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<syeekick> so is there a way for the cubvie truck to have dlna support?
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<shineworld> someone are using this chip with CB2 and android ? http://store.r0ck.me/products/150m-usb-wifi-module
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<utente> shineworld, ah ma allora ci sei :-)
<zombu2> would you like some fries with that order?
<FR^2> me guste más un café con leche sin azucar.
<zombu2> na dann gehts ja
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<mattmalesky> does anyone have experience with ethernet functionality on the cubietruck ubuntu 14.04 nand image?
<mattmalesky> can’t seem to find my eth0 device anywhere...
<Flashtek> Q: I have cubietruck - can the WiFi support monitor mode ?
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