zero experience with linux
<shineworld> android is enough complex for my limited skills
<n3glv> ah
<n3glv> don't say android to me right now, I have a $400 nexus that no computer / linux / win8 has been able to see on usb
<n3glv> brand new phone
<n3glv> nexus 5
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<shineworld> sure ?
<shineworld> lsusb don't find it ?
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<n3glv> nope
<n3glv> not on any pc
<n3glv> or linux or win8 with any drivers that I can fine
<n3glv> find
<n3glv> no dmesg
<n3glv> no lsusb
<n3glv> etc
<shineworld> Bus 001 Device 015: ID 18d1:4ee2 Google Inc.
<shineworld> also with USB debug OFF you should find this:
<shineworld> Bus 001 Device 016: ID 18d1:4ee1 Google Inc.
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<shineworld> 4ee1 is VID when a google phone have USB debug OFF
<n3glv> ?
<shineworld> are you in linux now ?
<n3glv> this is nexus 5
<n3glv> yes
<n3glv> am on xubuntu laptop
<shineworld> like me
<n3glv> no change
<shineworld> just connect nexus 5 and get lsusb
<n3glv> with or without phone with or without dev mode / usb debuggin on/off
<shineworld> but in status bar, when you connect your phone at pc, have you the message "Connected as a media device"
<shineworld> *
<shineworld> ^
<n3glv> nope
<n3glv> can I pm you the lsusb with and w/o phone?
<shineworld> yes
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<mhoney> Man I love this CT
<mhoney> just need to get the acellerated video figured out
<n3glv> yeah mhoney same here
<mhoney> sucks there isn't a little better support for video... seems like all these mini-pc's have issues with hardware support
<buZz> video on arm is quite shitty
<mhoney> sure seems that way
<n3glv> buZz: zombu2 as an a20 device running at 245fps
<mhoney> which is ironic seeing as that is what most people want to use it for
<buZz> why would that be what most people want to use it for?
<zombu2> well it s no good without hw accel isn t it
<mhoney> htpc?
<n3glv> xbmcmediacenter
<buZz> xbmc is such a boring application
<zombu2> even to watch a damn youtube movie
<buZz> i mean
<n3glv> I'm sitting here with a brand new $400 nexus 5 (32GB) that won't talk usb
<n3glv> epic_fail
<buZz> you get an entire computer, massive IO, loads of gpio, memory, storage, EVERYTHING, and all you can think of doing with it is
<buZz> 'entertain me with video'
<buZz> :(
<n3glv> buZz: manage media collection maybe?
<zombu2> well thats a big part
<zombu2> also 2d accel
<buZz> i have used a cubie2 as workstation for about 2 weeks
<zombu2> but no video
<buZz> now trying to turn one into a bitcoinwalletserver
<mhoney> I just want the 2d accel
<buZz> but memory requirements are tough :(
<zombu2> ^^ those are drivers and stuff
<buZz> G2D driver works quite well for 2d accel afaik
<zombu2> you have to substitute your own kenel source though
<mhoney> im not a kernel hacker... wouldn't know how to compile ;(
<zombu2> and don t forget to move mesa-egl
<zombu2> just follow the damn tut and sub truck kernel source for the one from the radxa
<n3glv> I'll try that later
<n3glv> about to head home now
<zombu2> still at mc D?
<zombu2> well ima reflash my truck then dd it to hdd then compile mali
<zombu2> brb
<n3glv> yeah zombu2 let me know
<n3glv> is exactly what I want to do/run
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<mhoney> http://lauri.võ
<mhoney> found a site today that said the wireless is slow on the ct because it shares the same buss as the sd card
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<zombu2> this board is a sirious pain in my ass even the windows drivers are shit
<zombu2> 3 machines all bluescreen on driver
<mhoney> i never had any trouble with the windows driver
<zombu2> 0x00000007f
<zombu2> unplugging it
<zombu2> i really do prefer the radxa rock now ... can you believe i never got this damn board to work right
<zombu2> on the radxa everything just works win linux etc