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<zombu2> does anyone have the mali stuff running correctly on the truck?
<zombu2> as in windows moving fast without lag
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<siji> Here we are facing some problem with HW.Acceleration (video playing) with Cubieboard clone
<siji> Using android custom build with Screen Orientation enabled
<siji> And made a smaple android program with HW.Acce by enabling the dessired parameter in Mainfest.xml
<siji> It works fine only once, after that we tried our best to get it working, but not succeed yet
<siji> Where am wrong , pls guide me
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<bhag> usbserial module is missing in Cubie baoard (linaro)
<bhag> can anyone help me out
<bhag> ?
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<Dave77> where can I download the latest uboot binary from? (can't compile it here...)
<n3glv> which OS?
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<Dave77> can't compile under ubuntu 13.04 so need binary
* n3glv I give up
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<DEac-_> hi
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<n3glv> hello DEac-
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