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<repozitor> where i can find ADC (details and sample programs) about Cubietruck3?
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<Vanfanel> hi, are we getting MALI r4p0 on the Cubietruck / Cubieboard2 ?
<buZz> what do you mean 'getting' ?
<Vanfanel> I mean if there's or there will be a way to run those on Cubie boards
<Vanfanel> until now, the newest I've seen was r3p2
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<eagles0513875> hey guys ;)
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<Vanfanel> Hi, cubietech people: Will MALI binary drivers r4p0 ever be released for Cubietruck/Cubieboard2? Current r3p2 is horribly outdated
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<jelly-home> ah, you got the answer on #linux-sunxi
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