<rneese> edit /etc/apt/source.list and add in contrib and non-free
<rneese> and then apt-get update
<rneese> then you an get the firmware for your device
<rneese> think its non-free
<rneese> yes its non-free
<n3glv> synaptic can do this, right?
<rneese> never tried
<rneese> I dod it from the cmd line
<rneese> I cant even get mine to boot from sd at the min going crazy
<n3glv> checking for updates via syntaptic
<n3glv> ie got the wired running
<n3glv> Bethani says hi
<n3glv> hey, what was your address on Helen St?
<n3glv> 304?
<rneese> ?
<n3glv> in the bottoms
<n3glv> B used to live there too
<rneese> I dont remember
<n3glv> how many floors was it?
<rneese> 304 i think
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<rneese> first floor
<n3glv> she was on 2nd floor
<rneese> 3
<n3glv> 9x14 room
<rneese> there was the apt on the first and rooms 2/3
<n3glv> sorry, 14x19
<n3glv> she was in 8a
<rneese> ahh ok
<n3glv> gotta be same place
<rneese> restroom brb
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<rneese> ok back
<rneese> so whats going down now
<rneese> you still look like your arib
<rneese> lol
<rneese> teasing
<rneese> he has one hell of a fan
<rneese> tan
<rneese> ok i got it to boot from sd
<rneese> now Ihave to re pull down the base os img
<rneese> and retry
<n3glv> what did u have to do to restore sd boot?
<rneese> I burned a cubieez img to a sd
<rneese> and booted it
<rneese> and it booted fine
<rneese> so now I have to get the base os and try again
<rneese> cubiez and ham apps on 4 gig is going to be tight
<rneese> so I think a class 10 16 gig will make it a nice terminal
<n3glv> I'm on nand ver of cubieez
<rneese> yes but the cubieboard have only 4 gig nand
<rneese> the cb2
<rneese> you have 8
<rneese> diff
<n3glv> yep
<rneese> they should have gone for blug on nand like the odroid
<rneese> so you can have 4/8/16/32/64
<rneese> loading my odroid emmc next
<rneese> for the u3 to build on
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<kieppie> hi folks
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<kieppie> what is the intended finctional difference between cubian & cubieez? simply GUI vs terminal?
<kieppie> *functional
<n3glv> not sure kieppie
<n3glv> I'm on cubieez and having networking (no wifi) issue
<n3glv> issues
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<rooted-arm> does cubieboard2 and truck has audio outputs ? :P
<rooted-arm> what about hdmi audio output too ?
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<mnemoc> rooted-arm: spdif and hdmi audio in connectors. I don't remember if there is analog audio in the headers too. probably
<mnemoc> rooted-arm: doh. there is a 3.5" connector as well
<mnemoc> rooted-arm: cb1/2 is the same but without the sdpif
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<n3glv> toslink optical as well
<n3glv> on the truck
<n3glv> and I suspect the IR could do out as well as in
<mnemoc> the ultimate ultimateness
<n3glv> lol
<n3glv> now to see if this truck can survive a reboot w/o corrupting the nand
<n3glv> ended up back on android with it
<n3glv> am actually rather disapointed with it so far
<mnemoc> they should have used tSD instead of NAND
<n3glv> can't reboot with a storage sd in it
<mnemoc> odd
<n3glv> I formatted the SD
<n3glv> with cellphone
<mnemoc> that means it's FAT... bad idea for linux
<n3glv> well I can reformat it with the android on the truck
<n3glv> gonna see what it does with sata connected
* mnemoc has never used android or the NAND in his CT
<n3glv> kinda expecting it to shit the bed
<n3glv> yep
<n3glv> note to cubietruck sales department What use is a SATA connector and a SD slot that you have to UNPLUG TO BOOT THE DAMN THING FROM NAND?
<mnemoc> if the SD card is not bootable it will boot from NAND
<n3glv> anyone have any idea how to add stuff to the desktop or the favorites on the android?
<n3glv> blue light, solid, no boot
<mnemoc> plug a uart/usb and see
<n3glv> ?
<mnemoc> the CT is a development board, not a CE product
<n3glv> I am told that you need the ftdi cable thing
<n3glv> I guess what you are calling uart
<mnemoc> yes
<n3glv> don't have
<n3glv> would take me a day and a half to afro-american-engineer one from an uno or something
<mnemoc> the CT is a development board, not a CE product. you are expected to be able to plug a uart/usb and fix things over the serial console
<n3glv> lol
<n3glv> well, it's useless for xbmc media center (the main reason I bought it)
<n3glv> it _may_ be able to do my ham station
<n3glv> but it's short a few usb for that
<mnemoc> it can do media center just fine
<n3glv> under android maybe
<n3glv> the img that they offer up is pretty bad
<n3glv> what's that?
<mnemoc> no idea about images, never used any
<mnemoc> Cedrus is the reverse engineered VPU driver to decode 1080p on linux
<n3glv> whole lot of RED on that chart
<n3glv> no divex, chunks of mpg and mpeg missing, etc
<mnemoc> feel free to join and improve the state
<n3glv> lol
<n3glv> or see if someone wants to trade me for an odroid?
<n3glv> neat, no means to format the sd card
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<utente_> i try to recompile 3.4.90 to support LAN9512/4, cut i dont find it into menuconfig... some suggestion?
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<utente_> cubieboard a10 has 2 usb. Has A10 2 separate usb 2.0 channel or there is a switch that do 1-to-2 usb channel? in other words, if i use 2 usb hadrdisk connected to cubieboard, does the transfer rato go to the mazimum vor each port ot it is ony 50% beecause one channel serve 2 usbports?
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<n3glv> utente_: I'm no expert but I think that would be up to the device _and_ the driver
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<utente_> n3glv, rasbperry has 2 usb ports, but it is the LAN9512 that split the only usb line avaiable on the broadcom soc. so i wonder if also in A10 there is an interlan split the line.
<n3glv> I saw someone saying something like that, that the second one may not be connected
<n3glv> again, I have had my truck for 2 days
<n3glv> and am no way an expert
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<n3glv> fossxplorer: interesting nick
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