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<rneese> is anyone working to get 4.4.4 android working on the cubie
<iggy> there are a few different cubie's
<rneese> cb2
<iggy> it should be possible, but I haven't heard of anyone working on it
<rneese> 4.2.2 is old and 4.4.4 looks nice and we fond a page so you no longer need wifi
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<rneese> so you no longer need wifi for apps
<rneese> well I can start with 4.2.2 and go from there
<rneese> I am working on a bot and thinking android os might make fr the best os
<rneese> the odroid has 4.4.4 now but I get my devboard on friday for the cb2
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<SquirrelCZECH_> hmm
<SquirrelCZECH_> 3d printing and streaming video
<SquirrelCZECH_> and it works just fine, like! :)
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<FergusL> hello, I've compiled a kernel for cubieboard
<FergusL> but when it runs it's stuck at "waiting for root device /dev/nandb"
<FergusL> it works with the standard kernel
<FergusL> I've simply put the resulting uImage in the nanda partition, where uEnv.txt is etc...
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<rm> maybe you didn't compile in the NAND driver
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<FergusL> rm: probably, I just tried by putting the kernel on an sdcard and booting it and it works fine
<FergusL> so yay ! realtime kernel on cubian
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<FergusL> is there a tutorial about how to create sd image ?
<FergusL> I can't find a recent ubuntu version for sd card
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<discopig> i don't think we'll ever get 4.3, much less 4.4
<discopig> there's been no work to port it from what i can tell
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<keiwop> Hi everyone ;)
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<keiwop> I've begun to play with my cubie2 today. After installing arch on a sdcard, I'd like to know if I can install it in the NAND without LiveSuit ?
<keiwop> LiveSuit isn't compatible with my laptop ArchLinux ><
<keiwop> If I repartition the NAND to the same partitionning than my sdcard, the only thing I'll be missing will be the cubie2 kernel with CONFIG_SUNXI_NAND=y ?
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<emx> EDID for my 1920x1200 monitor is not recognised by cubian (or uboot). now my monitor displays 1280x800 pixels (as fallback defines it), but the virtual resolution seems to be 1920x1080, so i don't see the full gui. where to start debugging?
<mhoney> emx, turn of edid auto detection and set the resolution you want in the uboot conf
<mhoney> I dont have my cubietruck here or I would be more specific
<emx> mhoney, what do you mean "I dont have my cubietruck here"? that's standard equipment, man...
<emx> that would be disp.screen0_output_mode=1920x1200p60?
<mhoney> im at work... sec ill check, im remoting home
<emx> that's no excuse :P
<mhoney> console=ttyS0,115200
<mhoney> root=/dev/sda1 rootwait
<mhoney> script=/boot/ct-vga.bin
<mhoney> extraargs=rootfstype=ext4 sunxi_ve_mem_reserve=1 sunxi_g2d_mem_reserve=1 sunxi_fb_mem_reserve=32 disp.screen0_output_mode=1680x1050p60 pani$
<mhoney> kernel=/boot/uImage
<mhoney> thats how I manually set my monitor to a non standard resolution
<emx> i will check
<emx> btw: will cubie boot faster from nand?
<mhoney> no, nand is definetly slower
<emx> i use cubian
<emx> errr ok
<mhoney> hdparm shows a class 4 sd as faster than nand
<emx> so sata is the alternative
<mhoney> you cant boot from sata, but you can mount it as root after boot
<emx> yes. as you do, i assume (root=/dev/sda1)
<mhoney> yup ;)
<emx> funny. my uEnv.txt seems to be ignored or display setting is overriden. i set to 1920x1200p60
<emx> but still fallback resolution
<mhoney> sec I have another idea
<emx> k
<mhoney> somewhere I read you can create a xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 to set the resolution manually
<mhoney> Section "Screen"
<mhoney> Identifier "VGA-0"
<mhoney> Device "/dev/fb0"
<mhoney> Monitor "LG"
<mhoney> Option "DPMS" "false"
<mhoney> EndSection
<mhoney> Section "Screen"
<mhoney> Identifier "HDMI-0"
<mhoney> Device "/dev/fb1"
<mhoney> Monitor "LG"
<mhoney> Option "DPMS" "false"
<mhoney> EndSection
<mhoney> thats my xorg.conf - there isn't one by default so you'll have to create it
<mhoney> but as you can see i dont have the lines to manually set the resolution
<emx> as soon as i find it i will try
<emx> err. there is no such file...
<mhoney> you have to create it
<mhoney> it goes in /etc/X11
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<mhoney> fyi, I can't remember if hdmi gave me trouble, but I use VGA output
<mhoney> also, I read lots of places people saying I couldn't do 1680x1050 because it wasnt a supported resolution, but that was BS.
<mhoney> not everything you read is true.... even if other people believe it
<emx> yes, i got used to that
<emx> weirdly i can't save my preferences in "display settings"
<emx> and my /etc/X11/xorg.conf seems to be ignored...
<mhoney> what distro are you using?
<emx> cubian
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<emx> no trick works for me...
<emx> i guess it is something old and buggy
<mhoney> I tried cubian originally and for some reason went with the distro I linked instead
<emx> can i trust someone who is called igor?
<mhoney> lol
<emx> the cubian image is useless. my hd tv is showing garbage
<rneese> it works fine
<rneese> wrong channel
<rneese> cubieez works the best
<rneese> and cubian 7.5 for just base os works fine
<rneese> r5 works I have used it
<mhoney> the one I use has wifi working out of the box... think thats why I went with it
<rneese> Cubieez works great also
<rneese> man I wish my dev board was here
<rneese> I want too get making something
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<rneese> git the dev unit board today
<rneese> now to order modules
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