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<fossxplorer> Does Cubie 8 support SATA?
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<Bushmills> doesn't seem so
<popolon> fossxplorer, no, and a80 doesn't suport it. but there is USB3, that has decent transfer rate say some :(
<fossxplorer> Ok. Hmm ,yeah, but SATA would be much better to build NAS with. USB3 might be good speed wise, but SATA supports SMART reporting etc that USB3 can't
<fossxplorer> I'm still looking for a device that supports SATA multiplexing
<fossxplorer> Too bad A80 doesn't
<hypno___> honestly, do you use SMART and is it actually any good besides temp reports?
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<jelly> hypno: it's useful if you track values regularly and observe changes in error rates and errors starting to rise over time
<jelly> sometimes, not always, it gives you enough time to clone and replace a drive out of an array before it fails
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<rneese> so what is everyone using thier cubies for
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<rneese> I have turned 1 into a pbx and 1 into a rdp unit
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<Vanfanel> Hi! Do you know if there's a way to use r4p0 MALI binary blobs on the cubierboard/cubie2?
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<rneese> dont know that you can
<Vanfanel> rneese: do you know if LIMA is still being developed?
<rneese> dont know
<rneese> for what I use the units for now I use stock imgs
<rneese> of just the os
<Vanfanel> rneese: ok, thanks anyway
<rneese> they are all headless units
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<popolon> is someone know a lowcost (even virtual) server hosting company in China ?
<popolon> on a virtual server or a cubieboard :)
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<popolon> seems hard to find, perhaps that's better to host in india or something like that to be at least not too far in asia
<rneese> vmware
<rneese> install it
<rneese> look at digital ocean
<rneese> I think they have china service
<popolon> I would prefer a xen or kvm instance
<popolon> kvm/qemu
<popolon> ok, thanks I will look at it
<popolon> there are what I want for 895 to 1595 rupies by month in india
<popolon> not too much expansive
<popolon> but I'm afraid that service is not so good ?
<popolon> there are 3month plans
<popolon> and I don't know if the throughtput is good between china and india
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<popolon> rneese, looks like digitalocean is an us company, that's not what I want
<popolon> sorry
<popolon> perhaps in russia else ?
<popolon> nice too
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<popolon> the prices are in €, so I suppose there are less expansive solution in ruble :)
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<popolon> I would really prefer in china (but not HK)
<popolon> and on arm server, but 1 or 2 more year is probably needed for low cost ARM hosting
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<rneese> ok is there a reason to keep the jvm on the cubian img if its not used execpt for the orig build
<rneese> the jvm and java and all that could be removed can it not ?
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<Bushmills> whether there is a reason to keep them depends whether you intend to keep any package installed which depends on them
<n3glv> rneese: wanna buy my cubietruck?
<Bushmills> assuming you have aptitude (still) installed, aptitude why <packagename> tells you for what reason a package is installed
<rneese> no I only use the cubieboard for pbx and a rdp unit right now
<rneese> and the odroid x2 is my main unit
<rneese> what you replaceing it with
<n3glv> it's of little use to me
<n3glv> xbmc media center is a toad
<n3glv> and that's what I bought it for
<rneese> your giving up on arm to easy
<rneese> ok
<rneese> I think most mediacenter software is useless
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<rneese> so you got xbmc working on it and did not like it
<rneese> ?
<n3glv> bottom line, it's $100 worth of paperweight
<rneese> sorry mman
<rneese> I have started making a odroid ham img
<rneese> and building up all the ham tools I can fid
<ssvb> n3glv: are you using android?
<rneese> find
<n3glv> ssvb: no
<n3glv> the mali instructions did not work
<ssvb> n3glv: maybe try it, the chances are that it has media players
<rneese> you might try the android im
<rneese> I know they have xbmc for it in android mode
<n3glv> I don't want android
<ssvb> n3glv: mali instructions do work, but they provide you with 3d acceleration
<ssvb> n3glv: then please fix xbmc, everything is up to you :)
<n3glv> is there any support for sata in android mode?
<n3glv> (didn't see it)
<rneese> it should be in the kernel
<Vanfanel> I feel the same as n3glv about the cubie2: it's sloooow as hell for RetroArch (on Linux, using MALI or LIMA on fbdev), so I'm about to give up on the board. In fact, MALI blobs are so utterly bad that the Raspberry Pi is actually able to emulate systems at rock-solid 60fps that the CB2 can not
<rneese> look at the odroid boards
<rneese> have had no issues with them
<n3glv> the whole thing is much more ALPHA than BETA
<ssvb> Vanfanel: you should have realistic expectations, mali mp2 is not a very fast gpu
<rneese> no its a dev board
<n3glv> rpi is 1000x more developed
<Vanfanel> ssvb: yes, but RetroArch only uses it for basic GLES2 2D scaling
<ssvb> Vanfanel: raspberry pi clearly has a more powerful gpu
<n3glv> rneese: not interested in tossing MORE $$$ out
<rneese> the odroid is the best quad core on the market for the price of a raspi
<rneese> sell the unit on ebay
<ssvb> Vanfanel: if you have problems with 2D scaling, then *you* are doing something really wrong
<rneese> there are people that will buy it
<n3glv> I discovered the reports of xbmc NOT working, after the board was shipping
<n3glv> despite what the image list shows
<n3glv> that seems rather fraudlent to me
<Vanfanel> ssvb: GLES2 for 2D scaling, it's actually 2 triangles and a texture, not 2D really :)
<n3glv> ssvb: runs video files fine, but not xbmc media center
<Vanfanel> ssvb: the problem seems to be outdated MALI blobs. The Odroid U3 was VERY slow until r4p0 was released. I have both.
<n3glv> for all I know it could be an i/o bottle neck ( A BAD ONE )
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<ssvb> n3glv: the rumors say that there is xbmc for android, you probably need to find it and install
<n3glv> ssvb: I own a nexus5 running xbmc
<n3glv> that's not the point
<n3glv> I put two weeks into the cubietruck
<n3glv> it's a PIECE OF SHIT
<n3glv> FOR SALE
* n3glv is done with it
<Vanfanel> ssvb: do you know if LIMA is still for sale?
<Vanfanel> aagh
<Vanfanel> in development I mean
<Vanfanel> :D
<Vanfanel> ssvb: do you know if LIMA is still in development?
<Vanfanel> hehe
<rneese> look at that blog jeff
<ssvb> Vanfanel: odroid u3 had really poor mali drivers integration before r4p0, sunxi has resolved this problem ages ago with the older mali blob versions
<n3glv> rneese: I am not chinese or a school student, so the point of that link is????
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<ssvb> Vanfanel: all the other performance differences are just there because of the number of pixel processors, their clock speed and memory bandwidth
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<Vanfanel> ssvb: I've tried r3p0 and it's SLOW. Do you mean r3p2-whatever should be faster?
<Vanfanel> slow an buggy
<ssvb> Vanfanel: r3p2 is faster because it can use both pixel processors
<ssvb> Vanfanel: r3p0 is ok
<ssvb> Vanfanel: if it's slow and buggy for you, then you probably should try something to debug it
<Vanfanel> the problem is that it seems I need a special kernel (with updated kernel space mali) to use r3p2+
<Vanfanel> when I got the board, last year, I used your kernel, a branch you have with r3p2 kernelspace mali
<ssvb> Vanfanel: based on your symptoms, if r3p0 does not work well for you, r3p2 is not going to improve anything
<Vanfanel> but now, I'm using a "newer" kernel (still 3.4) that fixes other problems, but it's stuck on r3p0
<ssvb> Vanfanel: it only provides a roughly 1.5x speed boost, with everything else being equal
<Vanfanel> speed isn't the only problem it seems
<ssvb> Vanfanel: that's what I'm trying to tell you
<Vanfanel> ah, ok
<Vanfanel> understood
<Vanfanel> well. what about LIMA? is it still in development, ssvb?
<ssvb> Vanfanel: please try to find out what's wrong with r3p0 for your use case
<ssvb> Vanfanel: how is LIMA related?
<Vanfanel> well, for some reason, RetroArch seemed to run way faster with LIMA
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<rneese> well jeff dont know what to tell you
<rneese> sorry man
<rneese> for what we started out using it for it works great
<rneese> but we are using the cb2 not the ct
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